Dear [Editor],
On behalf of my co-authors, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript [number], entitled “[Title]”
The reviewers’ comments were helpful to us in revising the manuscript, and we have carefully considered and responded to each suggestion. In most instances we were able to incorporate the reviewers’ feedback into our revised manuscript. There was one suggestion that we did not implement because we believe that it is beyond the scope of the current study.
We have included below a response to reviewers in which we address each comment made by the reviewers. A red-lined version of the manuscript indicating where changes have been made is also included with our submission.
Thank you again for your consideration of our revised manuscript.
期刊:MDPI Water(影响因子3.53)
专刊:城市雨水控制、利用与处理(Urban Stormwater Control, Utilization, and Treatment)
Introduction of the Special Issue:
Sustainable urban stormwater management has been a hot research topic in the context of the rapid urbanization and changing climate. Specifically, effective approaches to urban stormwater control, utilization and treatment are of great importance for the mitigation of challenges regarding waterlogging and water pollution that are faced in urban areas. Holistic and nature-based technologies in urban stormwater control, utilization and treatment have been widely accepted and implemented around the globe, including strategies such as the green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), low-impact development (LID) practices, best management practices (BMPs), sponge city (SC) practice, sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS), water-sensitive urban design (WSUD), the Active Beautiful and Clean (ABC) Waters Programme, etc.
Stormwater control, utilization and treatment measures can generally be classified into various retention-based, infiltration-based and filter-based types for both water quantity and water quality management purposes. Examples of these practices include detention ponds, CSO tanks, wetlands, rainwater harvesting systems, green roofs, rain gardens, bioretention cells, permeable pavements, infiltration trenches, perforated pipes, etc. Proper approaches to the planning, design, analysis, operation and maintenance of stormwater control, utilization and treatment facilities can enhance the resilience and adaption capacity of stormwater systems to urban flooding and contamination hazards in the current changing environment induced by climate change and human activities.
The current Special Issue welcomes manuscripts focusing on up-to-date knowledge related to “Urban Stormwater Control, Utilization and Treatment”, welcoming all related manuscripts. Contributions to this Special Issue may involve laboratory and field tests of stormwater control, utilization and treatment practices, or numerical simulations and analytical derivation approaches either on an event basis or based on a continuous simulation/analysis. Original research, literature review or critical review papers are welcome. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Stormwater management, policy and guidelines;
Low-impact development/green infrastructure/sponge city;
Urban hydrologic and hydraulic processes;
Assessing the hydrologic performance of stormwater control measures;
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of stormwater control measures;
Assessing the reliability of rainwater harvesting systems;
Optimal sizing of stormwater control facilities;
Operation and maintenance for stormwater control facilities;
Laboratory/field studies on urban stormwater control, utilization and treatment;
Numerical simulation (SWMM, HEC-HMS, InfoWorks, MIKE, etc.) studies on urban stormwater control, utilization and treatment;
Analytical derivations for the design and analysis of stormwater control facilities;
Impacts of climate change on urban stormwater control, utilization and treatment;
Pollutant removal efficiency of urban stormwater control measures;
Spatial-temporal scale effects on the modelling of stormwater control systems;
Statistical analysis of the risk, reliability, resilience, vulnerability or sustainability for the stormwater system in an uncertain environment;
Stormwater treatment technologies;
Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)/urban water-sensitive design (UWSD);
Nature-based solutions (NBS);
Flood resilience of urban drainage system;
Innovative ways to recycle rainwater.
Dr. Jun Wang
Dr. Shouhong Zhang
Dr. Anita Raimondi
Guest Editors
问题如下:1. "The diameter of focus spot was 200 μm, the power was 50 W, and the calibration binding energy of C was 284.8 eV." Note that aligning the spectra to the C 1s peak of adventitious carbon is not reliable as it may lead to unphysical results (ChemPhysChem 18 (2017) 1507, Sci. Rep. 11 (2021) 11195, and Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 5002). Adventitious carbon is in general an unknown compound, not an inherent part of the sample, does not make proper electrical contact to the analyzed sample, BE of the C 1s peak varies in a wide range. You could use the C-C signal from polyamide but you need to verify that the contribution of adventitious carbon to the C 1s spectra is small. If that is not the case the second option is to use the method based on the sample work function (see: Appl. Surf. Sci. 451 (2018) 99)@
6月6日收到小修的通知如下:Dear Professor,
Acting on expert advice, I am writing to ask you to revise and upload a revision of the article
submitted to 。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Referee reports is attached to this letter, indicating the necessary (minor) changes.
When finished, please upload the revision to
You will need to upload at the same time a PDF or text file with a summary of changes and an explanation of departures, if any, from the reviewer recommendations.
Please do not reply to this message. You can track the status of your article and contact the journal or editors at
6月16日返回,已经2周了还没消息,由于通稿系统中所有动态都被省略成了 under review, 所以不知道编辑会不会增加审稿人,多久询问比较合适?
本来是两个审稿人,审稿人审稿完成后编辑又找了新的审稿人,第三个审稿人0512审稿完成的,到现在还处于peer review阶段不动,等的很焦虑,大家有这方面的经验吗,可否告知下,谢谢啦!
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[ Last edited by 梦中の神 on 2023-5-30 at 18:45 ]