一审:2024.2.8返回,5个审稿人,40多条意见,有一个审完的很晚,所以审稿快慢取决于审稿人,审完编辑pending decision 用时4天,reject and encourage resubmit,编辑给了大修,10天时间。
审稿人1全yes,应该是接收,还有2个人审稿人的意见大概10条,相对好改,另外2个审稿人 must be 有5个,not appliable 有4个,几乎是否定的。
一审返修:2024. 2.15resubmit。编辑处理很及时,再次送审到之前的审稿人,3天后就返回二审意见。意外的是2个否定的审稿人这次都给了yes,只有几个很小的问题;编辑给了小修(一点感觉:有的审稿人给了很多not,可能只是不在同一领域,从不同学科角度在探讨这个问题,只要你回复的有理有据,也是可以说服的)
二审返修:2024.2.16resubmit. 3天后接收。交钱、校稿、上线总共只用了2天。
投稿到ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,分配编辑已经半个月了,显示还是
Associate Editor Assigned。请问这个期刊的送审一般需要多久啊?什么时候可以给编辑写信问问呢?
投了NC被拒后申诉,编辑回复Please also include a brief letter to explain why you feel your manuscript warrants further consideration in Nature Communications,请问各位大佬对这个brief letter有经验吗
在投稿Nature Communications中关于"Manuscript Information"的"Detailed Information"出现Research Square author dashboard *是个必须选的项目,是不是真的会把尚未审稿的论文以预印本形式发布?
I understand that my manuscript and associated personal data will be shared with Research Square for the delivery of the author dashboard.
最近一篇文章被一期刊desk reject,可不可以重新写Introduction, discussion部分,结构做大调整,数据不变,再重投此期刊?期刊查重会查出来吗?
本人电力系统小硕一枚,着急毕业,投了一篇applied science的文章,是开源sci,影响因子一点多,目前回复了两个意见,请问录用有机会么,编辑还没给意见
English language and style
( ) Extensive editing of English language and style required
(x) Moderate English changes required
( ) English language and style are fine/minor spell check required
( ) I don't feel qualified to judge about the English language and style
Yes Can be improved Must be improved Not applicable
Does the introduction provide sufficient background and include all relevant references? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Is the research design appropriate? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the methods adequately described? (x) ( ) ( ) ( )
Are the results clearly presented? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the conclusions supported by the results? (x) ( ) ( ) ( )
Comments and Suggestions for Authors
I think the section on problem statement should be shortened, as this problem has already been reported in the literature. I suggested to add the following relevant paper to the references as well:
A. Hooshyar, M. A. Azzouz and E. F. El-Saadany, "Three-Phase Fault Direction Identification for Distribution Systems With DFIG-Based Wind DG," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 747-756, July 2014.
English language and style
( ) Extensive editing of English language and style required
( ) Moderate English changes required
(x) English language and style are fine/minor spell check required
( ) I don't feel qualified to judge about the English language and style
Comments and Suggestions for Authors
I believe the above paper fall in the periphery of the Applied Sciences journal purposes.
The paper is too technical and focused on the power systems and wind turbines area.
Thus, I would propose to suggest the authors to submit their work in a technical journal of the specific area of power systems and wind turbines/RES technical aspects. Article has serious flaws, additional experiments needed, research not conducted correctly
Refinement of XRD data. Authors must include simulations of the peak position and intensity of the observed XRD pattern using the usual quantitative method of analysis. This approach will be extremely important to highlight the values of the parameters and main real differences between the samples. Authors can also use tables to organize data. This will help confirm the structures that were proposed following the discussions.
求Optical communication期刊投稿模板。
JHM稿件提交时总会出现【It is important that you read and accept the guidelines for Ethics in Publishing before you submit your paper. Please ensure you tick the checkbox "I accept" in the last column of the table before approving the PDF of your submission.】但是找不到approving the PDF of your submission接口,怎么办。