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[技术标准] 技术标准代号,技术标准名称[S] . 投稿模拟样本 New Imaging Spectrometric Method for Rotary Object CHUN Yu 1, DONG Xiao-xue2 ( Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China; School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China) Abstract: A new technique for imaging spectrometer for rotary object based on computed-tomography is A discrete model of this imaging spectrometric system is established, which is accordant to actual measurements and convenient for In computer simulations with this method, projections of the object are detected by CCD while the object is rotating, and the original spectral images are numerically reconstructed from them by using the algorithm of computed- Simulation results indicate that the principle of the method is correct and it performs well for both broadband and narrow-band spectral Key words: aerodynamic characteristics; stealth characteristics; numerical calculation; polarization CLC number:TP2 引言(不编入章节号) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 1 ****************** 1 ***************** 1 ***************** 2 ****************** 3 ****************** **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** (1) 该论文为涉密论文,不宜公开张贴或发表 该论文已公开发表 Biography CHUN Yu(1963—),professor,PD, ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** n f0/MHz R/Ω VSWR BW/% L/cm line 955 4 36 4 0 0 804 7 56 0 0 1 750 8 73 3 6 2 706 6 0 7 2 3 670 6 17 4 8 4 642 1 37 38 4 References: [1] Schölkopf B, Burges C J C, Smola A J Advances in kernel methods – Support vector learning [M] Cambridge,MA: MIT Press, [2] Hearst M A, Schölkopf B, Dumais S, et Trends and controversies – Support vector machines [J] IEEE Intelligent Systems, 1998,13(4):18- [3] Eric C Hacker’s attack analyze and defense[M] Su Lei Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, [4] Burges C J C Geometry and invariance in kernel based methods[A] Burges C, Smola A Advance in Kernel Methods—Support Vector Learning[C] Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, [5] Cun L Y, Jackel L D, Bottou L, et Comparison of learning algorithms for handwritten digit recognition [Z] ICANN’95, Nanterre, France, [6] Chang C C, Lin C J LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines [EB/OL] ~cjlin/libsvm, 2001-06-19/2002-03- [7] Swanson R S, Musa S The estimation of obstacle and terrain clobber probabilities[R] AIAA 75-1118, [8] Young S, Kershaw D, Odell J, et The HTK Book (version 0) [R] Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, [9] GJB 8-90, Method of initiating explosive device test, accelerated life test, method of the test at 71℃[S] (in Chinese) [10] White S A Tracking filter and quadrature-phase reference generator[P]USP: 5491725,1996-01- [11] Jia Y A study on micro quartz angular rate sensor[D] Beijing: Department of Optical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, (in Chinese)