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Types of illustrationIllustrations to occupy more positions in the majority of advertising than copywriting, it in the promotion of goods and copywriting are equally important, in some posters, illustrations and even more important than main function of illustrations in advertising including suction and injection function, readfunction and inducing function. Suction and injection function mainly is to attract the attention of consumers. American advertising have invented the illustrations of "reading the principle" thatlook at ads than not see it don't cost much principle. He mentally on all advertising were bored if his consumers, but inadvertently see advertising suddenly see advertising, advertising on the wonderful illustrations make consumers forget him not to see the ads, like iRIS fell into the rabbit hole that fall into the abyss, and consumers in the abyss finds the truth, and then at the truth to act. This is the way you should also follow you climb to allow consumers to fall back. Illustrationsare mainly refers to read fast, effectively convey poster advertising content. The best posterillustration should be clear and concise. It focuses on the illustration. Have the ability to expresssome advertising illustrator by "Tibetan grammar" to test the advertising abroad, namelyadvertising text and title to cover up, let the reader see illustrations, to see whether theunderstanding of advertising content to be expressed, good illustrations often have three seconds to take power. Induced functional illustration refers to seize the consumer psychological reaction, the line of sight to copy. A good illustration should the advertising content and the consumer's own practice, illustration itself should make consumers being interested, the picturemust have enough strength to encourage consumers to want to learn the details about the product, to induce consumers away from illustrations to show the image of the product itself, a part of the product, ready to use products, in the use of products, control products, different characteristics of the products, the use of the product can get income, do not use this product may bring consequences, permit POS legendetc.. Methods mainly include photographic illustrations, illustrations (including realism, abstract,new figurative, cartoon style, graphic and three-dimensional illustrations) and three illustrations is an illustration of the most commonly used, because the generalconsumers think that the photo is true and reliable, it can objectively represent product. As theposter photographic illustrations and general art photography of the biggest difference is it to try to express the features of the products, the sense of reality the expansion of product, and art photography in pursuit of a mood, often some of the true features of shooting objects asweakened artistic. As a poster with the photographic illustrations best shot by 120 single lens reflex camera, according to the different subject requirements, but also equipped with some of the common lens, such as a wide-angle lens, telephoto lens, macro lens and a close-up lensetc.. Poster photography illustration using color reversal film, to ensure the quality of photographic illustrations of most indoors, background need manual layout, to highlight the main object, to spare the background materials include cloth, velvet, cloth, paper, of course,can also be bold trial at present the market has been the emergence of the cloth, wool and linenmaterial, has the condition also can adopt slide background, their advantage is not affected by time, location, climate, reach the requirements of creative and painting with the subjective consciousness, it is free to show personality, whether it is a fantasy, exaggeration, humor, emotional or symbolic of the emotions, is free, as anillustrator must complete digestion advertising creative theme, has the profound understanding of things, to the creation of a good illustration works. The ancient painting illustrations are by the painter who, along with the expansion of the field of design, illustration techniques become more specialized, now illustration work has been held by professional illustration with most techniques is inkjet printing method, this is a use of air compressorof air transport, the pigment through spray painting techniques. It is characterized by notpainting caused by stroke, and the scenes of natural transition, has high application , illustration, cartoon form is a lot to see. Cartoon illustrations can be divided intoexaggerated illustrations illustrations, ironic, humorous illustrations and humorous illustrationsfour. Exaggerated illustrations capture certain characteristics are described of the object to beexaggerated and emphasized, emphasize the characteristics of things, thereby strengtheningeffect. Satirical illustrations generally to denounce a hostile or behind things, its implicit moodsarcasm, in order to achieve negative publicity, humorous illustrations is through innuendo,allegory, pun, rhetorical devices in a friendly smile, reveal the life good and correct and notscience, drawing laugh, laugh to grasp some things; humorous illustrations make the advertisement picture full of fun, make people accept advertising messages in a relaxedsituation, feel the new concept in a pleasant environment, and is particularly difficult to illustrations in the form of (diagrams) is a very suitable for the performance of complexproduct illustration form, such as operation procedure type household appliances, cooking methods of a new food, household appliance installation, various children's blocks with the formcan be used for a number of graphic forms of illustrations to introduce operation the correct steps to illustration is a highly expressive applied in the poster advertising illustrations form, at present in China



恩... ...1.追忆《一弯清澈的溪水》:我们每个人都是一条小溪,常年的流淌着,向着东方流淌着。溪水里掺合着沿途的花香、虫鸣,掺合着夏日里的树荫、冬季下的雪景,还掺合着一些水泡、一些淤泥。(流淌着的我们并不知道,等待我们是碧海蓝天下的浅滩,还是污浊不堪的港湾?)插画:一组图讲诉溪水与沿途风景,每张图的色调都不同,或蓝、或黄、或粉、或绿。2.冷僻《惨》:曾经有了那么多的不快乐,一直烙印在心里挥霍不去,索性全抖出来!在这人生的转折点上,对自己的过去进行最后一次发泄!!插画:一组图均以一些(个)人的轮廓为主体。没有明确的内容交代,仅有冷调色彩的 随意挥洒 或 乱涂乱抹 填充着每一张画。-恩。。。构思1于文于画 应该都挺好操作的。构思2的话... ...有点像自娱自乐,呵呵。










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专著M ; 报纸N ;期刊J ;专利文献P;汇编G ;古籍O;技术标准S 。

学位论文D ;科技报告R;参考工具K ;检索工具W;档案B ;录音带A 。


乐谱I; 电影片Y;手稿H;微缩胶卷U ;幻灯片Z;微缩平片F;其他E。


