面对主考官时,要有自信,英语交谈时,气氛是靠自己调整的。在轻松和谐的对话中,在看似平淡的提问回答中,要恰当显示自己的思维和思想。另外其实,在面试中遇到一些让自己感到不是很顺心的事也是很正常的,关键是不要因此而破坏了自己整个心情,应该尽量让自己从阴影中走出来,及时调整心态,使自己在接下去的面试过程中最好地发挥应有的才能。求职英语——应聘英文编辑(一些常见问题,最好要把握好:) 英文编辑English Editor A:Your English is excellent,how long have you been studying Enghlish?A:你的英语非常出色。你学英语多长时间了?E:More than twenty I started to learn English when I was in the E;20多年了。我从小学开始学习英语A:What kind of education have you had?A:你接受过什么教育?E:I was English major at Peking University and got a bachelor E:我在北京大学主修英语专业,已获得学士学位。A:Why do you want to be an English Editor?”A:你为什么想成为一名英文编辑?E:As an English Editor is my a dream,I think the job is suit me completely E:做一名英文编辑是我的梦想,我认为我是十分适合做这份工作的。A:Have you learned something about editing in English?A:你学过英文编辑吗?E:CI took the English editing course in university,and I learned a lot from this E:当然。我在大学里专门学习过英文编辑课程,我从中学到了很多东西。A:Do you have any experience as an editor?A:你有没有当编辑的经验?E:Nbut I enjoy writing and I have published a number of essays in Benjing Evening Newspaper and a little scientific fiction in Science FE:没有,但是我酷爱写作。并在北京晚报上发表了一些文章,我还在科学园地上发表过几篇科幻小说。A:Have you even tried translating?A:你试过翻译吗?E:Yes,I In my spare time I usually do some translations for some E:我干过。在业余时间我经常为一些公司翻译一些东西。