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vt. 消化;吸收;融会贯通

vi. 消化

n. 文摘;摘要


He read rapidly but did not digest anything.



adj. 纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的

n. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品

v. 摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉


His abstracts are held in numerous collections.




abstract 的基本意思是抽象的,观念上的,理论的,可与个别情况相对,也可与具体经验相对。多指品质或特征,而不指物体或事实。有时意味着脱离现实,而且缺乏对实际事物的专门实用性,引申可作难懂的,过于深奥的意思。abstract用于艺术作品时可指抽象派的。



abstract常用于短语in the abstract中,意思是就一般而言,抽象地,在理论上,abstract前的定冠词the不可遗漏。







[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]


abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构









元照英美法译文,流畅精准!research on the development of retail banking business of commercial bank ABSTRACT:the retail banking business of commercial bank is the important business domain and its resource of revenue.so far the retail banking business play an important role in the revenue of the developed countries's commercial banks.however,retail banking business of CHINA's commercial banks is in the initial stage,its development is relatively falling behind,also has more problems.in 2006,CHINA's financial sector has opened up completely.the competition is more and more fierce from foreign banks.how to accelerate the development of the retail banking business of commercial banking has become the serious question which CHINA's banking systems can get survial and development. so it has realistic and far-reaching significance that research on the present situation and existing problem about the commercial banking system's retail banking business,discussion on the strategic development of retail banking business. this lecture begins with the present situation of development of CHINA'S commercial banks and the existing problems,sovles the the most important strategic significance about CHINA's banking development.CHINA' commeicial banking systems should take measures to deal with a series of issues in the fierce banking competitin. 英美法流畅标准!


你在CNKI里面去搜一下这篇文章,原文我没有留,译文留了里面的图表自己补Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric characterization of some fatty acids from white 和 interior spruce(云杉种子脂肪酸的GC-MS分析)译文出处:D.-J. Carrier et al./J. Chromatogr. A715 (1995)317-324外文译文正文:摘要:本文主要是研究测定云杉种子中脂肪酸的成分。一是通过气相色谱分析种子油中获得的脂肪酸甲酯化衍生物。云杉脂肪酸甲酯化衍生物的洗脱时间不受有效标样类别的影响。二是将提取物二乙氨化,并通过气相色谱-质谱进行分析。由所得图谱分析确定样品中含有cis-ll-18:l,cis-5,cis-9-18:2和 和 cis-5,cis-9,cis-12-18:3等脂肪酸。1 引言内陆云杉(Picea glauca engelmannii Complex)是白云杉(Picea glauca) 和恩格尔曼(Picea engelrnannii) 在它们重叠地带的自然杂交品种。它是一种重要的经济作物,在英国的哥伦比亚每年有8千万株的种植量。本文研究的目的是通过胚离体培养的克隆繁殖系统来改进优化云杉的生产。人工种子的生产是研究目的之一,涉及到人工胚乳(幼苗发芽储存物质)的形成。本文的研究旨在为发展人工胚乳,更好的了解云杉幼苗发育的营养需要提供有用的基础数据。云杉种子中含有约30%的脂类物质[1]。和其它裸子植物一样,高脂质含量表明脂类代谢是幼苗获得自养能力前的重要营养供给 [2]。本文测定内陆云杉种子的脂类及其组成。据调查,目前还没有关于云杉种子脂肪酸研究的报道。在前期研究中,用气相色谱法(GC)分析内陆云杉种子脂肪酸的甲酯化产物,但是其中丰度第二的脂肪酸甲酯化产物很难由现有的标准图谱进行确定。这些洗脱峰存在于cis-9,cis-12-18:2和cis-9,cis-12,cis-15-18:3的脂肪酸甲酯衍生物之间。初始GC-MS测定显示分子离子峰与18:3甲酯衍生物相匹配。前人有关白云杉脂肪酸含量的研究中,丰度第二的成分是5,9-18:2。为明确和完善云杉种子脂肪酸成分研究,本文对内陆白云杉种子大量脂肪酸进行测定。通过GC-MS测定不饱和脂肪族的许多方法是可行的。与丙酮、硼酸反应后,接着与临位二元醇作用是确定不饱和双键的常用方法,硅烷基化及甲酯化也是惯常方法[3]。质谱数据结果能提供丰富的资料,但是锇的四氧化物反应过程中存在着潜在危险。研究发现,氢化作用后进行环氧化也能确定不饱和双键的位置[3],虽然这是一个不错的方法,但两步衍化十分耗时。另一种确定双键位置的方法是在羧基端加入一稳定基团,例如掺入形成酰胺基[4],双键数可能会在形成质谱图谱时减少。吡咯烷一般作为质谱洗脱脂肪酸识别酰胺的物质[3]。然而,对于未知脂肪酸成分是否含有羟基、环氧基及其他保守基团,二乙胺化是有效的方法[4]。该方法优点是较其他方法容易获得衍生物及进行质谱分析,现已成功应用于对欧洲云杉脂肪酸双键位置的确定[5]。本文报道内陆白云杉种子的总脂类中脂肪酸的含量及种类。脂类提取然后一部分甲酯化,再进行GC分析;另一部分则二乙胺化,并进一步进行GC-MS测定。2 实验部分2 1 化学药品化学药品均达到试剂级别。氯化氢甲醇购买于Supelco Canada Oakville, (Ont., Canada),二乙胺及冰醋酸分别购于Aldrich(Milwaukee, WI, USA)和Fisher Scientific(Nepean, Ont., Canada)。白云杉和及青冈云杉种子分别由Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration(Indian Head, Sask., Canada)和British Columbia Research (Vancouver,BC,Canada)提供。十七碳脂肪酸及其他脂肪酸甲酯化物标品购于Nu-Chek-Prep (Elysian, MN,USA)。2.2 方法初始甲酯化研究根据成熟的方案[6-8]提取内陆云杉种子并进行甲醇反应。十七碳脂肪酸作为内参标品。如前所述对脂肪酸甲酯进行分析[8]。GC-MSGC-MS分析均用Fison 8000型GC-MS仪(Fisons Instruments,Manchester, UK),具60m×0.32mm ID.DB-23 熔融石英毛细管柱(J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA)和与Fison Tri2000质谱四极杆相接的接口。所有样品以逐一注入的模式注入。最初柱温70℃,然后以20℃/min升至180℃,接着以每秒4℃/min升至240℃。GC接口及物料保持在250℃。每1.1s以70eV的电子能量从50-510的质量范围重复检测。总脂类提取和二乙氨衍生化作用100mg种子提取中加入1.5ml异丙醇,用TP型匀浆器(Janke & Kunkel, Germany)以最大速度均质3min;密封并沸水浴5min;冷却后加入0.75ml CH2Cl2,室温放置30min,间断漩涡振荡;再加入1ml水及2mlCH2Cl2 。涡旋振荡并830g离心。保留有机相,用2mlCH2Cl2再次抽提水相。合并获得的有机相,蒸发溶剂获得总脂。根据Ref.[5]设计的方案获得二乙氨衍生物。总脂转移至1ml穿刺反应瓶中,反应瓶中含0.8ml二乙氨和0.1ml冰醋酸,然后在氮气保护下净化,再密封置于穿刺反应仪(Rockford, IL, USA)中,105℃下反应75min。而后反应混合物转移至带有瓶塞的玻璃试管中。在氮气流中蒸发掉二乙氨,然后加入1ml水及3mlCH2Cl2,涡旋震荡并830g离心。最后蒸发至得到干物质并回收二乙氨衍生物的有机相。3 结果及讨论3.1甲酯化每毫克鲜重的种子直接甲酯化[6]能产生150µg的总脂肪酸。但种方法并不能总是能定量的测定从植物组织中提取出来的脂肪酸。它能够像最初一样很好地测定植物叶片中的脂肪酸,对其他植物组织就未必能起到很好的作用,例如内陆云杉种子。按Hara等人提出的总脂肪酸提取方案,然后再用甲酯化气相色谱分析法,可以测出每毫克鲜重种子300µg范围内的总脂肪酸。上文均用Holbrooketal提出的提取方案和转甲基化方法。内陆云杉种子总脂肪酸的气相色谱-质谱分析结果如图1,通过与标样的保留时间和图谱比较可以得知1、2、3、6的峰值分别代表16:0, 18:0, 9-18:1和9,12-18:2脂肪酸甲酯。根据现有的色谱条件trans-9-18:l和trans-9,trans-12-18:2脂肪酸甲酯的洗脱时间比相应的顺式异构体cis-9-18:1和cis-9,cis-12-18:2脂肪酸甲酯要早0.5min。结合植物油脂多为顺式异构体这一事实,可以推知在这次测定中所得的同样应该是顺式异构体。所以在图1.中的峰值3和6可以确定为cis-9-18:1和cis-9,cis-12-18:2脂肪酸甲酯。在图1.(标注为7)的质谱数据图谱中的丰度第二的组分显示的离子峰为292,这和18:3脂肪酸甲酯相匹配,但是它的保留时间与现有的任一标样都不符。同样地,组分5的离子峰为294,显示为一种不明双键位置的18:2二烯酸甲酯。白杉种子总脂肪酸提取物的GC-MS分析结果如图2.所示。从中可以观察到两个物种的脂肪酸甲酯的结构是相似的。离子峰D和E分别是296和294,表明它们分别为18:1和18:2脂肪酸甲酯。图1.中的峰5、7和图2.中的峰D和E对应的物质的结构阐述将在下文介绍。3.2 二乙氨衍生物二乙氨衍生物提供一分子电荷稳定基团给分析物,使其在断片发生之前重新电荷分布产生峰值[3]。以cis-9,cis-12,cis-15-18:3(a-亚麻酸)作为参考物质对这种方法进行了首次评定,依照Ref.[5]介绍的规律解释质谱结果显示:每隔14u出现一个饱和键,而片段在Cn和Cn+1之间被12u所分隔则表示在Cn+1和Cn+2存在一个不饱和双键。可以用这一结论解释二乙氨衍生物质谱分析中的cb-9,cis-12,cis-15-18:3的双键位置。质谱分析结果基本符合Ref.[5]介绍的规律。电子轰击后的二乙氨衍生物的质谱图谱显示于图3的A和B,对应的峰分别是第6和7。图3A显示离子峰为335u,对应的二乙氨衍生物为18:2。片段m/z 198-210和 m/z 238-250的差别表示在C9-C10和C12- C13各存在一个双键,就如Ref.[5]叙述的,经测定该化合物为cis-9,cis-12-18:2。丰度为第二的脂肪酸的二乙氨衍生物被显示于图3B,其离子峰显示为333u,测定对应的物质为18:3的二乙氨衍生物,在m/z 142-154, 196-208 和236-248间存在12u的差异说明在5、9、12三处各有一个双键。而在云杉属中,9,12-18:2表示cis构象,故可以确定该化合物为cis-5,cis-9,cis-12-18:3。电子轰击后,二乙氨衍生物的质谱图谱(图1中对应峰5)不能有效说明双键的所在位置,但白云杉脂肪酸二乙氨衍生物的图谱(图2对应峰E)能有效地说明,如图4A所示:离子峰为335确定为18:2二乙氨衍生物,双键位置分别在碳5、9位,测定为cis-5,cis-9-18:2。图4B中显示的二乙氨衍生物的图谱,在图2中对应着峰D。离子峰337u对应18:1二乙氨衍生物,尽管不是很清晰,但该图谱仍显示在226-238质量单位间存在12u,说明双键位置在碳11、12间,化合物确定为cis-11-18:1。通过比较两种云杉种子的脂肪酸甲酯的保留时间可以推测图1.中的峰值5和图2中的峰值是相同的(即两者都是cis-5,cis-9-18:2)同样的,图2.中的峰值D和图1.中的峰值4也有相似的保留时间。因此初步鉴定它们为cis-11-18:1。图2.中的峰值A、B、C、D、E、F和G被确定为16:0,18:0,cis-9-18:l,cis-i1-18:1,cis-5,cis-9-18:2,cis-9,cis-12-18:2 和cis-5,cis-9,cis-12-18:3。这些脂肪酸在白杉和内陆云杉种子中的分布如表1.所示。白杉和内陆云杉种子的油脂含量分别是鲜重的49±5%和41±1%。相对于其它族的脂肪链来说cis-5,cis-9-18:2和cis-5,cis-9,cis-12-18:3的三乙氨衍生物的图谱在m/z182处均显示出强烈的离子效应。这种强的离子效应可能是由在形成烯丙基片段时两个亚甲基将双键分隔而引起。这一假设是从图3B.和图4A.中的脂肪酸衍生物图谱分析中提出来的。在图3A.和图4B.中的图谱并没有显示出在m/z182强烈的离子效应。脂肪酸cis-5,cis-9,cis-12-18:3 在对P.abies[5,9,11] 和 P.engelmannii, mariana, obovata, orientalis和sitchensis [10]的研究中都有检测到。我们在P. glauca 和 P. glauca engelmannii Complex的研究中也检测到了这些物质。其他文章[1,12]报道P. glauca中丰度第二的脂肪酸为cis-5,cis-9-18:2,我们实验室所得的P. glauca种子提取物的确含有这些脂肪酸,但却是次要组分,结果见表1.。参考文献[1] S.M. Attree, M.K. Pomeroy 和 L.C. Fowke, Planta, 187 (1992) 395.[2] T.M. Ching, in T.T. Kozlowski (Editor), Seed Biology, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, 1972, p. 103.[3] L. Hogge 和 J. Millar, in J.C. Giddings et al. (Editors), Advances in Chromatography, Vol. 27, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1987, p. 299.[4] B.A. 和ersson, W.H. Heimermann 和 R.T. Holman, Lipids, 9 (1974) 443.[5] R. Nilsson 和 C. Liljenberg, Phytochem. Anal., 2(1991) 253.[6] J. Browse, P.J. McCourt 和 C.R. Somerville, Anal. Biochem., 152 (1986) 141.[7] A. Hara 和 N.S. Radin, Anal. Biochem., 90 (1978) 420.[8] L.A. Holbrook, J.R. Magus 和 D.C. Taylor, PlantSci., 84 (1992) 99.[9] R. Ekman, Phytochemistry, 19 (1980) 147.[10] G.R. Jamieson 和 E.H Reid, Phytochemistry, 11(1972) 269.[11] M. Olsson, R. Nilsson, P. Norberg, S. von Arnold 和 C. Liljenberg, Plant Physiol. Biochem., 32 (1994) 225.[12] S.M. Attree, M.K. Pomeroy 和 L.C. Fowke, Plant Cell Rep., 13 (1994) 601.

摘要:本文拟研究红曲固态发酵青稞生产色曲的生产工艺。Summary: Solid-state fermentation of barley for Monascus red pigment production.本文以红曲霉5018为出发培养菌株进行了研究,Monascus ruber strain 5018 was used in this study. 在蒸煮青稞时间25分钟,料水比1:1,Barley was mixed with water at the 1:1 ratio, and steam-boiled for 25 minutes. 青稞装料量为150g/L时,水分含量在50%有利于红曲霉的正常生长,For the fermentation, barley content was 150g/L. Water content at 50% was favorable for Monascus growth.发酵时间为9天;The fermentation period was 9 days.经正交因素确定在发酵温度34℃,接种量8%,初始pH3时,青稞红曲的色价最高,品质更好。Orthogonal factor statistical analysis showed that the optimal fermentation conditions were: 34℃, inoculation level 8%, and initial pH 3. The product Monascus red pigment showed excellent color qualities. (Monascus red pigment, also called 'hongqu', or 'red konjac', is a natural food dye.)

Abstract: total phosphorus in water, nitrogen and COD (chemical oxygen demand) is reflected in the importance of water quality indicators, in general, because of self-purification capacity of water, natural water of nitrogen and phosphorus content and COD value is not high and the trend On the stability. But with the accelerated process of urbanization, urban industrial building high-speed development in recent years, urban sewage and industrial wastewater emissions were rising trend year by year, fertilizer, metallurgy, printing and dyeing, synthetic detergent industries such as wastewater, sewage life Water and water for agricultural use, with a large number of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, the COD value is high. Through various channels such sewage into the water, all kinds of phosphate in water, organic and inorganic nitrogen content of nitrogen compounds will continue to improve, a direct impact on water quality. Material increase in nitrogen and phosphorus in water, algae and micro-organisms will lead to excessive breeding, large consumption of dissolved oxygen in water. When more than the load of water, will result in decreased water transparency, eutrophication, and other adverse effects, so that the water quality deterioration.On the other hand, China's annual COD only in the liquid waste generated in the form of environmental emissions of mercury and silver of sulfuric acid on a few tonnes, the environmental pollution caused by the secondary has been not to be ignored. Determination of potassium dichromate and used water samples COD not only time-consuming energy, water back, reagent consumption also great. It can be said that we have been adopted by the COD of the water quality is not consistent with the way the concept of environmental protection.To sum up, with the water quality of the increasing deterioration of the situation, water quality monitoring in the determination of nitrogen and phosphorus to the improvement of water quality monitoring and protection is of great significance, and improve the existing COD or on the determination of low energy consumption, Reagents used and less time-precise determination of the new, equally positive and important significance.This article from the multi-pronged approach to study high temperature and high pressure digestion, microwave confined digestion, digestion and a series of heated water bath TP digestion of the total nitrogen, as well as the standard return, microwave digestion and a series of COD determination of the digestion. Through the TP TN COD content of the results of different methods of comparison, and various microwave digestion time and return to standard time that the effect of digestion sample comparison of research, improvement of the original determination, or find a new technology Means to achieve rapid and effective sample decomposition, shorten the time for the purpose of digestion, and can greatly reduce the digestion of the samples in the loss and pollution, improve the determination of precision and accuracy, expanding the scope of application methods, while exploring a new approach And the classic method of comparability, and its practical application in the superiority of developed a variety of water suitable for TP TN COD of the rapid digestion of accurate, the new method is simple system, to improve the water and wastewater monitoring Analysis at the same time, to a certain social benefits.Key words: total phosphorus (TP); Total Nitrogen (TN); chemical oxygen demand (COD); microwave digestion; optimum conditions

Abstract: The anatomy the section method and light microscope technology applying paraffins continously are carried out on soybean young seedling studies , aim at discussing the connection problem that the soybean young seedling organizes, Ye Jie area theory studying son. The experiment bear fruit is indicated: In soybean's entire cotyledon area part, existence having pith from the beginning to the end, this is on origin of upper marrow of angiosperm cotyledon, Zimmemaann's shifted theory has provided evidence beneficial to a portion to base. Therefore calling soybean young seedling son Ye Jie specially, area is to firmly move a type to base. Keywords: Micro technology of optics; Soybean; Young seedling; You Ye Jie area; The newborn thinking manages system;











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The current cost of doing business in the management of Problems and Solutions In recent years the production of business organization, production technology, production methods such as earth-shaking changes have taken place, especially the wide application of computer technology, more detailed information on production and operation can be easily obtained, which are more accurate for the enterprise cost management provide technical support and control. Since a large number of enterprises to adopt information technology to improve and strengthen the enterprise material flow, capital flow and information flow integration management, business management thinking and the inherent management had a strong impact. Therefore, it can be corporate resources, related businesses tightly integrated unified management system for enterprise resources in order to achieve lower production costs, improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction objectives. First we have the basic theory of cost management a brief introduction, and then there is the current principal of business management are analyzed, and issues related to these measures to the cost of the current management of China's enterprises make useful comments. Keywords: COST; management; problems; measures administered by the thesis给你个转换器地址

The current cost of doing business in the management of Problems and Solutions In recent years the production of business organization, production technology, production methods such as earth-shaking changes have taken place, especially the wide application of computer technology, more detailed information on production and operation can be easily obtained, which are more accurate for the enterprise cost management provide technical support and control. Since a large number of enterprises to adopt information technology to improve and strengthen the enterprise material flow, capital flow and information flow integration management, business management thinking and the inherent management had a strong impact. Therefore, enterprises can be resource-related businesses tightly integrated unified management system for enterprise resources in order to achieve lower production costs, improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction objectives. First we have the basic theory of cost management a brief introduction, and then there is the current principal of business management are analyzed, and issues related to these measures to the cost of the current management of China's enterprises make useful comments. Keywords: COST; management; problems; measures administered by the thesis


