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yinggaiba:I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main U.S. special one four. They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big difference. In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme differences. The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the club.College basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural meaning.The university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to see. However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely different. And if so, China, and I will not!



英语论文篮球文化网上有相关方面的题材 然后借鉴一下 组织自己的语言我们可以提供帮助的 原创毕业论文联系方式 用户名

我谈一谈运动员的差异吧1运动员能力差异,这个就不多说了,大家都明白。2篮球运动员的素质差异,中国篮球运动员普遍没有接受过系统的教育,或者就是大学体育生,实际文化水平也就是比初中水准好。美国篮球运动员普遍进过大学,其中不乏像洛佩斯兄弟 林书豪 这样的名校毕业生,这种学校不是打球就能进的。还有像威斯布鲁克这样高中读的非常好,为了篮球放弃斯坦福的球员。


yinggaiba:I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main U.S. special one four. They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big difference. In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme differences. The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the club.College basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural meaning.The university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to see. However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely different. And if so, China, and I will not!


Language and culture are closely related to each other. Translating, in a sense, is an activity of promoting cross-cultural exchange. Therefore, translation involves not only language factors but also cultural factors. To be a qualified translator, one should have a strong sense of culture. A translator should bear five factors in mind in translation: ecological culture, linguistic culture, religious culture, material culture and social culture

一,对生命的态度oZg/Tg3q-l u6E%P#znGs 王国权:m8v9?!Gd B ]+|#o Oy:CE4xw$q*q't$~J 美国:生命是珍贵而可爱的,不论任何人的生命,甚至动物包括宠物和野生动物在内的生命都同样珍贵可爱。无论以多合理的口实消去一个生命都使一般人痛苦和难以接受。j[.Co7T&wrW t {_)TLL3o 中国:生命是廉价而无谓的,可以为某种崇高目的光荣牺牲。“人死如灯灭”。死一个好人固然可惜,死一个坏人就很痛快,死一个乞丐呢,可能无动于衷。动物的生命则基本上不算生命,野生动物也可以随意杀戮以享口福。fm ]dJ$^4LC9JqG;t二,对人的态度5X2p#b0A6Z7Uj1p P#P N1b4{(x4mNMT8v9T \美国:人本位,人是受尊敬的名词。只要有一个人站在道路中央,不论他是白人黑人高官百姓,所有过往车辆必须小心避让或停步。一个人攻击另一个人,不管是辱骂殴打或是诬陷暗算,即使受攻击的一方再无能再愚蠢再有错误,也都为舆论所不容,为法律所追究,哪怕你有钱有权势。民意始终受到尊重。]@e:KvMsE l^ Y$TT@5n 中国:官本位,官是受尊敬的名词。如果一个人站在道路中央,过往车辆将先搞清他官阶的大小,再决定自己礼让的尺度。礼让度可以随官位由高到低从有到无向下递减,从几条街外就交通管制递减到“撞死活该,谁让他违反交规”。如果一个人的名字前面没有官衔,其价值可以被视同草芥蝼蚁,无论他的建议多有道理都等于零。而他一旦有了官阶步步升高,即使说出再愚蠢的屁话,也正确高明。法律裁判向官员倾斜。t msX R$gXHp|s$cz@ 三,对生活的态度y,s1N/W;a rF nw P1h{P@BS/U 美国:生活是美丽的。人活着的乐趣就是领受大自然的馈赠。钱不在乎赚多赚少,当然多总好一点,可是生活则一定要快乐。钱是为我服务的而不是相反。钱借得越多越好。NEyAW1p#Lg X ]m B8E-\hg中国:生活是复杂的。人活着要应付各种各样的挑战,防备各种各样的陷井,千万不可头脑简单,轻信别人。如果当不上官的话,钱是一生中最重要的目标。钱存得越多越好。“人为财死,鸟为食亡”。0CA*] ` _9Bg%^f l?/?;H L+x%B6? 四,对后代的态度I2r%iO8G_ @0M {{PpB[ `(l 美国:子女是独立的。抚养子女是一种社会责任,不求任何回报。不管子女将来怎样,是他们自己的事情。孩子是我的朋友。不知何谓“孝道”。_(LG&sA2J? 7@X!oqi:[;RI8?~ 中国:子女是我的。抚养子女是一种投资,养儿防老。不惜一切代价要让子女成功,所谓成功也就是成为“人上人”。孩子必须尊我,不许不孝。n O^vqV({ ^1m(_ @MMb Of$H 四,对现在和将来的态度_ d/Fou5p9K!F _HOr.u)q0uv美国:无论明天会怎样,先把今天的事做好。明天是今天的延续,不管有多难解决,一定要在今天把该解决的问题解决掉。决不忍受不可忍受之苦。llbf$dS &t$Xy'ba中国:今天的事就算了,该怎么就怎么的,明天自然会好。哪怕问题可以解决,也留给下一代人去解决吧。随便多苦都可以忍受。

The different food culture in China and AmericaAs an old saying goes, “there are three important things when you in the outside, which are eating, wearing and living.” Just as we can see, “eating” is in the first place, eating is really important in everyday life in China. And diet is also a kind of culture. And when we meet others by chance, we often talk about diet. And the most remarkable difference is the food culture when we compared with two countries’ differences. Just as XuXiong pointing out that, the reasons which caused the different food culture in China and America are the different culture, customs, history, atmosphere, nutrition values and economic condition and so on. And the people now think superficially that the largest difference is that most of Chinese people eat something using chopsticks, while in America they use knife and fork. In fact, there are many deep different levels which are usually neglected, for example, the diet attitudes, the diet manners, the diet environment and any other things. Now I will make some explanations about the different food culture in China and America.1、Different Diet AttitudesIn China, we will eat something with sensibility. When we choose what to eat, we will care more about the color, the smell, the taste, the shape and the device. Because our nations in the past many years, the productive level is very low, and many people are always hungry, they can’t eat enough food. So if a kind of culture treats eating as the most important thing, there will appear two situations. On one hand, this function of eating will be played to maximize, not only for surviving, but also for using it to maintain health, which is the cultural basis of “if you want to keep health, you’d better choose to enjoy some delicious food rather than take medicines”. On the other hand, if paying too much attention on food, it will make people often pursuit the delicious food. While Americans maybe more rationality. When they eat something, the things they care most are the nutritious value, such as the protein, the fat, the vitamin, the minerals and the carbohydrate. And this attitude on food is connected with the whole western philosophy. Metaphysics is the main feature of western philosophy. The object of study of western philosophy is the reasons of things. And this kind of philosophy has brought vitality to western culture, which leads to the rapid development on sciences, psychology and methodology. But in other aspects, this philosophy advocates play a hinder role, such as food culture. In the banquet, they also pay attention to tableware, to materials and to service, but no matter how luxury, from Los Angeles to New York, the steak is only one taste, which has no arts to speak of. As a dish, chicken is chicken, steak is steak, even with other matches , there will be happened in the plate, for example a “French lamp chops” ,the potatoes will be on the left side next to the lamp chops, while the right side will place boiled green beans and a few slices of tomatoes. It will form strong contrast on the color, while the tastes about all kinds of materials are unrelated to each other.2、Different Food Objects In America, they think the foods are used just to eat, so they often eat a large piece of meat, the whole chicken and other “hard food”. However in China, we eat something is mainly enjoying the taste of it. So the Chinese cooking also show great randomness on the selected materials. And many things which are abandoned by the westerners will be treated as excellent materials in China. The things which foreign chefs cannot handle can achieve something magic when they are in Chinese chefs’ hands.According to a survey of western botanists, Chinese food has more than 600 kinds of vegetables, which is six times more than it in the west. In fact, in Chinese dishes, the vegetables is a kind of common food, and meat dishes only on holidays and festivals or with higher living standard will appear in the normal diet, so from ancient times ,there is an old saying “fresh vegetables”, which means eating vegetables , having a main effect on normal diet. Chinese people use plants as main courses, which has closest contact with Buddhists. They treat animals as “beings”, while treating plants as “no souls”. Therefore, they advocate vegetarianism.However, when the Americans introduce the characteristics of their own country’s food, they think they care more about the nutrition than the Chinese. And in America, it has many developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food, etc. Although these kinds of food have the same taste, they can save time and include good nutrition. Therefore, the people’s body in their country is stronger than the Chinese people. They are tall with long legs, broad shoulders and well-developed muscles. According to the different food objects between China and America, somebody called the Chinese plant character, while the Americans animal character.3、Different Ways of EatingThere is a large difference in the ways of eating, which has an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, which is everyone sitting in a circle, sharing one table. And this kind of banquet should use round table, which can create a atmosphere of unite, courtesy and fun. The delicious food put on the table’s center, it is not only the object of taste, but also is a kind of medium to exchange feelings. People toast to each other and take food to others, which reflect the mutual respect between people and the virtue of courtesy. Although from the healthy point of view, this way of diet has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our nation’s mentality of reunion, reflecting the classical Chinese philosophy of “harmony”, which is more convenient to exchange each other’s emotions. Thus it is very difficult to reform. While in the western-style banquets, although the food and wine are very important, they still treated as foils. Friendship is the core of the banquet. And they reach this purpose through communicating with the guests who are next to.If compared the friendship of a banquet with dance, it can be said that, Chinese banquet is like a dance together, while western-style banquet like a dance of men and women. From it, we can see that the purpose of banquet’s friendship is very obvious in both Chinese and American banquets. The difference is that, Chinese banquet reflects the all seats of friendship, while western-style dinner reflects the friendship between the neighboring guests.The most obvious difference about the ways of eating is buffet. This method is that all the food is listed on the table. Everyone can take what they need, not fixed to the seat, and move freely to get what they want to. This way provides a convenient channel to exchange emotions between individuals. And they don’t have to make all the words they said known by all people. It also shows the westerners’ pursue of personality and self-respect. However, to some extent, eating by oneself and no disturb to others, will seem lack a kind of sentiment about celebrating together and being happy together.In a word, the different food culture between China and America is about the attitudes, which in china is emotional and in America is rational. However, this difference seems to being changed with the development of science and becoming fuzzy. More and more Chinese people don’t only focus on the food’s color, smell and taste any longer. They also make more emphasis on food’s health and nutrition, especially after experiencing SARS. What’s more, as to the busier work, they think cook Chinese food is too bothered. It is rather convenient to have a hamburger instead. Therefore, the difference on the diet is not clear now.


Language and culture are closely related to each other. Translating, in a sense, is an activity of promoting cross-cultural exchange. Therefore, translation involves not only language factors but also cultural factors. To be a qualified translator, one should have a strong sense of culture. A translator should bear five factors in mind in translation: ecological culture, linguistic culture, religious culture, material culture and social culture

10 Major Cultural Differences Between China and the United States of AmericaIt is always interesting to study other cultures, and it is extremely important to do just that if you are going to have interactions with them. You don’t want to insult someone, embarrass yourself, and your own culture. Sincere study of a culture is the only way to truly appreciate the differences.These differences do not make either culture better or worse than the other one. It just shows their differences which has been created through centuries of history and development. China can trace their traditions and customs for thousands of years. America is still a nation that has had very few traditions of its own, but has become such a melting pot of cultures that there is almost no specific American culture. This makes both cultures unique, worthy of study, and respect.So, being an American what do I see as the 10 biggest cultural differences between the two countries? American culture used to be much more concerned with moral behavior, respect, and reputation. Unfortunately, we have fallen far from what we once were.1. Social Structure – In China the social structure is formal and hierarchical(分等级的). You know where you fit in the structure and you abide by the rules there. There is no crossing into other areas. In America, it is much more loose and informal. It is not uncommon to see those of various social levels socializing and knowing each other. There are very few lines that socially are not allowed to be crossed. This can cause problems in business relationships if the visiting culture is unaware of it.2. Confrontation/Conflict– If you are planning on conducting business in China or expecting an extended stay, it might be useful to know that the direct way that most Americans approach issues is not the way to go in China. Direct conflict or confrontation(对质) over issues is highly frowned upon. Doesn’t matter that the “truth” needs to be spoken, respect and honor to each person supersedes that. To prove a point and show yourself in the right even over business issues is considered shameful and should be avoided.3. Self –The Chinese looks more at the group collective than at individualism. America has become known for its push of individualism which has been a source of conflict with other cultures that look collectively. A person from China is more prone to look at how their acts affect the whole instead of how it affects them personally. They are more willing to give up and sacrifice for the greater good. America’s individualism has been its backbone and the reason for its success as a world power, but when visiting China it needs to be reined in.4. Face/Reputation– Reputation of the individual is very important in China. If an action will humiliate someone or ruin a reputation, it is avoided. When shame occurs, the person sacrifices their job or whatever it is that will heal the shame. In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter. The end result is more of the focus. A person is more likely to overlook a reputation to get the job done.5. Business Relations – When doing business in China, be prepared for much socializing. Business becomes secondary as the parties get to know each better. If it delays a contract, that is perfectly acceptable as long as the correct social time is allotted for. In America, business associates are usually more aloof. There might be some social gathering but the business is more important and the socializing will be sacrificed to get the job done if needed. Though there seems to be shift in America regarding this. The recognition of networking is becoming more pronounced.6. Morals –Chinese society places high values on the morals of their people. Marriage is not encouraged until the late twenties. In fact, dating is discouraged early in a young adult’s life and proprieties are expected to be held up. The American culture is much more relaxed and some could even argue that there needs to be more moral emphasize.7. Recognition of the Dead – One of the time honored traditions of the Chinese is the recognition of the dead. Once a year, all members of a family visit the gravesites of each ancestor and pay their respects. Honoring ancestors is very important in Chinese culture. This is in direct contrast to most Americans who rarely know where the majority of their ancestors are laid to rest. This might be due to the fact that most Americans are immigrants who either have lost the information on grave locations or the locations are in foreign countries. China’s culture is much older and the percentage of immigration is far less.8. Humility –Humility is a revered virtue in Chinese culture. The success of one’s business or personal life is downplayed while in America the successes are lauded. Most Americans in the fast business world consider humility a sign of weakness. This can be an issue that hurts inter-cultural relations. Be very sensitive to comments and actions in the presence of another culture.9. Time Sensitivity – Crossing cultures for business can be frustrating when it interferes with getting the job done. Most Americans are very time sensitive when it comes to meetings and deadlines. If the meeting was to commence at 2:00, then all parties are to be present at that time. The Chinese do not view time as an absolute but more as a suggestion. Concern is not expressed for a meeting starting late or ending at a different time. The same can be applied to deadlines. If a report is due on Friday, an American would be waiting for that report to be received before end of business day. The Chinese would not worry if it showed up several days later.10. Respect –Being sensitive to another person’s needs is very important in Chinese culture. It is expected that you will respect the other person and treat them well.

Chinese and Western cultural differences in the performance of every aspect of daily life from the greeting 、 term diet and cultural differences in the way of thinking in the abstract, such as differences everywhere, from the West focus on the following colors to express the difference between Chinese and Western cultural differences in areas such as a wedding set. First, in the West to express the color difference Different colors in different languages is not expressed in the same way. The representative of China in a sense, the West has a meaning that even the "color" to understand the meaning of the contrary. (A) red (red) Whether in China or in the English-speaking countries, often in red and festive celebrations or day-related. Calendar, red font used these days, therefore, red letter day: refers to the "Day" or "happy occasion." It also refers to the red "liabilities" or "loss" because people are always negative in red to register. So there are these phrases: red figure deficit in the red loss In common with the Chinese "red" words, translated into English, may not necessarily use the "red" for example: brown sugar brown sugar red wine red wine (B) yellow Yellow in English and Chinese in the extended meaning of the differences are considerable. In English, yellow can be said that the "timid, cowardly, despicable," meaning, for example: a yellow dog despicable, cowardly people a yellow livered coward Chinese yellow symbol of the term is sometimes vulgar, vulgar and obscene, indecent indecency means, such as yellow film, erotica, yellow CD, and so on. These in the name of "yellow" in English and "yellow" has nothing to do. However, in another English word blue is the color used to indicate the kind of meaning in Chinese, such as the blue jokes (dirty joke), blue films (yellow film). Second, the cultural differences in Western wedding First of all, in Western wedding culture and the first in the West in thinking about the differences: the Chinese people more conservative, like excitement, more old-fashioned thinking, so in the history of China for thousands of years the entire wedding customs did not change much. The thinking in the West is more open to the requirements of the wedding will be lower, they will be the climax of the wedding in the church: the sacred as the "wedding march" into the red carpet, Jiao Mei's father, the bride linked hands Rose walked slowly to the groom, the bride's father, daughter to the groom's hand on hand, her daughter's life will be entrusted to the groom, all eyes followed the couple, filled with well-being in their face. Second, the result of cultural differences wedding in the West because the West in a different religion. China is mainly Buddhist, but the West is mainly Christian. Therefore, the Western wedding is to be held in the church and the priest is Zhuhun Ren. China's traditional customs of the most important part of the Bai Tiandi is, the worship heaven and earth even after the ceremony has become.中西方文化差异表现在方方面面,从日常生活的打招呼用语、饮食文化等差异到思维方式等抽象方面的差异无所不在,下面着重从中西方颜色表达的差异,中西方婚礼文化差异等方面阐述。 一、中西方颜色表达的差异 不同颜色在不同语言中表达的方式并不一样。在中国代表一种意义,在西方又表示一种涵义,甚至对“颜色”的涵义理解恰恰相反。(一)red(红色)无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。日历中,这些日子常用红色字体,因此,red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。于是就有了这些词组:red figure赤字 in the red亏损汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”例如:红糖brown sugar 红酒red wine (二) yellow黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如:a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a yellow livered 胆小鬼汉语中黄色一词有时象征低级趣味、色情庸俗、下流猥亵的意思,如黄色电影、黄色书刊、黄色光碟等等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑), blue films(黄色电影)等。 二、中西方婚礼文化差异 首先,中西方婚礼文化差异首先和中西方人在思维方面的差异有关:中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。而西方人的思想则比较开放,对于婚礼的要求也比较低,他们婚礼的高潮则是在教堂中:随着神圣的《婚礼进行曲》步入鲜红的地毯,娇美的新娘挽着父亲手捧玫瑰慢慢向新郎走去,新娘的父亲将女儿的手放在新郎的手上,将女儿的一生托付给新郎,所有人的目光注视着这对新人,幸福洋溢在他们的脸上。其次,造成中西方婚礼文化差异的原因是中西方不同的宗教。中国是以佛教为主,而西方则是基督教为主的。所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中举行而主婚人则是神甫。中方的传统婚俗中的最重要环节就是拜天地,拜了天地以后就算是礼成了。

一,对生命的态度oZg/Tg3q-l u6E%P#znGs 王国权:m8v9?!Gd B ]+|#o Oy:CE4xw$q*q't$~J 美国:生命是珍贵而可爱的,不论任何人的生命,甚至动物包括宠物和野生动物在内的生命都同样珍贵可爱。无论以多合理的口实消去一个生命都使一般人痛苦和难以接受。j[.Co7T&wrW t {_)TLL3o 中国:生命是廉价而无谓的,可以为某种崇高目的光荣牺牲。“人死如灯灭”。死一个好人固然可惜,死一个坏人就很痛快,死一个乞丐呢,可能无动于衷。动物的生命则基本上不算生命,野生动物也可以随意杀戮以享口福。fm ]dJ$^4LC9JqG;t二,对人的态度5X2p#b0A6Z7Uj1p P#P N1b4{(x4mNMT8v9T \美国:人本位,人是受尊敬的名词。只要有一个人站在道路中央,不论他是白人黑人高官百姓,所有过往车辆必须小心避让或停步。一个人攻击另一个人,不管是辱骂殴打或是诬陷暗算,即使受攻击的一方再无能再愚蠢再有错误,也都为舆论所不容,为法律所追究,哪怕你有钱有权势。民意始终受到尊重。]@e:KvMsE l^ Y$TT@5n 中国:官本位,官是受尊敬的名词。如果一个人站在道路中央,过往车辆将先搞清他官阶的大小,再决定自己礼让的尺度。礼让度可以随官位由高到低从有到无向下递减,从几条街外就交通管制递减到“撞死活该,谁让他违反交规”。如果一个人的名字前面没有官衔,其价值可以被视同草芥蝼蚁,无论他的建议多有道理都等于零。而他一旦有了官阶步步升高,即使说出再愚蠢的屁话,也正确高明。法律裁判向官员倾斜。t msX R$gXHp|s$cz@ 三,对生活的态度y,s1N/W;a rF nw P1h{P@BS/U 美国:生活是美丽的。人活着的乐趣就是领受大自然的馈赠。钱不在乎赚多赚少,当然多总好一点,可是生活则一定要快乐。钱是为我服务的而不是相反。钱借得越多越好。NEyAW1p#Lg X ]m B8E-\hg中国:生活是复杂的。人活着要应付各种各样的挑战,防备各种各样的陷井,千万不可头脑简单,轻信别人。如果当不上官的话,钱是一生中最重要的目标。钱存得越多越好。“人为财死,鸟为食亡”。0CA*] ` _9Bg%^f l?/?;H L+x%B6? 四,对后代的态度I2r%iO8G_ @0M {{PpB[ `(l 美国:子女是独立的。抚养子女是一种社会责任,不求任何回报。不管子女将来怎样,是他们自己的事情。孩子是我的朋友。不知何谓“孝道”。_(LG&sA2J? 7@X!oqi:[;RI8?~ 中国:子女是我的。抚养子女是一种投资,养儿防老。不惜一切代价要让子女成功,所谓成功也就是成为“人上人”。孩子必须尊我,不许不孝。n O^vqV({ ^1m(_ @MMb Of$H 四,对现在和将来的态度_ d/Fou5p9K!F _HOr.u)q0uv美国:无论明天会怎样,先把今天的事做好。明天是今天的延续,不管有多难解决,一定要在今天把该解决的问题解决掉。决不忍受不可忍受之苦。llbf$dS &t$Xy'ba中国:今天的事就算了,该怎么就怎么的,明天自然会好。哪怕问题可以解决,也留给下一代人去解决吧。随便多苦都可以忍受。


中美文化基本差异:中国观念与美国观念对比分析作者:集体主义:一般而言,中国和其他亚洲文化反映了社会科学家称为“集体主义”的取向。这些文化比较注重群体合作和个人谦虚。个人主义:相反,美国人通常表现出一种个人主义取向。他们更重视独立性。自我实现即使不是一种期望,但至少更容易被人们接受。美国人更重视不受外部制约的“自由”。社会关系:中国人的社会关系比美国人更加正式,等级更分明。中国人似乎非常习惯于等级分明的结构,他们可基于自己在结构中的位置和惯例确定自己的行为方式。 美国人则更侧重于非正式和平等关系。美国人通常和社会地位相同的人在一起最自在;他们不太重视社会等级。友谊:与美国人相比,中国人更可能拥有少数终生挚交,他们彼此之间交情深厚,愿意相互提供任何形式的帮助。 美国人可能有许多“朋友”和熟人,这些朋友和熟人随着时间的推移而变换,彼此之间承诺的义务有限。义务 在中国人之间,与他人的关系通常意味着彼此之间的义务。 与此相反,美国人倾向于回避相互依赖的关系以及可能导致长期义务的局面。任务取向与关系取向:中国人侧重于关系取向。保持和谐的关系比完成任务更重要。 相比之下,美国人侧重于任务取向。完成工作通常比关系更重要。和谐与“事实”:中国人所受的教育通常是避免直接冲突、公开批评和具有争议的话题。他们希望在周围的人中保持和谐,给别人留“面子”。相反,美国人通常愿意直接面对问题、提出批评、讨论具有争议的问题,并坚持自己认为是“事实”的意见。他们对“面子”并不在意。法律、规章和条例的作用: 在交往方面,中国人通常更信任人际关系,而不太信任书面规则和程序。 而美国人一般认为书面规则适用于每一个人,并且能够产生公正、合理的程序和决定。时间观念:中国人比较怀旧,也比较注重未来。 美国人通常对过去不太感兴趣,他们注重的是眼前的情况。指定身份与获取身份:在中国的传统中,个人在社会中的地位很大程度上基于继承特征,例如年龄、性别和家庭,但这种情形正在发生变化。 对于大多数美国人,个人地位主要基于自己的成就,包括受教育程度和事业上的成功。此篇作为我的“中国文化漫谈”系列文章的第一篇,希望能够把浅显的道理与实际的问题结合起来,让我们了解什么是中国文化的价值所在。洋洋大观,才疏学浅;一家之言,不成敬意。今天我们首先谈一谈什么是文化。之后对中美文化进行一个简要的对比,从而看出文化对于一个社会的巨大影响。什么是文化(Culture)?简单的说来,文化是那些你不知道原因但还愿意接受的,来自上辈的规则与认识,在实践中大多数人能够体会带来的益处,或者相信可以带来益处,使得这些规则与认识又成为当代大多数人的选择,此时就构成文化主体内容。但是如果这条规则或认识已经完全被客观实践证明不可行的时候也不会坚持,也是文化具有的更新能力。所以文化主要是那些难以给予定论的规则与认识(属于价值观和哲学层面),并具有主观性,延续性,群体性,有益性四个特点。比如说过春节,每个人都认为应该过春节,而且习惯于此,很难说出过大家一定要过春节有什么必要性,但都能说出一些好处,所以就自然延续下来。但就是这种自然的惯性,具有强大的社会力量,除非社会发生巨变,或者彻底被外族文化所侵蚀压迫。后面的过程对于中国传统文化不是没有而且不止一次,但是都被中国文化自身具有的理性和强大的凝聚力所征服。这里提出两个中国文化的特点,理性和凝聚力。文化的延续性不等于失去其合理性。实际上文化合理性的辩论虽然是全民参与的,但是往往由被认可的社会精英层给出答案。但是社会价值观的争论需要长期和大量的社会实践,所以其变化是缓慢的而且有反复的。一个时代的精英们往往难以对众多课题给出答案,即使可以可以通过若干简单原则推导出来的规则,也需要长期实践来证实,而这就是中国文化的厚重之处。儒家文化不是从今天才被质疑的,而是从其诞生的第一天就受到驳斥,历史上也始终有人质疑甚至提出尖刻的批评,但是儒家成为最终的选择是因为这是社会的选择,被大量实践所验证。中美文化解读对于中国和美国的社会结构我有一个简单的描述。US stays on rules.(美国建立在规则上)China stays on culture.(中国建立在文化上)美国是最早开始实践把所有各种文明成果变成具体文字条文的国家,因而现在其拥有最完善的法律体系,政策制度,公共程序等,在规则之上享有个人自由,或者规则体现为个人自由之间的妥协。当规则变成条文以后,一切可以变成秩序,如果规则符合社会生产生活的需要,那么自然产生较高的执行效率,美国社会非常依赖于良好的成文的规定。但是规则体现的只是制度层面的东西,价值观才是推动制度建立的基石。美国的价值观包含两个方面,一方面来自于法国大革命时期的在自由,平等,博爱的思想,另一方面则是西方传统基督教文化的移植。美国是一种来去自由的联盟体制,他们的力量也经常来自散漫而自由的创造。中国没有成熟的制度,法律,政策等成文固定的规则,但是中国社会依然从整体上运转良好快速发展,而且具有强大的自省力量,就是因为中国有强大和有生机的文化。文化可以在每时每刻约束着每个人的行为,促成社会的合作。这种文化来自历史的积淀,与智慧的碰撞。中国社会的构成依然遵从这个原则,价值观才是推动制度建立的基石。中国社会发展的复杂性与多样性,使得在文化层面远比美国深远,智慧更加深邃。但是中国发展的制度基础,经常遭受君主与外族的轮番破坏。中国成熟的文化智慧,始终处于和专制制度及外族野蛮驯化的斗争中。中国历史上的开明时期,往往能够把文化的成果确定为一些好的规则,但是随后又很容易在君王体制下遭到破坏。宋朝开始的文人朝政与新兴思想又迅速被外族侵略所破坏殆尽,造成之后上千年的思想桎梏。文化在一个社会中是无可替代的。因为社会发展进程不可能被中断,然后被设计构造出来。社会发展是一个自然演进的不可终止,无可选择的过程。中国如何进步,就是应该鉴别正确且适合自己的传统,把他们由文化上升为规则,同时利用自己的智慧,从实践中获得新的真知,并使之与传统一起共同成为社会建立的基础制度。中美文化之对比从历史上看,美国不是一个传统意义上的国家,只是一个新兴的利益的联邦,而且由于历史短仍然处于发展过程,社会的兴衰周期还没有在美国身上充分体现。因此把它与传统意义的国家进行对比,有很多不可比性。一旦其形成一些固有的难以改变的自身文化属性后,才能算作一个成熟的国家。文化层面的对比根据对文化的理解,美国所能够继承的东西主要来自法国大革命时期的思想成果,以及传统西方的基督教义。上帝成为其与西方文明共有的共主,虽然谁也没见过。耶稣不过是用来宣传这种思想的一个教案或者工具。上帝的文明准则有什么呢,就是黑暗,欺,掠夺,弱肉强食。所谓的慈善,道德只是用来宽恕恶人和恶行的,偶尔的光明都是上帝带来的而不是人带来的。从这点可以看出,虽然他们继承了法国大革命的优秀成果,但是没有脱离传统西方文明的框架。从自诩传统美国人的布什的所作所为中可以看出其秉承的传统价值观,布什可以说是近代以来,与法国大革命提出的自由、平等、博爱最远的一个总统了,因而也更能充分体现美国传统价值观的另一面。中国的文化相比是上千年变迁中历经沧桑沉淀下来的,其中不仅是一些价值观原则,还包括很多独有的智慧。这种文化积淀是在多元化(而不是一元化)的中国历史中,不同思想流派互相斗争的结果,并为长期实践所证明。我们往往说历史总是不断地重复,就是说现在的各种现象在中国历史上大都发生过了。因此其对中国人自己具有极强的说服力,对中国社会也有极强的适应力。中国文化的理性与凝聚力是核心。儒家的思想如果从孔子算起(实际上更早,从多部落共处和农业生产中逐渐产生),也已经经历过很多变革与思想征战了,之所以其能够很好的存在下来,就是因为自身具有的极强的理性。孔子在总结前人智慧中,最重要的选择就是“子不语怪力乱神”。孔子在论述社会制度建设的核心是“和”。在社会制度层面强调放弃征战,文明共处,依靠理论解决纷争。而对于个人而言,孔子强调“仁”和“学”,通过“仁”构建和谐的讲理的环境,通过“学”来提高自己的认识,避免为无意义的错误目标去争,且能够参与理论的过程中。智是学的成果,信是相处的境界,勇是个人进取的勇气,义是个人对大众责任的推行。礼仪不过是基于这些建立的合情合理的需要共同遵守的规则,是思想与智慧的表现形式。如果看孔子或者儒家文化,只知“仁”“礼”就会陷入知其然而不知其所以然的难堪境地。中国的智慧来自自然环境以及人文环境的恩赐。中国的自然环境是世界上唯一一个相对独立,又能够不断吸纳新鲜力量的大陆。从地理上说三面环山,一面环水,周围大多是不毛之地,而中原地区独享最佳的地理位置,因而自然形成趋于中央的向心力。从气候上说,中国的温带气候最适合人类居住发展,而且充分表现出气候循环反复周而复始的规律,体现出整个大陆相对一致的气候环境,这使得各个部族之间容易对自然和社会的认识产生共识,利于融合与迁移。在融合中不同部落各自的鬼神崇拜已经不再重要,也无法存在下去,代之以祖先崇拜,文化崇拜,智慧崇拜。这些才是中国文化的根。中国大陆这种作为海纳百川的文化终极站的得天独厚的条件,构成了中国文化相对独立又能吸取其他种族文化营养,注重整体、稳定、和谐、长久。总结为开放而又独立,吸收而又高贵的特点。中国大陆上的社会变迁是一个完整的世界运转变化的缩影。现在很多所谓国际外交争端可以从当时的中国内部诸侯各国之间的争端中都可以看到相似性。有了上面的条件,“易”思想的产生也就不足为奇了,以“易”作为智慧的发端与归宿,很好的体现了中国文化的哲学观。中美文化差异中国跟美国在有些文化及社会差异上是根深蒂固的,下文提出我观察到的一些例子。笔者在这里要强调这些观点是一般性的,当然仍有个别之特例。一、个人主义美国人相当崇尚个人主义,东方社会 (当然包括中国人) 则强调家族及阶级层次。这是一个非常重要及有影响力的分别。美国人崇尚个人特质的例子很多,父母较少伸手干预子女的发展。二、隐私权美国人通常很尊重别人的隐私。就是知己之间也很少问到别人太"切身"的问题,例如年龄、薪水及婚姻状况等。也应当少谈论第三者的事情。不请自来的访客(包括父母亲)是绝对不受欢迎的。三、不拘礼美国人在衣着娱乐方面,都比较随便。最重要的是人与人之间的交往都比较不拘礼,即使双方在年纪上或地位上有很大分别也不例外。这方面的例子多不胜数,例如很多学生对教授,及晚辈对老人家都直接称呼first name可见一斑。这种"越代","越身份"的不拘礼表现,在很多东方人眼中则认为是失礼的行为。四、开放与直接美国人是相当开放和直接的,尤其在专业的讨论,往往秉持着不同意见而争论(注意:是争论,不是拍桌子,摔麦克风的吵架)。相反地,东方人往往不会直接冲突,而是婉转地通过地位比较高的第三者来疏通。五、独立性美国人通常较不喜欢依靠别人,甚至父母的帮忙也不一定乐于接受,而父母亦鼓励子女早早离家,独立地生活与发展。我国青少年在这方面就发展得较慢。对留学生来说,要注意到指导教授非常重视研究生能够独立做研究的能力。而对英文不灵光的留学生来说,当你向美国人借笔记时如被拒绝,不一定表示他们讨厌你,极有可能是他们将心比心,认为你应该独立而已。六、竞争性美国社会的发展依靠竞争来作为推动力。"Work hard, play hard"是大部分人的作风。他们在言语争辩时都喜欢压倒对手,这种"getting the last word in"的作风当然是竞争性的一种表现。他们的竞争挑战精神也显露在体育比赛方面,即使是他们所谓的"playing for fun"时也是蛮认真的。一般美国人对于一个球队都十分狂热,往往藉此发泄情绪。例如校队比赛时校警常常要检查进场的观众,不让他们带酒进场。球赛比赛时,观众都喧哗冲天,往往乱抛东西。有些助兴表演也有点莫名其妙,例如有一招是将一个女啦啦队员,从观众席的底层抛起,一级级的人将她接着又再抛上去,直到最高层又再抛下来;偶然也有失手受伤的事情发生。笔者也算是球迷,但都是在家看电视,免得在现场活受罪。而且要算准时间,当球赛完时避免走在路上,因为球迷在赢球时欢天喜地(如果你看到开车的人在乱按喇叭,你不用听报告就知道赢球),输球时则沮丧愤怒,两种结果都是疯狂毕露。有些血气方刚的小伙子更常做一些奇怪的事。有一点要强调的是,如果不是在发泄情况下,绝大部分的美国人都是很守规矩、不骚扰别人的。七、公众场合应有的礼数美国人通常都能尊重别人的安宁。在歌剧院不用说,就是在戏院也都能噤声欣赏。在餐厅吃饭时的交谈声音也相当低,跟中国有划拳斗酒的吵闹大不相同。排队时都很守秩序,插队是不被接受的,蜂拥上车的事情绝对很少发生。开车的人通常很守交通规则,例如在夜深无人时也不闯红灯,尊重行人,让路人先过马路等。来自较不遵守交通规则国家的留美学生尤其要特别小心。八、朋友模式美国人囗中的朋友定义比较广泛,而且有区隔性;譬如说工作上的朋友、打球的朋友、学校的朋友、喝酒的朋友等等。 另外美国地域广大,人口流动性也高,而且朋友之间绝少吐露私人的事情,所以友情是比较"温水"性。中国人的友情通常是"牵一发而动全身",一言不合就尽量避免跟对方碰面,"起落"性比较大。中国人朋友之间借钱是相当普遍的,而美国人朋友之间借钱是凤毛麟角的。九、金钱的运用模式中国人通常做的预算都比较保守,而美国的预算则比较接近"极限",而且往往有消费超过预算的倾向(跟美国社会大量使用信用卡也有关系)。美国人很舍得买东西,尤其是在购房及汽车上,对于吃喝方面,尤其是请客,则比较"犹太";而中国人则比较舍得花钱在请客方面。十、世界观可能因为美国多年来的兴盛及教育重点在某方面仍有偏颇,美国人多数 "以本国为中心",对于别国的认识十分肤浅。美国人对世界地理的无知是令美国国家地理学会 (National Geographic Society) 十分痛心的事情。在美国流传一个笑话:东北部的某一个州的某居民,写信去州政府询问关于New Mexico的情形,答复居然是:关于别国的情况我们不大熟悉,无可奉告。对中美文化对比的初步认识最近认识了一个美国人。谈了很多东西。突然对美国很有兴趣。 关于教育,美国16岁之前是必须要去学校的。全部免费,不去都不可以。可中国的9年义务教育还是需要钱的,国情原因没有办法。美国的教育资金是税的一部分。她们从来不知道还有希望学校这回事,上学还需要捐款,无法想象。 关于环境,在中国,他们觉得无法呼吸,有烟的味道,不能跑步。路上虽然我们已经觉得干净多了比以前,但他们觉得为什么到处都是垃圾,sigh。觉得我们不注重public。还有公共产所吸烟等。 关于自由,她们会感觉到很多网站都会被屏蔽,美国网站很多上不了。他们对很多事情看法比较随意,原因在于没有历史,只有300年,而我们是受长期传统影响的。 关于婚姻,在美国3个结婚就有1个离婚,所以step father or mather 是十分normal的。但在中国她们很奇怪,为什么有人要离婚,还有人会劝她们不要离。他们比较注重隐私,最多两个人一个宿舍,要不觉得很不舒服,还是人少啊。他们不会有两个人想开房间还要出去,都在自己的宿舍里,所有人都明白。我们还是需要找学生旅馆的呵呵。 关于来了之后的改变,原来在美国总会受到中国是敌人的说法,说中国发展很快,马上就要赶上美国了,但来了中国后,他们觉得确实还有很大的差距,根本不是一个类型的事情,怎么能放到以前说能不能赶上。还有中国很传统,中国对女人会不公平,这都是人权方面的问题,但来了觉得不是这样的,还是比想象中要开放得多,男女也很平等。 关于种族歧视,美国确实存在种族歧视现象,有很多人就是看不惯其他肤色的人,还有就是会有只允许白人参加的party。 关于家庭,美国很多人只要不要孩子,就不结婚,只生活在一起,因为知道也会离婚的,反正不要孩子,就省事一点得了。他们难以想象我们还需要考虑我们的父母。因为他们从18岁开始就被赶出家门,所以他们根本不会管她们的父母,当父母老的时候。所以当我说,我要为父母做什么的时候,他们觉得很奇怪。 关于开玩笑,他们真是什么玩笑都开,男女一起,就取消别人自慰,模仿异性自慰,谈论最喜欢的做爱姿势,都才20岁。和我们真是有差别啊。平均第一次年龄在18、19岁。 关于娱乐,周末我们大都在宿舍待着,他们是一定会去bar或者club的。 还有等等等等,总之太多方面有差别,但是本质都在于历史,我还是比较喜欢她们的自由和观念的开放的。我一定会去美国一次,见识见识。当看到transporter2里的迈阿密海滩时,她说她家就在佛罗里达的海滩边,简直太美了。还有个体会,他们出生很多都不在美国,还碰到一个小时候和我老家在几个地方的,但都相处得很好,没有任何异样感。真是移民国家

中美建立外交关系以来,两国间贸易得到较快的发展,给两国人民和两国经济带来明显的现实利益。然而中美贸易关系的发展并不是一帆风顺的,随着两国贸易的迅速发展,诸多贸易问题愈加突出,中美贸易逆差问题便是其中最主要的问题之一。一、中美贸易逆差问题形成的原因分析1.根本因素是中美市场的需求因素(1) 中美市场需求结构不同。人们的消费选择和其收人水平密切相关,两国经济发展的巨大差异导致两国居民的需求结构也存在着巨大的差异。(2) 中国生产的劳动密集型产品大多是生活必需品,而美国生产的高技术产品却属于高档产品。由于中国居民的收人水平比较低,中国市场能够形成购买力的有效需求不足。2.重要原因是美对华实行歧视性出口管制对华出口管制是一把“双刃剑”,出口管制政策在对美国工业产生危害的同时,也在许多方面削弱了其出口竞争力,导致对中国出口下降。3.直接因素是全球化产业转移所导致自20 世纪80 年代中期以来,中国周边国家和地区进行产业结构的升级和调整,把其在国内已经丧失比较优势的劳动密集型产业转移到中国,由此形成了中国从这些国家和地区进口原材料及零配件等,在国内进行加工组装然后出口到美国和欧洲国家的加工贸易格局。亚太地区经济结构调整带来的国际分工格局的变化使得美国减少了对这些国家和地区的进口,增加了从中国的进口,从而韩、日等国对美国的贸易顺差呈下降态势,中美顺差连年攀升。4.中美贸易逆差具有较强的互补性中国具有比较优势的产品为劳动密集型产品,中国对美国的大量顺差来自货物贸易。而美国在服务贸易方面具有比较优势,是世界服务贸易最发达的国家,提供的服务以技术和知识密集型产业为主。5.对华的直接投资掩盖中美贸易逆差随着美国对华市场投资的不断向纵深发展,通过在华投资的子公司的出口而不是由美国直接对华出口将会造成美国对华出口数额的进一步减少。美国跨国公司把原本由本国生产或出口的大量商品及服务转化为海外子公司的巨额生产与出口,并相应地增加美国公司从其海外子公司对美国的进口,从而扩大了美国的“逆差”。6.统计方式的不同夸大双边贸易的不平衡在统计原则和统计方法上,中美双方应该基本是一致的。然而中美双方在贸易统计数据上存在着较大的差异,美国统计的来自中国的贸易逆差要远远大于中国统计的对美国的贸易顺差,而且之间的差额呈现不断扩大的态势。二、应对中美贸易逆差问题的对策探讨面对美国政府就中美贸易逆差问题频频向中国发难的现状,针对中美贸易逆差问题形成的主要原因,本文建议政府和企业可以采取以下几个相应的对策:1.调整对美贸易进出口结构,实施外贸多元化战略重视出口是中国对外贸易政策的特点之一。近年来, 中美贸易逆差日益加剧,尽管原因是多方面的,但中国政府很愿意通过改善对美贸易结构来缓解这种局面。与此同时,中国政府应进一步鼓励企业拓展出口市场。调整出口市场结构,实现市场多元化战略,重视发展与周边国家间的贸易关系,以减少对美国市场的依赖。2.与美国进行友好磋商,彻底解决最惠国待遇问题最惠国待遇是互惠的,不是单方面给予的恩赐,美国政府对这个纯属贸易领域的间题附加人权条件是没有道理的,现在是彻底解决最惠国待遇,从根本上改善中美经贸关系的时候了。充分发挥美国在华大公司、对华友好商会和华人团体的游说力量,以消弱美国国会内的反华势力和贸易保护主义倾向。3.建立贸易统计协调机制,统一贸易计算口径从上文分析中可以看出,关于双边贸易逆差额的统计,中美两国存在着巨大的差异。在转移贸易的前提下,进口以原产地标准统计的做法,是造成这种巨额差异的原因之一。中美在贸易统计数据上的差异性,也说明基于物质资源跨国流动的传统贸易统计,已不能真实、客观地反映当代国际贸易交往中各国的利益得失。只有树立综合涉外统计的观念,掌握全面可靠的涉外经济统计数据,进行科学的定量分析,才能准确地反映经济全球化时代各国间贸易的往来状况。4.利用WTO 争端解决机制,妥善处理贸易逆差问题WTO 机制的公平性、合理性和强制性,为解决中美贸易逆差问题提供一个稳定、公平和可预见的制度环境。这种制度环境的改善可以大大降低中美贸易交往中的风险。在中美因贸易逆差问题而产生纠纷时,尽量把握主动权,具体评价美国所设置的各种贸易壁垒,充分利用WTO 的贸易争端解决机制,维护中美贸易中中国的正当权益。同时中国政府应继续努力,如期履行对WTO 的各种承诺,按照W T O 规则进行对外贸易,以增强全球竞争力。5.促进美国进一步放宽对华出口技术限制在技术贸易领域,中国市场十分广阔,大有发展余地。放宽技术出口限制,进一步督促美国放弃高技术设备产品的管制,通过降低中国低附加值加工产品的出口比重,提高高技术贸易的进口比重,来缩小中美间的贸易逆差,将大大增加美国厂商在中国市场成功的机会,从而带动美国对华出口,降低美国对华贸易差额。6.中美高层沟通常规化,建立相应的对话机制往往由于贸易统计标准的差异、加工贸易的两面性、非贸易因素的影响,造成两国在贸易逆差方面的误解和分歧,使美国政府和国会在制定对华贸易政策、解决中美贸易逆差问题上,使中国处于不利的境地。针对这一情况,中国政府应主动出击,促进相互合作。中美两国高层次的沟通要常规化,并建立相应的对话机制,通过平等磋商和扩大合作来解决贸易逆差问题。


