Literature Review(文献综述)包含以下三个部分:Introduction。这方面主要是对背景的介绍,在外国学术上介绍如下:Not to be confused with a book review, a literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources ( dissertations, conference proceedings) relevant to a particularissue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluationof each work, The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature published on a Components。这部分是Review的主体部分,需要包括话题的论证介绍Literature reviews should comprise the following elements: An overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review Division of works under review into categories ( those in support of a particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses entirely) Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the others Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered in their arqument, are most Definition and Use/Purpose。这部分主要写整个Review的总体定义和用途,需要简明地说出其功能用途:A literature review may constitute an essential chapter of a thesis or dissertation, or may be a self-contained review of writings on a In either case, its purpose is to: Place each work in the context of its contribution to the understanding of the subject under review Describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration Identify new ways to interpret, and shed light on any gaps in, previous Resolve conflicts amongst seemingly contradictory previous studies Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication of effort Point the way forward for further research Place one“s original work (in the case of theses or dissertations) in the context of existing literature拓展资料:文献综述简称综述,是对某一领域,某一专业或某一方面的课题,问题或研究专题搜集大量相关资料,通过分析,阅读,整理,提炼当前课题,问题或研究专题的最新进展,学术见解或建议,做出综合性介绍和阐述的一种学术论文。文献综述是在确定了选题后,在对选题所涉及的研究领域的文献进行广泛阅读和理解的基础上,对该研究领域的研究现状(包括主要学术观点、前人研究成果和研究水平、争论焦点、存在的问题及可能的原因等)、新水平、新动态、新技术和新发现、发展前景等内容进行综合分析、归纳整理和评论,并提出自己的见解和研究思路而写成的一种不同于毕业论文的文体。它要求作者既要对所查阅资料的主要观点进行综合整理、陈述,还要根据自己的理解和认识,对综合整理后的文献进行比较专门的、全面的、深入的、系统的论述和相应的评价,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。文献综述根据研究的目的不同,可分为基本文献综述和高级文献综述两种。基本文献综述是对有关研究课题的现有知识进行总结和评价,以陈述现有知识的状况;高级文献综述则是在选择研究兴趣和主题之后,对相关文献进行回顾,确立研究论题,再提出进一步的研究,从而建立一个研究项目。参考资料:文献综述-百度百科