可这个状态持续了近一个月后,也就是昨天收到了主编的拒绝信。信里这样说的:Thank you very much for submitting your article to this journal for possible Your paper has been reviewed by one Three other potential reviewers were invited but refused to I went through the manuscript and found that your paper contains some interesting data, but the paper was very poorly I tried to read your abstract and found that it is almost totally Grammatical and syntax errors I am sorry, I decide to turn down your However, I encourage you to resubmit after a careful revision with a careful language editing is xxxxx主编说我的文章摘要完全让人不理解,且语法句式存在大问题,批评我就接受了吧。可我纳闷的是为什么3个审稿人都据审呢?另外说有一个专家审过,但也没审稿意见啊,会不会就是主编本人。文章在投之前给国外算是大牛的同行看过,所以才有信心投的,没想到会这样,没有审稿意见等于白白浪费了2个月时间。有经验的前辈请帮忙分析一下原因吧,以便于以后改投。在此谢过了。