这是经济的核心期刊,不过金融和经济差别不小,建议你看金融的吧 The American economic review The Economist Econometrica The Quarterly journal of economics Journal of economic literature The Journal of finance Harvard business review The Academy of management review Journal of financial economics Journal of marketing The Economic journal The Journal of economic perspectives JMR, journal of marketing research The Review of economics and statistics Health care financing review Brookings papers on economic activity Journal of monetary economics Sloan management review Industrial & labor relations review The Journal of human resources Journal of business & economic statistics American journal of agricultural economics Journal of environmental economics and management Fortune The World bank economic review Journal of international economics International economic review Economic geography Journal of applied econometrics Journal of international business studies BusinessWeek Forbes Journal of urban economics Economica Land economics Economic inquiry Business insurance Oxford economic papers National tax journal Journal of advertsing research Cambridge journal of economics Journal of public policy & marketing Journal of international money and finance Journal of economic dynamics & control Applied economics Journal of retailing Journal of comparative economics British journal of industrial relations Journal of regional science The World economy ( Journal of economic issues The Journal of risk and insurance The Journal of taxation Futures Euromoney Journal of portfolio management Journal of world trade The Journal of economic education Auditing Journal of world business International journal of service industry management The Banker Challenge Survey of current business Federal Reserve bulletin IMF staff papers Creative review OECD economic outlook