给你个例文吧~To whom it may concern,我写这封信是为了给我最得意的门生孙烨枞做推荐。我是武汉理工大学经济学院的副教授,从大一时开始带他的课。得知他想要在贵校继续本科学习,我十分支持,因此我写这封推荐信,希望贵校能慎重考虑他的申请请求。As a vice professor in the institute of economics of Wuhan Institution of Technology, It’s my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for my favorite student Yezong Sun, who is applying your university for further study for your reference. Yezong Sun took my courses since his first year in college and did excellent jobs. I highly recommend you to take his application into consideration.我第一次见到孙烨枞是在我的宏观经济学《经济学》保罗.萨缪尔森课上。在课堂上,他总是坐在第一排,积极参与课堂,踊跃发言提问,认真听讲做笔记。他对于学习坚持不懈的努力以及热情让他在期末考试中取得了91分的好成绩。而他的整体成绩也一直处在前五名的位置。I got to know him in my class on Economics (Paul A. Samuelson). He left me good impression by sitting in the front row every class listening attentively, participating actively and handing in very good written assignments. Sun's academic ability rates top 5 of his class compared against other students that I have taught. In particular, his finally paper on Economics was of exceptionally good quality with a high score of 91 in return of his fully perseverance and high enthusiastic in study.孙烨枞在经济学学术方面有着强烈的兴趣与不懈的追求。在我的宏观经济学课上,我会让同学们根据已经学到的一些专业理论,例如,国民收入决定理论、消费函数理论、投资理论、货币理论、失业与通货膨胀理论、经济周期理论、经济增长理论、开发经济理论来做PPT演示。孙烨枞选择了一般同学都觉得很难的话题:由武汉为例,据中部地区经济发展情况,论国民收入决定因素。在准备期间,他积极往返与图书馆与教室之间,遇到不明白的地方,需要论据的地方,他会先去图书馆查找资料,如果还是不能解决心里的疑惑,他就回来问我,他这种独立学习的精神深深的感动了我。在PPT演示中,他有理有据,深入浅出的将武汉的经济发展做了一个分析,内容详实,数据清晰可信。最终他做的PPT被同学投票成为最佳ppt演示。在我的指导下,他初次尝试将这篇PPT文稿整理成了论文。Sun has a strong interest and unremitting pursuit in Economics study. I would ask the students to make PowerPoint presentation according to the professional theories we have learned; national income decision theory, the consumption function theory, investment theory, monetary theory, theory of unemployment and inflation, economic cycle theory, economic growth theory, the development of economic theory for instance. Sun chose a pretty challenging topic by taking Wuhan as an example, discussing the vital factors for national income according to the economic development of central areas. He was busily looking for information and material in school library and asking questions during preparation period. His spirit of independent learning deeply touched me at the same time. He used rational evidences and clear explanations to make a detailed, excise analysis of the economic development of Wuhan. He made some revises and applied the presentation to a academic dissertation under my guidance after his presentation was voted to be the best one.因为我上课使用的教材是英文原版的《经济学》保罗.萨缪尔森,所以对于中国学生而言,里面专业的经济学词汇就显得非常生僻很难理解。但是孙也从在这方面好像不成问题。在我的询问下,他告诉我,因为他有出国留学的打算,他早就开始阅读英文原版的经济类杂志就连教科书都看英文原版的,遇到不懂的地方他就上网查,直到弄明白为止。要知道其他的学生都是嫌麻烦,直接买中文翻译版本当辅助教材啊。我相信以他现阶段对经济学英文知识学习与积累,完全可以应付未来在贵校的学习。Sun seemed to take it very easy while a lot of Chinese students had problems in understanding the professional economics words and phrases in the original English Version text book I used in class. At my request, he told me that he had planned to study abroad after graduation and had got preparation by reading Economics magazines and text books of English version. He got out of his way to search the Internet when encounter a problem while other students directly look for the Chinese translated reference book. Based on his current performance and academic background in English and Economics, I am certain that Sun would be a very successful student in his future study in your campus and make great achievements in his chosen field.孙也从不光学业很优秀,平时他也积极参与社团活动。身为学生会主席,在他的倡导下,举办了“买手机,献爱心,3G手机达人”活动。这次活动一方面是进行一次小的商业合作,另一方面会将赚来的钱以合作公司和学校联名的形式向武汉红十字会捐款。他负责整个活动的策划与安排,并亲自带领团队去找手机商洽谈,希望他们能提供商品并同意最后的捐款事项。经过几轮的谈判,孙也从成功的说服手机商将销售额的2%用于慈善捐助。他在这次活动中展现了很好的沟通能力和谈判能力,更难能可贵的是,他不忘帮助他人的悲悯之心。我相信未来他会是一个成功的商人也会是一个有爱心的慈善家。Not only was he good at academic study, he was also actively involved in various social activities. At his advocation as the president of the school student union, a business corporation program named “Love Contribution by Purchasing Cell Phone” successfully raised money for Wuhan Red-Cross Donations in the jointly-form of school and corporations. Being responsible for the whole arrangement process, he proceeded several negotiations with phone manufacturers and finally, managed to persuade them into providing goods and donating 2% of the Sales for charity. His ability of communication and negotiation was highly demonstrated in this program and what’s more, his kind-hearted behavior showed his character of decent and kind. I firmly believe that he would be a very successful businessman and kind pilanthropist.因此,我向贵校推荐孙也从。他学习刻苦认真,坚持不懈,为人正直,有爱,是一位非常有潜力的年轻人。希望贵校能批准他的入学申请。Therefore I recommend Sun without reservation for his admission to your program. I believe that he possesses the potential and qualities necessary to make an excellent graduate student in his chosen field according to his characteristics of hard-working, will-powered, decent and kind. For further information please feel free to contact yours,朱汉民副教授硕士生导师武汉理工大学经济学院Tel:086-Email: