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With the further deepening of economic globalization, the global economy has gradually become an integral whole, As the largest developing country in the global economy play an increasingly important role, but in China's eastern coastal Wenzhou in China status is important, as one of four pillar industries Wenzhou glasses industry, in 2008 the world financial crisis, the industry has influence on economic growth. This article focuses on the rapidly changing face of the optical industry in Wenzhou international economic environment facing development bottlenecks, and analyze the reasons, discussed the countermeasures,Take this opportunity to Wenzhou in the optical industry to keep up the pace, and further development and growth, standing in the forest of the world economy.

Abstract: In view of the current labor contracts and termination of the lifting of the different interpretations. In this paper, a unilateral lifting of workers to the labor contract, it should be how to properly exercise their rights, the labor contract after the lifting of how the confidentiality obligations, and between employers and leave behind, as well as how to deal with issues related to access to file proof of workers in the labor contract is the lifting of must face the question of the future.

Ayalysis of the influence of RMB appreciation on the trade Abstract: On July 21th ,2005,our country reformed the mechanism for setting the renminbi exchange it ,the renminbi continues the gradual appreciation .Due to the charastistics of our exports to America's poliacy ,the moderate appreciation of renmibi 's effect on the amount of import and export trade wil be term ,the RMB appreciation will put pressure on our export companies ,to promote their technology innovation ,thus promote the sino-us trade stucture promotion .Combined with price elasticity and the market competition ,this essay come to a conclusion that RMB appreciation improves the price terms and dual-factor trade terms for China's trade to . Finally, it is emphasised that RMB appreciation must be within a small range and be carried on gradually. Active measures shoud be taken to ease pressures on RMB appreciation and handle the risks involved in RMB currency rate changes.

Be aimed at make of at present different to labour contract uncaging and termination. The main body of a book ask folk prescription to relieve a labour contract with labourer, naturally how rightness exercises of rights , the labour contract relieves problem must be confronted with as how the queen guarding dense duty bearing it, and that the queen between servant unit loses getting how item handles as well as the relevance testifies archives being that labourer relieves a hereafter in the labour contract.标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、




By means of integration of theory with practice , Using incentive theory to make a study of incentive mechanism of the employee of medium-sized and small enterprises of our country by which one problem that was brought to the light that medium-sized and small enterprises of China has an one universially-existed high employee turnover rate and can not retain the talents with the little euthusiasm to be possessed by the employees.

In the development of network information technology education today, technology and curriculum integration are involved in actual teaching, but under the network environment, system integration may not have the more effective application. Education and curriculum integration technology, the purpose is to cultivate the information literacy of teaching, to make into students in the process of knowledge, skills, and mastering information acquisition method. In this paper is the guiding thought of education, from the understanding and curriculum integration technology, illustrates the significance of integration. Through the analysis of the characteristics of network series under the network environment, and probes into the education and curriculum integration technology in actual teaching several advantages. Then in the education idea, with the combination of modern reference, this paper puts forward relevant documents under the network environment, the integration model of several principles, and introduced a kind of the author thinks more effective integration model of a kind of open mode, as integration -- the actual development and use for reference. Finally, how to effectively organized under the environment of network integration course puts forward some matters needing attention.


In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






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目的 方法 结果 结论

Tax revenue fairness and the efficiency being in a dilemma choose. Tax revenue fairness and efficiency are to go hand in hand , efficiency is an impartial premise first. If the tax revenue activity blocks economic growth , effect GDP increases by , always impartial, but meaningless, may be to be like a tree without roots only. Secondly, fairness is also the efficiency prerequisite. Having lost the impartial tax revenue although fairness must take efficiency as premise, may be high efficiency neither. Because of unfair tax revenue necessity may dampen enterprise and personal enthusiasm, arouse social contradictions even. Tax system in two aspects is really only when giving consideration to fairness and efficiency at the same time best tax system , this one point need not prove that , problem is that this is high efficiency , optimum high impartial combination is rare but. The be pleasant to the eye , different country sets off from practice never with national conditions, in order to realize some kind of politics , economic targets, tax policy being an emphasis in some one aspect building a homeland putting into effect time tax system with fairness or efficiency, chooses as real ideal after all. Secondary population of our country is many , poor foundation , underdeveloped national conditions of economy "give priority to efficiency with due consideration to equity " principle having started off , having suggested that. The economic base is comparatively weak because of our country is original , the frontage attains socialist modernization mission's objectives now step by step , must need to accelerate the rate of economic development, tax policy must be that economic growth pours a vigour in. But 1994 annual tax system reforms till "fifteen" last phases, the social problem and contradiction a train of begin to appear with the fact that development of national economy and the people living , taking in horizontal rise,if the gap in wealth , area disparate development present, our country society is harmonious as a whole. But, also, existence not stopping affecting harmonious contradiction of society and the problem , is mainly: City and countryside , area , economic and social development are very unbalanced , population resource environment pressure enlarges; The immediate concern to the masses problem is outstanding aspect relation such as employment , social security , income distribution , education , medical treatment , housing , safety at work , public security comparatively. These disharmony factors already become economy and society sustainable development blockage. Tax policy is necessary therefore , currently carrying out adjustment, with the situation adapting to current society economic growth. The main body of a book set off from the tax revenue base, analysis by each arrangement of ideas to tax revenue fairness and efficiency, be tied in wedlock history and current situation of our country, tax structure and tax policy to our country have carried out valuation and forecast, judge that tax policy of our country will be able to develop with the productivity successive steps out, necessity "efficiency that can comply with now is preferential , gives consideration to the efficiency " adjusting be that "efficiency and fairness pay equal attention " , final "fairness impartially " giving priority to giving consideration to both ,to realize socialism superiority and the nature common prosperity.

In the knowledge economy era, knowledge becomes the most important factor of production; technology, patents, creative and other software products has become an important product form. Knowledge become the dominant consumer consumption; knowledge as factors of production and distribution. Possession of the degree of knowledge as the main basis for the allocation, with the knowledge, creative workers become the main employment; high-tech industry will become the pillar industry of the era of knowledge economy; innovation is the soul of the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based economy era is bound to have an enormous impact on international structure of international trade, the impact of commodity: In the knowledge economy era, the invisible trade will be the main content of international trade. Knowledge-based economy era, will make the world trade liberalization was accelerated. Integration of domestic and foreign markets, no longer be divided into domestic and foreign trade, market competition has become a global competition. The rapid development of regional blocs is a manifestation of the trend of trade words knowledge-based economy; international trade; impact; countermeasures







In recent years, with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy in the world, of industrialized process accelerate ceaselessly, to the people's living environment brought enormous pollution and destruction. People began to realize the importance of protecting the environment. But in our country, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, pay attention to the environment, the harmony of economy and society, the strategy of sustainable development has been widely recognized by the whole society. Therefore, with the characteristics of environmental protection of green consumption concept is affecting contemporary people's consumption behavior, green marketing is a new marketing concept is gradually accepted by the majority of food production enterprises. Carry out green marketing, pay attention to the natural ecological balance, reduce environmental pollution has become the inevitable choice of modern enterprises, the enterprises to participate in market competition, also be the premise condition. In this paper, Mengniu Group as an example, for our enterprises to implement green marketing present situation carries on the thorough discussion, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions, for our enterprises to implement green marketing, sustainable development. Has the extremely important strategic sense.

In recent years autonomous regions road traffic career has been a rapid development, motor vehicle size in rapid increase. So, on the one hand, as the product of rapid economic development and economic prosperity, on the other hand, if the symbol of lack of effective management means, might also contribute to the economic development of the artery infarction. Therefore, efforts to develop "peace unblocked counties" activities, solve the factors influencing the traffic safety, it is urgent. It firstly expounds "to create safe unblocked counties of background and this paper put forward" the research significance, secondly introduces "to create safe unblocked counties" implementation effect evaluation method. Then from the establishment of urban traffic management evaluation system, selection of purpose and meaning of standard and principle, methods of choosing researche in "to create safe unblocked counties" implementation effect evaluation was studied. Then in urumqi, shihezi, kelamayi city such as, for example, attractors among "to create safe unblocked counties" carry out effect comparing horizontally and vertically. Keywords: to create safe unblocked counties evaluation index system implementation effect assessment

Abstract Today world is an economical development world, our each people all start to pay attention to the economy, the understanding economy. But the international trade has become now the most important trade method, but can give rise to such such problem unavoidably between the country and in the country trade is dumps on the picture with instead dumps. As for our country instead dumps now studies and the research key point. How therefore this article does let the Chinese enterprise reasonable should instead dump in the international trade to other country takes the research the center. Elaborated not merely any was dumps with instead dumps also the history which produced to them to carry on the analysis. And had understood the various countries about dumps with the legal article which instead dumps. Is again better solid through the concrete case instead dumps to our country enterprise's harm, finally stated how our country enterprise should solve instead dumps regarding our country enterprise's influence. Hope question which can a better solution current face through this article, enables our country enterprise to obtain the more development space in the international trade,Creates the more economic.倾销:Dumps 反倾销:Instead dumps 国际贸易:International trade 国际市场:International market

In the knowledge economy era, knowledge becomes the most important factor of production; technology, patents, creative and other software products has become an important product form. Knowledge become the dominant consumer consumption; knowledge as factors of production and distribution. Possession of the degree of knowledge as the main basis for the allocation, with the knowledge, creative workers become the main employment; high-tech industry will become the pillar industry of the era of knowledge economy; innovation is the soul of the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based economy era is bound to have an enormous impact on international structure of international trade, the impact of commodity: In the knowledge economy era, the invisible trade will be the main content of international trade. Knowledge-based economy era, will make the world trade liberalization was accelerated. Integration of domestic and foreign markets, no longer be divided into domestic and foreign trade, market competition has become a global competition. The rapid development of regional blocs is a manifestation of the trend of trade words knowledge-based economy; international trade; impact; countermeasures






























打个比方:随着建筑产业现代化的发展以及建筑节能的需求增长。翻译成“As the modern construction industry develops well and the demands of building energy efficiency increase”。在修改时根据翻译工具重点词汇的几种翻译手法进行替换。


