专业sci医学论文发表,修改,润色,投稿专业服务公司“沃登编辑”回答:关于你的这个问题:你的动物实验使用6或8支动物数已经不少了,当然是越多越有代表性。你查一查已经发表在好的杂志上的文章,作动物实验的,使用6或更少的数目,并且也作统计分析,来作为例子反驳审稿人。Although it is desirable to use larger number of animals to increase statistical power, 6-8 animals per group are not a small size and many similar studies are being done using similar or less number of There are many references where similar number of poultry or mice (small lab animal which is easier to use more number per group) were used and statically We listed few 1)xxxxxxx2)xxxxxxx