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During the summer holiday, I spent much time in reading. I finished one of the four masterpieces ofChina, Journey to the West. It’s really an interesting book, telling many adventurous stories. I had watched the TV series before, but I found that the book is much interesting.

Except for the adventurous experiences, we still can learn something from this book. We should be brave and confident to ourselves, no matter how many difficulties we meet. Our fellows and teamwork is important to us. When we are in trouble, they are the person we can rely on. And the trust between people is of great importance. It can combine people to a group and work together.








Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space. He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox.

The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.












《英语教学成功之道》出版于2000年。本书简明扼要地介绍了英语教学的基本理论和实践方法。作者保罗·戴维斯(paul davies)和埃里克·珀尔斯(eric pearse)曾在墨西哥从事了多年的外语教师培训工作,本书是他们渊博的理论知识和丰富的教学经验的结晶。.本书共分十二章。第一章阐述了英语教学的基本原理和必须注意的关键问题。第二章到第七章讲述了课堂教学的各个步骤,如讲解新的语言内容、组织.



Thoughts on Reading A NewspaperI read a piece of news in the newspaer lately,telling about the earthquake in Wenchuan,Sichuan May 12th,2008,a terrible earthquake rocked Wenchuan,killing many was shocked at the bad news first,but people throughout China helped the victims people went there to help rebuild the victims's homes. The natrual disaster is cruel,but our people are kind and on Reading An Articl in A Magazine I read an article about Bill Gates Gates was the founder of was very set up his company when he was still in Harvard studied and worked very made him the richest man in the was the idol of thousands of people,especially the youth. I was moved by Bill Gates' story after reading the must learn from him


Giving is Receiving—Personal Growth in volunteer Work奉献即有收获—“21世纪联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军演讲Morning, ladies and gentlemen.早上好,女士们先生们。Last summer, I volunteered to work as an English teacher in a primary school for children of migrant workers.去年夏天,我自愿在一所外地农民工子弟小学当起了一名英语教师。To be accurate, I didn’t volunteer. I was dragged in.( literally)确切的说,我并不是自告奋勇去参加的。我其实是被拽着参加的。(从字面上说)When my friend first hit upon the idea of this project, I was all against it:"What? To spend my vacation standing in the heat,当我的朋友首次提出参加这个计划时我是完全反对的:“什么?让我整个暑假冒着酷暑, Yelling at a bunch of nine-year-olds who couldn’t even speak proper Mandarin Chinese? And besides, there`s no pay for my toil. No, I am definitely not going.”对着一帮9岁大的小孩大声嚷嚷,他们甚者连普通话都说不标准。 而且我的辛苦工作是无偿服务。不,我绝对不会去的。”But my friend twisted my arms to have me join them.但是在朋友的坚持下,我还是去了。Unexpectedly, the first lesson I taught turned out a lesson for me.出乎意料的是,我的第一节课却变成了我的一课。The moment I stepped into the shabby classroom, I was touched dy the loud, respectful voices in unison: “Good morning, teacher!"当我踏进那间破旧的教室,我被一阵充满敬意,整齐的喊声深深打动了。“老师,早上好!”Instead of fooling around, the chilend were thirsty for knowledge and efficient in absorbing everying I was able to give them.这些孩子没有四处打闹,对知识如饥似渴的他们有效地吸收我交给他们的知识。This made me despise myself for I hadn’t even prepared for the class.让我鄙视自己,因为我事前根本没有备课。During the break, I leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row:"Without air-conditioning, it`s really hot here. Are you tired?"课间休息时,我靠在一张吱吱作响的桌子旁,与前排一位满头大汗的男孩子聊天:“这里没有空调,实在太热了,你感到热吗?”"Not at all," said he, shaking his head."It`s fine here. My Dad builds asphalt roads. That is really tiring and hot."“一点都不,”他摇摇头说,“这里很好。我爸爸在修沥青公路。那里才是真的又热又累人。”As summer advanced, my enthusiasm as a teacher grew.随着夏天的推移,我作为一名老师的热情在上涨。I prepared my lesson carefully and even used some methods my teachers used.我认真的备课,甚至采用了一些我老师曾经用过的教学方法。I organized many group activities to give the kids fun. Strangely enough, the heat was also becoming less and less unbearable.我组织了许多小组活动让孩子们玩得很开心。奇怪的是,这酷暑热浪也逐渐让人能忍受了。Soon, my one-month volunteer work came to an end.不久,我为期一个月的志愿活动接近尾声 。When I was leaving my last class, I turned back and saw smiling faces and waving hands.当我结束作何一节课时,我转身,看到那张张笑脸和学的挥动的手。Never before had I ever had such a feeling of sadness, which was, nevertheless, mixed with a sense of enrichment, fulfillment and happiness.我从未感到过如此伤心,但是这种感觉却夹杂着充实,满足和幸福。I was paid for my work, amply paid, not in terms of money, but something more valuable.我的工作得到了回报,而且获益很大。这种报偿不是用金钱来衡量的,而是其他一些更加珍贵的东西。My English was improved. I was able to teach it, although not very professional. I learned about the grassroots-level society.我的英语水平得到了提高。虽然不是很专业,但我可以胜任这份教学工作了。我了解到了基层社会。Inside myself a heart is growing, a heart that not only beats for myself, but cares for others as well.我的内心激情澎湃,这不单单是对自己的鞭策,也是在关心着其他人。The volunteer work gave me a precious little chance to say thanks to people like the little boy’s father,这次志愿工作给我一次难得的机会向诸如那位小男孩的父亲一样的人们表达谢意。Who construct highways san under grounds, build up modern skyscrapers, and make our cities more and more beautiful.他们修建高速公路和地铁、建设现代化摩天大楼,让我们的城市越来越漂亮。To help the children with their English was all I could do, at present, to show my gratitude to these unsung heroes.而要表达我对这些无名英雄的感激之情,我目前力所能及的事情只是给他们的小孩教英语。The world may not have been fair to them,这个世界对他们可能不太公平,So privileged and blessed people like me are obliged to do whatever we can to help make their life better.所以我们这些幸运和幸福的人有义务尽我们所能,让他们生活的更好一些。 What I ever [whatever] I do for them, however,然而,我所做的事情微不足道I know it cannot be compared with what they have done to improve the quality of life in our cities.我知道,比起他们为提高无名的城市生活质量所做的贡献。Ladies and gentlemen, now realize that volunteering shouldn’t be a one-time personal experience.女士们先生们,现在我意识到志愿活动不应该是一次个人经历。It should be a lifetime activity of everybody.这应该成为每一个人的一种终生行为。Many of us are now offering assistance to the needy and to each other, and our efforts have indeed made a difference.现在我们中的很多人都在为彼此和那些需要帮助的人提供援助。我们这些努力确实是能改变现状。Whether we are helping children with their schooling, or caring for the elderly in nursing homes, and helping out in 2008 Beijing Olympics,不管我们是在教育方面帮助孩子还是在敬老院照顾老人们,或者参加2008年北京奥运会的志愿活动,We well not only contribute to the harmony of the world but elevate ourselves as well.这些都不只是为社会的和谐贡献自己的力量,同时也是在提升袭击的道德修养。 Emerson once said,:“It’s one of the most beautiful compensations of this life 爱默生曾经说过:“此生最美好的一种报偿就是,that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” He was right. 任何对别人的真诚帮助必然也是对自己的帮助。”他是对的。I hear that my university is going to organize anther voluntary teaching program this summer.我听说学校今年夏天将组织另一次义务教学活动。This time I won’t be dragged in. I will volunteer.这一次 我不会再被拽着参加了。我会自告奋勇。 Thank you.谢谢。

我觉得很好也许有人不会忘记在学校书店里奋力抢购《疯狂英语》的那一幕,也许有人还记得倾听Crazy English时那一双双专注的眼睛。在十年多时间里,凭着对英语的一份执着和独特的感受力,《疯狂英语》深深吸引了无数读者…… 为什么许多人学了十几年的英语,还是耳不能听、口不能说?考试得高分,实际运用能力却很低,这算不算是学好了英语?本着对传统英语教学的一种叛逆精神,《疯狂英语》——中国第一份有声杂志应运而生。 96年创刊,国内首创的英语学习有声读物。以精选电影原声、挚情演讲、异域风情、动人美文、畅销书和欧美流行曲等多种形式将适合模仿学习的英语素材献给广大英语爱好者。由于英语发音纯正地道,素材取自生活,弥补了教材的不足,更激发了学生们的兴趣。让原来枯燥无味的英语学习变得生动有趣,真正实现听说读写全方位提高。 (每篇文章均附:中英对照译文、发音标示、学习方法、生词注释、西方文化精点。) 栏目简介: ●诗情无限 琅琅上口的传世之作、充满哲理的人生诗篇,配以旋律优美的古典音乐;精辟独到的感悟尽显英语辞藻的精华。 ●电影沙龙 每期挑选一部或多部电影的经典难忘对白,以最动人的主题线索向你展现新老电影的精彩片断。CE精挑的片段,一句简单的对白或一段美妙的插曲,都能让你感受到有声世界的无限精彩! ●口才集训营 怀一个梦想,踏前人的足迹创一片新天地。字字铿锵的激昂演讲,让你热血沸腾、久久回味之余,还能助你成为自我表达的能手,练就一口标准的发音,展现自信的魅力。 生动地道的“看电视学英文”挑选时下热门电视连续剧,带你走进国外多彩的生活,学习最新最贴心的生活口语。 ●智慧人生 各界名人的励志故事,感人动情的美文,睿智精妙的短文;深刻隽永的思想,让你从另一个角度看待人生。 ●异域采风 介绍各国风土人情、胜地美景、典故传说等,让你耳朵去旅行,领略异域别样风光。 ●黄金书屋 每期节选最新畅销书或经典文坛著作,加以简介点评,优美的文笔、巧妙的结构,浓缩灵魂建筑师笔下文字的力量。 ●情趣物语 幽默的话题,轻松有趣、别具一格的英语表述,让你在平凡枯燥的学习生活中忍俊不禁。原来换个表达法,生活会变得这么有趣! ●闪烁星辰 走近当红明星艺人,聆听他们真实的声音、不为人知的故事,真挚访谈亲口细述过往人生悲喜历程。 ●新闻聚光灯 头条新闻,资讯社会,关注热点,放眼世界,短小精悍的多国新闻令你紧贴社会的脉搏,快速英语让你感受的全球性语言的蓬勃生气。 ●岁月留声 不经典不推荐!一首老歌,一颗巨星,一个故事!悠扬的旋律划出岁月的痕迹,烙下经典的印记,带你回首一段段不可磨灭的星情往事。 ●玫瑰咖啡屋 精选适合英语学习的欧美上榜流行歌曲,节奏欢快的乐曲尽显时下年轻人的心声,让你一听难忘、放声跟唱。 创刊十年铸辉煌 给你听觉的盛宴,值得收藏的声音!参考资料:





Floating, a name with a point of confusion and sorrow, perhaps this particular name has lifted my strong interest. After reading with a strong curiosity, my heart is really flooded with a touch of sadness!

To scarlett, in my heart, she is a typical contradiction, not knowing whether she should hate her or like her. She is disgusting, also had to let people love her, so is her strong vanity, for the sake of so-called utilitarianism and money is fair, but she that optimistic, strong, and to love the persistent, but heartfelt appreciation and admiration.

Read again, suddenly found that scarlett had done, actually also is understandable, after all in that war, a woman, want to assume the pressure is too too heavy, for any one person can't afford, so she had to on this road, to oneself, also for the sake of the family. In other words, scarlett was also a silhouette of a common woman in real life. In reality, who can guarantee that he is not a contradiction? !

Is probably the character, this contradiction was condemned her the sad ending, in the end she had dedicated for it is empty, lost after fame and wealth and love, she suddenly found what they want? !

She is sad, but also strong, as the last sentence in the book says: Tomorrow is another day! Throughout the &; Let me deeply feel her tenacious heart.

Yes, this is scarlett, a brave but arrogant, stubborn but cunning woman, so she doesn't like other tying to be free from vulgarity of the book, but this really is a complete soul. Although I do not know, finally scarlett's future, but I still deeply bless her, can find a part of her own happiness belongs to!

"Anyway, tomorrow is another day." This is the end of "gone with the wind" by American writer Margaret Mitchell, who is determined to start his new life.

"Gone with the wind" in the American civil war as the background, tells the story of scarlett twists and turns of life experience and personal history of love marriage, representing a few southern family and decline and the social unrest.

In this book, I'm impressed with is not good, to mei LAN, also is not smart, Bohemian rhett, but scarlett aizeng clear, dare to fight against life. No matter how much suffering she encountered, scarlett would face it bravely and overcome it. Atlanta in the northern army of that day of, she wore and rhett had just given birth meilan, two children and a maid to tara ran, but rhett left her in half, to join the army. He carried a sick woman, two children and a good maid, risk will be in danger of the northern soldiers found and killed at any time, completed the rest of the journey, it is need to how much courage! I admire more, in the northern army looted by tara, scarlett facing the death of the mother, father, sister of disease she resolutely shouldering the burden, with their own hard work to feed and house for a family.

Life is a mountain, there will be a lot of ups and downs, corresponding to these bumpy, some people will be stubborn in the past, and some people will back down. There are many obstacles in life, but as long as you have the courage to overcome them, you will be the winner. After all, tomorrow is another day.


scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know her, i was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .she is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . i appreciated most , it is this " tomorrow is another day of hers. " . promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. i think i’m moved by , whenever i meet difficulty, the mood is not good, i will tell oneself : " tomorrow is another day. " ’gone with the wind’ is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and uncon strainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on .’s civil war is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.

title: the little prince

author: antoine de st-exupery

main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

despite i’ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. this summer i’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. it’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince.

as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex. “i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara. in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612. the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

Gone with the Wind, an American romantic novel written by Margaret Mitchell is a reflection of the civil war. What impresses us most is the spirit of a rebellious Georgia woman named Scarlett O'Hara and her travails with friends, family and lovers in the midst of the antebellum South, the American Civil War, and the Reconstruction period. It also tells the story of love that blossoms between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler. This is really a kind of moving story. Someone said that the most classic scene in the novel was that when Scarlett returned her ruined home, holding the earth in her hand, she promised that no matter to steal or to rob she would never allow her family to starve. However, I would rather to chose this, the most beautiful sentence in the book, tomorrow is another day. What is called love, and what is called hate? Love and hate can like two lines which will never intersect , but a piece of sunshine can melt them. Only when people lose something they come to know how much precious it is. If you shad tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars , Tagore said this. You should learn to let something go ,because , tomorrow is another day.

I felt that I was deeply fascinated by it soon after I had read it.

I first read it in a summer. I did not finish it at a single sitting. However, the moment I finished it, near midnight in a sweltering August day, with my body poured with sweat, held my breath to turn the last page over, shut the book and heaved a sigh of relief, I just could not express how I felt. All were over: trouble was over; lives were over; hopes were over. I was shocked how such a small book could contain such a complicated story. Never were wars, diseases and starvation ever nakedly exposed to me like this. The turns in plots were surprising but natural.

It was a tragedy: Just as its name suggested, everything was gone with the wind, including families’ touch, friends’ support, sweethearts’ gaze and youth with vigour. The story reminds us of valuing all we were possessing. A life lasts for a short time and anything in it lasts shorter. We always lose something unconsciously and then feel regretful when we need them later.

Characters in the story were so vivid as if they had been going to jump out of the story, as if they had been existed in the real life at first.

“Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything, for ‘this the only thing in this world that lasts, and don’t you be forgetting it’ this the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for——worth dying for.” Said Gerald, an Irish man who loved his soil more than his own life, let us know that life can be born out of land.

“But Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? Mine wore out, against Ashley Wilkes and your insane obstinacy that makes you hold on like a bulldog to anything you think about.”

“Scarlett, I was never one to patient pick up broken fragment glue them together and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken——and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.” Said Rett Butler, a man who love Scalett as much as a man can love a woman. Loving her for years before he finally got her, he loved her crazily but did not let her know it for fear of being hurt. But at last he still could not escape from hurts. “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” Look, he did not care about it at all. He was a man who disguised himself so much.

“I mustn’t bawl; I mustn’t beg. I mustn’t do anything risk his contempt. He must respect me even——even if he doesn’t love me.”

“I’ll think of it all tomorrow, at Tara. I can stand it then. Tomorrow, I’ll think some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

Said Scalett O’hara, the most wonderful woman I’ve ever seen. She was hard and greedy and unscrupulous, a brave, frightened, bull-headed child. Though she only thought about how to attract man’s attention and did not do anything useful before the war, she did surprise me when I read about her doings after the war. At that time, her Tara was just reduced to ashes. Everyone sketched out their hands and asked her for food. She bravely faced the reality and rebuilt Tara with her own hands. What a tough woman, I thought. Though those she loved were all gone, she was still full of hope. When Rett didn’t love her anymore and wanted to leave her, she said “I mustn’t bawl… even if he doesn’t love me.” A woman’s dignity could be seen from what she have said and done. That’s why I appreciate her.

This novel gave me too much to think about and I can not fully express myself in English. It is true that reading an origin is more vivid than the translated ones. However, my English level limits me to understand the origin well without the translated. But I will work hard in order to understand better.

The novel is my treasure, forever, because I find myself in Scarlett and find the world I live in inside the story.

That’s really an excellent novel, with an ending from which you can see hope rising from despair.


Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by , whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on .'s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.

Author: Antoine de St-Exupery

Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

《Float》 , is my favorite the beauty of si brave strong, like the rui especially of tactful is resolute, like the outside of the meilanrui soft inside just.

For the beauty of si this person thing, my felling is self-contradict, is to dislike the but again and have to respect and admire is a person for having the character very much, loving two men in her whole life, but she didn't an is an understanding she understands the rare gift of a, that she will not love him;If she understands the rui especially, that she will not lose always is to be ungrateful to the rui especially of, she is just not to stop the rare gift of prince- a who make track for oneself's in a is just to think the characteristics that loves by herself that the rare gift of a have, she just does a gorgeous clothes, letting rare gift of a put on, being in love with him and fact is, she love just that clothes.

For her, I am to have to admire of, admire her strong, admire her to the persist of land, admire her ability under the education that that in environment under let go of before be subjected to the farmland stem live, admiring the speech that she can neglect the society but founding own life contain a few souls, an is her mother is a madam with expensive very able and gentle and soft typical model, is the person who she respect and admire most .But, mother typhoid for saving the person but ising infect, , is her more than ten in the last years favourite of person- a rare ability stands up in the adverse circumstances, have very greatly a part of reason is a rare gift of a .She the rare to a gift persists have a, is the meilanli .More than ten years that struggle together in, the meilanli has already become her life in the indispensability of a part.

I feel that the beauty of si is like a child, persisting to the thing that oneself want unusually, but to the thing that oneself own but disdain to on attend at try very hard to make the oneself happy, a push the happiness to leave constantly again, push the lover toward abyss.

The beauty of si is loving is a rare gift of a , but,a rare gift but don't want like the rui to especially say of, the rare gift of a is a gentleman, just wasing born in an and he inharmonious still uses the rules of the game of the old world life, will bump only beauty of si doeses not understand the a to hope the gift, so she loves him, think that exhausted whole wayses get him, but when she recognize pure he, she did not love him any further.

The beauty of si is a contradictory body, can have again who not is a contradictory body?She is in the life of road up all the way walk, be when she face the difficulty, she chooses the accolade, be when she face the responsibility, she chooses to carry, can be she face loving choice is, at first, he choose to hoodwink the oneself, being her to recognize finally pure, to face, but is already the hour already she, at incapable is a dint, will tell the oneself, tomorrow is new day, everythings will like tomorrow, the Tomorrow is another is all an in the whole story full of fire, be filled with the person of the will to enjoy most of, would be her this" Tomorrow is another day.".Was filled with the hope forever, be filled with the will to fight, can never give up, can never spirit, the most worthy of I , whenever I meet the difficulty, mood not good, I will tell the oneself then:" Tomorrow is another day.".The another in book make the female that me admire very, would be the meilanli .She is an outside soft inside just of female, she almost owned the whole virtue that female can own.

she hate bitterly before arriving at her door request to look after and themselves also have no excessive food, she still fulfil her ability the ground helped them, because she hopes to also have the north guy woman of a good heart afar to her just at homing a rice of husband eat.

Such strong female, the but again is a such gentleness kind and persists the ground to believe the rare gift of beauty of si and a's, even someone see with own eyes they hug together, also persisting the ground to believe them, protection si knows perfectly well pain and sufferings that own body can't bear again to grow, but persist the ground to want to hope the gift to give birth to a child for the a again, end leave she loved the close relatives of the lifetime.

Is really too great, looking at themeilanli, make me thought of much more Chinese ancient times females of, they are also such dociles, work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children, then silent unknownly old go to and depart from this life.

In the whole book, I is a rui for the person that like most is brave and persists, he can love the beauty of si so and deeply for more than ten years wants to protect the beauty of si , the doter si beauty, look after the beauty of si, let her everything feel happy, but the beauty of si says, again the time that eternal love also will dub out, but his love, drive beauty of si, drive rare gift of a , was dub out by the adherence that the si beauty is stupid heart, his daughter leaves him, his heart, return any further not to come.


认真读完一本名著后,想必你一定有很多值得分享的心得,是时候静下心来好好写写读后感了。那么如何写读后感才能更有感染力呢?以下是我为大家收集的体育之研究读后感范文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 好的作品,不分古今中外。《体育之研究》即为一例。 1917年4月1日,24岁的以“二十八画生”的笔名在《新青年》第三卷第二号上发表的《体育之研究》,这是发表的第一篇体育论文,也是不可多得的一篇体育文化珍宝。《体育之研究》全文6千余字,分释体育、体育在吾人之位置、前此体育之弊及吾人自处之道、体育之效、不好运动之原因、运动方法贵少、运动应注意之项、运动一得之商榷共计8个部分。最后,还描述了一套自编的体育锻炼方法。在这篇论文中,博采古今中外哲学思想的某些长处,融会贯通,因而使对体育的研究建筑在近代科学基础之上。 《体育之研究》在我心目中,堪称体育论文之绝世经典。青年对“国力苶弱,武风不振,民族之体质,日趋轻细”之现象深表忧虑;对“教者若特设此繁重之课,以困学生,蹂躏其身而残贼其生,有不受者则罚之”等现象深表愤慨。因此,青年时代的就清楚地发出了“欲文明其精神,先自野蛮其体魄,苟野蛮其体魄矣,则文明其精神随之”的豪言壮语,并阐述了体育“强筋骨、增知识、调感情、强意志”的四大作用和“盖此事不重言谈,重在实行”、“凡事皆宜有恒,运动亦然”的唯物辩证法观点。 从古至今,可称得上英雄的必是文武兼备者。比如周瑜“雄姿勃发,羽扇纶巾”,孙策“猛锐盖世,决胜疆场,又常与周瑜、大小乔共读书”。以及《体育之研究》中提到的“燕赵多悲歌慷慨之士;清之初世,颜习斋、李刚主文而兼武”等等。 在信息化的今天,许多青少年习惯于“动动鼠标,周游世界”的生活方式,他们头脑聪明,但体格状况令人很担忧。他们的家长根本不关注体与德的培养与教育,而是不分青红皂白地送他们的孩子去学美术、弹钢琴、学英语等。其弊端,体现这些青少年“偻身俯首,纤纤素手,登山则气喘,涉水则脚痉”。身体不够强壮,意志不够坚强,精力也不堪重负。德智体全面发展,在望子成龙的家长面前,是不是很苍白无力呢?只有他们知道! 《体育之研究》虽诞生于92年前,今天重读它,仍具有深刻的现实意义。《体育之研究》所倡导的是一种历史的清醒,青年写此文是要用体育“救国救民”,如今我们要用体育“富国强民”。它对体育的透彻阐释,恰似一股清泉,呼唤我们对体育的重新解读,体育要回归生活,回归现实,回归全民,回归“”和“人性”的有机结合。 斯人已逝,斯人体育之言犹在耳。写此短文,以示鄙人之见:反对重文轻武,重申学校必须“三育”并垂。 看了这部电视剧后,自己的心情久久不能平静,不仅因为其中曲折的剧情让我赞叹,感慨,更是为一代伟人的豪情壮志感到敬佩,为他敢作敢为的精神深深打动,为他的一腔爱国的热忱所深深鼓舞,为他敢于冲破旧势力、旧习俗的精神所折服。又是在一个偶然的机会,我无意间读了他于1925年写的“沁园春——长沙”。 独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。看万山红遍,层林尽染;漫江碧透,百舸争流。鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由。怅寥廓,问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?携来百侣曾游,忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。曾记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟? 虽然这首诗距离这部电视剧的剧情已过数载,但其中依然有着许许多多具有必然性的历史的神秘联系,它让我想起了数个晚上看到《恰同学少年》的每一集,每一个细节,以及大家激烈讨论的每一个小论点,都让我深入其中,不能自拔。 最近炒的很热的韩剧,什么超女快男,什么著名的歌星演唱会,与之相比真是相形见拙,央视所播放的这部积极性上的电视剧,其中的教育意义是难以衡量的!让我们对一代伟人又有了新的认识。还记得他们高声朗读《少年中国说》的情景吗?多么的振奋人心啊!他们将袭击的命运与祖国的命运紧紧相连,他们将改造国民民运当做自己的责任,他们意气风发,激扬文字,奋发图强,这样的场景又怎能不让人心潮澎湃?让我们多了一些学习的榜样,在那时,我们是一个多么贫穷的.时代啊!倘若没有他们那样的有志之士,我们又将如何让强大与发达!简朲为修身之本,我清楚地记得蔡和森和刘俊卿,王子鹏那次因为吃饭而引发的争吵,他们两个把饭倒了本无关蔡和森的事,但他却愤怒了,因为他关心的是有多少人在忍受饥饿啊!他捡起了剩饭,没有多说什么,那时我心头一怔,泪水打湿了我的眼眶,恰好这时徐特立老师走了过来,他无声地拿起那半地窝头,同蔡和森一同吃起来,所有的学生都被感动了,徐老师用无言的批评让刘俊卿无地自容,这也许是言传身教吧!伟大的老师,伟大的学生! 我叹言,这才是真正的教育家!再回首看看我们现在,那些“名副其实”的教授们,出书,找兼职,搞不好在什么时候又弄个论文造假!韩国的文学教授称中国汉字是他们发明的,这不是很自欺欺人的例子吗?他们少了师德却多了一份谋利之心,现代教育的丑陋,现实啊!对比杨昌济,孔昭绶,这难道不应该让我们这群未来的人民教师顿悟吗?十年树木,拜年树人,千秋大业,教育为本,作为未来的园丁,我们应该向他们学习! 也许有些事情我们不得不承认,时代的差距,伟大与普通人不同,造就世界只能有一个,一个蔡和森,一个徐特立,不喜欢数理化,他的老师们因材施教,不强迫他,知道他喜欢读书,把图书馆的钥匙给他,让他随时博览群书,看了这些,我迷惑了!当今的教育,我们不得不有所思,有所想,有所不想为之为!我算是同龄人中的幸运儿,早早步入了大学行列,没有经历高中的高考伤痛,可是那些并不想我一般的学生,要经历高考残酷的折磨,他们敢应试教育说“不”吗?他们敢抛下数理化生不学吗?不能!太多的竞争让他们背负了太多的压力!这简直是对人的摧残,是对现代教育的侮辱!可我们不是,我们只是普通的学生,我们害怕社会的漩涡! 清楚的记得在新青年上发表《体育之研究》后,大家一起组织冬泳,那种场面与当代的年轻人并没有相隔多少,倒好像是我们追不上他们的步伐,因为一次小小的聚会大家正式成立了新青年团体,还制定了三不原则,第三条:不准谈恋爱。这一条深深刺伤了斯咏的心,那个怀春少女,希望遇见一段难忘的爱情?可是却与众不同,他心系的是天下百姓,而不是寻常的儿女私情。 一叹而息!呜呼!夕阳残照下,湘江北去!问苍茫大地间的呼喊响彻橘子洲头,多么豪迈的语气!此时此刻,我们似乎都沉浸在那种激情的岁月,久久不能释怀。 正因为有了一师那群优秀的青年,才有了现在富强的中国,我们身为一师足额生,要继承的精神也是育国育民!我们不可能是,但我们依然可以做得更好! 今天,我们已然是大学生的一员,只要我们敢作敢为,那我们一定能为祖国的建设增光添彩!为祖国的日益强大贡献自己的微薄之力! 我们是青少年,将来我们定会雄于地球,我们的国家定会雄于地球。一个又一个的精彩片段是在太多,完全无法用语言全部描述出来,只能慢慢的体会。 美哉中化为少年,他日神州竟风流!


一、读书活动充实人 阅读是获取新信息、了解新知识、把握新动向的最重要途径。了解到很多体育教师习惯于在运动场上大显伸手,但能坐下来翻翻书,看看教育著作的却不多,所以我们首先建议体育教师要多“读书”,通过阅读来充实自己、提高自己,提高对“新课标”的认识,加强对“新课标”的理解。我们建议学校要开展“读书活动”,通过读书活动培养体育教师的阅读习惯,提高教育科研意识和能力,增强体育老师终身学习意识和能力,使体育老师在学习中,获取和接受新的教育教学信息和思想。 学校要鼓励体育老师勤读书,作一个阅读计划,定时、定量的完成阅读计划,并能做一些适当的读书笔记;要鼓励体育老师多动笔,写一定数量的读后感,培养教科研意识和能力,提高理论知识水平和联系实际的能力;要关心体育老师的读书,给体育老师鼓励和支持,如能定期对体育老师的读书笔记进行评比和奖励,一定会起很好的促进很用;要鼓励体育教师开展教研活动,不走过场,不留于形式,要把教研活动引导深入,学校领导或专家要能给予必要的指导,教研活动的效果一定会更好。 二、培训活动提高人 参加各级各类培训活动是提高体育教师综合业务素质、提高能力的重要途径。体育教师要主动参加各级各类培训活动,参加学习,在学习提高认识、提高能力。学校要鼓励并组织体育教师参加各级各类的培训和学习活动,借此提高体育教师理论认识水平,接受更多新的教育教学思想和理念,提高体育教师诸多方面的能力。如,体育老师参加高层次的学历进修。高学历是一个体育教师综合素质高、能力强的重要标志之一。体育教师在为取得高一层次学历的过程中,不断学习提高的理论知识水平,尤其是在教育学、心理学这些基础理论知识方面,又如,学校组织的论文比赛、说课比赛、情景说课比赛、现场教学比赛等等。这对提高体育教师课堂教学中语言解说、形体表演、培养学生的创造性、对学生进行心理辅导等方面能力起积极推动作用,对提高体育教师的教科研等方面的能力都有积极作用。 又如,体育教师参加“现代教育技术培训活动”。我们已进入了一个知识更新速度快、“信息爆炸”的时代,体育教师要掌握一套现代教育技术,如能熟练的使用电脑,那么体育老师采集信息和处理信息将更加方便、更加容易,而且获取信息的量将成增加。学校要充分认识到掌握现代教育技术对提高体育教师素质和能力的深刻意义,组织体育教师参加现代教育技术培训,使体育教师人人会用学校先进的教学仪器,人人会用电脑,进而使体育教师都能利用网络资源来学习——接受新知识、新观点,利用网络资源来教学——传授新信息、新方法。 再如,体育教师参加体育与健康“新课标”培训活动。基础教育课程改革走向深入,“体育与健康课程标准”开始实施,“新课标”以全新的理念,从学生的现实需要出发,以“五大目标”、“六级水平”确立了全新的标准体系。不学习、不主动去研究就不可能很好把握新课标的精神,就不可能在教育教学中实施新课标。体育教师要积极参加各种新课标的培训活动,通过多听、多看、多反思来提高认识。学校要组织安排体育教师参加新课程标准的培训活动,使体育教师深刻理解课程改革的意义,提高体育教师对体育与健康课程标准的认识水平,强化了体育教师运用新课标的能力,更好做好教育教学工作。 三、“走出去”活动启迪人 “教师学习,提高业务能力要走出去!”不能只成为一句口号,要尽可能的为体育教师创造机会。体育教师普遍存在课务多、教学任务重的情况,学校要尽可能的克服困难,有计划的安排体育教师外出学习或参加培训活动。看得多了、听得多了、理论联系实际多了,受到的启迪、感悟也多了,体育教师对“新课标”的认识也就深刻了,体育教师的教育教学业务能力和素质自然也就提高了。 “走出去”活动要引向深入,即:请参加培训或听课学习回来的体育教师把学习过程中所听、所见、所想与没有去学习的教师进行传达,起到二级培训共同提高的作用,起到了的信息传递和榜样示范作用。参加培训回来的老师,写一份学习小结(或学习报告),在体育教师业务学习的时候进行汇报,把学习到的新知识、掌握的新信息向同事们进行传达,与同事们一起学习、讨论;听课学习回来的老师,在校内开一节教研课、汇报课或示范课,与同事们一起进行研究。通过“走出去”,能提高体育教师实际教学水平,增强理论联系实际的能力。 四、教育教学评比塑造人 参加各级各类教育教学“优课评比”或“竞赛”活动,能很好的验证一名体育教师的综合教育教学能力。参加评比或竞赛活动,同样也是培养人、塑造人的有效途径,尤其是对青年教师,经过一、两次的优课评比或竞赛的全面锻炼,他们的教育教学业务能力会得到长足进步,甚至能起到“质的飞跃”。学校要有计划的安排体育教师参加“优课评比”或“竞赛”活动,安排体育教师对内、对外开课,通过各种教育教学活动来锻炼体育教师,提高体育教师综合业务能力。 往往学校安排某一体育老师开教研课、评优课或示范课时,组内的其他老师都能参与研究、给予帮助。每一次的教育教学活动的开展都是一次加强合作、加强研究、相互帮助、相互学习的过程。笔者所在学校的体育老师在每一次的教育教学中都能体现出很强的团队协作精神,加强研究,不断尝试“情境教学模式”、“发现法教学模式”、“体验成功的教学模式”、“探究学习教学模式”等新的教学模式,引入“唱游教学法”、“启发教学法”、“创新教学法”等新的教学方法,通过参加活动,开课的教师得到了锻炼,业务能力得到了增强,参与研究的老师同样在活动中受到启发,达到了提高的目的。 五、组织竞赛活动锻炼人 体育教师是学校各种类型体育活动的执行者、组织者、参与者,比如:学校春秋季运动会等。每一次体育竞赛活动的组织安排,都能体现出体育教师的组织管理能力,在组织竞赛中体育教师同样得到很好的锻炼。学校要把体育竞赛活动纳入工作计划,每年组织一、两次大型的竞赛活动。体育活动的开展,既能丰富学生的课余生活,又能提高体育教师的业务能力。 体育教师按照工作计划,做到有布置、有准备、有落实、有组织、有安全、有总结确保每一项活动的成功,体育老师在活动中得到锻炼,提高组织、管理、协调、配合等能力。如组建校田径队、足球队等,充分发挥体育教师专长,使体育老师人人手上有项目,人人手上有队伍。学校要引进激励、竞争机制,强化责任意识,调动工作积极性,鼓励体育老师克服困难、敢于探索。抓运动队的训练,能加强学校的体育后备人才的培养,体现体育老师的价值,还能提 高体育 老师抓训练、抓管理等综合业务素质和能力。六、总结:“新课标”需要“复合型”体育教师,复合型体育教师需具备多项业务能力于一身,通过以上培训途径和方法能够实现体育教师多方面的业务能力的提高、能够实现体育教师多方面能力的复合,适应“新课标”的需要


