顶尖期刊:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊:Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewEconometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural ChangeEconomics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economicsIndustrial & labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economicsJournal of institutional & theoretical economicsJournal of law, economics & organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics & policyLand economicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthScandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊(注意不是国内的CSSCI)。不入流期刊:其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。
没有目前开设的院系及专业如下建筑学院Architecture and Urban Design for China and Hong Kong, Centre forConstruct IT, Centre forReal Estate and Urban Economics, Centre forRenewable Energy in Architecture, Centre onUrban Studies and Urban Planning, Centre of文学院Applied English Studies, Centre forHumanities and Medicine, Centre for the经济与工商管理学院 Asia Case Research CentreAsian Entrepreneurship and Business Values, Centre forChina Financial Research, Centre forChinese Management CentreFinancial Innovation and Risk Management, Centre forHong Kong Centre for Economic ResearchHong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy牙医学院Cleft Lip and Palate CentreNavigational Dentistry, International Centre of教育学院Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Centre forAdvancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Centre forCommunication Disorders, Centre forComparative Education Research CentreEducational Leadership, Centre forHong Kong Putonghua Education and Assessment CentreInformation Technology in Education, Centre forWah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China工程学院Asian Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Centre forE-Commerce Infrastructure Development, Centre forElectrical Energy Systems, Centre forEnvironmental Engineering Research, Centre forInformation Security and Cryptography, Centre forInfrastructure and Construction Industry Development, Centre forJockey Club Research and Information Centre for Landslip Prevention and Land DevelopmentLaw and Technology CentreNonlinear Mechanics, Centre ofRock Engineering Research Centre法律学院 Asian Institute of International Financial LawChinese Law, Centre forComparative and Public Law, Centre forLaw and Technology Centre (jointly organized with the Faculty of Engineering)Medical Ethics and Law, Centre for李嘉诚医学院 Alimentary Research and Education, Centre ofCancer Research, Centre forCardiovascular Science and Medicine, Institute ofCarol Yu Centre for InfectionChinese Medicine, School ofClinical Trials CentreEndocrinology and Diabetes, Centre ofGenomic Sciences, Centre forHuman Development and Birth Defects, Centre ofHuman Reproduction, Centre ofHumanities and Medicine, Centre for theMedical and Health Sciences Education, Institute ofMedical Ethics and Humanities UnitMedical Ethics and Law, Centre forPublic Health, School ofResearch Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging理学院Applied Geoscience CentreMathematical Research, Institute ofSwire Institute of Marine ScienceTheoretical and Computational Physics, Centre of社会科学学院Behavioural Health, Centre onCivil Society and Governance, Centre forCriminology, Centre forInternational Centre for China Development StudiesJournalism and Media Studies CentreKadoorie Institute, TheThe Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and PreventionSau Po Centre on AgeingSocial Sciences Research Centre
英国地质调查局的新战略要求的技能,随着时间的推移。英国地质调查局的国家能力,角色要求一系列技能,从观测,数据生成和监测,解释,建模,可视化和数据管理。将有一个优秀的,为社会稳定相关的地球科学应用的要求,和对客户需求和市场机会的企业的认识。我们的科学家们将需要吸引的自然环境研究理事会和其他来源的研究补助金,使组织开展的尖端科学。必须确保这些资助的技能,未来的关键,资金流,将作为优先发展。英国地质调查局将努力提供了发展机会,包括在各种定制的内部课程,由国家职业资格教育机会,博士的水平,筹资会议的出席和外部课程。所有工作人员将个人的培训和发展计划将鼓励从事持续专业发展活动。英国地质调查局和自然环境研究理事会将设法提供更多的就业和借调的机会。 英国是一个有丰富的混合种族多元文化的国家,宗教信仰和语言。科学界还没有,目前尚未充分利用的技能的机会在我们的各种社区中存在。英国地质调查局促进一个开放的,欢迎,相互尊重和容忍的工作文化,其目的是吸引优秀不论性别,肤色,性取向,年龄或残疾。我们会积极配合的社区范围内的学校,学院,大学和一般公众,以促进作为职业选择的科学。 我国人民的战略关键是总结如下:开发一个组织,是充满活力和创新,这将作为枢纽和全社会的合作和交流的催化剂,良好的生产和相关应用地球科学。 英国地质调查局对大学的资助计划和GeoSchool 英国地质调查局对大学的资助计划(BUFI)将提供的博士和博士后之间的英国地质调查局和英国高等教育部门一级协作的科学平台。在未来五年BUFI将在增加福利挂钩BGS的科学家在英国和国际学术团体的主要途径之一,英国地质调查局国际科学配置了关键作用。它也将鼓励地球之间的协作,社会科学,科技,规划和经济部门。 BUFI将使英国地质调查局被确认为国家和培训优秀的应用下一代地球科学家在国际中心。
ISO14000 环境管理体系 International Standard Organization 14000 Environ-mental Management System爱尔兰地质调查局 Geological Survey of Ireland澳大利亚地质调查局 Geological Survey of Australia澳大利亚矿产资源局 Bureau of Mineral Resources Australia(BMR)北极理事会 Arctic Council (AC)大陆钻探协调委员会 Coordinating Com-mittee of Continental Drilling德国科学院 Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften(DAdW)地学信息管理与应用协会 Commission on the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (COGEOIN-FO)地质资料存储、自动处理和检索委员会 Committee on Storage, Automatic Pro-cessing and Retrieval of Geological Data (CDGEODATA)东南亚石油工程学会 Southeast Asian Society of Oil Engineering(SEASOE)东南亚石油勘探学会 Southeast Asia Pe-troleum Exploration Society东南亚石油勘探组织 South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Group (SEA-PEX)东亚大地构造与资源研究会 Study of East Asia Tectonics and Resources (SEATAR)俄罗斯科学院 Russian Academy of Sci-ences发展中国家科学与技术委员会 Commit-tee of Science and Technology in Devel-oping Countries(COSTED)法国地质、地球物理和矿物研究局 Bu-reau de Recherches Geologiques, Geo-physiques et Minerales(BRGGM)法国地质调查局 Bureau de Recherches Geologiques (BRG)法国科研中心 Centre National de la Re-cherches Scientifique (CNRS)非洲地质调查协会 Association of Afri-can Geological Surveg(AAGS)非洲地质学会 Geological Society of Af-rica (GSA)工程地质学家协会 Association of Engi-neering Geologists (AEG)古生物学家和矿物学家学会 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralo-gists (SEPM)国际孢粉学会基金会 International Fed-eration of Palynological Societies(IF-PS)国际孢粉学委员会 International Com-mission for Palynology (ICP)国际北极科学委员会 International Arc-tic Science Committee (IASC)国际标准化组织 International Standard Organization (ISO)国际冰川学会 International Glaciological Society国际沉积学会议 International Congress of Sedimentology (ICS)国际沉积学家协会 International Associ-ation of Sedimentologists (IAS)国际大地测量协会 International Associ-ation of Geodesy (IAG)国际大地测量与地球物理联合会 Inter-national Union of Geodesy and Geo-physics (IUGG)国际大湖研究协会 International Associ-ation for Great Lakes Research (IA-GLR)国际地层划分分会 International Subcom-mission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC)国际地层委员会 International Commis-sion on Stratigraphy (ICS)国际地磁和超高层大气物理协会 Inter-national Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)国际地理联合会 International Geograph-ical Union (IGU)国际地理学联合会 International Union of Geography (IUG)国际地球动力学联合会 Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics (IUCG)国际地球化学与宇宙化学协会 Interna-tional Association for Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry (IAGC)国际地球科学史委员会 International Committee on the History of Geological Sciences (ICHGS)国际地球科学委员会 International Com-mittee for Earth Sciences (ICES)国际地球物理机构 Geophysical Service International(GSI)国际地球物理委员会 International Geo-physical Committee (IGC)国际地球物理学会议 International Geo-physical Assembly (IGA)国际地热协会 International Geothermal Association (IGA)国际地震工程协会 International Associ-ation for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE)国际地震与地球内部物理学协会 Inter-national Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IAS-PEI)国际地震预报委员会 International Com-mission on Earthquake Prediction (ICEP)国际地质会议 International Geological Congress (IGC)国际地质科学联合会 International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)国际第四纪研究联合会 International Union for Quaternary Research (IUQR,INQUA)国际第四纪研究协会 International As-sociation of Quaternary Research (IAQR, INQUA)国际断裂研究会议 International Con-gress of Fracture (ICF)国际发展地学工作者协会 Association of Geoscientists for International Develop-ment (AGID)国际分析化学会议 International Con-gress on Analytical Chemistry (ICAC)国际干旱半干旱陆地研究中心 Interna-tional Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies国际工程地质协会 International Associ-ation of Engineering Geology (IAEG)国际供水协会 International Water Sup-ply Association国际构造 - 大地构造地质学家协会 Inter-national Association of Structural/Tec-tonic Geologists (IASTG)国际古生物联合会 International Palae-ontological Union (IPU)国际古生物协会 International Palaeon-tological Association (IPA)国际海底管理局 International Sea Bed Authority国际海啸信息中心 International Tsuna-mi Information Center (ITIC)国际海洋科学咨询委员会 International Advisory Committee on Marine Sciences (IACOMS)国际海洋探查理事会 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)国际海洋物理学协会 International As-sociation for the physical Sciences of the Ocean国际海洋学委员会 International Com-mission on Oceanography (ICO)国际湖沼学协会 International Associa-tion of Limnology (IAL)国际环境和发展研究所 International In-stitute for Environment and Develop-ment (IIED)国际环境资料查询系统 International Referral System for Sources of Environ-mental Information (INFOTERRA)国际火山学协会 International Associa-tion of Volcanology (IAV)国际火山学研究所 International Institu-te of Volcanology国际结晶学联合会 International Union of Crystallography国际科学联合会理事会 International Council of Scientific Union (ICSU)国际空间研究委员会 International Com-mittee on Space Research(COSPAR)国际矿床成因协会 International Associ-ation on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD)国际矿物学协会 International Minera-logical Association (IMA)国际矿物学协会 - 新矿物与矿物名称委员会 IMA-Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (IMA-CNMMN)国际煤岩学委员会 International Com-mission for Coal Petrology (ICCP)国际黏土研究协会 International Associ-ation for Clay Research (IACR)国际气象协会 International Association of Meteorology (IAM)国际潜在有毒化学品登记中心 Interna-tional Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC)国际热流委员会 International Heat Flow Commission(IHFC)国际山崩研究组 International Landslide Research Group国际数学地质协会 International Associ-ation of Mathematical Geology (IAMG)国际数字地球物理协会联合会 Inter-As-sociation Committee on Mathematical Geophysics (IACMG)国际水文地质学家协会 International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)国际水文科技协会 International Associ-ation of Scientific Hydrology (IASH)国际水文科学协会 International Associ-ation of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)国际水文组织 International Hydrogra-phic Organization (IHO)国际天文调查与地球科学研究所(荷兰) International Institute of Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences国际天文学联合会 International Astro-nomical Union (IAU)国际天文学联合会 Union Astronomique Internationale (UAI)国际土壤科学协会 International Associ-ation of Soil Science (IASS)国际土壤力学与基础工程学会 Interna-tion Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering国际土壤学学会 International Society of Soil Science国际行星学协会 International Associa-tion of Planetology (IAP)国际岩石圈联合委员会 Inter-Union Commission on the Lithosphere (ICL)国际岩石学委员会 International Com-mission for Petrology (ICP)国际永久冻土协会 International Perma-frost Association (IPA)国际月球研究协会 Inter-Union Commis-sion for Studies of the Moon (IUCM)国际制图学协会 International Cartog-raphic Association (ICA)国际自然与自然资源保护协会 Interna-tional Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)国家地质分析研究中心 National Re-search Centre of Geoanalysis国家科学基金会(美国) National Science Foundation(NSF)国家矿产储量委员会 National Commis-sion of Mineral Reserves国家矿产资源委员会 National Commis-sion of Mineral Resources国科联环境规划地质科学委员会 Com-mission on Geologic Sciences for Envi-ronmental Planning (Co-geoenviron-ment)国科联环境问题科学委员会 Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environ-ment (SCOPE)国科联太阳 - 地球物理学专门委员会 IC-SU Special Committee on Solar-Terres-trial Geophysics(SCSTG)海湾沿岸地质科学联合会 Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS)海洋协调委员会 Ocean Coordinate Com-mittee(OCC)海洋研究科学委员会(国际科学理事会ICSU) Scientific Committee on Oce-anic Research (SCOR)海洋资源机构联合委员会 Interagency Council on Ocean Resources (ICOR)荷兰地质调查局 Geological Survey of the Netherlands环太平洋能源与矿产资源理事会 Cir-cum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources环太平洋能源与矿产资源会议 Cirum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Rescurces Conference(CPEMRC)加拿大地质调查局 Geological Survey of Canada经济合作与发展组织(经合组织) Organ-ization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)喀尔巴阡 - 巴尔干地质协会 Carpathian-Balcan Geological Association勘查地球化学家协会 Association of Ex-ploration Geochemists (AEG)勘查地球物理学家学会 Society of Ex-ploration Geophysicists (SEG)矿产地质应用学会 Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGAMD)联合国大陆架界限委员会 United Na-tions Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf联合国防止荒漠化会议 United Nations Conference on Desertification(联合国)国际原子能机构 International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)联合国环境规划署 United Nations Envi-ronment Programme (UNEP)联合国环境与发展会议 United Nations Conference on Environment and Devel-opment (UNCED)联合国教科文组织 United Nations Edu-cational Scientific and Cultural Organi-zation (UNESCO)联合国经社理事会 Economic and Social Council(ESC,Ecosoc)联合国开发计划署 United Nations De-velopment Programme (UNDP)联合国人类环境会议 United Nations Conference on Human Environment(联合国)世界气象组织 World Meteoro-logical Organization(WMO)(联合国)世界卫生组织 World Health Organization(WHO)(联合国)世界知识产权组织 World In-tellectual Property Organization (WI-PO)联合国水环境会议 United Nations Wa-ter Conference联合国亚太经济理事会 United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP)联合国原子能委员会 United Nations Atomic Energy Commission(UNAEC)联合海洋研究公司 Joint Oceanographic Institutions Incorporated (JOI)绿色和平组织 Green Peace伦敦地理学会 Geological Society of Lon-don(GSL)美孚石油公司 Standard Oil Company (SOC)美国地球物理联合会 American Geo-physical Union (AGU)美国地质调查局 United States Geolog-ical Survey (USGS)美国国家地球定位局 National Earth Orientation Service, USA美国国家地震工程研究中心 National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, USA美国国家地质委员会 USNational Committee on Geology美国国家科学院 National Academy of Seiences(NAS)美国科学工作者协会 American Associa-tion of Scientific Workers(AASW)美国科学院 American Academy of Sci-ences(AAS)美国矿业局 USBureau of Mines (USBM)美国宇航局 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)美国月球与行星研究所 Lunar and Plan-etary Institute, USA南非地质调查局 Geological Survey of South Africa南极研究科学委员会(国际科学理事会,ICSU) Scientific Committee on Ant-arctic Research (SCAR)南太平洋地区矿产资源联合勘探协调委员会 Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in the South Pacific Area (CCOP/SOPAC)南太平洋应用地学委员会 South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission挪威地质调查局 Geological Survey of Norway欧洲地球科学联合会 European Union of Geosciences欧洲地球物理学会 European Geophysi-cal Society欧洲地质学家联盟 European Federation of Geologists(EFG)欧洲勘查地球物理学家协会 European Association of Exploration Geophysi-cists欧洲石油科学家协会 European Associa-tion of Petroleum Geoscientists全球沉积地质学协会 Commission on Global Sedimentary Geology日本地质调查局 Geological Survey of Japan日本国家地质委员会 Japanese National Committee of Geology日本火山学会 Volcanological Society of Japan瑞典地质调查局 Geological Survey of Sweden深海取样联合会 Joint Oceanographic In-stitutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES)石油输出国组织(欧佩克) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC)石油输出国组织(欧佩克) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)世界冰川监测局 World Glacier Monito-ring Service (WGMS)世界地质图委员会 Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW)世界环境与发展委员会 World Commis-sion on Environment and Development (WCED)世界黄金理事会 World Gold Council世界科学工作者协会 World Federation of Scientific Workers(WFSW)世界气象组织 Organization Meteoro-logique Mondiale (OMM)世界数据中心 A:冰川学(雪和冰) World Data Center A: Glaciology (Snow and Ice)世界数据中心 A:固体地球物理学 World Data Center A: Solid Earth Geo-physics世界数据中心 A:海洋地质学与地球物理学 World Data Center A: Marine Ge-ology and Geophysics世界数据中心 A:海洋学 World Data Center A: Oceanography世界数据中心 World Data Center世界野生动物基金会 World Wildlife Fund (WWF)世界自然基金会 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWFN)太平洋沿岸天然气协会 Pacific Coast Gas Association(PCGA)泰国地质调查局 Geological Survey Divi-sion Thailand西南太平洋地震学会 Seismological Soci-ety of the South-West Pacific(SSSWP)现代地壳运动委员会 Commission on Recent Crustal Movements(CRCM)香港地质调查所 Hong Kong Geological Survey新能源与工业技术发展组织 New Ener-gy and Industrial Technology Develop-ment Organization(NEDO)亚洲宝石科学学院(泰) Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS)亚洲岩土工程信息中心 Asian Informa-tion Center for Geotechnical Engineer-ing(AICGE)亚洲近海矿产资源联合勘探协调委员会 Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP)亚洲岩土工程信息中心 Asian Geotecch-nical Engineering Information Center伊朗地质调查局 Geological Survey of I-ran(GSI)以色列地质调查局 Geological Survey of Israel意大利宝石研究所 Italian Gemolegical In-stitute意大利国家地质调查局 National Geo-logical Survey of Italy英国地质调查局 British Geological Sur-vey英国地质调查所 Geological Survey of Great Britain(GSGB)英国皇家学会 Royal Society(RS)英国科学院 British Academy(BA)英国科学促进协会 British Association for the Advancement of Science(BAAS)越南地质调查局 Geological Survey of Viet Nam陨石学会 The Meteoritical Society政府间海洋学委员会 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)政府间海洋学组织 Intergovemmental Oceanographic Organization (IOO)中国地质调查局 China Geological Sur-vey (CGS)中国地质科学院 Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences中国全国地层委员会 All China Commis-sion of Stratigraphy中央地质调查所(中国台北) Central Ge-ological Survey