杜亚军近年来发表的主要论文:[1]YaJun Du, HaiMing L Strategy for Mining Association Rules for Web Pages Based on Formal Concept A Applied Soft Computing, 2010,10(2),( SCI)[2]YaJun Du,ZhanBing D Focused Web Crawling Strategy Based on Concept Context G Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1097-1106(EI: 20094412411886)[3]ShangMing Chen, YaJun Du, QiangQiang P Ontology-Based Query ExPansion In Formal Concept A Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1603-1612(EI: 20094412411945)[4]FuGui Wang, YaJun Du, QingHua D A search Quality Evaluation Based on FCA International Journal of Digitai Content Technology and Its Applications, 2009, 3(2):55-[5]Mingli Feng, Yajun Du Mingjun Feng, Yingyu W Personalized user-query semantic clustering using search click International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009)[6]Qiangqiang Peng, Yajun Du,Yufeng Hai,S Topic-specific crawling on the Web with concept context graph based on FCA International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009)[7]Zhen Zhang, YaJun Du, ChengJie L AntCrawlers: Focused Crawling Agents Based on the Idea of A The Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009, 250:(EI:20094712474494)[8]Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, LiBo J The method of Query Expansion Based On Domain O The Proceeding of Pacific-Asia Congerence on Circuits, Communications and System, 2009, 755-( EI:20094512436248)[9]YingYu Wang, YaJun Du, ShaoMing C The understanding between teo agent Crawlers Based on Domain O The proceeding of Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2009, 47-(EI: 20094512430674)[10]YueKui Yang, YaJun Du, YuFeng Hai, ZhaoQiong Gao, A Topic-Specific Web Crawler With Web Page Hierarchy Based on HTML Dom_ The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 420- (EI:20094912527470)[11]ZhaoQiong Gao, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, QiangQiang Peng, YueKui Yang, Incrementally Updating Concept Context Graph(CCG) for Focused Web Crawling Based on FCA The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 40- (EI:20094812515462)[11]杜亚军,The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2008,27(6):38-[12]Kai Li, Yajun Du, Dan Xiang, Honghua Chen, Zhenwen L A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix O ICIC (2) 2007:350-(EI: 080311023722)[13]Dong QinHua, Du YaJun, Wang FuG Scheduling strategy based on the collaboration of agents for MSE Proceedings - ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and M8: 556-560(EI :084311659247)[14]Li XinChun, Du YaJ Domain Ontology based Semantic Matching of Concept L Journal of Computational Information S 02:535-(EI: 081811231572)[15]Yajun Du, HaiMing L An intelligent model and its implementation of search Journal of convergence information 2008, 3(2): 57-[16]Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, YuTing Wang HaiMing L Query Expansion based on T Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD2008,v2:610-614(EI: 20090211845668)[17]YuTing Wang, YaJun D Selection of personalized start-URLs based on User OJournal of Computational Information S2008,v2,3: 899- (EI: 083211445080)[18]Qinhua Dong, Yajun Du, Fugui WA MSE Model with Learning Mechanism and FCA Merging,2008, proceedings of ICALIP 2008(EI: 083911587679)[19]Fugui Wang ,Yajun Du,Qinhua D A search quality evaluation based on objective-subjective Journal of convergence information technology, 2008, 3,2: 50-[20]Yuekui Yang, Yajun Du, Jingyu Sun,Yufeng H A topic-specific web crawler with concept similarity context graph based on FCA, proceeding of icic2008: 840-(EI: 084111630427)[21]Yan Bing, Du YaJun, Li ZhanS The new clustering strategy and algorithm based on latent semantic Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2008, v 1, 486-( EI:20085211803858)[22] Xiang dan, YaJun D Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search A icnc2007:703- (EI: 080311026960)[23] ChunZhi Xie, Liangzhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept L ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005- (EI:082911 375286)[24] Tang, Juan; Du, Ya-Jun; Wang, Ke-L Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA ICMLC2007:4026-(EI: 080311031024)[25] Yajun Du, Zheng Pei, Haiming Li, Dan Xiang, Kai L New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept L ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-(EI: 080311038602)[26]杜亚军,智能信息处理及其在搜索引擎中的应用,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2007,26(2):1-[27]唐娟,杜亚军,王可亮 一种基于形式概念分析的问答系统答案抽取的研究 计算机应用 2007,27(3):653-[28]邓波, 杜亚军, 王丽 基于BAM的用户查询与网页匹配的研究 河北师范大学学报:自然科学版 2007:31(5):594-[29]YaJun Du, XinChun L An Semantic Rank for Web Crawler Based on Formal Concept A ISKE-2007 P 10:971-[30]ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi and YaJun D An Algorithm for Fuzzy Concept Lattices Building with Application to Social N ISKE-2007 P 2007,10:950-[31]Jing Wang, YaJun D A Method of Personalized Web Search Result Clustering Based on Formal Concept A ISKE-2007 P 2007,10:983-[32]YaJun Du, Zheng Pei, HaiMing Li, Dan Xiang, Kai L New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept L ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447(EI: 20080311038602)[33]YaJun Du, The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal C ICIC (2) 2007:489-[34]Tang Juan, Du YaJun, Wang KeL Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA ICMLC2007:4026-4031(EI: 20080311031024)[35]Tang Jun, Du YaJun, Qi, L Research on Concept Lattice Based Personalized Information R ICMLC2007:4032-4037(EI: 20080311031025)[36]Kai Li, YaJun Du, Dan Xiang, HongHua Chen, ZhenWen L A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix O ICIC (2) 2007:350-359(EI 20080311023722)[37]Li Kai, Du YaJun, Dan X Collaborative Recommending Based on Core-Concept L ASC2007:583-[38]Deng Bo, Du YaJ Research on matching between user queries and web pages based on BAM SNPD 2007:81-85(EI: 20074110862678)[39]Xiang Dan, YaJun D Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search A icnc2007:703-707(EI: 20080311026960)[40]ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept L ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011(EI: 20082911375286)[41]Du YaJun, Li HaiMing, Chen HongHua, Xie Chuan, The analysis of intelligence behavior of search 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT, 563-567(EI: 20083711530362)[42]Hai YuFeng, Du YaJun, Li HaiM A New Strategy of Query Expansion using Formal Concept A Proceedings - Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EI:20073110733126)[43]Cao Long, Du YaJun,Shen JieF Design and implementation of universal print function about grid component in D Computer E 31(20), 2005, p 229-230+233(EI:05479500429)[44]Zeng ChuanHua, Xu Yang, Du YaJun, Xie WeiC Knowledge discovery and model structure selection based on rough set Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v 41, n 3, June, 2006, p 324-328(EI: 063310068157)[45]Pei Zhen, Du YaJun, Ying LiangZ Decision inference based on extended decision rules of probabilistic information Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v 41, n 1, February, 2006, p 131-134(EI: 06139783852)[46]陈俊华, 慕长龙, 陈秀明, 向成华, 罗成荣, 陈国先, 杜亚军 基于物元分析的小流域土地利用结构调整及景观格局变化 生态学报, 2006, 2093-[47] Du Ya-Jun, Li Hai-Ming, Hao Fei, Xie C A method checking the correctness of sentence of formal language based on linear 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 558-562 (EI:20083711530361)[48]Jun Tang, Du YaJun, Shen JieFResearch in Concept Lattice based automatic document 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 5560-5565(EI: 05509539716)[49]Du YaJun, Xu Yang, Pei Zheng, Pen Hong, Li HaiM An algorithm retrieving rules from web page based on concept 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 2368-2372(EI: 05509539134)[50]Shen JieFeng, Du YaJun, Jun T The personalized page recommender system based on meta-search engine, 17th IMACS world congress scientific computation applied mathematics and simulation, [51]曹龙, 杜亚军 基于Web Services的个人搜索引擎 计算机工程与应用,2005年2期: 138-141,[52]Zheng Pei, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, Yang Xu, Obtaining a complex linguistic data summaries from database based on a new linguistic aggregation operator, IWANN2005, LNCS,Springer-Verlag, Spain, 771-778, (SCI BCO15)[53]YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, Zheng Pei, Hong P Intelligent Spider's Algorithm of Search Engine Based on K Transactions on Computer and Information 2005 1(01):40--[54]沈杰峰,杜亚军,唐俊,基于项目分类的协同过滤算法,第22届全国数据库会议,2004[55]沈杰峰,杜亚军,唐俊,基于蚁群算法的网页推荐,西华大学学报·自然科学版,2005, 24(6), 29-[56]唐俊杜亚军沈杰峰 判断点与区域位置关系的改进算法 西华大学学报:自然科学, 24(5), 14-17,[57]YaJun Du, Yang Xu, LiangZhong Yi, Zheng P Research on Personal Intelligent Search Engine Based on K Proceeding of International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies Sapporo, J 2004:228--(EI:05299224396)[58]YaJun Du, Yang Xu, ZhanShen Li, DongMei Q Discussion on Interest Spider's Algorithm of Search E Proceeding of The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2004) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 2004:433--436(EI:05169044887)[59]YaJun Du, Yang Xu, ZhanShen Li, DongMei Q Implementation of AN Intelligent Spider's Algorithm for Search EApplied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference:324--(EI:04498704428)[60]杜亚军,邱小平,徐扬 中文搜索引擎智能的探讨 计算机应用研究 2004, 21(4), 29-31,[61]杜亚军, 严兵宋亮 爬行虫算法设计与程序实现计算机应用 2004,24(1),33-[62]齐冬梅, 杜亚军, 李战胜 计算机应用, 2004, 24(B12),179-[63]杜亚军 计算机科学前沿问题综述与评价 四川工业学院学报, 2004, 23(4), 46-[64]杜亚军, 陈国先, 陈秀明, 陈俊华, 雷效章, 蔡小虎, 彭沛好川渝77县长防林(一期)工程的综合效益评价与分析 生态学杂志, 2003,22(1),69-[65]杜亚军, 陈国先, 李辉, 蓦长龙, 陈秀明 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统 四川工业学院学报, 2003, 22(3),74-[66]YaJun Du, Zheng Pei,Yang X The Humanity Research of Seaech Engine Based on Uncertain R Proceeding of The Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC'2003) 2003, Xi'an, Volumn 4:447--452 (EI:EIP04128071058)[67]ZhanShen Li,YaJun Du, Yang Xu, YueKun Wang, Dongmei Q The Personalized PageRank Based on User Behavoirs, Applied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference:318--(EI:04498704427)[68]XiaoPing Qiu, Yang Xu, YaJun Du, Xiaohong Liu, YongChuan Tang, Hua Zhu,A New Special-Domain and Stepwise Intelligent Development Method in Software EProceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& Cybernetics, O 2004, Washington:2398--2401 (EI:04458446856)[69]李辉, 杜亚军 图书资料检索过程的智能行为研究 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004, 23(4)[70]XiaoPing Qiu, Haiming Li, YaJun Du, Yang X Adding Forecast Support to Workflow Management System by Classical Logic Formula C Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC'2003) 2003, Xi'an, Volumn 4:2061--2066(EI: 04128072218)[71]XiaoPing Qiu,YaJun Du, FengBin Z An Automated Reasoning Method Used in Workflow Management S Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& C O 2003, Washington: 5016-5021 (EI:03487751505)[72]杜亚军,徐扬 关系数据库中的关系代数范畴模型的讨论 西南交通大学学报 2003, 38(2):703-[73]杜亚军, 陈国先 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统主要功能-小流域结构调整 四川工业学院学报, 2002, 21(4), 50-[74]杨顺军, 郭再平, 杜亚军 小折射解释程序的研制与应用 四川地质学报, 2002, 22(3)[75]杜亚军, 刁礼泉 基于Windows95/98操作系统的软盘加密系统, 四川工业学院学报, 2001, 20(1), 37-[76]Du Yajun, Yang Long, He Z Reservoir parameter prediction procedure facing to microfacies on the basis of BP artificial neural Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25( Suppl), 107-111(EI:1998084339183)[77]Du Yajun, YangL Application of the scientific visualization and artificial intelligence to the substratum Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25(Suppl), 112-117(EI:1998084339184)[78]Yang, Long; Du, Y Visual research into BP neural network and BP intelligence Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25(Suppl), 97-106(EI:1998084339182)[79]杜亚军, 杨龙 线性地质统计学在地质工作计算机化中的作用及意义 四川地质学报, 1996, [80]杜亚军,田竞亚.李伍铜矿床控矿构造地质特征及演化模式探讨 四川地质学报, 1996, 16(3), 213-