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在 英语学习 中,阅读能力是学习者发展 其它 语言能力(听、说、写、译)的基础。下面是我带来的经典英语好 文章 摘抄,欢迎阅读!经典英语好文章摘抄篇一 Change Makes Life Beautiful(生命美于变化) To regard all things and principles of things as inconstant modes or fashions has more and more become the tendency of modern thought. Let us begin with that which is without——our physical life. Fix upon it in one of its more exquisite intervals,the moment,for instance,of delicious recoil from the flood of water in summer heat. What is the whole physical life in that moment but a combination of natural elements to which science gives their names?But these elements,phosphorus and lime and delicate fibers,are present not in the human body alone:we detect them in places most remote from it. Our physical life is a perpetual motion of them——the passage of the blood,the wasting and repairing of the lenses of the eye,the modification of the tissues of the brain under every ray of light and sound-processes which science reduces to simpler and more elementary forces. Like the elements of which we are composed,the action of these forces extends beyond us:it rusts iron and ripens corn. Far out on every side of us those elements are broadcast,driven in many currents;and birth and gesture and death and the springing of violets from the grave are but a few out of ten thousand resultant combinations. That clear,perpetual outline of face and limb is but an image of ours,under which we group them a design in a web,the actual threads of which pass out beyond it. This at least of flame——like our life has,that it is but the concurrence,renewed from moment to moment,of forces parting sooner or later on their ways. 生命美于变化 将所有事物和事物的原则统统归结为经常变化着的形态或风尚,这已日益成为近代思想界的一个趋势。我们可以从我们的生理活动等表面的事情说起。举个例子来说,选定在酷暑中猛然浸入滔滔清流的一刹那和感觉极其愉快的这么一个微妙的时刻。在那一瞬间的所有生理活动,难道不可以说是具有科学名称的各种元素的一种化合作用吗?但是,像磷、石灰、微细的纤维质等这些元素,不仅存在于人体之中,而且在与人体没有丝毫关系的地方也能检查出它们的存在。血液的流通,眼睛中水晶体的消耗和恢复,每一道光波、每一次声浪对于脑组织所引起的变异——都不外是这些元素永久的运动。但是科学把这些运动过程还原为更为简单和基本力量的作用。正如我们身体所赖以构成的元素所形成的我们的生理活动的力量,这些力量在我们身体以外也同样发挥着作用——它可以使铁生锈,使谷物成熟。这些元素,在种种气流吹送之下,从我们身外向四面八方传播:人的诞生,人的姿态,人的死亡,以及在人的坟头上生长出紫罗兰——这不过是成千上万化合结果的点滴例子而已。人类那轮廓分明、长久不变的面颜和肢体,不过是一种表象,在它那框架之内,我们好把种种化合的元素凝聚一团——这好像是蛛网的纹样,那织网的细丝从网中穿出,又引向他方。在这一点上,我们的生命有些像那火焰——它也是种种力量汇合的结果,这汇合虽不断延续,那些力量却早晚要各自飘散。 经典英语好文章摘抄篇二 The Date Father Didn’t Keep (父亲失约) It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken. I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip,and in our leisure hours we were having a wonderful time. “It‘s a pity your mother couldn’t come,”said Father.“It would be wonderful to show her around.” He had visited Denmark when he was a young man. I asked him,“How long is it since you were here?” “Oh,about 30 years. I remember being in this very inn,by the way.”He looked around,remembering. “Those were gracious days-”He stopped suddenly,and I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers. She might have been pretty once,but now she was stout and her hair was untidy.“Do you know her?”I asked…… “I did once,”he said. The woman come to our table.“Drinks?”she inquired. “We‘ll have beer,”I said. She nodded and went away. “How she has changed!Thank heaven she didn‘t recognize me,”muttered Father mopping his face with a handkerchief.“I know her before I ever met your mother,”he went on.“I was a student,on a tour. She was a lovely young thing,very graceful. I fell madly in live with her,and she with me.” “Does Mother know about her?”I blurted out,resentfully. “Of course,”Father said gently. He looked at me a little anxiously. I felt embarrassed for him. I said,“Dad,you don‘t have to-” “Oh,yes,I want to tell you. I don‘t want you wondering about this. Her father objected to our romance. I was a foreigner. I had no prospects,and was dependent on my father. When I wrote Father that I wanted to get married he cut off my allowance. And I had to go home. But I met the girl once more,and told her I would return to America,borrow enough money to get married on,and come back for her in a few months.” “We know,”he continued,“that her father might intercept a letter,so we agreed that I would simply mail her a slip of paper with a date on it,the time she was to meet me at a certain place;then we‘d married. Well,I went home,got the loan and sent her the date. She received the note. She wrote me:”I’ll be there.“But she wasn‘t. Then I found that she had been married about two weeks before,to a local innkeeper. She hadn’t waited.” Then my father said,“Thank God she didn‘t. I went home,met your mother,and we’ve been completely happy. We often joke about that youthful love romance.” The woman appeared with our beer. “You are from America?”she asked me. “Yes,”I said. She beamed.“A wonderful country,America.” “Yes,a lot of your countrymen have gone there. Did you ever think of it?” “Not me. Not now,”she said.“I think so one time,a ling time ago. But I stay here. I much better here.” We drank our beer and left. Outside I said,“Father,just how did you write that date on which she was to meet you?” He stopped,took out an envelope and wrote on it.“Like this,”he said.“12/11/73,which was,of course,December 11,1973.” “No!”I exclaimed.“It isn‘t in Denmark or any European country. Over here they write the day first,then the month. So that date wouldn’t be December 11 but the 12th of November!” Father passed his hand over his face.“So she was there!”he exclaimed.“And it was because I didn‘t show up that she got married.”He was silent a while.“Well,”he said.,“I hope she’s happy. She seems be.” As we resumed walking I blurted out,“It is a lucky thing it happened that way. You wouldn‘t have met Mother.” He put his arm around my shoulders,looked at me with a heart-warming smile,and said,“I was doubly lucky,young fellow,for otherwise I wouldn‘t have met you,either!” 经典英语好文章摘抄篇三 改变一生的邂逅 Isn‘t it amazing how one person,sharing one idea,at the right time and place can change the course of your life’s history?This is certainly what happened in my life. When I was 14,I was hitchhiking from Houston,Texas,through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream,journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world,first in California and then in Hawaii,where I would later live. Upon reaching downtown El Paso,I met an old man,a bum,on the street corner. He saw me walking,stopped me and questioned me as I passed by. He asked me if I was running away from home,I suppose because I looked so young. I told him,“Not exactly,sir,”since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying,“It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart. Son.” The bum then asked me if he could buy me a cup of coffee. I told him,“No,sir,but a soda would be great.”We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks. After conversing for a few minutes,the friendly bum told me to follow him. He told me that he had something grand to show me and share with me. We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library. We walked up its front steps and stopped at a small information stand. Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady,and asked her if she would be kind enough to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library. I left my belongings with this grandmotherly figure and entered into this magnificent hall of learning. The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. A few moments later,he returned with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table. He then sat down beside me and spoke. He started with a few statements that were very special and that changed my life. He said,“There are two things that I want to teach you,young man,and they are these: “Number one is to never judge a book by its cover,for a cover can fool you.”He followed with,“I bet you think I‘m a bum,don’t you,young man?” I said,“Well,uh,yes,I guess so,sir.” “Well,young man,I‘ve got a little surprise for you. I am one of the wealthiest men in the world. I have probably everything any man could ever want. I originally come from the Northeast and have all the things that money can buy. But a year ago,my wife passed away,bless her soul,and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life. I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life,one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. I made a commitment to myself to do exactly that for one year. For the past year,I have been going from city to city doing just that. So,you see,don’t ever judge a book by its cover,for a cover can fool you. “Number two is to learn how to read,my boy. For there is only one thing that people can t take away from you,and that is your wisdom.”At that moment,he reached forward,grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he‘d pulled from the shelves. They were the writings of Plato and Aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times. The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance,down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met. His parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me.

散文 凭借精巧的谋篇布局,巧妙的措辞选景,来渲染气氛,创造意境,从而体现出它独特的风格。下面是我带来的英语优秀 文章 摘抄,欢迎阅读!英语优秀文章摘抄篇一 A Lesson In Life 人生物语 Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there,they serve some sort of purpose,to teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be - your roommate,neighbor,professor,long lost friend,lover or even a complete stranger who,when you lock eyes with them,you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they may seem horrible,painful and unfair,but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles,you would have never realized your potential,strength,will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness,injury,love,lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity - all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests,if they be events,illnesses or relationships,life would be like a smoothly paved,straight,flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet who affect your life and the successes and downfalls you experience - they are the ones who create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. Those lessons are the hardest and probably the most important ones. If someone hurts you,betrays you or breaks your heart,forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to. If someone loves you,love them back unconditionally,not only because they love you,but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can,for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before,and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love,break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself,for if you don‘t believe in yourself,no one else will believe in you either. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it. “People are like tea bags - you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.'' 英语优秀文章摘抄篇二 老爸(Dad) The first memory I have of him—of anything,really—is his strength. It was in the late afternoon in a house under construction near ours. The unfinished wood floor had large,terrifying holes whose yawning[张大嘴] darkness I knew led to nowhere good. His powerful hands,then age 33,wrapped all the way around my tiny arms,then age 4,and easily swung[摇摆] me up to his shoulders to command all I surveyed. 我对他——实际上是对所有事的最初记忆,就是他的力量。那是一个下午的晚些时候,在一所靠近我家的正在修建的房子里,尚未完工的木地板上有一个个巨大可怕的洞,那些张着大口的黑洞在我看来是通向不祥之处的。时年33岁的爸爸用那强壮有力的双手一把握住我的小胳膊,当时我才4岁,然后轻而易举地把我甩上他的肩头,让我把一切都尽收眼底。 The relationship between a son and his father changes over time. It may grow and flourish[繁茂] in mutual maturity[成熟]. It may sour in resented dependence or independence. With many children living in single-parent homes today,it may not even exist. 父子间的关系是随着岁月的流逝而变化的,它会在彼此成熟的过程中成长兴盛,也会在令人不快的依赖或独立的关系中产生不和。而今许多孩子生活在单亲家庭中,这种关系可能根本不存在。 But to a little boy right after World War II,a father seemed a god with strange strengths and uncanny[离奇的] powers enabling him to do and know things that no mortal could do or know. Amazing things,like putting a bicycle chain back on,just like that. Or building a hamster[仓鼠] cage.Or guiding a jigsaw[拼板玩具] so it forms the letter F;I learned the alphabet[字母表] that way in those pre-television days. 然而,对于一个生活在二战刚刚结束时期的小男孩来说,父亲就像神,他拥有神奇的力量和神秘的能力,他无所不能,无所不知。那些奇妙的事儿有上自行车链条,或是建一个仓鼠笼子,或是教我玩拼图玩具,拼出个字母“F”来。在那个电视机还未诞生的年代,我便是通过这种 方法 学会了字母表的。 There were,of course,rules to learn. First came the handshake. None of those fishy[冷冰冰的] little finger grips,but a good firm squeeze accompanied by an equally strong gaze into the other‘s eyes.“The first thing anyone knows about you is your handshake,”he would say. And we’d practice it each night on his return from work,the serious toddler in the battered[用旧了的] Cleveland Indian‘s cap running up to the giant father to shake hands again and again until it was firm enough. 当然,还得学些做人的道理。首先是握手。这可不是指那种冷冰冰的手指相握,而是一种非常坚定有力的紧握,同时同样坚定有力地注视对方的眼睛。老爸常说:“人们认识你首先是通过同你握手。”每晚他下班回家时,我们便练习握手。年幼的我,戴着顶破克利夫兰印第安帽,一本正经地跌跌撞撞地跑向巨人般的父亲,开始我们的握手。一次又一次,直到握得坚定,有力。 As time passed,there were other rules to learn.“Always do your best.”“Do it now.”“Never lie!”And most importantly,“You can do whatever you have to do.”By my teens,he wasn‘t telling me what to do anymore,which was scary[令人害怕的] and heady[使人兴奋的] at the same time. He provided perspective,not telling me what was around the great corner of life but letting me know there was a lot more than just today and the next,which I hadn’t thought of. 随着时间的流逝,还有许多其他的道理要学。比如:“始终尽力而为”,“从现在做起”,“永不撒谎”,以及最重要的一条:“凡是你必须做的事你都能做到”。当我十几岁时,老爸不再叫我做这做那,这既令人害怕又令人兴奋。他教给我判断事物的方法。他不是告诉我,在人生的重大转折点上将发生些什么,而是让我明白,除了今天和明天,还有很长的路要走,这一点我是从未考虑过的。 One day,I realize now,there was a change. I wasn‘t trying to please him so much as I was trying to impress him. I never asked him to come to my football games. He had a high-pressure career,and it meant driving through most of Friday night. But for all the big games,when I looked over at the sideline,there was that familiar fedora. And by God,did the opposing team captain ever get a firm handshake and a gaze he would remember. 有一天,事情发生了变化,这是我现在才意识到的。我不再那么迫切地想要取悦于老爸,而是迫切地想要给他留下深刻的印象。我从未请他来看我的 橄榄球 赛。他工作压力很大,这意味着每个礼拜五要拼命干大半夜。但每次大型比赛,当我抬头环视看台时,那顶熟悉的软呢帽总在那儿。并且感谢上帝,对方队长总能得到一次让他铭记于心的握手——坚定而有力,伴以同样坚定的注视。 Then,a school fact contradicted something he said. Impossible that he could be wrong,but there it was in the book. These accumulated over time,along with personal experiences,to buttress my own developing sense of values. And I could tell we had each taken our own,perfectly normal paths. 后来,在学校学到的一个事实否定了老爸说过的某些东西。他不可能会错的,可书上却是这样写的。诸如此类的事日积月累,加上我的个人阅历,支持了我逐渐成形的价值观。我可以这么说:我俩开始各走各的阳关道了。 I began to see,too,his blind spots,his prejudices[偏见] and his weaknesses. I never threw these up at him. He hadn‘t to me,and,anyway,he seemed to need protection. I stopped asking his advice;the experiences he drew from no longer seemed relevant to the decisions I had to make. 与此同时,我还开始发现他对某些事的无知,他的偏见,他的弱点。我从未在他面前提起这些,他也从未在我面前说起,而且,不管怎么说,他看起来需要保护了。我不再向他征求意见;他的那些 经验 也似乎同我要做出的决定不再相干。 He volunteered advice for a while. But then,in more recent years,politics and issues gave way to talk of empty errands and,always,to ailments. 老爸当了一段时间的“自愿顾问”,但后来,特别是近几年里,他谈话中的政治与国家大事让位给了空洞的使命与疾病。 From his bed,he showed me the many sores and scars on his misshapen body and all the bottles for medicine.“Sometimes,”he confided[倾诉],“I would just like to lie down and go to sleep and not wake up.” 躺在床上,他给我看他那被岁月扭曲了的躯体上的疤痕,以及他所有的药瓶儿。他倾诉着:“有时我真想躺下睡一觉,永远不再醒来。” After much thought and practice(“You can do whatever you have to do.”),one night last winter,I sat down by his bed and remembered for an instant those terrifying dark holes in another house 35 years before. I told my fatherhow much I loved him. I described all the things people were doing for him. But,I said,he kept eating poorly,hiding in his room and violating the doctor‘s orders. No amount of love could make someone else care about life,I said;it was a two-way street. He wasn’t doing his best. The decision was his. 通过深思熟虑与亲身体验(“凡是你必须做的事你都能做到”),去年冬天的一个夜晚,我坐在老爸床边,忽然想起35年前那另一栋房子里可怕的黑洞。我告诉老爸我有多爱他。我向他讲述了人们为他所做的一切。而我又说,他总是吃得太少,躲在房间里,还不听医生的劝告。我说,再多的爱也不能使一个人自己去热爱生命:这是一条双行道,而他并没有尽力,一切都取决于他自己。 He said he knew how hard my words had been to say and how proud he was of me.“I had the best teacher,”I said.“You can do whatever you have to do.”He smiled a little. And we shook hands,firmly,for the last time. 他说他明白要我说出这些话多不容易,他是多么为我自豪。“我有位最好的老师,”我说,“凡是你必须做的事你都能做到”。他微微一笑,之后我们握手,那是一次坚定的握手,也是最后的一次。 Several days later,at about 4 A.M.,my mother heard Dad shuffling[拖着] about their dark room.“I have some things I have to do,”he said. He paid a bundle of bills. He composed for my mother a long list of legal and financial what-to-do‘s“in case of emergency.”And he wrote me a note. 几天后,大约凌晨四点,母亲听到父亲拖着脚步在他们漆黑的房间里走来走去。他说:“有些事我必须得做。”他支付了一叠帐单,给母亲留了张长长的条子,上面列有法律及经济上该做的事,“以防不测”。接着他留了封短信给我。 Then he walked back to his bed and laid himself down. He went to sleep,naturally. And he did not wake up. 然后,他走回自己的床边,躺下。他睡了,十分安详,再也没有醒来。 英语优秀文章摘抄篇三 Picasso And Me (毕加索和我) This is the 50th anniversary of the day I crossed paths with Pablo Picasso. It came about in a strange way. I had written a column showing how absurd some of my mail had become. One letter was from Philadelphia. It was written by a Temple University student named Harvey Brodsky. Harvey said he was in love with a girl named Gloria Segall,and he hoped to marry her someday. She claimed to be the greatest living fan of Picasso. The couple went to a Picasso exhibit and,to impress her,Harvey told Gloria that he could probably get the artist‘s autograph. Harvey‘s letter continued,“Since that incident,Gloria and I have stopped seeing each other. I did a stupid thing and she threw me out and told me she never wanted to see me again. “I‘m writing to you because I’m not giving up on Gloria. Could you get Picasso‘s autograph for me?If you could,I have a feeling Gloria and I could get back together. The futures of two young people depend on it. I know she is miserable without me and I without her. Everything depends on you.” At the end of the letter,he said,“I,Harvey Brodsky,do solemnly swear that any item received by me from Art Buchwald(namely,Pablo Picasso‘s autograph)will never be sold or given to anyone except Miss Gloria Segall.” I printed the letter in my column to show how ridiculous my mail was. When it appeared,David Duncan,a photographer,was with Picasso in Cannes and Duncan translated it for Picasso. Picasso was very moved,and he took out his crayons and drew a beautiful color sketch for Gloria Segall and signed it. Duncan called and told me the good news. I said,“The heck with Gloria Segall,what about me?” David explained this to Picasso and in crayons he drew a picture of the two of us together,holding a glass of wine,and wrote on the top,“Pour Art Buchwald.” By this time,the Associated Press had picked up the story and followed through on the delivery of the picture to Gloria Segall. When it arrived special delivery in Philadelphia,Gloria took one look and said,“Harvey and I will always be good friends.” If you‘re wondering how the story ends,Harvey married somebody else,and so did Gloria. The Picasso hangs in Gloria’s living room. It was a story that caught the imagination of people all over the world. I received lots of letters after the column was published. My favorite came from an art dealer in New York,who wrote: “I can find you as many unhappy couples in New York City as you can get Picasso sketches. Two girls I know are on the verge of suicide if they don‘t hear from Picasso,and I know several couples in Greenwich Village who are in the initial stages of divorce. Please wire me how many you need. We both stand to make a fortune.” Another letter,from Bud Grossman in London,said,“My wife threatens to leave me unless I can get her Khrushchev‘s autograph. She would like it signed on a Russian sable coat.”


美文是新文学领域最亮丽的一方新土地,具有可意会难言说的韵味。本文是大学英语美文摘抄带翻译,希望对大家有帮助! 大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:生命就是小甜饼 One of my patients, a successful busines *** an, tells me that before his cancer he would bee depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was "having the cookie." If you had the cookie, things were good. 我有一位病人,他是一个成功的商人,告诉我,在他患癌症之前,凡事如果没有确定下来他就忧心忡忡。对他而言,幸福是“拥有小甜饼”。 If you didn't have the cookie, life wasn't worth a damn. Unfortunately, the cookie kept changing. 如果你拥有了小甜饼,一切都一帆风顺。如果你没有小甜饼,生活就一文不值。 Some of the time it was money, sometimes power, sometimes sex. At other times, it was the new car, the biggest contract, the most prestigious address. 不幸的是,小甜饼总是不断变换著,有时是金钱,有时是权力,有时是欲望。在其他时候,它是一辆新车、一份数额最大的合同、或者一个享有声望的通讯地址。 A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate cancer he sits shaking his head ruefully. "It's like I stopped learning how to live after I was a kid. 在他被诊断出患有前列腺癌的一年半之后,他坐在那里,悲天悯人地摇著头,说:“长大以后,我好像就不知道怎样生活了。 When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it breaks, he is unhappy. 当我给我儿子一个小甜饼时,他心花怒放。如果我拿走甜饼或者是小甜饼碎了,他就闷闷不乐。 But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. It's taken me this long to understand that the cookie will never make me happy for long. 不同的是,他只有两岁半,而我已经 43 了。我花了这么长的时间才明白小甜饼并不能使我长久感到幸福。 The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you. 从你拥有小甜饼的那一刻,它就开始破碎,或者你就开始担心它会破碎,抑或你开始担心别人拿走它。 You know, you have to give up a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be sure that no one takes it away from you. 为了守护你的小甜饼,为了防止它破碎或者确定别人不会从你手中夺走它,你不得不放弃许多东西。 You may not even get a chance to eat it because you are so busy just trying not to lose it. 你忙于不让自己失去它,甚至没有时间享受它。 Having the cookie is not what life is about." My patient laughs and says cancer has changed him. 拥有小甜饼并不是生活的全部内容。”我的病人笑着说癌症已经改变了他。 For the first time he is happy. No matter if his business is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. " 不论他的生意是否一帆风顺,不论他在打高尔夫球时是输是赢,他有生以来第一次感到幸福。 Two years ago, cancer asked me, 'Okay, what's important? What is really important?' Well, life is important. “两年前,癌症问我‘什么重要?什么才真正的重要?’对,生命重要。 Life. Life any way you can have it, life with the cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie; it has to do with being alive. Before, who made the time?" He pauses thoughtfully. "Damn, I guess life is the cookie." 生命。生命,无论如何你拥有生命。有小甜饼也罢,没有小甜饼也罢,幸福与小甜饼并非息息相关,而是与生命的存在有关。可是,时光一去不复返,谁又能让时光倒流呢?”他停顿了一下,若有所思,说:“该死,我觉得生命就是那块小甜饼”。 大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:人如孤岛 How wonderful are islands! Islands in space, like this one I have e to, ringed about by milesof water, linked by on bridges, no cables, no telephones. 岛屿是多么奇妙啊!它处在一望无际之中,四周海水围绕, 没有桥梁相通,没有电缆相连,更无电话可打。 An lsland from the world and the world's life. Islands is time, like this short vacation of mine. 我来的小岛就是 这样一个地方,它远离尘世,不见喧嚣。小岛是时间的孤岛,就 像我的这次短期假期。 The past and the future are cut off: only the present remains. 在这里,过去和未来都被隔断,只有现时 依然存在。 One lives like a child or a saint in the immediacy of here and now. 一个人,或是像个孩子:或是像个圣人,现在便实 实在在地在这里活着。 Every day, every act, is an island, washed by time and space, and has an island's pletion. 每一天、每一个动作其实都是一个小岛,经受着时间和空间的冲刷,像小岛一样完美。 People, too, bee like islands in such an atmosphere, self-contained, whole and serene;respecting other people's solitude, not intruding on their shores, standing back in reverncebefore the miracle of another individual. 人在这种环境下也变成了小岛,独立自主,完整安详,尊重他人的孤独,不践踏他 人的海岸半步,毕恭毕敬地在他人的奇迹面前靠后站。 "No man is an island," said John Donne. I feel we are all islands--in a mon sea. “没有人 会是小岛。”约翰?多恩说过。我却认为每个人都是公共海域的 小岛。 We are all, in the last *** ysis, alone. 归根结底,我们都是孤独的。 And this basic state of solitude is not something we have any choice about. 这种孤独的基本状态由不得 我们选择。 It is , as the poet Rilke says, "not something that one can take or leave". 奥地利诗人里尔克曾经说道:“由不得我们带走或是 放弃。” We are solitary. We may delude ourselves and act as though this were not so, yes, even tobegin by assuming it."Naturally," he goes on to say,"we will turn giddy." 虽然身心孤独,但是我们都欺自己,假装事实并非如 此。里尔克还说,“我们很自然就会弄得头晕目眩。” We seem so frightened today of being alone that we never let it happen. Even if family,friends, and movies should fail, there is still the radio or television to fill up the void. 今天的人们都非常害怕孤独,所以极力避免它。当与家人 和朋友相处或是看电影都无法消除孤独的时候,我们就用听广播 和看电视来填补空白。 Women, who used to plain of loneliness, need never be alone any more. 女人们曾经埋怨孤独,现在想孤独也办不 到。 We can do our housework with soap-opera heroes at our side. Even day-dreaming was morecreative than this; it demanded something of oneself and it fed the inner life. 她们可以一边做家务一边看肥皂剧。做白日梦都显得更有创 造力,它需要人们具有一些东西,而且能够丰富内心生活。 Now instead of planting our solitude with our dream bolssoms, we choke the space withcontinuous music, chatter and panionship to which we do not even listen. 我们 本该用白曰梦的似锦繁花来种下一片孤独,但却用连续不断的音 乐、喋喋不休、吵嚷的同伴来把孤独的空间堵死。 It is simply there to fill the vacuum. When the noise stops there is no inner music to take itsplace. We must relearn to be alone. 这其实仅仅是 _个填补空缺的问题,一旦暄闹消失,便不再有内心的音乐来填 补空缺。我们要重新学会孤独。 大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:一直走在阳光里 Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill. Its wheel, rusted and fallen, lay silent in the lush bluegrass. Its once animated silhouette was now a tall motionless steeple in the twilight sun. 多年的风雨毁坏了古老的风车。车轮已经锈了,倒了,静静地躺卧在茂盛的六月禾丛中。在落日的衬托下,曾经散发着生气的风车如今如耸立的尖塔般冰冷、生硬。 I hadn‘t walked across our old farm in fifteen years. Yet the sensations came flooding back. I could *** ell the freshness of new mown alfalfa. I could feel the ping of the ice cold summer rain, and the sun‘s sudden warmth on my wet shoulders when it reappeared after a brisk July thunderstorm. 我已经有十五年没有走过我们的农场了。然而,那些感觉又汹涌而至。我仿佛闻到了新割的苜蓿的清新气息,感觉到了冰冷夏雨敲打在身上,还有七月的雨后阳光照射在溼漉漉的身上骤然传来的暖意。 Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each day to see Greta. She always made me *** ile, even after Sis and I had just had a big squabble. I would help Greta with her chores. Then we would visit over a generous helping of her delicious homemade chocolate cookies and ice cream. Being confined to a wheel chair didn‘t stop Greta from being a fabulous cook. 无论雨天或晴天,我曾经天天沿着这条小径去探望葛丽塔。即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。我会帮葛丽塔做些家务。然后,我们会大快朵颐,品尝她亲手做的巧克力曲奇饼和冰淇淋。以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。 Greta gave me two of the greatest gifts I‘ve ever received. First, she taught me how to read. She also taught me that when I forgave Sis for our squabbles, it meant I wouldn‘t keep feeling like a victim. Instead, I would feel sunny. Mr. Dinking, the local banker, tried to foreclose on Greta‘s house and land after her hu *** and passed away. Thanks to Pa and Uncle Johan, Greta got to keep everything. Pa said that it was the least he could do for someone talented enough to teach me to read! 在葛丽塔的丈夫去世后,当地的银行家丁肯先生曾经要收取她抵押给了银行的房子。幸亏有爸爸和约翰叔叔的帮忙,葛丽塔才保住了一切。爸爸说,对一位聪明得能教会我认字的人,这只是他力所能及的一件小事! Soon folks were ing from miles around to buy Greta‘s homemade cakes, pies, breads, cookies, cider, and ice cream. Hank, the grocery store man, came each week to stock his shelves and bring Greta supplies. 很快,方圆数英里的人们都来买葛丽塔做的蛋糕、馅饼、面包、曲奇饼、苹果酒和冰淇淋。每周,杂货店老板汉克都会给她送来材料,并从她那里进货。 Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr. Dinking who became one of her best customers and friends. That‘s just how Greta was. She could turn anyone into a friend! 葛丽塔甚至让我给丁肯先生送去一个大苹果馅饼。他也成为了她的顾客和朋友。这就是葛丽塔。她可以把任何人都变成朋友! Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" No matter how terrible my day started, I always felt sunny walking home from Greta‘s house-even beneath the winter starlight. 葛丽塔常说:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” 每天,不管一开始怎么糟糕,从葛丽塔的小屋走回家时,即使是披着冬夜的星光,我都会感觉心情舒畅。 I arrived at Greta‘s house today just after sunset. An ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door, it‘s red lights flashing. When I ran into the old house, Greta recognized me right away. 这天,太阳刚下山我就来到葛丽塔家了。她门前几尺外已然停著一辆救护车。车上的红灯闪烁不停。当我冲入那所旧房子时,葛丽塔立刻认出了我. She *** iled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes. She was almost out of breath when she reached out and softly touched my arm. Her last words to me were "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" 她冲我微微一笑,令人难忘的那双蓝眼睛闪著光芒。当她伸手轻抚我的手臂时,她已经奄奄一息了。她最后对我说的话是:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” I‘m sure that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she‘s ever seen. And, I‘m sure that she heard every word I read at her memorial service. 我肯定葛丽塔此时正漫步在她所见过的最明媚的阳光里。我也肯定她听见了我在她的追悼仪式上所念的每一个字。 I chose a beautiful verse by Leo Buscaglia. It‘s one that Greta taught me to read many years ago… 我选了利奥·巴斯卡格里亚的一首优美的诗,正是那首葛丽塔多年前教我念的诗。 "Love can never grow old. Locks may lose their brown and gold. Cheeks may fade and hollow grow. But the hearts that love will know, never winter‘s frost and chill, summer‘s warmth is in them still." “爱能历久常新。华发或会失去原有的光彩。双颊或会日显消瘦黯淡。然而,有爱的心中,从无寒冬霜冰,只有夏之温热。”

大学英语教材是实施大学英语教育的关键和重要媒介。随着学英语教材形式的多样化,其质量也参差不齐。选择合适的教材前对教材进行分析和评估就显得尤其重要。下面是我带来的,欢迎阅读! 篇一 Everything happens for the best "Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you can carry on, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment." Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer. Ihitchhiked搭便车 to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station-and got turned down every time. In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring inexperienced person-"Go out in the sticks and find a *** all station that'll give you a chance," she said. I thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois. While them was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father sad Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I applied. The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn't hired. My disappointment must have shown. "Everything happens for the best," Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to job hunt. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scot *** an named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer. As I left his office, my frustration boiled over沸溢,发怒 . I asked aloud, "How can a fellow get to be a sport announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?" I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling, "What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?" Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game. On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother's words: "if you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment". I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward. 篇二 Keep the candle lightedA man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became ill, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and earth竭尽全力 to bring about her restoration to health. His best efforts, however, proved unavailing无效的,徒劳的 and the child died. The father became a bitter recluse隐士 , shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream. He was in heaven, witnessing a grand巨集伟的 pageant盛会, *** of all the little child angels. They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle. He noticed that one child’s candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her tenderly, and then asked, “How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?” “Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.” Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear极其明白 , and its effects were immediate. From that hour on he was not a recluse, but mingled融合 freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling’s candle be extinguished by his useless tears. 篇三 Put the goal in your heart When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours. Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at age 34, her goal was to bee the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast. On that Fourth of July morning in 1952, the sea was like an ice bath and the fog was so dense she could hardly see her support boats. Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn’t much farther. But all she could see was fog. They urged her not to quit. She never had...until then. With only a half mile to go, she asked to be pulled out. Still warming her chilled冷冻了的 body several hours later, she told a reporter, "Look, I’m not excusing myself, but if I could have seen land I might have made it." It was not fatigue疲劳 or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. Two months later, she tried again. This time, despite the same dense fog, she swam with her faith and her goal clearly pictured in her mind. She knew that somewhere behind that fog was land and this time she made it! Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men’s record by two hours!



Today, it is worth celebrating this festival. On Christmas day, of course, we can not live without Santa Claus and Christmas presents. I think Christmas is a holiday for children. Today, children will "carnival". They will go out to travel, to play.

I like Christmas hat, it is red. Every Christmas will be present in it. There is also a stealth, of course, is happy. Only today happy, can be blessed.

Today, I want to receive a Christmas gift, of course, is a teddy bear and a Santa Claus, I like it very much. This desire, I realized. Mother bought me. She saw through my heart.

I also want to send each of children welfare orphanage a Santa, but it can only be achieved after I grow up.

This afternoon, we went to the supermarket. The door had the Santa Claus in candy, of course, is that people play. Go to the supermarket, there is a high Christmas tree, hung above the bells, a flash, etc. With card, of course, is a blessing to people.

Is worth celebrating this day, Christmas day is to cheer!







I like green, because I see green you can think of the endless prairie, here in the green grass was full of all kinds of flowers, beautiful! Standing on the grassland, looked up to see blue sky, there are tens of thousands of white clouds in the sky, like a lovely cotton candy, cows and sheep are grazing grassland, there are horses in the running on the grass.

Green represents health, make people for life is full of vitality and hope. Rose up in the morning, looking at the distant green, eyes will become more bright; Green grass will make cows and sheep have become more strong. The green grass and trees, flowers, can make the air more fresh; Dense forest to animals brought a beautiful and happy home; From a distance, a rolling tall green mountain, budao edge of the mountain is linked together with day, like a picture.

Green is the standard of health, green can beautify the environment, we should jointly building a green, green protection, protect the environment. Let the world become more beautiful.




Everyone has the responsibility of protecting the environment, the environment to our life have a close relationship, throw rubbish casually, spitting, throw waste batteries, these small things will pollute the environment.

Usually it is not hard to see on the way people throwing rubbish and spitting everywhere. They throw a garbage, face is the feeling of guilt, they don't know a group of waste paper, throwing a plastic packaging will pollute the environment; They don't know what cleaners are, how much effort to clean the ground, was one of their small garbage. They don't know what they unconsciously spit out phlegm can make a lot of people have a cold, and those people don't know, is the ground of sputum for their disease. Now everyone knows the forest area is greatly reduced, yeah! That is so disorderly cut down trees, people killed animals living environment. Without the protection of the forest will make dust storms ruined city, dust storms have left many people were killed. The usual thick forest became desolate desert.

Although there are a lot of people pollute the environment, but also have to protect the environment.

Since the people began to advocate environmental protection, green. Our schools are beginning to have a batch of volunteers, small to primary school, to university. The middle-aged and elderly people also have to attend. They protect the environment, advocate environmental protection shopping bags, don't use plastic bags, because he is hard to break down; Don't throw battery anywhere, please put them in the village of professional recycling station; Don't open car, please try to walk or by bus. Leading everyone doesn't want to cut down a tree, they take the lead in planting trees, make the air more pure and fresh, to build forest construction of animal house. The leadership don't spit, they clean the ground, let us live in a clean, comfortable environment. They believe that their homes will be more beautiful.

"Everyone needs to help protect the environment," from now on, from now on, let us act, environmental protection, environmental protection, make the city more beautiful tomorrow.






英文美文可以让你感受的英语文学的魅力,短小精悍的英语美文总是受到人们的欢迎。接下来,我跟你分享英语美文小短文附中文,欢迎阅读英语美文摘抄带翻译。 英语美文小短文:朋友就该这么做 Jack tossed the papers on my desk—his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me. 杰克把文件扔到我桌上,皱着眉头,气愤地瞪着我。 "What’s wrong?" I asked. “怎么了?”我问道。 He jabbed a finger at the proposal. "Next time you want to change anything, ask me first," he said, turning on his heels and leaving me stewing in anger. 他指着计划书狠狠地说道:“下次想作什么改动前,先征求一下我的意见。”然后转身走了,留下我一个人在那里生闷气。 How dare he treat me like that, I thought. I had changed one long sentence, and corrected grammar, something I thought I was paid to do. 他怎么能这样对我!我想,我只是改了一个长句,更正了语法错误,但这都是我的分内之事啊。 It’s not that I hadn’t been warned. Other women who had worked my job before me called Jack names I couldn’t repeat. One coworker took me aside the first day. "He’s personally responsible for two different secretaries leaving the firm," she whispered. 其实也有人提醒过我,上一任在我这个职位上工作的女士就曾大骂过他。我第一天上班时,就有同事把我拉到一旁小声说:“已有两个秘书因为他而辞职了。” As the weeks went by, I grew to despise Jack. His actions made me question much that I believed in, such as turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. Jack quickly slapped a verbal insult on any cheek turned his way. I prayed about the situation, but to be honest, I wanted to put Jack in his place, not love him. 几周后,我逐渐有些鄙视杰克了,而这又有悖于我的信条——别人打你左脸,右脸也转过去让他打;爱自己的敌人。但无论怎么做,总会挨杰克的骂。说真的,我很想灭灭他的嚣张气焰,而不是去爱他。我还为此默默祈祷过。 One day another of his episodes left me in tears. I stormed into his office, prepared to lose my job if needed, but not before I let the man know how I felt. I opened the door and Jack glanced up. “What?” he asked abruptly. 一天,因为一件事,我又被他气哭了。我冲进他的办公室,准备在被炒鱿鱼前让他知道我的感受。我推开门,杰克抬头看了我一眼。“有事吗?”他突然说道。 Suddenly I knew what I had to do. After all, he deserved it. 我猛地意识到该怎么做了。毕竟,他罪有应得。 I sat across from him and said calmly, “Jack, the way you’ve been treating me is wrong. I’ve never had anyone speak to me that way. As a professional, it’s wrong, and I can’t allow it to continue.” 我在他对面坐下:“杰克,你对待我的方式很有问题。还从没有人像你那样对我说话。作为一个职业人士,你这么做很愚蠢,我无法容忍这样的事情再度发生。” Jack snickered nervously and leaned back in his chair. I closed my eyes briefly. God help me, I prayed. 杰克不安地笑了笑,向后靠靠。我闭了一下眼睛,祈祷着,希望上帝能帮帮我。 “I want to make you a promise. I will be a friend,” I said. “I will treat you as you deserve to be treated, with respect and kindness. You deserve that. Everybody does.” I slipped out of the chair and closed the door behind me. “我保证,可以成为你的朋友。你是我的上司,我自然会尊敬你,礼貌待你,这是我应做的。每个人都应得到如此礼遇。”我说着便起身离开,把门关上了。 Jack avoided me the rest of the week. Proposals, specs, and letters appeared on my desk while I was at lunch, and my corrected versions were not seen again. I brought cookies to the office one day and left a batch on his desk. Another day I left a note. “Hope your day is going great,” it read. 那个星期余下的几天,杰克一直躲着我。他总趁我吃午饭时,把计划书、技术说明和信件放在我桌上,并且,我修改过的文件不再被打回来。一天,我买了些饼干去办公室,顺便在杰克桌上留了一包。第二天,我又留了一张字条,在上面写道:“祝你今天一切顺利。” Over the next few weeks, Jack reappeared. He was reserved, but there were no other episodes. Coworkers cornered me in the break room. “Guess you got to Jack,” they said. “You must have told him off good.” 接下来的几个星期,杰克不再躲避我了,但沉默了许多,办公室里再也没发生不愉快的事情。于是,同事们在休息室把我团团围了起来。“听说杰克被你镇住了,”他们说,“你肯定大骂了他一顿。” I shook my head. “Jack and I are becoming friends,” I said in faith. I refused to talk about him. Every time I saw Jack in the hall, I smiled at him. After all, that’s what friends do. 我摇了摇头,一字一顿地说:“我们会成为朋友。”我根本不想提起杰克,每次在大厅看见他时,我总冲他微笑。毕竟,朋友就该这样。 One year after our "talk," I discovered I had breast cancer. I was thirty-two, the mother of three beautiful young children, and scared. The cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and the statistics were not great for long-term survival. After my surgery, friends and loved ones visited and tried to find the right words. No one knew what to say, and many said the wrong things. Others wept, and I tried to encourage them. I clung to hope myself. 一年后,我32岁,是三个漂亮孩子的母亲,但我被确诊为乳腺癌,这让我极端恐惧。癌细胞已经扩散到我的淋巴腺。从统计数据来看,我的时间不多了。手术后,我 拜访 了亲朋好友,他们尽量宽慰我,都不知道说些什么好,有些人反而说错了话,另外一些人则为我难过,还得我去安慰他们。我始终没有放弃希望。 One day, Jack stood awkwardly in the doorway of my small, darkened hospital room. I waved him in with a smile. He walked over to my bed and without a word placed a bundle beside me. Inside the package lay several bulbs. 就在我出院的前一天,我看到门外有个人影。是杰克,他尴尬地站在门口。我微笑着招呼他进来,他走到我床边,默默地把一包东西放在我旁边,那里边是几个球茎。 "Tulips," he said. “这是郁金香。”他说。 I grinned, not understanding. 我笑着,不明白他的用意。 He shuffled his feet, then cleared his throat. "If you plant them when you get home, they’ll come up next spring. I just wanted you to know that I think you’ll be there to see them when they come up." 他清了清嗓子,“回家后把它们种下,到明年春天就长出来了。”他挪挪脚,“我希望你知道,你一定看得到它们发芽开花。” Tears clouded my eyes and I reached out my hand. "Thank you," I whispered. 我泪眼朦胧地伸出手。 Jack grasped my hand and gruffly replied, "You’re welcome. You can’t see it now, but next spring you’ll see the colors I picked out for you. I think you’ll like them." He turned and left without another word. “谢谢你。”我低声说。杰克抓住我的手,生硬地答道:“不必客气。到明年长出来后,你就能看到我为你挑的是什么颜色的郁金香了。”之后,他没说一句话便转身离开了。 For ten years, I have watched those red-and-white striped tulips push their way through the soil every spring. 转眼间,十多年过去了,每年春天,我都会看着这些红白相间的郁金香破土而出。事实上,今年九月,医生已宣布我痊愈了。我也看着孩子们高中 毕业 ,进入大学。 In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the right things. 在那绝望的时刻,我祈求他人的安慰,而这个男人寥寥数语,却情真意切,温暖着我脆弱的心。 After all, that’s what friends do. 毕竟,朋友之间就该这么做。 英语美文小短文:不凡的连衣裙 “Do you like my dress?"she asked of a passing stranger."My mommy made it just for me."She said with a tear in her eye. "你喜欢我的连衣裙吗?“她问一位正走过她身边的陌生人。”我妈妈专给我做的。”她说道,眼里冒出了泪珠。 "Well,I think it's very pretty,so tell me little one,why are you crying?" “嗯,我认为你的裙子真漂亮。告诉我,小姑娘,你为什么哭呢?” With a quiver in her voice the little girl answered."After Mommy made me this dress,she had to go away." 小姑娘声音有些颤抖,回答道:“我妈妈给我做完这条裙子后就不得不离开了。” "Well,now,"said the lady,"with a little girl like you waiting for her,I'm sure she'll be right back." “哦,是这样,”陌生的女士说,“有你这样一个小姑娘等着她,我敢肯定她很快就会回来的。” "No Ma'am ,you don't understand,"said the child through her tears,"my daddy said she's up in heaven now with Grandfather." “不,女士,您不明白,”女孩透过泪水说,“我爸说她现在和我爷爷在天堂里。” Finally the woman realized what the child meant,and why she was crying.Kneeling down she gently cradled the child in her arms and together they cried for the mommy that was gone. 女士终于明白孩子的意思了,也明白她为什么哭泣。她跪下,温柔地把女孩搂在怀里,她们一起为离去的妈妈哭泣。 Then suddenly the little girl did something that the woman thought was a bit strange.She stopped crying,stepped back from the woman and began to sing.She sang so softly that it was almost a whisper. It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard,almost like the song of a very small bird. 忽然小姑娘又做了件让女士感到有点奇怪的事。她停住了哭泣,从女士怀抱中抽出身,向后退了一步,然后开始 唱歌 。她唱得如此轻柔,几乎像章晨低语。这是女士听到过的最甜美的声音,简直就像一只非常小的小鸟在吟唱。 After the child stopped singing she explained to the lady,"My mommy used to sing that song to me before she went away,and she made me promise to sing it whenever I started crying and it would make me stop." 小女孩唱完后解释说:“妈妈离去前经常给我唱这支歌,她让我答应她我一哭就唱这支歌,这样我就不哭了。” "See,"she exclaimed,"it did,and now my eyes are dry!" “您瞧,”她惊叫道,“真管用,现在我的眼睛里没有眼泪了!” As the woman turned to go,the little girl grabbed her sleeve,"Ma'am,can you stay just a minute?I want to show you something." 女士转身要走时,小女孩抓住她的衣袖:“女士,您能再停留一小会儿吗?我想给您看点东西。” "Of course,"she answered,"what do you want me to see?" “当然可以,”她回答,“你想要我看什么呢?” Pointing to a spot on her dress,she said,"Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress,and here,"pointing to another spot,"and here is another kiss, and here,and here.Mommy said that she put all those kisses on my dress so that I would have her kisses for every booboo'that made me cry." 小女孩指着裙子上的一处,说:“就在这里,我妈妈亲了我的裙子,还有这里,”她指着另外一处,“这里有另外一个吻,还有这里,这里。妈妈说她把所有这些吻都留在我的连衣裙上,这样我遇到什么事哭了,就会有她的亲吻。” Then the lady realized that she wasn't just looking at a dress,no,she was looking at a mother…who knew that she was going away and would not be there to kiss away the hurts that she knew her daughter would get. 这时,女士意识到在她眼前的不是一件连衣裙,不是的,她在凝视一位母亲……这位母亲知道她将离去,无法随时守候在女儿身边,吻去她知道女儿必然会遇到的种种伤心事。 So she took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress,that her child now so proudly wore. 所以她将所有对她美丽女儿的爱倾注在这件连衣裙上。现在,女儿如此骄傲地穿在身上。 She no longer saw a little girl in a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped…in her mother's love. 她看到的不再是身穿一件简单的连衣裙的小女孩。她看到的是一个……被妈妈的爱裹着的孩子。 英语美文摘抄带翻译 1.暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜和数不尽的孤单之中。 Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together, such as one dust covers up. Only afraid the light suddenly put out in theendless dark night and countless loneliness. 2. 我们每个人都像是农夫。洒下良种将有丰收,播下劣种或生满野草便将毁去收成。没有耕耘则会一无所获。我希望未来比过去更加美好,希望未来不会沾染历史的错误与过失。我们都应举目向前,因我们的余生要用未来书写。 We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. I want the future to be better than the past. I do not want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives. 3. 现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最多选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是低下头。无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在最初的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现——这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳! Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do gathers so richly about my soul when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help. Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed, how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportunity that moment may present——to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into fragrant garden of flowers. 4. 如果这是我的末日,那么它就是不朽的纪念日,我把它当成最美好的日子。我要把每分每秒化为甘露,一口一口,细细品尝,满怀感激。我要每一分钟都有价值。我要加倍努力,直到精疲力竭。即使这样,我还要继续努力。今天的每一分钟都胜过昨天的每一小时,最后的也是最好的。假如今天是我生命中的最后一天。如果不是的话,我要跪倒在上苍面前,深深致谢。If it is my last, it will be my greatest moment. This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will make the every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue. Each minute of today will be more fruitful than hours of yesterday. My last must be my best.I will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks to god. 5.人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱,在一个特定的时间,特定的地点,做脑海中安排了千万遍的事,一次一个步骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开? Life is full of confusing and disordering particular time, a particular location, do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain. Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness, no enthusiasm forever and no unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing. So, only silently ask myself in mind:next happiness, when will come? 6.一扇通往幸福的门关闭了,另一扇幸福之门打开了,可有多少次啊,我们徘徊在那扇关闭的门前,却忽略了那扇早已为我们开启的新的幸福之门。不要以貌取人,外貌可能会欺你;不要追逐财富,财富会消失的。去寻找那个让你笑口常开的人吧,一个微笑就可以使暗淡的日子豁然开朗。去追寻那个令你心灵愉悦的人吧! When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smiles. 7. 重要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开后,别人会认为是个永远的损失。重要的不是你想念谁,而是爱你的人想念你。重要的是别人会记你多长时间,谁记着你,为什么记着你。过一种有意义的生活不是一件偶然的事情。 What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone. What will matter is not your memories, but the memories of those who loved you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what. Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. 8.珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间。昨日已成历史,而明日仍是个谜。今天则是珍贵的礼物,那是它为何被称做“礼物”的原因。 Treasure every moment that you have! Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called "the present". 猜你喜欢: 1. 优秀英语美文摘抄 2. 关于英语美文摘抄带翻译欣赏 3. 英语美文摘抄带翻译欣赏 4. 短篇英语美文摘抄带翻译 5. 短篇英语美文摘抄带翻译精选 6. 英语短篇美文带翻译精选



Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,

so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.








A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night.

they loved each other a lot.

girl:" Slow down a little.. I'm scared.."

boy: "no, it's so fun.."

girl: "please... it's so scary.."

boy: "then say that you love me.."

girl: "fine..i love you..can you slow down now?"

boy: "give me a big hug.."

the girl gave him a big hug.

girl: "now can you slow down?"

boy: "can you take off my helmet and put it on? it's uncomfortable and? It's bothering me while i drive."

the next day, there was a story in the newspaper. a motorcycle had crashed into a buildingbecause its brakes were broken.

there were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other had survived...

the guy knew that the brakes were broken. he didn\'t want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared.

instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her,put his helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself...

once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale...











男 孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗?它让我感到不舒服,还干扰我驾车。” 第二天,报纸报道:一辆摩托车因为刹车失灵而撞毁在一幢建筑物上





Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So, only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness, when will come?

人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱, 在一个特定的时间,特定的地点, 做脑海中安排了千万遍的事, 一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板, 永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。 于是,也只有在心里默默地问: 下一班幸福,几点开?

Work and Play【工作与娱乐】

Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotions.

What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies. Usually I don\'t spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the day\'s pressure. On weekends, I\'ll catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and energetic for another week\'s work-load.





The clock is ticking and tomorrow is my special day.


I wonder what people will say.


Will they greet me or just say hi.


Ha-ha as if they all remember my natal day.



Oh! One thing I realize as I get little older is that we should value our lives and spend it meaningfully.


Dream big and set plans.


I thank God for helping me to achieve my goal each year.


Although not everything is perfect, but somewhat closer to that. I surpassed my 2016 with a #goalmet and proudly to say that building my own family is a gift.


Thank you God for the most special gift I got last year. Soon I will get to see it. I do promise to take good care of it.


Me and my husband waiting for our fruit. A fruit made with love. A fruit that we dream of. A special gift that forever we will treasure. A baby I will name as baby Z.


I'm just sitting here in my room today, listening to music while it rains outside my window, and I can't stop thinking about how happy I am and how great my life is. There's nothing particularly special about it - I'm not rich or famous, I'm not exceptionally talented, and I don't do anything particularly fabulous for a living. But I feel somewhat organized, I have a clean room and a car and a job, and most of all what makes it great is the mere fact that I feel happy.


I know this may not seem like the most interesting story in the world, but when I was twelve, I was deeply suicidal.


I'm sharing my good mood today because I know there are tons of people out there who struggle with life.


Not even necessarily the outward details of their lives, but the inner demons that exist within their minds.


I want you to know - if that's you - that the mere possibility of reaching a place of inner peace is worth it. It is worth hanging on for.


I was probably 25 when happiness and contentment became my default emotions. It took a long time, and it took a lot of change, pain and growth. But now that I'm here, it feels permanent. And the emotions of the past feel like they happened to someone else. They are so foreign and distant to me. For some, it may take even longer, and it may take even more. But I cannot imagine even for a second that the struggle wouldn't be worth it if this is the end result.


That's it. I just wanted to share my positive vibes with everybody. The world can be an amazing place if you let it, and you can be an amazing person. You probably already are. Good luck, and please never give up. I hope that today, you all feel a little bit of love. Thanks for reading.


I've been job hunting for about eight months.


A few weeks ago I went to an interview and handed off my car to the valet guy.


As I was waiting for the elevator I heard him tell his coworker that he would kill for a coffee, so after my interview I stopped at the cafe in the lobby and grabbed one for him.


He was super grateful and asked for my business card.


I gave it to him, thinking maybe he wanted to send me a thank you email or something.


The next day I got a call from the manager at this big staffing agency in our city. She was the valet guy's cousin and he asked her to call me. I ended up meeting with her in person, and after only a week she found me my dream job. Today was my first day, and it went perfectly.


Be nice to everyone, all the time.



Knowledge and Virtue

Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith.

Philosophy, however enlightened, however profound, gives no command over the passions, no influential motives, no vivifying principles. Liberal Education makes not the Christian, not the Catholic, but the gentleman.

It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life—these are the connatural qualities of a large knowledge; they are the objects of a University.

I am advocating, I shall illustrate and insist upon them; but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, and they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them.

Taken by themselves, they do but seem to be what they are not; they look like virtue at a distance, but they are detected by close observers, and in the long run; and hence it is that they are popularly accused of pretense and hypocrisy, not, I repeat, from their own fault, but because their professors and their admirers persist in taking them for what they are not, and are officious in arrogating for them a praise to which they have no claim.

Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the vessel with a thread of silk, then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man.

知识是一回事,美德是另一回事。好意并非良心,优雅并非谦让,广博与公正的观点也并非信仰。哲学,无论多么富有启迪和深奥莫测,都无法驾驭情感,不具备有影响力的动机,不具有导致生动活泼的原理。文科教育并不造就基督教徒抑或天主教徒,而是造就了绅士。造就一个绅士诚为美事。有教养的才智,优雅的情趣,正直、公正而冷静的头脑,高贵而彬彬有礼的举止--这些是与渊博的学识生来固有的品质, 它也是大学教育的目的。对此我提倡之,并将加以阐释和坚持。然而我要说的是,它们仍然不能确保圣洁,或甚至不能保证诚实。它们可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,当他们用它伪装起来时,就更增加了他们外表上的冷静、快活和魅力。就其本身而言,它们似乎已远非其本来面目,它们似乎一远看的美德,经久久细察方可探知。因此它们受到广泛的责难,指责其虚饰与伪善。我要强调,这绝非是因为其自身有什么过错,而是因为教授们和赞美者们一味地把它们弄得面目全非,并且还要殷勤地献上其本身并不希冀的赞颂。如若用剃刀就可以开采出花岗岩,用丝线即能系泊位船只,那么,也许你才能希望用人的知识和理性这样美妙而优雅的东西去与人类的情感与高傲那样的庞然大物进行抗争。

A Tribute to the Dog

The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith.

The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.

The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.

He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.

If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.




英语,作为社会生活和国家间交流的重要手段,其地位日益提升。下面是我带来的英文经典 文章 摘抄,欢迎阅读!


The Faculty of Delight


Among the mind's powers is one that comes of itself to many children and artists. It need not be lost, to the end of his days, by any one who has ever had it. This is the power of taking delight in a thing, or rather in anything, everything, not as a means to some other end, but just because it is what it is, as the lover dotes on whatever may be the traits of the beloved object. A child in the full health of his mind wifi put his hand flat on the summer turf, feel it, and give a little shiver of private glee at the elastic firmness of the globe. He is not thinking how well it will do for some game or to feed sheep upon. That would be the way of the wooer whose mind runs on his mistress's money. The child's is sheer affection, the true ecstatic sense of the thing's inherent characteristics. No matter what the things may be, no matter what they are good or no good for, there they are, each with a thrilling unique look and feel of its own, like a face; the iron astringently coop under its paint, the painted wood familiarly warmer, the clod crumbling enchantingly down in the hands, with its little dry smell of the sun and of hot nettles ; each common thing a personality marked by delicious differences.

在心智的各种能力中,有一种能力对于许多 儿童 和艺术家来说是与生倶来的,而且一旦获得它,就终身不会失去。这种能力就是对一件事物、甚至对每件事物都感到喜悦的能力。之所以感到喜悦,并不是因为那件事物是达到其他目的的手段,只是因为这件事情本身,正如一个情人觉得他所喜爱的对象是十全十美一样。一个心智健康的儿童也许会把他的手放在夏天的草地上,抚摸着它,他觉得坚实的大地也有点弹性,因而打心眼里感到欣喜。他并不会考虑这草地对于人们玩游戏或用来放羊会有多大好处。如果这样的话,那就是一心贪图钱财的追求者的恶劣行径了。但这孩子内心的喜悦却是至真至纯的,是对这件事物的内在特性感到真正的心醉神迷。不管这些事物是什么,也不管它们对什么有用或者没用,它们自然地存在着,有着自己动人的外观与感觉,就像一张面孔那样;油漆下面冰凉的钢铁,温暖可亲的彩色木料,拿在手中一揉就碎的令人着迷的土块,微微含着日晒与荨麻的干燥气味;各种普通的事物都有着可爱的差别,因而都突显了其独特的性格。

The joy of an Adam new to the garden and just looking round is brought by the normal child to the things that he does as well as those that he sees. To be suffered to do some plain work with the real spade used by mankind can give him a mystical exaltation : to come home with his legs, as the French say, reentering his body from the fatigue of helping the gardener to weed beds sends him to sleep in the glow of a beatitude that is an end in itself…





Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in selfcontrol, Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.


A man becomes calm in the measure that he understands himself as a thought evolved being, for such knowledge necessitates the understanding of others as the result of thought, and as he develops a right understanding, and sees more and more clearly the internal relations of things by the action of cause and effect he ceases to fuss and fume and worry and grieve, and remains poised, steadfast, serene.


The calm man, having learned how to govern himself, knows how to adapt himself to others; and they, in turn, reverence his spiritual strength, and feel that they can learn of him and rely upon him. The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Even the ordinary trader will find his business prosperity increase as he develops a greater selfcontrol and equanimity, for people will always prefer to deal with a man whose demeanor is strongly equable.


The strong, calm man is always loved and revered. He is like a shadegiving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm. "Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweettempered, balanced life?" It does not matter whether it rains or shines, or what changes come to those possessing these blessings, for they are always sweet, serene, and calm. That exquisite poise of character, which we call serenity is the last lesson of culture, the fruitage of the soul. It is precious as wisdom, more to be desired than gold — yea, than even fine gold. How insignificant mere money seeking looks in comparison with a serene life, a life that dwells in the ocean of truth, beneath the waves, beyond the reach of tempests, in the eternal calm!


"How many people we know who sour their lives, who ruin all that is sweet and beautiful by explosive tempers, who destroy their poise of character, and make bad blood! It is a question whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives and mar their happiness by lack of selfcontrol. How few people we meet in life who are well balanced, who have that exquisite poise which is characteristic of the finished character!"


Yes, humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him.


Tempesttossed souls, wherever ye may be, under whatsoever conditions ye may live, know this in the o cean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling, and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding master; he does but sleep; wake him. Selfcontrol is strength; right thought is mastery; calmness is power. Say unto your heart, "Peace, be still!"



The Lord is My Shepherd


A psalm of David


The LORD is my shepherd,


I shall not be in want.


He makes me lie down in green pastures,


he leads me beside quiet waters,


he restores my soul.


He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,


I will fear no evil,


for you are with me;


your rod and your staff,


they comfort me.


You prepare a table before me


in the presence of my enemies.


You anoint my head with oil;


my cup overflows.


Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,


and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.



