水污染已对人类的生存安全构成重大威胁,成为人类健康、经济和社会可持续发展的重大障碍。据世界权威机构调查,在发展中国家,各类疾病有80%是因为饮用了不卫生的水而传播的,每年因饮用不卫生水至少造成全球2000万人死亡,因此,水污染被称作"世界头号杀手"。Water pollution has become a major threat to the survival and safety of human beings and has become a major obstacle to the sustainable development of human health, economy and According to surveys by authoritative institutions in the world, in developing countries, 80% of all kinds of diseases are spread by drinking unsanitary Every year, drinking unhygienic water causes at least 20 million deaths Therefore, water pollution is called "The world's number one "