冯勇主编 现代计算机数控系统, 北京:机械工业出版社, 冯勇主编 现代计算机控制系统, 哈尔滨:哈工大出版社, 2003 Y Feng, X Yu, F Han, (2013) Chapter 18 On Digitization of Variable Structure Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (in AC Electric Motors Control: Advanced Design Techniques and Applications, Fouad Giri (ed), W Y Feng, L Wang, and X Y (2011) Chapter M32 AC Servo Systems (in Industrial Electronics Handbook, Second Edition, Control and Mechatronics, Wilamovski B M, and Irvin J D ()), London: CRC P Y Feng and X Y (2009) Chapter 3 Sliding Mode Control of Chaotic Systems (in Control of Chaos in Nonlinear Circuits and Systems),Singapore: World Scientific, 55- 徐殿国, 冯勇 第6章: 电力电子器件与电力传动技术 (机电一体化技术手册), 北京:机械工业出版社, Selected Refereed Journal A Y Feng, X Yu, F Han, On nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of nonlinear systems, Automatica, 49, 6, 1715–1722, Y Feng, X Yu, Z Man, “Non-singular adaptive terminal sliding mode control of rigid manipulators,” Automatica, 38, 2159-67, Y Feng, X Yu, F Han, High-order terminal sliding-mode observer for parameter estimation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60, 10, 4272-4280, Y Feng, J Zheng, X Yu, NV Truong, Hybrid terminal sliding mode observer design method for a permanent magnet synchronous motor control system, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 56, 9, 3424-31, F Han, Y Feng, Q Chao TimeDivision Multiplex (TDM) based multiple synchronized chaotic signalstransmission, Electronics Letters, 49, 1, 42-44, Y Feng, X Han, Y Wang and X Yu, Second-order terminal sliding mode control of uncertain multivariable systems,” International Journal of Control, 80, 6, 856–62, Y Feng, X Yu, L Sun, “Synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems using a single transmission channel,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 35, 4, 755-62, F Han, X Yu, Y Feng and J Hu, “On multi-scroll chaotic attractors in hysteresis-based piecewise-linear systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 54, 11, 1004-8, F Han, X Yu, Y Wang, Y Feng, G Chen, “n-scroll chaotic oscillators by second-order systems and double-hysteresis blocks,” IEE Journal of Electronics Letters, 39, 23, 1636-7, Y Feng, X Yu, X Zheng, “Second-order terminal sliding mode control of input-delay systems,” Asian Journal of control, 8, 1, 12- Y Feng, S Bao, X Yu, “Inverse dynamics nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of two-link flexible manipulators,” International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 19, 2, 91-102, F Han, Y Wang, X Yu, Y Feng, “Experimental confirmation of a new chaotic attractor,” Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 21, 1, 69-74, Y Feng, X Zheng, X Yu, “Second-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode decomposed control of uncertain multivariable systems,” Asian Journal of Control, 5, 4, 505-12, F Huang, Y Feng, X Yu, “A symmetric image encryption scheme based on a simple novel two-dimensional map,“ International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, 3, 6B, 1593-602, 史宏宇, 冯勇, 感应电机高阶终端滑模磁链观测器的研究, 自动化学报, 38, 2, 288-94, 李涛, 冯勇, 安承全, 变边界饱和特性减小变结构系统抖振的设计方法, 自动化学报, 26, 1, 90-3, 于晶, 冯勇, 郑剑飞, 基于高阶滑模和加速度反馈的机械谐振抑制方法, 控制理论与应用, 26, 10, 1133-6, 郑剑飞, 冯勇, 郑雪梅, 杨旭强, 不确定非线性系统的自适应反演终端滑模控制, 控制理论与应用, 26, 4, 410-4, 郑剑飞, 冯勇, 陆启良, 永磁同步电机的高阶终端滑模控制方法, 控制理论与应用, 26, 6, 697-700, 王艳敏, 冯勇, 参数不确定柔性机械手的终端滑模控制, 控制理论与应用, 25, 6, 1049-52, 冯勇, 郑雪梅, 鲍晟, 多变量线性模型不确定系统终端滑模分解控制方法, 控制理论与应用, 21, 1, 11-6, 王艳敏, 冯勇, 韩向伟, 不确定多变量系统的高阶滑模控制, 控制与决策, 23, 4, 455-9, 张袅娜, 冯勇, 王冬梅, 于兰, 柔性机械手的鲁棒控制器设计, 控制与决策, 21, 7, 750-4, 张袅娜, 冯勇, 孙黎霞, 柔性机械手的鲁棒控制器设计, 控制与决策, 19, 10, 1142-6, 孙黎霞, 冯勇, 余星火, 采用鲁棒滑模观测器实现一类混沌系统的同步, 控制与决策, 19, 10, 331-4,8, 冯勇, 鲍晟, 余星火, 非奇异终端滑模控制系统的设计方法, 控制与决策,17, 2, 194-8, 冯勇, 鲍晟, 余星火, 用于刚性机械手的无抖振快速终端滑模控制, 控制与决策,17, 3, 381-4, 冯勇, 鲍晟, 郑雪梅, 非匹配不确定MIMO线性系统的终端滑模控制, 控制与决策,18, 5, 531-4,9, 李娟, 冯勇, 杨旭强, 压缩图像的三维混沌加密算法, 光学学报, 30, 2, 399-404, 刘洪臣, 冯勇, 赵永平, 基于Kronecker 积的图像超分辨率快速算法, 电子学报, 37, 4, 839-44, 李娟, 冯勇, 杨旭强, 黄峰, 可逆映射集合的图像加密算法, 光电子·激光, 20, 1, 78-83, 93, 李林静, 冯勇, 刘洪臣, 基于投影的单幅图像超分辨率重构算法, 光电子·激光, 18, 11, 1378-81, 冯勇, 韩凤玲, 许士文, TDI CCD成像系统的研究, 光学技术, 26, 2, 120-22, 杨旭强, 冯勇, 刘洪臣, 一种基于HSI颜色模型的目标提取方法, 光学技术, 32, 2, 290-2, 刘洪臣,陈希有,冯勇,邢海军,马向前, 双电压合成矩阵变换器共模电压的研究,中国电机工程学报, 24, 12, 182-186, 史宏宇,冯勇, 基于电流解耦的感应电机高阶终端滑模控制,高技术通讯, 22,6, 657-662,