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Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his son. Linton even says "... my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children. This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives don't know each other. This had happened between Isabella and Heathcliff. Isabella did not really know Heathcliff when she married him, but after she had married him she saw that Heathcliff was not a gentleman at all. To declare her feelings she wrote "Is Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil? I shan't tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married ..."(125). Another example of this is when Catherine married Edgar Linton. Although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, she thought having parties all the time was going to be fun. Yet, after a while, she became bored. She also realized that she loved Heathcliff more than Edgar and would always love Heathcliff.This enlightenment created separation between Edgar and Catherine during the final hours of Cathy's life. An additional marriage which was made that was doomed was the one between Catherine and Linton. Because this was a forced marriage, Cathy had not yet learned all she could about Linton.Because she did not know until after the marriage that Linton was selfish and inconsiderate, she became distressed and grew isolated in the house.These three failed marriages described in this novel show that knowing the person you will marry is very important.While these marriages took place, jealousy also took a hold in some relationships. One example of this is when Mr. Earnshaw starts to favor Heathcliff over his own son, Hindley. Because of this, Hindley becomes jealous of young Heathcliff and sets out to make Heathcliff's life a nightmare. Hindley's jealousy becomes evident when he says ,"... be damned you beggarly interloper! and wheedle my father out of all he has; only afterwards show him what you are, imp of Satan."(35). Jealousy was also found very notably in the relationship between Heathcliff and Edgar Linton. The jealousy between them is expressed when Heathcliff and Edgar start a hostile conversation after Cathy's homecoming at Christmas near the beginning of the book. As the story progresses these two become bitter enemies who will not speak to one another. Another relationship which jealousy ruined is the one between Hareton and Linton. These two become jealous of each other over Cathy's affections. This relationship ends as Hareton and Linton hating each other. These relationships show that jealousy can ruin a relationship very quickly. The housekeeper Ellen Dean, or we can call her Nelly, tells most of the story. She witnesses the life of the three-generations in the two families. She is a good storyteller but we mustn’t believe all of what she said. She always thinks and considers things in a simple way. She couldn’t understand the deep love between Catherine and Heathcliff. She thinks it is a kind of madness. She is a limited narrator. In a certain way, this helps readers to understand Heathcliff better because he has no chance to defend himself. An outsider will see the whole thing more clearly. However, we should pay more attention not to be affect by her opinions and try to find the truth between the lines. As a main character Catherine is a paradox. She is attracted by Linton but doesn’t love him. She knows that clearly but she marries Linton without listening to the call of her heart. Many critics believe that what makes her marry Linton is only his high social status and wealth. I think this comment is unfair. In fact, she folly thinks to marry Linton will help Heathcliff “to rise and place him out of my brother’s power.” Her decision ruins herself, Heathcliff and the two families. She has to endure serious suffering because she knows clearly she love Heathcliff whole-heartedly but can’t become his wife. She confesses to Nelly her own thoughts: “…I am Heathcliff—he’s always, always in my mind—not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself—but as my own being…” She loves Heathcliff because he is more like her than herself. His existence is natural to her for they are the same in nature. They could understand each other without obstacles. Talking about Heathcliff, he is an evil person but I admire him because his love and hate is straight. Everyone has a devil in his heart. The one in Heathcliff’s heart is especially strong. In spite of this, I believe and can read between the lines that Amily Bronte also has her favor to Heathcliff. She wants to tell us evil and love are deeply planted in everyone’s heart and it is human nature.

In 2002 will be implemented in three 10 X college entrance examination system. College entrance examination system in the reform of English teaching reforms. The key lies in establishing the class-based teaching system (1) listening and speaking. Against the status quo of poor listening and speaking ability of students to open every Monday of English listening and speaking sections. Use the latest teaching listening "to the future", "traveled the United States," "expect English," and other tapes, video tapes and newspapers, using advanced listening equipment in the classroom teaching through listening, speaking, dialogue, performances, lectures and other lively, interesting students heard about the form of training to improve the communication skills of students, training students in the level of oral expression, reversing the pre-existing "dumb-style" English teaching status quo. (2) the addition of extensive reading classes, the establishment of Foreign Language Reading Room. Although the new textbooks to read the current increased, but far from what is needed. In order to expand the scope of the students exposure to English, optional printing a variety of genres, subjects suitable for students to read the article. According to the requirements of content and reading test, teachers will be articles to classify each article in the post-coupled with an appropriate amount of reading comprehension questions. In order to broaden the teaching of English extension, so that extensive reading in English from the curricular and extra-curricular extension to the establishment of foreign language reading acquisition have been published in a variety of domestic suitable for high school students to read English books, will be in English Extensive Reading from the classroom extended to Yuelan Shi to further stimulate students interest in reading and initiative. Subscribe for students in English newspapers and magazines, the establishment of English specialty health system, at any time to give them an open reading rooms and study rooms. Teaching through extensive reading, students can not only consolidate the textbooks and the basics, but also can improve the self-learning ability to develop intelligence, reading to be fun. (3) The creation of writing classes. Poor writing skills for students in English and Chinese-style English sentences in the written expression of uncommon situation, the school can fully use my existing computer software, according to the new textbooks written request, step by step training on the students writing. "English written expression and training", will be Practical, descriptive text, description text and carry out the purpose of discussion, sub-level guidance training. Writing Course opened for the entrance examination is not merely to prepare for the written expression, but also enable students to learn a variety of English style of writing methods and techniques to meet the future requirements of the community of foreign language experts. (4) The implementation of the different levels of English teaching, the successful introduction of English classes and increase class. Students according to their actual English proficiency, the free selection of the successful lessons to enhance our lessons. School teachers to take a listing. The basis of less successful lessons where students can make up for deficiencies in knowledge and a good grasp of double-base implementation, to develop their own non-intellectual factors, promote the improvement of performance and enjoy the joy of success. The basis of good students can participate in improving the high level of English classes comprehensive training to promote their own standard of English to the "high, precision and advanced the" development and outline the task ahead of schedule to prepare for the contest. 2002年全国将实施3十X高考制度。高考制度在改革,英语教学改革势在必行。 关键在于建立各课型教学体系 (1)听说课。针对学生听说能力差的现状,开设每周一节次的英语听说课。选用最新听力教材“走向未来”,“走遍美国”,“希望英语”等录音带,录像带及报纸,利用先进的听音设备,在课堂教学中通过听,说,对话,表演,演讲等各种生动,有趣的形式对学生进行听说训练,提高学生的交际能力,训练学生的口语表达水平,扭转以前存在的“哑巴式”英语教学的现状。 (2)增设泛读课,建立外文阅览室。现行新教材尽管阅读量增加,但远远不能满足需要。为了扩大学生对英语的接触范围,可选印各种体裁,题材适于学生阅读的文章。根据内容和阅读测试的要求,教师将文章进行分类,在每篇文章后配以适量的阅读理解题。为了拓宽英语课堂教学的外延,使英语泛读由课内延伸到课外,建立外文阅览室,购置国内现已出版发行的各种适合中学生阅读的英语读物,将英语泛读由教室扩展到阅览室,进一步激发学生的阅读兴趣和主动性。为学生订阅英文报刊和杂志,建立英语特长生制度,随时给他们开放阅览室和自修室。通过泛读课教学,学生不仅能巩固课本中出现的基础知识,而且能提高自学能力,开发智力,从阅读中得到乐趣。 (3)开设写作课。针对学生英文写作能力差,中国式英语句子在书面表达屡见不鲜的状况,可充分利用我校现有的电脑软件,根据新教材写作要求,循序渐进地对学生进行写作训练。 “英语书面表达与训练”,将应用文,描写文,说明文和论述进行有目的,分层次的指导训练。开设写作课不仅仅是单纯为高考的书面表达做准备,也是让学生学会各种英语文体的写作方法与技巧,适应未来社会对外语人才的要求。 (4)实施英语分层次教学,开设英语成功课与提高课。学生可以根据自己的实际英语水平,自由挑选上成功课还是提高课。教师采取挂牌上课。基础较差的学生可以在成功课里弥补知识的缺陷,抓好双基落实,开发自己的非智力因素,促进成绩的提高,享受成功的喜悦。基础较好的学生可以参加提高班的较高水平的英语综合训练,促使自己的英语水平向“高,精,尖”发展,提前完成大纲任务并为竞赛作好准备。
















































Encouraging Buying Cars Isn’t Fit For Today


Nowadays, we can often hear the discussion whether buying cars should be encouraged. Some people suggest that we should buy cars. But others claim that driving cars is not a wise idea. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion.

To begin with, there are few parking lots, so the streets are made narrower by the cars parked along the roads. For example, my father could not find any place to park when we went to the supermarket.

Moreover, many drivers do not obey regulations, because people do not pay enough attention to the rule of traffic. For instance, I often see people cross the road when the traffic lights are still red.

Last but not least, the growth of new roads’construction is usually slower than the increasing number of cars. For example, the length of the road has gone up by 20% in 2002. However, the number of cars increased by 50% in the meantime.

From what have been discussed above, we could draw a conclusion that encouraging buying cars is not fit for today.

as far as I am concerned 就我看

in favor of 赞成

to begin with 首先

for example =for instance 例如

moreover 并且

last but not least 其次

in the meantime 同时draw a conclusion 得出结论


The Good and Bad Sides of Setting off Firecrackers


Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about our discussion we had on the afternoon of last Wednesday about the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers during the Spring Festival. 20 boy and 20 girl students attended the discussion. As a result, 40% of them believe that setting off firecrackers certainly adds pleasure and joy to the festival, therefore, it is a wonderful tradition. But another 40% of the students think that setting off firecrackers causes air and noise pollution, and what’s worse, it sometimes causes terrible accidents to us and to our property. The other 20% have never thought about it or don’t care a bit.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers


as a result 结果

It is a wonderful tradition. 它是一个优良传统。

what’s worse 更糟的是

think about 想起,想到




There are too many disabled people in the world. They have no differences from country to country. Some of them were disabled when they were born, the others were injured or hurt in all kinds of accidents, which made them disabled. Almost all of us feel sorry for them. We commiserate with them because they are another kind of people. But some disabled people refuse others’commiseration. They think they can do everything by themselves. They don’t consider themselves as people who have defects. They think they are the same as normal people.

In fact, a great number of people with disabilities should be taken care of by others. They get help from the government or some beneficent organizations in society. But that’s not enough. They must look after themselves on their own. When a baby with disabilities is born, it should be taught to learn some particular skills to live. Or else, it would fail in the future. So one with disabilities must have abundant confidence to fit the hard life without others’help.

too many disabled people 太多残疾人

commiserate with them 同情他们

consider themselves as 把自己当作……

the same as 和……同样

taken care of 照看,照顾

look after themselves on their own 自己照顾自己

or else 否则in the future 将来


20世纪中后期,教师素质研究已成为国际教师 教育 改革的趋势,受到许多国家的重视,有关教师素质研究的课题已成为国内外研究的 热点 。下面是我为大家推荐的初中英语教师教育论文,供大家参考。

初中英语教师教育论文 范文 一:初中英语教学如何与教师的德业兼修相统一

目前英语课程改革正在全国轰轰烈烈地开展着,英语课标对英语课程价值的认识体现了更多的人文精神,即 学习英语 是人的发展的一部分;而且新课程标准把语言知识和语言机能有机地结合起来,使英语课程中的内容体系更全面。课改均立足于学生角度,以学生为本,以学生的发展为本。此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授以及改变忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活 经验 来发展学生的综合语言运用能力。在这样的课改要求下,要想达到这样的要求,我们英语教师就必须加强自己专业的发展,提高自身的素质。我打算从以下几个方面做起,达到个人专业发展规划。



例如,为了把新世纪英语 八年级 上册第三单元第二课《What animal are you 》这一课上好,我做了大量的准备,先从网上找了中国生肖的十二个动物的图片,利用演示文稿的形式,向学生们展示了这十二种动物及它们的特性,学生们很快掌握了这些动物的英语说法,接着我先联系自己, 说说 自己属什么动物及特性,学生一听,非常感兴趣,纷纷联系自己涌跃发言,最后再进行课文分析。课后学生们都觉得这篇课文不但有趣而且很容易学,这在无形中提高了他们对英语的兴趣。

同时,我在英语教学中还坚持用英语来看图说文,讲解课文,讲 故事 ,以及对一些日常生活的描述,让同学们感觉到是在听一种语言,这种语言包含着思想情感的流露,人文的点缀,历史的回顾,而不是听一个单词、一个 句子 。这样做的目的就是为了让学生最终也会“说英语”。我除了坚持在课堂上说英语外,还要求学生也能开口。我在课堂教学中认真备课给每一个学生一个topic让他学会开口,由浅入深由简到繁,在具 体操 作过程中要求学生不要怕讲错,学生只要开口了,就会像决堤的河水,汹涌澎湃。我还鼓励学生准备一些英语小品在课堂上演出,让他们有成就感,反过来推进 英语学习 。

二、课堂 教学 方法 多样化,使学生长久保持英语学习的浓厚兴趣,不断提高自身的思想道德修养。

学高为师,身正为范。学生的模仿能力很强。教师的行为对学生群体规范起着导向作用,学生群体成员往往自发地以教师的思想行为为参照而形成群体规范。因此教师要自觉加强师德修养,努力钻研业务,言行一致,艰苦朴素,文明礼貌,助人为乐。认真学习教师职业道德规范要求;努力提高自身 文化 知识水平和专业素养;并且在学校、家庭、社会积极进行道德实践。热爱工作,热爱学生,团结同事,虚心学习。


在学习词汇时,插入英语 谚语 或格言。例如在学到 “lack”一词时,我灵机一动想起了一个英语 成语 :“If you lack health, you lack everything.” 自己故意说得很快,学生觉得跟 绕口令 一样,就模仿了起来,自己趁热打铁又说了另一句“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”让同学们猜出这两个成语的意思,瞬间同学们的精神来了,学习的积极性也高涨起来了,一节英语课在欢悦的气氛中结束了,同学们仍然意犹未尽,而从此在班里也掀起了一个学习英语谚语和格言的小高潮。这也是逐渐改变学生厌学英语的一个良好 渠道 。 同时,在学习词汇时还可以用演示文稿。例如:在教《新世纪》英语六年级上册What are your favorite food and drinks? 这一课中,我先在网上找了一些平时生活中易碰到的食物和饮料的图片,利用演示文稿展示给学生看,让他们了解食物和饮料的英语说法,同时引出本课要学的词汇,通过图片展示,学生很快掌握了这些词汇。另外根据以上提供的食物和饮料,让学生联系生活,想一想自己喜爱的食品,编对话。然后,抽两个学生到讲台上来表演,其他学生进行评比、打分。依此类推,要求每组尽量说出不一样的食品。这样,不但让学生开了口,活跃了课堂气氛,而且提高了学生学习英语的积极性。本课的单词能很快记住,学习效果也明显。

在课文阅读时,通过背景知识介绍、问题设置等方法, 激发学生阅读的兴趣。然后,与同学们讨论实际生活相关的话题,或利用ppt幻灯片、实物,加深对阅读背景的了解,以此把同学们带入一定的意境。例如,学习七年级第二课课文《A Healthy Diet》,课文的引入可以出示一些特肥胖的中学生的照片,列举班级或学校较超重的同学为例,讨论肥胖是否影响他们的正常生活、讨论致使他们肥胖的饮食生活原因并给他们提一些建议。这样一来课文里Kate超重、生活饮食习惯、医生忠告她进行节食等内容就不会再陌生了。再对课文进行透彻的分析,理解 文章 的基本框架结构以及其中的知识结构,然后举一反三以点带面,同学们就能理解课文的深刻内涵。在此教学过程当中,对于语言基础知识的讲解要精,以点带面,腾出时间多读多练。课文操练必不可少,这有利于培养学生进一步理解并融会贯通。在对课文整体理解的基础上采取“正误判断”、“挖空填词” 等形式来理解细节,让学生自己出题,互问互答,加深理解。同时鼓励学生创新运用,培养自己的自主能力,发挥他们的能动性;另一方面以这种有趣的方式吸引学生对阅读的兴趣,进而培养他们的语感和阅读能力。(举的例子可能不在你的教学范围内,你可以换一个例子)

写 作文 时,先让同学做(Oral composition)口头作文,在每次课前的10分钟 (Ten---minute talk)的活动中讲一遍,然后以书面的方式写出来,由教师统一批改。用这样的方法上课,大多数学学生都有表演机会,都在积极思考,既学了语言知识,又培养了思维、理解和运用英语的能力,还能更进一步激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。


对课后语法练习 (Grammar Exercises) 采用讨论的方法,让学生在独立完成的基础上提出问题,大家讨论,相互促进。有些英译汉内容让学生轮流做在黑板上,做得好的给与表扬。我则对普遍性的错误给与重点讲解,使学生明白错误的原因。


三、开展丰富多彩的活动,寓教于乐开展丰富多彩的学英语活动,调动学生学习的积极性,能培养和发掘他们各方面的潜力。如课前3——5分钟Daily speech/report,课文中的对话表演,将有趣的课文编为短剧,话题 辩论 、演讲比赛、书法比赛、英语晚会等都是行之有效的,都能锻炼口、笔、语表达能力及思维创造力。教师还应注意因材施教,既面向全体又区别对待,分类指导,让优等生“吃得饱”,中等生“吃得好”,特别是让后进生“吃得了”,多给他们提供成功的机会,让他们体验成功的喜悦,从而树立学好英语的信心和勇气,培养学习兴趣。

同时,我还注意使学生在日常学习中许多不能独立解决的问题,通过集体活动的互动、互助得到解决。在这样的课堂上,学生不仅主动高效地获取知识,还可充分感受到成功的乐趣,且最大限度展现学习者学习的潜能。例如:例如,六年级新世纪英语第二单元第二课《School Rules》,这一课要求学生,把学习校纪校规的活动与英语语法祈使句的学习结合起来,让学生归纳和练习用祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式。为此,我在英语拓展课上开了一个以《校规》为主题的英语课外活动。首先,我让学生们写一些他们所了解的校规,然后我再进行概括和归纳,再联系课文和自己学校的校规,让学生们把它们改成祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式。最后,我进行了 总结 :作为一位中学生,应遵守校纪校规。


新课程针对过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生提高搜集和处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力,分析和解决问题的能力,以及交流与合作的能力。这就要求我们教师必须传授给学生学习的方法,而非简单的答案。我决定认真学习《新课程标准》、《小学英语新课程教学法》、《教育新理念》、《给教师的一百条新建议》《新课程理念下的创新教学设计》等教育教学理论书籍,做到课余时间认真阅读,及时做好笔记,同时写好 心得体会 ,领悟其中的精华,使理论在头脑中形成影像,并将其实践于课堂,促进新课程的发展,使其发挥最大效力。



摘 要: 德育是我国全面发展教育的一个重要组成部分,英语教师不仅担负着传授知识、培养能力、挖掘潜力的智育任务,而且肩负着塑造灵魂、陶冶情趣、促进学生全面发展的德育重任。,所以英语教师除了肩负着向学生传授最基本的英语知识和基本技能的重任以外,还肩负着培养学生健康的思想、坚强的意志、良好的性格和高尚的品德以及对学生进行最基本的道德理念的任务。努力发掘教材内外蕴含的德育因素,结合教学内容和特点,进行卓有成效的德育渗透。那么具体到中学英语课堂上应该如何完成素质教育的目标呢?本文就该问题进行了探析。




《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》和《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》开宗明义地指出:“外国语是学习文化科学知识、获取世界各方面知识和进行国际交往的重要工具。特别是英语,日益成为我国对外开放和与各国交往的重要工具。” 这句话突出强调了英语所具有的工具性特点,那么作为一门语言英语还具有知识性、文学性和思想性,在素质教育被高扬的今天,把英语学科的思想性放在突出位置,注重学生的思想道德品质的培养,这与英语的工具性并不是互相孤立的两个方面,而是一个有机的统一整体。

(一)英语是一种传递和交流信息的媒介,具有丰富的思想内涵。语言是思维的外化,也是信息和思想的主要载体,语言构成于字意、词意、句意,语言并不是一个空外壳,而是包含了丰富的思想内容。中学英语教材中的文章材料尽管具有不同的时代背景,但都是一定的语言形式和思想观念的统一体,语言形式是文章所包含的思想内容的外在表现方式之一。所以这就必然要求中学英语老师,不管采用何种教学手段、何种教学方式和方法,都要严格按照教学大纲的要求把文章的思想贯穿到教学过程当中去,同时在英语教学过程中,老师自身的价值观和世界观也在无形中融入到对学生的言传身教过程当中。在英语教学课堂上,老师的一言一行无不是思想的外化和表达,所以学生在课堂上所获取的英语知识具有丰富的思想性。另外利用英语学科来进行教育,还具有“中西合璧”的独特优势。英语是学生了解西方文化和生活方式的窗口,一部经典的英文电影、一首流传久远的英文歌曲、一首脍炙人口的英文诗、一部引人入胜的英文小说都能不同程度的激发中学生学习英语的兴趣,在信息化高度发达的当今社会,英语教师必然会把先进的多媒体教学设备应用到英语教学过程当中,开阔学生的视野是必要的,这对完成英语教学目标具有积极的影响。但是不能因小失大,高扬“育德”的大旗也是必不可缺的手段,时刻不能忘记对爱国主义教育和中华民族优良 传统文化 的继承和发展,并且要学会吸收西方文化中的精华。

(二)英语是 人际交往 和拓展的手段,具有实践性。一门外语的习得是学习者母语和外语 思维方式 和表达方式的转换,其语法结构和词汇学习必然受到母语的影响。另外,不同国家民族还有着生活习惯和行为方式的差异,这就意味着,要想精通和掌握一门外语,反复的练习和实践是不可缺少的方法之一。正如要想学会 游泳 就必须下到水里是同一个道理。基本的英语技能包括:流利的 英语口语 能力、较高的 英语听力 能力、畅通的读懂英文材料能力、流畅的英文写作能力、运用自如的英汉互译能力,而每项能力的获取都必须通过反复的磨练实践才能成为个人内在素质。重复的练习是枯燥和乏味的,这就必须要求英语老师充分发挥其引领和导航作用:树立学生克服困难的勇气;调动学生学习的积极性和主动性;培养学生独立学习和战胜学习过程中困难的能力。当学生面临着中西文化或者价值观念的冲突时,英语老师还应该站在保护祖国文化、继承传统美德的立场上对学生进行正确的思想教育。

(三)英语是包罗万象的美感海洋,给予我们的是美的享受。英语教材中包含了题材各异的学习素材,囊括了文质兼备并具有各种美感形态的 散文 、诗歌以及涉及到社会各个领域的实用性的文章,其中有令人身临其境的自然美,有令人心旷神怡的艺术美,也有令人如浴春风的道德美等。所以英语学习的过程,也就是对美的感知和享受的过程,英语教师就应该充分的挖掘美、辨别美、升华美,以达到完善学生品性素质的教学目的。其实在“英语世界”里并不缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛,所以英语教师必须教会学生获得“慧眼”的学习能力。正如授人之“鱼”,不如授人之“渔”。每读一篇经典的英语文章,都是一次心灵的洗礼和人生的启迪。同时,读一篇英语美文就会是一次遨游“美”的海洋精神享受和人生感悟的升华。 由此可见,英语教学绝不仅仅是教会学生掌握英语技能的简单过程,更重要的是,它通过具有思想性和美感性的教学素材潜移默化的影响学生情感、志趣和个人品格的形成,使学生形成正确的世界观、价值观,以便于他们能正确的认识世界,最终沉积为学生精深层面最有价值的财富,那就是关于人生和价值的深思。教育的最终目的不是仅仅把学生当做“知识袋”,而是把知识转化为学生的个人能力和潜在的素质,而道德素质又是一个高水平高素质人才必不可缺少的能力之一。所以在培养学生的过程中,我们必然要把“德育”放在各科教学过程中的统帅地位,让“德育”引领我们的教学目的和方向,这完全符合我国的“科教兴国”战略。



(一)在英语教学观念和教学过程中缺失了德育。刘润清教授认为:“外语教学的根本目的不是传授语法知识,而是培养交际能力;学习者产生的语言不仅要符合语法,而且要符合社会规范,要合情合理,贴切得体”。 这与英语教学的培养目标:培养较强的英语语言综合应用能力,又具备较好的道德素养的高素质人才是一致的。而目前的英语教学现状是:英语教学只注重“功利化”的智力教育,这必然导致学生成为英语知识的奴隶,缺乏自主、自立的健全个性,并且造成英语课和德育课的严重脱节,形成两张皮的教学局面,这与素质教育理念背道而驰。在这种缺失德育的英语教学过程中,英语教师以崇拜的态度传授西方文化和价值观念,“对于外语教学过程中夹带或传播大量的西方思想与价值观,相当多的教师与学生一味盲从,不加以鉴别” 例如:在当今的校园,学生热衷于西方的“情人节”和“ 圣诞节 ”,相反却冷淡于中国的传统节日“ 中秋节 ”、“ 端午节 ”。

(二)在英语教学内容上缺失德育。德育之魂要想统帅英语教学课堂主要靠的是教师对课本素材内容所包含的德育内容挖掘和深化,使学生在学习课文时,潜移默化的把正确的思想观念和道德规范内化为学生的政治诉求和价值取向。“学习生活中的德育主要是教育内容的渗透而产生的教育影响” 然而现在的改版后的中学教材力求英语课文的原汁原味。虽然学习地道的语言材料的动机是好的,但是它会对我们所倡导的核心价值观造成不利的影响,成为西方国家向我国渗透资本主义意识形态的工具,形成学生信仰危机的局面。所以,我们在选择英语素材时,首先,要注重文章的思想内涵和教育意义,又要考虑所选文章的趣味性和可模仿性。其次,要从我国的国情出发并且立足中华民族的传统文化为基点,以社会主义核心价值观和社会主义道德规范为尺度,在知识的海洋里甄别出满足我国中学教学需要的经典实用的英语文章。


(一)立足中学统编教材,寻找英语知识和德育知识的最佳结合点。英语教师必须认真备课,深刻领会课文素材背后的德育内涵。以英文知识为载体,以传授英语基本知识为途径,确立明确的德育目标。例如:通过《good fridends》一文的讲解,让学生明白“a friend in need is a friend indeed ”的深刻道理,从而树立起了学生的正确的交友观;学习了《The milu deer》一文后,学生应该体会到当今社会所面临的严重生态危机,从而积极主动的参加保护环境的活动当中。并且深刻理解我门国家所倡导的“和谐社会”理念的价值。


(三)提高教师的职业素质,发挥教师的师表榜样导向作用。教育家加里宁指出:“教师的世界观,他的言行,他的生活,他对每一现象的态度都这样或那样影响着全体学生。” 教师应该充分发挥自己为人师表的表帅作用,用正确的价值观去引导学生;用愉快的情绪去感染学生;用端庄的举止和谦逊的语气来形成民主平等、友善、活跃的课堂气氛;用文明的课堂用语,比如“please”、“excuse me”、 “thanks”来建立师生之间互相尊重、理解、融洽的感情交流渠道。教师彬彬有礼的举止是对学生最好的教育,这不仅提高了学生对英语学习的热情,还对学生讲文明礼貌习惯的培养起到了潜移默化作用。


初中阶段是英语教学的重要阶段,这一时期打牢英语根基,学生今后才有可能学好英语;如果这一时期学不好英语,学生今后更学不好英语;同时教师在英语教学中起着重要的作用。下文是我为大家整理的关于初中英语教师论文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 初中英语教师论文篇1 试探初中英语渗透 文化 摘 要:语言与文化互相影响,互相作用,理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言。文化是形形色色的,语言也是多种多样的。语言是文化的基石――没有语言,就没有文化;从另一个方面看,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。 关键词:初中;英语;渗透;文化 语言是交际的工具,语言教学的最终目的就是为了能在生活中交流,运用。而交际能力的核心就是使学生能够运用所学语言在不同场合中对不同对象进行有效的,得体的交际。不同国家,民族之间的文化有着很大的差异,交际失败往往因文化误解而引起的,而忽视社会文化差异的言辞不当就更让人接受不了。因此在英语教学中,教师帮助学生认识中西文化差异,正确地理解中西语言差异,是教学中必不可少的。 一、语言与文化相互作用 语言是文化的一部分,语言又受文化的影响。有些社会学家认为,语言是文化的基石――没有语言,就没有文化;从另一个方面看,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。可以说, 语言反映一个民族的特征,它不仅包含着该民的历史和文化背景,而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和 思维方式 。语言与文化互相影响,互相作用,理解语言必须了解文化, 理解文化必须了解语言。文化是形形色色的,语言也是多种多样的。由于文化和语言上的差别。 互相了解不是一件容易的事,不同文化间的交流常常遇到困难。 学习一种外语不仅要掌握语音、语法、词汇和习语 而且还要知道择这种语言的人如何看待事物,如何观察世界;要了解他们如何用他们的语言来反映他们社会的思想、习惯、行为;要懂得他们的“心灵之语言”,即了解他们社会的文化。实际上,学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化是分不开的。语言是文化的一部分,并对文化起着重要作用。有些社会学家认为,语言是文化的基石――没有语言,就没有文化;从另一个方面看,语言又受文化的影响,反映文化。 因此,语言不仅仅是一套符号系统,人们的语言表现形式更受语言赖以存在的社会文化的制约和影响。文化内涵是语言交际的具体内容,文化意识是语言交际的思维基础不了解语言背后的文化,只是形式,而不注意语言的内涵,就不可能真正掌握这种语言。 二、语言于文化相互渗透 (1)语言教学有助于避免文化交际中出现 “文化错误”。为什么西方的笑话,在中国笑不起来?为什么在中国广为传颂的传统美德“谦虚”,在西方则被认为是无能的表现?在东方,更强调集体表现和集体主义精神,在西方,则强调个人表现和个性张扬,他们认为, 不愿显露自己才华的人,是不可思议的和奇怪的。以上问题的症结,归根到底是文化差异问题。在跨文化交际过程中,经常出现的文化错误主要表现在称呼方面、 问候语 方面、对赞扬的反应方面、谈论的话题、词语以及文化内涵方面的差异等。 (2)文化教学有助于英语语言知识的学习。美国 教育 家斯宾赛提倡“快乐教育”,要尽量激励学生的学习兴趣,带着快乐的情绪去学习知识变求知为一件快乐的事。轻松愉快的课堂气氛,师生情感的融合,就能激励起学生对 英语学习 的浓厚兴趣,积极主动地参与教学活动,学生获得情感的满足,从而更好的完成学习目标。因此,适时适量渗透文化知识教育, 尤其是跨文化交际中需要注意的知识 ,恰是调动气氛的良好工具。 (3)文化教学有助于提高学生的文化素养。在英语教学中渗透有关西方的文化知识,不仅可以使学生接受异国的文化,还可以在进行文化对比的同时,对本国文化有更深刻地理解,从而形成正确得体的交际,培养学生的世界文化意识,并能有意识地提高自身的交际能力。 三、语言中如何渗透文化 1.课堂教学渗透文化 毫无疑问,课堂教学是跨文化意识培养的主要途径,教师要通过课堂讲解渗透英语国家的文化。 (1)充分利用现代教育技术和多媒体教学手段在教材授课过程中,利用现代教育技术和多媒体教学手段,制作出精美的课件让学生能够直观地感受到异国文化。通过制作一些相关的 PPt /flash,或是观看一些英语原声电影,动画片或是科普短片,不但能使学生更多地了解英语国家的文化,学到更多的科学文化知识,而且能增强学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生的语言学习,提高对异国文化的认知与欣赏。 (2)引导学生就同一主题进行中西比较。在教授校本教材过程中,可以引导学生就同一主题进行比较,如食品、习俗、节日等,从而加深对异国文化的理解。大的主题如节日 ―― 春节 和 圣诞节 ,将这两个重大的节日进行比较, 师生间的活动可以通过问答进行When's Christmas Day/Spring Festival? What do people usually do on Christmas Day/ at Spring Festival? Which do you like better? Why? 把西方的传统节日和中国的传统节日进行比较,一方面可以使学生加深对知识点的掌握,另一方面能是他们体会不同的文化差异。 2.课外活动渗透文化 文化的学习不应只限于课内,课堂外的文化教学也是一个很好的延续和补充,它能为学习者提供一个从量变到质变的过程。 具体 方法 为: (1)指导学生阅读有代表性的外国文学作品。文学作品是 传统文化 的积累,也是文化的精华部分。如《百万英镑》《双城记》《项链》等。 (2)编写系统地介绍文化知识的阅读材料。尽可能搜集一些目的语国家的政治、经济、社会、科技、艺术、习俗、历史、地理等各方面的材料,力求通过大量的阅读让学习者在不知不觉中增加自己的文化含量。如在平时的课外阅读中,让学生正确理解 big brother( 地面塔台的跟踪雷达), brain drain(人才流失), rain check(雨票, 即球赛因雨中断, 留给下次继续使用的原票票根)等这些跨文化背景知识。 总之,学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化是分不开的。英语教学不仅是帮助学生掌握语言基本技能的过程,更是一个引导他们理解目的语文化、提高文化素养、培养跨文化交际能力的过程。 因此在今后的中学英语教学中我们应该贯彻语言教学与文化教学同步的原则, 在教学中有意识地向学生渗透文化教学,使我国的英语教学适应社会发展的需求,从而促进英语教学的发展。 初中英语教师论文篇2 浅析初中英语情景教学 摘 要: 教学方法 新颖又富有启发性,可激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生感到有趣、有味、有奇、有惑。 关键词:初中英语;情景教学 兴趣是最好的老师。教学方法新颖又富有启发性,可激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生感到有趣、有味、有奇、有惑。英语教学中,巧用情景教学法不失为一条锦囊妙计。创设情景的方法很多,结合笔者多年来的教学实践,从课堂教学和课外教学两方面着手, 总结 如下: 一、初中情景教学法的提出 语言是一种社会现象,人类语言学家都强调语言和它的社会环境的联系性和不可分离性。人脑对客观情景的反映用语言记载下来,所以语言是客观环境的反映。人们运用语言进行交际活动时,离不开社会语言情景。 在英语教学过程中,学生只有在真实的语言情景或模拟的情景中才能更好地组织思维,理解具体情景中所传递的信息和语言材料,触景生情,激发表达思想的欲望,从而促进培养运用英语理解和表达思想的能力。而情景教学法可以激发学生学习激情,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,促成学生智力因素和非智力因素的发展,从而从整体上正确理解和运用语言。 二、初中情景教学法的概述和意义。 情景,即:(具体场合的)情形、景象。所谓的情景教学就是根据教学内容为学生创造出一种和谐的语言环境,并通过教师本人的语言、动作、表情及姿态传递给学生,从而以情激情,以情促知,以情育人,实现知与情的统一、优化,最终达到激发学生学习的兴趣。情景教学法的特色是言、行、情三者融为一体,其核心是激发学生的情感,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解和获取知识或技能,并使学生心理机能得到发展的方法。 情景教学法在英语教学中的作用主要体现在以下几个方面: 1、情景教学使语言更直观,贴近学生生活和思维方式,激发学生自主学习兴趣,在学习和掌握课本知识的同时,活跃课堂学习气氛,达到学以致用的目的; 2、情景教学设计的内容一般可选用课外相关内容,拓展学生的知识面,根 据不同个体的 爱好 兴趣,自主选择不同内容; 3、情景教学对英语掌握程度不同的学生创造了一个平等的语言交流的舞台。在教学过程中,很多问题的提出没有唯一的答案,可以让每个学生都得到能力发挥的机会,谈自己的观点和见解,调动学生的学习积极性。 三、初中情景教学法的策略 1、培养学习兴趣 “兴趣是一个人倾向于认识和研究某种事物的一种心理活动,是学生求知的富有生气的内动力,是学习动机中最活跃的因素。”“兴趣是最好的的老师”,只有激发学生的学习兴趣,才能提高他们的学习动机,让他们积极踊跃地参与到课堂中来,才能使课堂气氛活跃,并且提高他们 学习英语 的自信心。 据调查发现,一个学校有一半多的学生对英语不感兴趣,特别是乡村中学。为什么会出现这种情况呢?有些学生是觉得单词量太多,背了又忘,忘了又背,花了很多的时间去对付单词,可是考出的成绩又不理想,后来干脆不去背单词。 还有些学生觉得上英语课特别枯燥乏味,教师只知道满堂灌,根本不管学生接受与否,而学生只是带着耳朵来,充当一名速记员,不能参与到课堂中来。这样的课堂气氛相当沉闷,导致学生对英语失去了兴趣。因此如何让学生积极地、踊跃地参与到课堂中来呢?这时情景教学便适应这种趋势,它能使学生积极地、主动地参与到课堂中来,让学生由“要我学”,转为“我要学”,学习英语变为了一件快乐的事情。 2、创设真实情景 英语教学本身就是一个真实的情景。教师从走进教室的那一刻起,直到课堂教学结束,离开教室为止,就是一个自然的、真实的、生动的、丰富多彩的语言交际情景。因此,教师要充分利用这个英语教学的真实情景,尽量用英语组织教学,把单纯传授知识的课堂转换为使学生自然习得语言的场所,体现学生的主体性。如教师进教室时,亲切地与同学们进行如下交谈,提供给学生一个真实的语言实践的机会。T:“Hello, boys and girls.”Ss:“Hello, Miss Cai.”T:“How are you, ×××.”S1:“Fine, thank you, and you?”T:“I’m OK. What about you, ×××.”S2:“I’m not very well.”T:“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter?”S2:“I have a cold.”T:“Oh, I think you’d better go to see the doctor after school.”S2:“OK. Thank you.”在这亲切的交谈中,教师纯正的母语式的教学和亲切的师生间的互动活动,使学生乐于用英语进行交际。 把英语课堂变成一个师生间,生生间进行交际的语言环境。在这种环境中,学生自然而然地产生了了解这种语言的欲望和用这种语言与他人交际的意识,且日积月累,学生对语言的感知也愈来愈深。又如: 八年级 上M5 Unit 1 You like western classical music ,don’t you ?先播放了一首著名的歌曲 “The Blue Danuble ”,这时学生被轻松优雅的乐曲所吸引,会唱的学生还跟着节奏轻轻的哼了起来,之后我说:We all enjoyed this music. It’s so nice and some of us can even sing,but do you know who sang this song?有些知道的学生就说Strauss. 接着教师问:Where did he come from?知道的同学争先恐后的回答,然后再播放几首曲子,问他们是属于那种类型的音乐,西方的还是传统的,各种类型音乐的特点是什么?自然而然的将学生进入了新的课程的学习。 3、进行直观情景 以图画、 简笔画 图画、简笔画与动作,进行直观情景教学,使学生眼看实物,耳听声音,这样不仅使教学具体生动,而且能激发学生的学习兴趣。如教七年级上Unit2 Topic2 Section C,上课之前,让每个同学准备好三样物品:最喜欢的体育明星的照片、国旗(图片)以及他们国家著名建筑或自然风光的图片。上完课后,让学生用这些物品两个一组进行问答,介绍中要包括句型:What’s his/her name? His/Her name is---. Where is he/she from? He/She is from ---.这样,学生不仅掌握了课堂知识,而且了解了一些课外知识,让学生对英语越来越感兴趣。 采用简笔画教学,同样能让学生对英语不厌烦。例如七年级上Unit1 Topic3 Section B,我用简笔画进行教学,在教学课程中,我边画边问,T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a car.或是让学生到黑板前画简笔画,并且边画边让他问。这样,不仅学生学习了日常用语,而且学到了一些简笔画的知识,培养了他们动口和动手的能力。 初中英语教师论文篇3 浅谈初中 英语阅读 课七步教学 初中英语新教材、新大纲中规定,初中英语教学要突出培养学生的运用能力,2013年中考明显增加了阅读理解的题量,初一、初二教材增加了阅读课课量。由此可见,如何提高学生的阅读能力,在课堂上如何渗透培养学生阅读能力,综合听、说、读、写训练,提高课堂教学效率,是广大英语教师努力追求的方向。 近几年来许多英语教学书籍,把培养学生阅读能力作为英语阅读课课堂教学的重要目标,在课堂教学中突出对学生学法指导,体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用。我在多年的教学实践中,归纳出英语阅读课七步教学法,即:预学、导学、听读、设疑、复述、解难、查测。 一、预学 在教学课文前,要求学生做好 课前预习 ,借助词典、单词表或有关资料,能对 文章 内容有大概的了解,初步完成Workbook中所给出的问题,能整体把握作者的思路和文章结构,不懂的字词句让学生在预习时划出来,留到课堂上或课后解决。把这一课前预习,作为提高阅读课教学效率的第一步,不无原因,新大纲中明确要求学生要有一定的预习能力,且学生预习效果的好坏直接影响课堂教学的效率。坚持要求学生课前预习不但可以提高他们的预习能力,而且可以提高他们的听课效率。并且每篇新学课文就是一篇典型的阅读训练题,坚持预习可增强学生的阅读能力。 二、导学 在教学整篇文章前,教师把整篇文章浓缩成一段精彩的片段,把重点的词组、 句子 ,溶入其中,通过现有的教学工具,如挂图、幻灯等媒体,展现出文章的基本 故事 形象。通过教师的介绍和师生之间的双边活动,把整个故事梗概及重点的语言点呈现出来,并作适当的板书,把握课文重点,为下面进一步理解课文奠定了基础。导学是一堂课的开始,“良好的开始是成功的一半”,导学部分,教师不能忽视,教师应精心设计,引人入胜,要把学生带入特定的意境,激发学生的好奇心,激起学生的求知欲望,提高学生的听课质量。 三、听读 学生在初步感知整篇文章内容后,让学生进行听的练习,在听之前可以提一、二个问题,问题要有代表性,要让学生听完整篇文章后才能得出答案,这样既培养了学生的听力,又培养了学生的整体理解力。如果文章比较长,可以选择部分重点段落,给学生听。听完后,核对答案,朗读课文。朗读课文可视学生理解情况作不同的要求,可以是模仿性跟读,也可以是学生集体朗读或分组阅读,或个体练读。在读的过程中要做到口、眼、耳、脑同时并用,提高记忆能力。另外,还应注意语气、神态,要通过朗读做到心领神会。 四、设疑 学生听读后,已经对文章有了进一步的理解,这时要求学生默读文章,解决教师精心设计或练习册中设计的T/F判断题或问答题。在设计问题时应注意这几点:①先易后难;②先理解后拓展;③先浅后深,兼顾两头。通过设疑检查学生对文章的理解程度,了解学生是否把握文章的中心、重点。 五、复述 复述课文是阅读课课堂教学的升华,是培养学生组织语言连贯表达的重要训练手段之一,通过复述对所学文章有更深层次的理解,变文章中的语言为自己的语言。会说才会写,坚持复述,既培养了学生的理解能力,又培养了学生的口头表达能力。复述的方法多种多样,如视图复述法、列表复述法、问题连结复述法、课文概要复述法、缩扩复述法、变更复述法等,在课堂教学中应注意不断交换复述方式;多种形式混合交替使用,不让学生感到单调乏味,增强课堂教学兴趣。 六、解难 所谓解难,就是指英语课堂教学中排忧解难的过程,是强化重点,突破难点的必经之路。解难的形式大体有两种,一种是由教师提出文章中较难理解的语言点,由学生思考、讨论,然后解答;另一种是学生将预习时或经过课堂教学后还有疑惑的问题提出来,由学生提出,师生共同讨论解答。这一过程可以培养学生的思维能力,培养他们在学习中发现问题、解决问题的本领,便于教师及时发现学生在学习过程中存在的问题。在这一过程中,要充分发挥教师的指导作用,精讲精练,点拨到位,启发学生思维,节省课堂时间,扩大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。 七、查测 这一步骤主要是检查学生课堂学习的效果,了解学生掌握情况,及时反馈教学信息。查测内容一般是课文教学中的重要语言点,也可以是拓展性问题。查测形式可以是口答、也可以是笔试。用不同的方式检查学生还有哪些知识没有掌握,哪些知识没有完善需要补充或提高,进而尽量达到优化课堂教学的目的。 使用阅读课文七步教学法进行阅读学习有以下几个优点: 1.遵循“整体--部分--整体”的教学原则,可以使学生整体理解文章,保证内容的完整性、连续性。 2.能把听、说、读、写综合地运用到课堂教学中,调动学生各个器官协调活动,使之更好地学习语言。 3.把一个课时分为几个阶段教,让学生由易到难,由浅入深地阅读、理解文章,使之用脑更科学,记忆最有效。 4.各个环节,井井有条,环环相扣,相辅相成,使学生感到从语言输入到语言输出,既自然又顺理成章,从而克服畏惧心理,调动学生学习积极性,提高课堂教学效率。 5.充分体现英语实践课的特点,更好地显示学生的主体地位、教师的指导作用,改变以教代学的满堂灌局面,重视学生学习的全过程。 6.重视了学生的学法指导,培养了学生的运用能力,激发了学生学习兴趣,提高了学生的阅读能力,使之在阅读中获得无穷乐趣。 总之,英语阅读课教学方法、教学模式多种多样,教无定法,只要能在教学中充分体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用,重视学生的学法指导,打破固定的思维模式,培养学生的阅读能力,这样的教学方法与教学模式都是值得提倡的,教师应在教学中不断地摸索,完善自己的教法,把创新观念运用于教学中,提高课堂教学效率。 猜你喜欢: 1. 初中英语教师论文 2. 初中英语教师教育论文 3. 初中英语教师工作总结及反思 4. 优秀英语教师自我总结 5. 英语教师个人发展总结



华文版本 Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).HistoryCreationThe USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as ARPA, in February 1958 to regain a technological lead.[1][2] ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution.Licklider moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory at Harvard University to MIT in 1950, after becoming interested in information technology. At MIT, he served on a committee that established Lincoln Laboratory and worked on the SAGE project. In 1957 he became a Vice President at BBN, where he bought the first production PDP-1 computer and conducted the first public demonstration of time-sharing.At the IPTO, Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran,[citation needed] who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first two nodes of what would become the ARPANET were interconnected between UCLA and SRI International in Menlo Park, California, on October 29, 1969. The ARPANET was one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet. Following on from the demonstration that packet switching worked on the ARPANET, the British Post Office, Telenet, DATAPAC and TRANSPAC collaborated to create the first international packet-switched network service. In the UK, this was referred to as the International Packet Stream Service (IPSS), in 1978. The collection of X.25-based networks grew from Europe and the US to cover Canada, Hong Kong and Australia by 1981. The X.25 packet switching standard was developed in the CCITT (now called ITU-T) around 1976. X.25 was independent of the TCP/IP protocols that arose from the experimental work of DARPA on the ARPANET, Packet Radio Net and Packet Satellite Net during the same time period. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn developed the first description of the TCP protocols during 1973 and published a paper on the subject in May 1974. Use of the term "Internet" to describe a single global TCP/IP network originated in December 1974 with the publication of RFC 675, the first full specification of TCP that was written by Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine, then at Stanford University. During the next nine years, work proceeded to refine the protocols and to implement them on a wide range of operating systems.The first TCP/IP-wide area network was made operational by January 1, 1983 when all hosts on the ARPANET were switched over from the older NCP protocols to TCP/IP. In 1985, the United States' National Science Foundation (NSF) commissioned the construction of a university 56 kilobit/second network backbone using computers called "fuzzballs" by their inventor, David L. Mills. The following year, NSF sponsored the development of a higher-speed 1.5 megabit/second backbone that became the NSFNet. A key decision to use the DARPA TCP/IP protocols was made by Dennis Jennings, then in charge of the Supercomputer program at NSF.The opening of the network to commercial interests began in 1988. The US Federal Networking Council approved the interconnection of the NSFNET to the commercial MCI Mail system in that year and the link was made in the summer of 1989. Other commercial electronic e-mail services were soon connected, including OnTyme, Telemail and Compuserve. In that same year, three commercial Internet Service Providers were created: UUNET, PSINET and CERFNET. Important, separate networks that offered gateways into, then later merged with, the Internet include Usenet and BITNET. Various other commercial and educational networks, such as Telenet, Tymnet, Compuserve and JANET were interconnected with the growing Internet. Telenet (later called Sprintnet) was a large privately funded national computer network with free dial-up access in cities throughout the U.S. that had been in operation since the 1970s. This network was eventually interconnected with the others in the 1980s as the TCP/IP protocol became increasingly popular. The ability of TCP/IP to work over virtually any pre-existing communication networks allowed for a great ease of growth, although the rapid growth of the Internet was due primarily to the availability of commercial routers from companies such as Cisco Systems, Proteon and Juniper, the availability of commercial Ethernet equipment for local-area networking and the widespread implementation of TCP/IP on the UNIX operating system.Common uses of the InternetE-mailFor more details on this topic, see E-mail.The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Even today it can be important to distinguish between Internet and internal e-mail systems. Internet e-mail may travel and be stored unencrypted on many other networks and machines out of both the sender's and the recipient's control. During this time it is quite possible for the content to be read and even tampered with by third parties, if anyone considers it important enough. Purely internal or intranet mail systems, where the information never leaves the corporate or organization's network, are much more secure, although in any organization there will be IT and other personnel whose job may involve monitoring, and occasionally accessing, the e-mail of other employees not addressed to them.The World Wide WebMany people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web (or just the Web) interchangeably, but, as discussed above, the two terms are not synonymous.The World Wide Web is a huge set of interlinked documents, images and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. These hyperlinks and URLs allow the web servers and other machines that store originals, and cached copies, of these resources to deliver them as required using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is only one of the communication protocols used on the Internet.Web services also use HTTP to allow software systems to communicate in order to share and exchange business logic and data.Software products that can access the resources of the Web are correctly termed user agents. In normal use, web browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Firefox, access web pages and allow users to navigate from one to another via hyperlinks. Web documents may contain almost any combination of computer data including graphics, sounds, text, video, multimedia and interactive content including games, office applications and scientific demonstrations.Through keyword-driven Internet research using search engines like Yahoo! and Google, millions of people worldwide have easy, instant access to a vast and diverse amount of online information. Compared to encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the World Wide Web has enabled a sudden and extreme decentralization of information and data.Using the Web, it is also easier than ever before for individuals and organisations to publish ideas and information to an extremely large audience. Anyone can find ways to publish a web page or build a website for very little initial cost. Publishing and maintaining large, professional websites full of attractive, diverse and up-to-date information is still a difficult and expensive proposition, however.Many individuals and some companies and groups use "web logs" or blogs, which are largely used as easily updatable online diaries. Some commercial organisations encourage staff to fill them with advice on their areas of specialization in the hope that visitors will be impressed by the expert knowledge and free information, and be attracted to the corporation as a result. One example of this practice is Microsoft, whose product developers publish their personal blogs in order to pique the public's interest in their work.Collections of personal web pages published by large service providers remain popular, and have become increasingly sophisticated. Whereas operations such as Angelfire and GeoCities have existed since the early days of the Web, newer offerings from, for example, Facebook and MySpace currently have large followings. These operations often brand themselves as social network services rather than simply as web page hosts.Advertising on popular web pages can be lucrative, and e-commerce or the sale of products and services directly via the Web continues to grow.In the early days, web pages were usually created as sets of complete and isolated HTML text files stored on a web server. More recently, websites are more often created using content management system (CMS) or wiki software with, initially, very little content. Contributors to these systems, who may be paid staff, members of a club or other organisation or members of the public, fill underlying databases with content using editing pages designed for that purpose, while casual visitors view and read this content in its final HTML form. There may or may not be editorial, approval and security systems built into the process of taking newly entered content and making it available to the target visitors.Social impactThe Internet has made possible entirely new forms of social interaction, activities and organizing, thanks to its basic features such as widespread usability and access.Social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace have created a new form of socialization and interaction. Users of these sites are able to add a wide variety of items to their personal pages, to indicate common interests, and to connect with others. It is also possible to find a large circle of existing acquaintances, especially if a site allows users to utilize their real names, and to allow communication among large existing groups of people.Sites like meetup.com exist to allow wider announcement of groups which may exist mainly for face-to-face meetings, but which may have a variety of minor interactions over their group's site at meetup.org, or other similar sites.Political organization and censorshipFor more details on this topic, see Internet censorship.In democratic societies, the Internet has achieved new relevance as a political tool. The presidential campaign of Howard Dean in 2004 in the United States became famous for its ability to generate donations via the Internet. Many political groups use the Internet to achieve a whole new method of organizing, in order to carry out Internet activism.Some governments, such as those of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, the People's Republic of China, and Saudi Arabia, restrict what people in their countries can access on the Internet, especially political and religious content. This is accomplished through software that filters domains and content so that they may not be easily accessed or obtained without elaborate circumvention.In Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden, major Internet service providers have voluntarily (possibly to avoid such an arrangement being turned into law) agreed to restrict access to sites listed by police. While this list of forbidden URLs is only supposed to contain addresses of known child pornography sites, the content of the list is secret.[citation needed]Many countries, including the United States, have enacted laws making the possession or distribution of certain material, such as child pornography, illegal, but do not use filtering software.There are many free and commercially available software programs with which a user can choose to block offensive websites on individual computers or networks, such as to limit a child's access to pornography or violence. See Content-control software.Leisure activitiesThe Internet has been a major source of leisure since before the World Wide Web, with entertaining social experiments such as MUDs and MOOs being conducted on university servers, and humor-related Usenet groups receiving much of the main traffic. Today, many Internet forums have sections devoted to games and funny videos; short cartoons in the form of Flash movies are also popular. Over 6 million people use blogs or message boards as a means of communication and for the sharing of ideas.The pornography and gambling industries have both taken full advantage of the World Wide Web, and often provide a significant source of advertising revenue for other websites. Although many governments have attempted to put restrictions on both industries' use of the Internet, this has generally failed to stop their widespread popularity.One main area of leisure on the Internet is multiplayer gaming. This form of leisure creates communities, bringing people of all ages and origins to enjoy the fast-paced world of multiplayer games. These range from MMORPG to first-person shooters, from role-playing games to online gambling. This has revolutionized the way many people interact and spend their free time on the Internet.While online gaming has been around since the 1970s, modern modes of online gaming began with services such as GameSpy and MPlayer, to which players of games would typically subscribe. Non-subscribers were limited to certain types of gameplay or certain games.Many use the Internet to access and download music, movies and other works for their enjoyment and relaxation. As discussed above, there are paid and unpaid sources for all of these, using centralized servers and distributed peer-to-peer technologies. Discretion is needed as some of these sources take more care over the original artists' rights and over copyright laws than others.Many use the World Wide Web to access news, weather and sports reports, to plan and book holidays and to find out more about their random ideas and casual interests.People use chat, messaging and e-mail to make and stay in touch with friends worldwide, sometimes in the same way as some previously had pen pals. Social networking websites like MySpace, Facebook and many others like them also put and keep people in contact for their enjoyment.The Internet has seen a growing number of Web desktops, where users can access their files, folders, and settings via the Internet.Cyberslacking has become a serious drain on corporate resources; the average UK employee spends 57 minutes a day surfing the Web at work, according to a study by Peninsula Business Services.[9]Complex architectureMany computer scientists see the Internet as a "prime example of a large-scale, highly engineered, yet highly complex system".[10] The Internet is extremely heterogeneous. (For instance, data transfer rates and physical characteristics of connections vary widely.) The Internet exhibits "emergent phenomena" that depend on its large-scale organization. For example, data transfer rates exhibit temporal self-similarity. Further adding to the complexity of the Internet is the ability of more than one computer to use the Internet through only one node, thus creating the possibility for a very deep and hierarchal sub-network that can theoretically be extended infinitely (disregarding the programmatic limitations of the IPv4 protocol). However, since principles of this architecture date back to the 1960s, it might not be a solution best suited to modern needs, and thus the possibility of developing alternative structures is currently being looked into.[11]According to a June 2007 article in Discover magazine, the combined weight of all the electrons moved within the Internet in a day is 0.2 millionths of an ounce.[12] Others have estimated this at nearer 2 ounces (50 grams).[13]MarketingThe Internet has also become a large market for companies; some of the biggest companies today have grown by taking advantage of the efficient nature of low-cost advertising and commerce through the Internet, also known as e-commerce. It is the fastest way to spread information to a vast number of people simultaneously. The Internet has also subsequently revolutionized shopping—for example; a person can order a CD online and receive it in the mail within a couple of days, or download it directly in some cases. The Internet has also greatly facilitated personalized marketing which allows a company to market a product to a specific person or a specific group of people more so than any other advertising medium.Examples of personalized marketing include online communities such as MySpace, Friendster, Orkut, Facebook and others which thousands of Internet users join to advertise themselves and make friends online. Many of these users are young teens and adolescents ranging from 13 to 25 years old. In turn, when they advertise themselves they advertise interests and hobbies, which online marketing companies can use as information as to what those users will purchase online, and advertise their own companies' products to those users.

Along with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out mistakes.First, design basis The fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis: 1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the meaning.2nd, must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval opinion.Second, fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire detector.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire detector. Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire detector. The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable shaping. But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level installs.The elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the facility. Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift well.2nd, the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual fire. In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the button.In the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters".3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than 12.5 meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the speaker.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with the fire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the instruction.4th, fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the instruction.The fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to the police the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground 1.8 meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public room. Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone system. Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case controls.Is equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, fire hydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone receptacle.Third, fire linkage control 1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the malfunction. When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp). 2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active status. In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the condition. 3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific stipulation.Fourth, fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm system. The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking.Fifth, concluding remarkThe author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated the design basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances the fire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property safety.随着我国经济发展快速发展,人民生活的水平不断提高,城市使用是每天着急,敦促建设面临着发展的方向。这种高层次的民间建筑维修所需的材料和方式也更加多样化加快,而且随着使用电力负荷和煤气消费量扩大,提议消防自动报警系统设计较高,更严格的要求。为了保证人民生命和财产的安全,消防自动报警系统的设计已经成为在高级别民间建筑设计的一个最重要的设计内容。目前的基础上撰文火灾自动报警系统设计监督工作的高层次的民间建设的经验,建议在目前国家相关标准和标准不清楚真正详细浅见解,为同事们的讨论,并指出错误。 首先,设计依据 火灾自动报警系统的设计是一家专业非常强的技术工作,同时还具有很强的政策性。因此,首先应明确以下设计依据: 第一,必须紧紧抓住的建筑设计防火标准,该系统的设计标准,标准的设备制造,安装施工审批标准和管理的法律和规章等五大方面的消防法律法规,并在实际了解国家有关本标准和标准积极字: “必须” , “必须假定” , “不适合” , “可能”和反面词: “严格禁止” , “不应该” , “没有” , “不适合“的含义。 第二,必须着眼于高层次的民间建筑的功能,利用和保护对象的防火等级,认真开展本标准和国家有关标准,认真对待公安防火监督部门的审批意见。 其次,火灾自动报警系统设备的建立 建立火灾探测器 要么全打开的印章或楼梯大厅应单独划分搜索范围,每个2 〜 3建立火灾探测器。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防前面房间烟雾楼梯大会堂来用场)和过道应区分单独划分搜索范围,特别是前面的房间,以及电梯,分散楼梯大厅和走道都是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾比较容易收集或流动,是人员分散保存目标与防火,因此,应该安装火警探测器。关于共同电梯前室虽然不是人员分散,而且这方面的空间和良好的电梯是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾也很容易被收集或流动,适当地划分为单独的搜索覆盖面和安装消防探测器。 电缆轴因此很容易形成掏出烟炎症渠道,拥有火灾时的火强度不容易延伸沿电缆燃烧,为此, “高级别民间建筑设计防火标准”和“民用建筑电气设计标准“分别提出了详细具体的规定,在建筑和在电线或电缆塑造。但认为具体实施的难度和目前的情况下,电缆竖井安装了火灾探测器是非常必要的,坐标轴的防火分隔要求,每2 〜 3或每一级安装。 电梯机房应安装火灾探测器,它的电梯是重要的垂直交通工具,其两个电梯机房已具有火灾危险性,其存在的三个基本解除以及打开洞,像打开闸门的水平之间的球洞,在气孔,持久的关系打开了洞与电梯机房或滑轮等,其时,有四个火,升降机以及往往成为火灾强度传播渠道,很容易危及电梯机房设施。因此,电梯机房建立了火灾探测器是必要的,也适用于皇冠建立火灾探测器举井。 2 ,手动火警报警按钮建立 (包括防前面的烟雾楼梯大厅鉴于各层前房间前面的房间,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时人员驱散节省目标,防火,应立即向警方举报的按钮,首选地点设立手动火警。此外,该室也应建立防火手册的共同电梯前,向警方报案的按钮。 在公共活动场所(包括会堂,礼堂,餐厅,多功能厅等)和主要通道等场所,是所有工作人员非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应立即向警方举报的按钮,在这些公共活动场所主要通道设立手册火灾;该手册规定的火灾中的主要通道报警按钮,以保证“ ,以手动火警最接近报警按钮距离防火区的任何位置不应该超过30米。 “ 第三,消防紧急广播喇叭建立 走道,大厅,餐厅等公共场所的工作人员都非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应该按这些公共场所的“最近的一项发言距离不超过25米的防火保护区的任何位置”和“在走道上不应大于十二点五米扬声器的过道末端距离”建立消防应急广播喇叭;下一步还应当建立消防在公共浴室的地方紧急广播喇叭。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也有分离和防火门的声音,人民的混乱和嘈杂,因此,应建立消防应急广播喇叭。在前面的共同电梯房也应建立消防应急广播喇叭。分散大厅楼梯也已经火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也是人民的声音和嘈杂的混淆,因此应建立消防应急广播喇叭,由主张消防紧急广播驱散指令。 第四,建立火灾报警装置 建立消防应急广播火灾自动报警系统,笔者认为还应该安装消防报警装置,但它的控制程序应该是:该报警器应确认火灾后,利用手动或自动控制模式统一消防相关区域传输预警,报警器停止工作时间的规定,迅速联系消防应急广播和电视节目,并且分散了人们的指示。 火警警报装置建立的立场,笔者认为应该向警方报案的按钮位置的手动火警是相同的,它的墙面安装应为距地面1.8米高度 第五,消防专用电话设立 安装消防专用电话分机电话,应设机房其中也涉及一些人是在工作地点经常与消防联动控制(包括消防给水设备,备件发电机房,火柴变电站,主要ventilates空调引擎室,排放烟气轮机室,防火电梯机房及其他) ,消防控制系统的经营场所或设备的控制室,消防责任人员观察室,现场的安全管理等公共空间。轿车的影院中消防电梯和普通电梯应假设所有使用的特殊电话,请电梯机房和电梯轿车影院中,电梯机房及消防控制室,电梯轿车影院方块和消防控制室等三个成分是可靠的讲通信电话系统。通常在消防控制室;建立电梯监测演示板(包括位置指示器,显示方向灯,以讲信函电话,麻烦灯等) ,以进行必要的电梯在运行状态的监视和紧急情况下的控制。 配备了手动火警报警位置等按钮,消火栓按钮,还应该安装消防专用电话插座。 第三,消防联动控制 第一,消防联动控制应包括控制消防泵开启,停止,也应表现出的按钮,打开泵的位置和消防泵的工作和故障。当消火栓设有消火栓按钮时,其电气安装工程现场也应表现出的消防泵的工作模式有效状态(即建立消防泵工作表明灯) 。 第二,消防联动控制应包括控制喷洒水和水雾化灭火系统打开,停止,也应表现出的消防泵的工作和故障和流利显示,报警阀,安全信号阀工作模式积极的地位。此外,该盆地,水箱水位也应进行示范监测;为了防止检修信号阀关闭,作者认为应该使用带电信号控制信号阀证明它打开条件。 第三,消防联动控制其他控制和示范作用,应进行本标准和国家有关标准的具体规定。 第四,火灾自动报警系统布线 为了防止火灾发生时,消防控制,通信和警戒线遣散,使灭火工作无法进行,造成了更大的经济损失,也为抑制electronmagetic干扰(例如变压器,电电机,电缆等)的影响而产生的火灾自动报警系统。火灾自动报警系统的输电线路和消防控制,通信和预警线应使用被阻燃电缆,并应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。消防手册积极理事分期付款行应使用防火电缆,其电缆也应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。使用明复,应采取防火保护措施的金属管或封闭金属trunking.Fifth ,结论备注 作者取决于具体的项目实施经验,阐述了设计依据,火灾自动报警设计和实际问题,以便建立系统设备,消防联动控制及其接线拿出一些肤浅的意见,其目的是增强了火灾自动报警系统的设计质量,早期发现,并通知消防,预防和减少火灾危害,通过保护个人和财产安全。



















阅读习惯在一定程度上就是一种持久力,也是学习 程中保鲜知识的重要方式。从兴趣中可以寻找更多的阅读快乐,而从习惯中能够发现因量变引起质变而达到的阅读上乃至自身素养上的新水平。所有的阅读技巧和阅读积累都是在前人大量阅读的基础上完成的,学生和老师都应该首先具备经常阅读的习惯。这不仅是知识上的积累,更能对心灵和精神进行崇高的洗礼。比如,可以让学生朗读一些古诗词,体会古人对于生活的热情豪迈,品读诗人对人生的俊逸洒脱,回味从字行间飘洒出来的对国家人民的炽热情怀。当然必要的阅读技巧还是要掌握的,但阅读技巧是为阅读实践而服务的,不能单纯地讲解技巧而忘记技巧怎么才能落到实处,怎么才能让学生获得更多心灵上的共鸣,而不单单是对于所谓技巧的填鸭式介绍。有时候技巧不单单是从教师在黑板上列出来的公式中得来,而是在自己反复品味和反复阅读的过程中去发觉和体悟的,任何教师在整个阅读教学中充当的应该是引路人的作用,而不是像厨师一样直接给学生提供美味。所以学生和教师都应该对自己的定位有一个更精确的了解。


























作文 是语文考试的重中之重,想要写出好的作文,可以多看一些满分作文,灵活运用。下面给大家分享一些关于语文高中 议论文 范文 五篇,希望对大家有所帮助。




儿童 文学家冰心也说过这样一句话:“成功的花,人们只惊艳它现时的明艳!然而当初它的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪水,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。”她的这句话,告诉了人们花儿之所以艳丽,是因为在它还是芽儿的时候,做出了一个明智的选择。也说明了生活是自己的,命运是掌握在自己手中的。我们现实的态度,做出的每一个抉择,都决定着我们以后的路。




















高士其是我国科普作家。在外国 留学 时,有一次做实验,一个装有培养脑炎过滤性病毒的玻璃瓶子破裂了,病毒侵入了他的小脑。从此留下了身体致残的祸根。他忍受着病毒的折磨,学完了芝加哥大学细菌学的全部博士课程。回国以后,他拖着半瘫的身子,到达延安工作。解放后病情恶化,说话和行动都十分困难,连睁、合眼都需要别人帮助。但他仍以惊人的吃苦精神进行创作,先后写成100多万字的作品。有人问他苦不苦,他笑着说:“不苦!因为我每天都在斗争,斗争是有无穷乐趣的。”








不需要别人陪伴,只身一人,带着陈旧而称心的鱼杆,在风光秀丽,人迹罕至的小河边上垂钓,坐看风起云落时;一缕灯光,一杯绿茶,一本经典的 散文 集,还有一颗渴望宁静的心,衬着灰黑的穹苍……
























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