摘要:战略管理会计(SMA)是近年来兴起的一支新的会计学分支学科,是企业战略管理理念与管理会计理论相结合的产物。它将对财务信息的使用占主导地位的管理会计扩展到一个注重前瞻性、长期性和关注企业如何适应、协调、利用瞬息万变外部条件与内部条件的关系以取得整体上更优的战略效果,帮助企业确立长久不衰竞争优势。战略管理会计的理论与应用在国际上还处于摸索阶段,在我国更是如此。为推动战略管理会计在我国的发展,本文介绍了其产生背景与主要内容。 Abstract: Strategic management accounting (SMA) is a relatively new developed approach to management accounting that address issues and concerns which are strategic It places management accounting in a much broader context beyond the use of purely financial information to develop superior strategies, in order to derive a means of achieving sustainable completive Compare to conventional management accounting, strategic management accounting is future focused, long-term focused and consider the external business The theory and applications for SMA are not well developed at present internationally and that is especially the case as it is in our This article introduces and analysis the background of SMA and the main contents of it, in the aim of support the developing of SMA in our C 关键词:战略管理会计、战略成本管理、战略管理会计信息系统、战略绩效评价 Key words: Strategic management accounting (SMA), Strategic cost management, strategic management accounting information system, strategic performance measurement 随着现代科技的进步和生产力的迅猛发展,顾客消费水平提高,世界经济趋于一体化,全球竞争日益激烈,加上政治、经济、社会环境的巨大变化,许多企业对其经营方式做出重大调整与创新。尤其是现代企业在管理理念上从 “职能管理”向“战略管理”理念的转变,对传统管理会计的理论与方法体系造成全面冲击。事实上,长期以来,管理会计理论与实践脱节这一问题一直没有得到根本性的解决。为适应企业战略管理的需要,英国学者赛蒙斯(Simmonds,1981)于上世纪80年代初提出战略管理会计(Strategic Management Accounting简称SMA)的理念,强调管理会计应与企业战略相结合,尤其指出企业的管理信息系统应为企业提供其竞争对手的相关信息,以适应日益激烈的竞争。