1、“感谢信”用英语表示为:Letter of thanks2、letter of thanks的英式发音为[ˈletə ɔv θæŋks] 美式发音为[ˈlɛtɚ ʌv θæŋks] 。拓展资料Letter of Can you get someone to copy this letter of thanks? 请找人抄写这封感谢信好 吗 ? A letter of thanks was drawn 感谢信写好了 He sent me a letter of 他送我一封致谢函 Some accounts say he received a letter of thanks from Hitler for the " " 有些报导指出,他曾收到希特勒答谢这项 [ 荣誉 ] 的感谢信 In answer , Edith sent some simple note of thanks saying M Roosevett appreciated his 伊迪丝也曾回一封信表示感谢,说罗斯福夫人谢谢他的来信 Thanks for your letter of Sep 15,2002 introducing M T 感谢你2002年9月15日介绍武田先生的来信 A thousand thanks for your frequent letter of encouraging 万分感谢你经常来信给我以鼓励和忠告 This is to acknowledge with thanks your letter of 30 th 兹确认收到贵方上月30日函,谢谢 The second section of an ancient Greco - Roman letter was prayer or a word of 古希腊罗马书信的第二部份是祷告或感谢 He closed his letter with expression of grateful 他在那封信的结尾表达了自己的感激之情