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Many teens that age go through things during 进入查看:2022-2023学年学英语报八年级第23期答案汇总 以下内容仅作展示,图片上方文字进入查看。 When I began high school, I wasn't the most confident kid. I did not believe I could attend college. I did well in school and participated in many after-school activities. I was able to take up many leadership roles there. Many teens that age go through things during their high school years, and I wasn't an exception. They guided me through so many difficult things and made sure I always stayed positive. The time came to apply to college and I did not have any interest in it. They encouraged me to get a degree. But I didn't think that I was smart enough to attend a four-year university. Because they saw something in me, they encouraged me to try.  While I studied in DePauw, I experienced culture shock. When I came home for break, I would go visit my teachers at the school. They were always willing to listen, take time out of their schedule and provided me with a space to talk about my experiences with them. They always gave me the best advice that they could. Perhaps they do not realize it, but by providing me with a space to tell my experiences, they were helping me get better. Every word of encouragement stuck with me. I knew that they believed in me, and I did not want to let them down.

A)请根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。21. There is a big tree in f_______ of Jim's house. 22. The bus will take you there. You can't m_____ it. 23. I'll wait for you u______ you come back. 24. My mother is cooking dinner in the k_______. 25. There is a car a_____ on the road. Many policemen (警察) are around it. B)请用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。26. I like _____ (read) English stories after school. 27. The bookstore is on the ______ (three) floor. 28. When you drive you must be _______ (care) and obey the traffic rules. 29. Many ______ (child) are playing games on the playground. 30. The movie is _______ (real) wonderful. C)请根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式完成下列句子,每空一词。31. My classmates are _____ _______ (谈论)Han Geng. 32. Let's go ______ _______ (立刻), or we'll be late. 33. The train station is _______ _______ (离......远) my home. 34. He often _______ __________ (受伤) in P. E. classes. 35. Don't stop and ______ ________ (继续行走). You'll get to the hospital in five minutes (分钟). Ⅵ. 单项选择请从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳选项。( )36. There _________ an old clock, a computer and some books on the desk. A. have B. be C. has D. is ( )37. -How can I get to the museum? -Walk _____ this street and it's about two hundred meters _____ on the left. A. with, up B. down, along C. at, up D. from, down ( )38. The keys are on the desk. Please __________. A. put them away B. put away them C. put them on D. put on them ( )39. -Don't drive so fast, or the policeman will give you a _____ for speeding. -OK. A. ticket B. photo C. card D. cost ( )40. She's ________ her purse, but she can't _____ it. A. look for, find B. looking for, find C. finding, look for D. find, looking for ( )41. We often see the sign "________" in a busy street. So don't park your car there. A B C D ( )42. -What's the matter? -There is ______ with my bike. A. something wrong B. wrong something C. anything wrong D. wrong anything ( )43. The post office is ______ the bookstore and the hospital. A. from B. between C. in D. on ( )44. My computer doesn't work, so I must ____ someone ______ it. A. let, to check B. call, checking C. get, to check D. ask, check ( )45. - ______ is the bank from here? -It's about 3 kilometers away. A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much ( )46. There is ________ train station in the town, but there is a bus station. A. not B. no a C. a D. no ( )47. I hear him _______ the piano wonderfully. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. is playing ( )48. _________ turn right! A. Don't B. Not C. Isn't D. No ( )49. -What does your mother look like? - __________. A. She is kind B. She is tall with long black hair C. She likes teaching D. She likes us very much ( )50. -I'm sorry I can't help you now. - _________. A. Thank you very much B. Thanks for your help C. Thank you all the same D. You are welcome Ⅶ. 完形填空请先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给选项中选出最佳选项。When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic keeps on the left. Before you 51 a street, you must look 52 the right first and then to the left. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very 53. Traffic is the most dangerous (危险的) at that time. When you go 54 bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember (记住) the traffic 55 on the left. Have a look first, or you may go the 56 way. In 57 English cities, there are big buses 58 two floors. You can sit (坐) on the 59 floor. From there you can see the city very 60. It's very interesting. ( )51. A. cross B. go C. across D. turn ( )52. A. after B. from C. for D. to ( )53. A. long B. busy C. difficult D. small ( )54. A. on B. take C. by D. to ( )55. A. works B. walks C. tries D. drives ( )56. A. wrong B. right C. left D. straight ( )57. A. much B. many C. little D. few ( )58. A. at B. for C. like D. with ( )59. A. two B. second C. one D. first ( )60. A. good B. nice C. much D. well Ⅷ. 阅读理解A FOR RENT 3-bedroom house about ¥ 350 per month. Call Mrs. Tang at 8:00 in the evening. Tel: 2891-6863 LOST I lost my school ID card. My name is Steve. Please call 685-3320. WANTED Looking for a quiet double room about ¥300 per month. Please call Maria at. WANTED Can you work 10 hours a day? If you can, come and work for us. We need a waiter (服务员)!Call Rong's Restaurant at 555-6539. 请根据材料内容判断下列说法正(T)误(F)。( )61. If you want to rent a house with three bedrooms, you should call Mrs. Tang at 8:00 in the morning. ( )62. Steve lost his school ID card. He is looking for it. ( )63. John has a quiet double room for rent. He can call 2891-6863. ( )64. Maria will pay 350 yuan per month for a room. ( )65. If Jack wants to be a waiter in Rong's Restaurant, he should work 10 hours every day. B It's 8:30 in the morning. Miss Green goes into the classroom and finds Jane isn't in. Then she begins her lesson. She asks the students to do the math problems on the blackboard. "May I come in, madam?" a girl asks at the door. "Come in, please," says Miss Green. "You're ten minutes late, Jane." The girl is often late and every time she makes an excuse. "I'm sorry, madam," says Jane. "I'm late because the traffic is bad, and I have to wait for the lights to turn green." "But why don't you catch an earlier (更早的) bus?" asks Miss Green. "I just take the earlier bus. But the later bus often overtakes (超过) the earlier one!" answers Jane. 请根据短文内容从所给的选项中选出最佳选项。( )66. It's ______ when Jane comes. A. 8:10 a.m. B. 8:20 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m. D. 8:40 a.m. ( )67. Miss Green is a(n) ________ teacher. A. history B. Chinese C. math D. English ( )68. What's the meaning (意思) of "make an excuse" in Chinese? A. 找借口 B. 请假 C. 不在意 D. 旷课( )69. Jane comes to school _______. A. by car B. on foot C. by bus D. by bicycle ( )70. 下面哪项说法不正确? A. Jane is often late for school. B. The class begins at 8:30 in the morning. C. Jane's bus is broken (坏的) on the way. D. Miss Green may not believe (相信) Jane. Ⅸ. 情景交际A)请从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏中各句的最佳应答语。Ⅰ( )71. Mary, where is your bedroom? ( )72. Don't play on the street. ( )73. Are there any shoes under the desk? ( )74. What's your home like? ( )75. Excuse me, is there a bank near here? ⅡA. OK. B. It's a farmhouse. C. It's next to my study. D. Sorry, I don't know. I'm new here. E. Yes, there are some. B)请选出恰当的选项完成下列对话。A. How far is it from here? B. I think you should take a bus. C. Then you will be there. D. Yes, there is. E. How can I get to the post office? A: Excuse me. 76_________ B: Sorry, I don't know. You can go and ask the policeman. A: Thank you all the same. ... A: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? C: 77________ Walk down this street and turn right at the first street. A: 78________ C: It's about 3 kilometers away. Oh, It's too late. 79________ A: Which bus should I take? C: You need to take the No. 20 bus and then change to the No. 8 bus at Shengli Bridge. 80________ A: Thanks a lot. Ⅹ. 遣词造句请根据每题所提供的图画情景和提示词语,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。81. there be, desk 82. Peter, like, make, model 83. not, play, street 84. corner, street 85. wait for, your turn, red Ⅺ. 综合填空请根据短文内容在空缺处填入适当的单词,补全短文,使其意思完整、通顺。Bill lives on the second floor of a building. One Sunday morning while he and his friends are playing games at 86___, Uncle Wang comes 87_____ and knocks (敲) at the 88_______. He lives on the first floor. He 89_______, "I'm sorry to trouble (打扰) you, but I work at 90_______, so I have to sleep in the daytime (白天). If you are too 91________, I can't sleep at all. Would you please keep 92______?" Bill says 93_____ to Uncle Wang. After that, when they want to play, they go 94_______. He doesn't trouble Uncle Wang any more. Bill is getting on (相处) well 95______ his neighbors. Ⅻ. 书面表达Amy与Jane一起去看电影,途中Amy扭伤了脚,Jane想送她去最近的医院,但她俩都不知道去那儿的路,于是向一位警察(policeman)求助。要求:1. 对话形式,语句通顺,意思完整。2. 60词左右。 参考答案Ⅴ. A)21. front 22. miss 23. until 24. kitchen 25. accident B)26. reading 27. third 28. careful 29. children 30. really C)31. talking about 32. right now 33. far from 34. gets hurt 35. walk on Ⅵ. 36-40 DBAAB 41-45 CABCB 46-50 DBABC Ⅶ. 51-55 ADBCD 56-60 ABDBD Ⅷ. A) 61-65 FTFFT B) 66-70 DCACC Ⅸ. A) 71-75 CAEBD B) 76-80 EDABC Ⅹ. 81. There is a computer on the desk. 82. Peter likes making model planes. 83. Don't play soccer on the street. / The children should not play soccer on the street. 84. The bookstore is on the corner of the street. 85. Wait for your turn when the lights are red. / You should wait for your turn when the lights are red. Ⅺ. 86. home 87. up / upstairs 88. door 89. says 90. night 91. noisy 92. quiet 93. sorry 94. out 95. with Ⅻ. One possible version: Jane: Excuse me. Can you help us? Policeman: What's wrong with you? Amy: I hurt my foot. And I must see a doctor right now. Jane: Is there a hospital near here? Policeman: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left at the second street. It's next to the bank. Jane & Amy: Thank you very much

Austrian company Tec-Innovation recently disclosed  进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报八年级第23期答案及试题 以下内容仅作展示,图片上方文字进入查看。 Austrian company Tec-Innovation recently disclosed smart shoes that use sensors to help people suffering from blindness or vision damage to detect obstacles up to four meters away.  Known as InnoMake, the smart shoe may become a possible alternative to the decades-old walking stick that millions of people depend on to get around as safely as possible. The currently available model relies on sensors to detect obstacles and warns the wearer via vibration and an alert sounded on a Bluetooth-linked smartphone. “Sensors on the toe of the shoe detect obstacles up to four meters away. The wearer is then warned by vibration and/or acoustic(听觉的)signals. This works very well and is already a great help to me personally,” Markus Raffer, one of the founders of Tec-Innovation, himself visually damaged, said.  That sounds impressive enough, but the company is already working on a much more advanced version that combines cameras and artificial intelligence to not only detect obstacles but also their nature. “Not only is the warning that I am facing an obstacle relevant, but also the information about what kind of obstacle I am facing. Because it makes a big difference whether it’s a wall, a car or a staircase,” Raffer claimed.


《安徽文学》为安徽省创办最早、历史最久的专业性文学杂志。征稿要求1.征稿要求论点明确、数据可靠、逻辑严密、文字精炼,每篇论文必须包括题目、作者姓名、作者单位、单位所在地及邮政编码、摘要和关键词、正文、参考文献和第一作者及通讯作者(一般为导师)简介(包括姓名、性别、职称、出生年月、所获学位、目前主要从事的工作和研究方向),并请在文稿的首页地脚处注明论文属何项目、何基金(编号)资助,没有的不注明。2.论文摘要尽量写成报道性文摘,包括目的、方法、结果、结论4方面内容(100字左右),应具有独立性与自含性,关键词选择贴近文义的规范性单词或组合词(3~5个)。3.文稿篇幅(含图表)一般一个版面1800字左右,2000-3000字符数为1.5个版面,3000-4000字符数为2个版面,4000-5000 字符数为2.5个版面,5000-6000字符数为3个版面。文中量和单位的使用请参照中华人民共和国法定计量单位最新标准。外文字符必须分清大、小写,正、斜体,黑、白体,上下角标应区别明显。4.文中的图、表应有自明性。图片不超过2幅,图像要清晰,层次要分明。5.参考文献的著录格式采用顺序编码制,请按文中出现的先后顺序编号。所引文献必须是作者直接阅读参考过的、最主要的、公开出版的文献。未公开发表的、且很有必要引用的,请采用脚注方式标明,参考文献没有的可不标明。是正规杂志,属于省级核心刊物。那要看你评职称的级别了,当然是发表在国家级核心期刊上的文章更有说服力了。





学术期刊是正式公开出版的,论文集往往是内部交流用,很少正式出版.有些论文集也可以作为一本书或期刊的增刊正式出版.期刊按刊载内容可以分为:新闻类期刊、科普类期刊、休闲类期刊、知识类期刊、学术性期刊.学术期刊应该是以刊载学术研究性论文或学术讨论性论文为主的期刊.一般学位论文的篇幅较期刊长,而且论文的全部内容是仅仅围绕题目进行阐述、论证的,且学位论文都有固定的格式,参考文献一般都超过了25个.期刊字数相对较少,围绕某一专题开展,实质性较强,内容简短精悍.会议论文和期刊论文区别详细:1、会议论文一定是针对某个学术会议投稿,并且由学术会议的会务组决定是否录用,期刊论文肯定是针对某学术期刊投稿,而且是期刊编辑部决定是否录用,而不是审稿专家,审稿专家只是审稿并返回意见,真论文的参考文献包括:图书、新闻、报纸、期刊、学位论文、会议集要 等!!而期刊 ,只能指学术期刊!!估计你问的是论文后面的参考文献的文献类型描述符是什么含义.根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识:M专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C论文集 N报纸文章 J期刊文章 D学位论参考文献类型都有专门的符号代替的:专著[M],论文集[C],报纸文章[N],期刊文章[J],学位论文[D],报告[R],标准[S],专利[P],论文集中的析出文献[A]




