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My favorite great book My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.It bolongs to Harry Potter which have seven books and it's one of them.the writer of these books is J.K.Rowling who is an great Bratain writer. The content of this book is about that how Harry made friends,Hermione and Ron in Hogwarts .And how he fighted against the You Know Who,Voldenort.With the help of his friends ,Harry stopped Voldenort taking away the PHIlosopher's Stone. The theme of this story is about growing,friendship and courage among the children. In my opinion,the reason of why this book became such popular,is of the funny words and interesting magic and so on. Those are all about my favorite book.

my favourite book is harry potter.it's written by J.K Roling,this book a total of 7,it tells how harry potter and his friends Against the dark forces,and successed Final.i like this book very much cause it gave me with joy and let me understand what's the important.if you want,you can read it,you must be like it.我最喜欢的是哈利波特,它是罗琳写的,一共有七部,讲的是哈利波特和他的朋友怎样对抗黑暗势力并最终胜利了.我很喜欢这书是因为它给我带来了许多欢乐并让我明白了什么东西才是最重要的.如果你感兴趣可以读读,你一定会喜欢它的.

很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的亲在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~Harry Potter series are my most favorite books.There are seven books in total.Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift.When I first read them, I liked them inmediately.The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous.Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties.Besides, I admire him having two good friends.They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are.I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end.哈利波特系列是我最喜欢的书,总共有七部。去年,我爸爸给我买了它们作为新年礼物。当我第一次读的时候,我马上就喜欢上它们了。哈利波特的故事是如此的令人激动和冒险。哈利波特是一个善良,勇敢和坚强的孩子,他任何困难都不怕。除此之外,我很羡慕他有两个好朋友。他们总是帮助他,不管他遇到多糟的情况都对他不离不弃。我很高兴哈利波特克服了所有困难,最终过上了幸福的生活。



很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的亲在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~Harry Potter series are my most favorite books.There are seven books in total.Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift.When I first read them, I liked them inmediately.The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous.Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties.Besides, I admire him having two good friends.They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are.I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end.哈利波特系列是我最喜欢的书,总共有七部。去年,我爸爸给我买了它们作为新年礼物。当我第一次读的时候,我马上就喜欢上它们了。哈利波特的故事是如此的令人激动和冒险。哈利波特是一个善良,勇敢和坚强的孩子,他任何困难都不怕。除此之外,我很羡慕他有两个好朋友。他们总是帮助他,不管他遇到多糟的情况都对他不离不弃。我很高兴哈利波特克服了所有困难,最终过上了幸福的生活。

《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone》tells the story of a boy whose parents died when he was a child. Harry Potter is the descendant of a magician.


His parents were killed by a bad wizard in the magic world, but when the bad wizard also tried to kill Harry Potter, he was stopped by a huge force.







my favourite book is harry potter.it's written by J.K Roling,this book a total of 7,it tells how harry potter and his friends Against the dark forces,and successed Final.i like this book very much cause it gave me with joy and let me understand what's the important.if you want,you can read it,you must be like it.我最喜欢的是哈利波特,它是罗琳写的,一共有七部,讲的是哈利波特和他的朋友怎样对抗黑暗势力并最终胜利了.我很喜欢这书是因为它给我带来了许多欢乐并让我明白了什么东西才是最重要的.如果你感兴趣可以读读,你一定会喜欢它的.


不可饶恕咒Unforgivable Curses 魂魄出窍Imperio 钻心剜骨Crucio 阿瓦达索命Avada Kedavra 尸骨再现Morsmordre 对我说话吧 斯莱特林——霍格沃茨四巨头中最伟大的一个 Speak to me Slutherin Greatest of the Hogwarts Four 父亲的骨 无意中捐出 可使你的儿子再生 Bone of the father unknowingly given you will renew your son 仆人的肉 自愿捐出 可使你的主人重生 Flesh of the servan willingly given you will revive your master 仇敌的血 被迫献出 可使你的敌人复活 Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe 统统石化Petrificus Totalus 门牙赛大棒Densaugeo 火烤热辣辣Furnunculus 一忘皆空Obliviate 塔朗泰拉舞Tarantollegra 乌龙出洞Serpensortia 咧嘴呼啦啦Rictusempra 软腿咒Jelly-Legs Jinx 腿立僵停死Locomotoe Mortis 瓦迪瓦西Waddiwasi 粉身碎骨Reducto 昏昏倒地Stupefy 力松劲泻Relashio 四分五裂Diffindo 障碍重重Impedimento 呼神护卫Expecto Patronum 咒立停Fubute Ubcabtaten 快快复苏Enervate 快快禁锢Colloportus 盔甲护身Protego 阿拉霍洞开Alohomora 幻身咒Disillusionment 闪回前咒Prior Incantato 羽加迪姆勒维奥萨Wingardium Leviosa 急急现形Apareciym 无声无息Quietus ###飞来Accio 滑稽滑稽Ridikuius 速速变大Enforgio 速速缩小Reducio 摄神取念Legilimens 荧光闪烁Lumos 诺克斯Nox 声音洪亮Sonorus 悄声细语Puierus 恢复如初Reparo 箱子移动Iocomotor trunk 给我指路Poine me 收拾Pack 清理一新Scourgify 火焰熊熊Incendio 防水防湿Imperuious 阿魏拉Ferula 飞来飞去Mobiliarbus 移形幻影Disapparation 驱逐麻瓜咒Muggle-Repelling Charm 左右为难Dissendium 兰花盛开Orchideous 飞鸟群群Avis 标记显现Flagrate 佩斯奇皮克西佩斯诺米 (洛哈特曾用它来驱逐小精灵 但没见到任何效果……) 雏黄 甜奶油和阳光 把这只傻呼呼的肥老鼠变黄 (罗恩说的第一个咒语 也是毫无效果 从咒语的规范来说 可能是他从非正规渠道学来) 盔甲护身 protego 原形立现 specialis revelio 恢复如初 reparo 四分五裂 diffindo 倒挂金钟 levicorpus 金钟落地 liberacorpus 闭耳塞听 muffliato 愈合如初 epliskey 万弹齐发 oppugno 神锋无影 sectumsepra 清水如泉 aguamenti 统统石化 petrificus totalus 除你武器 expelliarmus 粉身碎骨 reducto 阿瓦达索命 avada kedavra 钻心腕骨 crucio 昏昏倒地 stupefy 障碍重重 impedimenta 速速禁锢 incarcerous 荧光闪烁 lumos 飞来咒 accio 无声咒 n-vbl

1.哈利·波特的生日是几月几日?答案:7.312.秋·张在《哈利波特与混血王子》中出现了几次?(注:是人出现,不是名字)答案:1次3.詹姆·波特在O.W.Ls中在羊皮纸上描的字母“L.E”是什么意思?答案:莉莉伊万斯4.卢平在O.W.Ls结束后说浪人的特征是什么?答案:1他坐在我的座位上2他穿着我的衣服3他的名字叫莱姆斯卢平5.古代魔文中“ehwaz”和“eihwaz”个是什么意思?答案:合作,防御6.在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》的穿越活板门后略去了那位教授所设的关卡?答案:我没看。。。7.罗恩曾经把“电话”说成了什么?答案:天话?8.已经拍摄过的“哈利波特”系列的导演分别叫什么?请把电影队应写出。答案:我忘了。。。9.清分别写出电影中哈利·波特、赫敏·格兰杰、秋·张和德拉科·马尔福德扮演者。注意对应。答案:哈利波特:丹尼尔拉德克里夫赫敏格兰杰:艾玛沃特森秋张:梁凯蒂德拉科马尔福:汤姆菲尔顿10.书中对德拉科头发、眼睛、脸色格式用什么颜色描写的?注意对应。答案:头发:浅黄色眼睛:浅灰色(第三部好像是浅色)脸色:苍白11.请写出詹姆·波特等四人的绰号。注意对应。答案:詹姆波特:尖头叉子莱姆斯卢平:月亮脸小天狼星布莱克:大脚板小矮星彼得:虫尾巴12.写出金妮在格兰芬多魁地奇球队中担任的位置。答案:追球手,曾任找球手13.写出小天狼星三个堂姐和他们所嫁的人的名字。注意对应。答案:贝拉特里克斯:罗道夫斯莱斯特兰奇安多米达:泰德唐克斯纳西沙:卢修斯马尔福14.三个不可饶恕咒的名字。答案:钻心剜骨,魂魄出窍,阿瓦达索命15.哈利波特和伏地魔的魔杖尺寸、材料。注意对应。答案:哈利波特:11英寸,冬青木,凤凰羽毛伏地魔:13英寸半,紫杉木,凤凰羽毛16.汤姆·里德尔的全名和变化字母顺序后的句子。(In English)答案:tom marvolo riddlei'm lord voldemort17.《哈利波特与火焰杯》中小天狼星让哈利在提起他的名字时叫什么?答案:伤风18.三强争霸赛中四位勇士分别拿到哪四种龙?注意对应答案:芙蓉的拉库尔:中国火球塞德里克迪戈里:瑞典短鼻龙维克多尔克鲁姆:威尔士绿龙哈利波特:匈牙利树蜂19.书中目前目前为止出现了几位阿尼玛格斯?写出人名和动物。注意对应。答案:詹姆波特:牡鹿小天狼星布莱克:大黑狗小矮星彼得:老鼠丽塔斯基特:甲虫米勒娃麦格:猫20.描述魔法标记和显出它的咒语。答案:一个绿色的骷髅头,口中吐出一条蛇尸骨再现

Reducto 粉身碎骨 (Alchemy)炼金术(Animagi)阿尼马格斯,可以变形为动物的巫师(需要在魔法部登记)(Apparating)幻影移/显形(要点为"3D")(Avada Kedavra)阿瓦达索命咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之——除哈利无人幸免。(喷射出一道绿光)(Cruciatus Curse)钻心咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。(Imperious Curse)夺魂咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。(Dark Magic)黑魔法(Dark Mark)黑魔标记,空中的骷髅头,在某人被杀时使用,是食死徒的专利(Disapparate)幻影移形(Divination)占卜(Fidelius Charm)赤胆忠心咒(Four Point Spell)定向咒,使得魔杖尖端指北(Impediment Curse)障碍咒,减缓阻止侵犯者。(Leprechaun Gold)消失数小时(Occlumency)大脑封闭术(Parseltongue)蛇佬腔(Patronus)守护神咒,打击摄魂怪(Petrifact)石化(Polyjuice Potion)复方汤剂,可以把一个人变为另一个人模样的汤剂(Reductor Curse)粉碎咒,为开路,击碎固体(Shield Charm)铁甲咒,暂时的隔墙使魔咒偏向(Side-Along-Apparition)随从显形(Splinched)分体,巫师在幻影移形时,留了一部分身子在后(Transfiguration)变形术(Unbreakable Vow)牢不可破的誓言(Morsmordre) 尸骨再现,显现黑魔标记(Unforgivable Curses) 不可饶恕咒 (钻心咒,夺魂咒,阿瓦达索命咒)(注意这些原著中的咒语实际上是用拉丁文而非英文表示的)Accio ......飞来Aguamenti 清水如泉Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开Aparecium 急急现形Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命

魔咒解析之防御系快快禁锢 Colloportus 克罗泊塔:用来封住门、罐子等可以密封的东西的咒语。(在OOP中,赫敏为了抵抗追兵,想封住一扇门时用了这个咒语)快快复苏 Enervate 伊恩伟特:多用于解救被昏迷咒击中的巫师或其他生物。(在GOF中,迪戈里先生用它将家养小精灵闪闪救醒)呼神护卫(呼守护神) Expecto Patronum伊派托 帕托姆:被摄魂怪攻击或围攻时,召唤出守护神(每个人的守护神都不同)来对抗摄魂怪的咒语。咒立停 Finite Lncantatem飞尼特 兰卡塔 :解除魔法的咒语。障碍重重 Impedimento 因派笛门托:不管别人用什么样的魔咒来攻击你,“障碍重重”都会使对方魔咒攻击你的速度变慢。盔甲护身 Protego 波特欧:用来减弱敌人咒语攻击威力(或程度轻重)的咒语,也成铁甲咒。包扎咒:阿魏拉 赤胆忠心魔咒:Fidelius Charm 飞得琉 查木魔咒修炼大法〔中英文翻译〕 咒语1---夺魂咒 Imperio 因派罗受术者会受人控制,意志力薄弱的人会会受控制,只有意志力强的人才能破解.咒语2---钻心咒 Crucio 可鲁欧令人毛骨悚然的黑魔法,受术者会浑身抽搐,痉挛,痛不欲生.咒语3---索命咒 Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达科达华只有法力最强大的黑巫师才能使用的最强最邪恶的黑魔法.没有任何破解咒,一道绿光闪过,中者立即毙命.咒语4---黑魔标记 Morsmordre 魔斯魔德食死徒闯进一幢建筑或杀死一个人会在天空发射黑魔标记,它是一条从骷髅头中钻出的蛇吐蛇杏的图画.标准巫师咒语1极咒语1---疯狂生长咒 Engorgement Charm 恩勾革门 查姆海格曾对他的南瓜苗用过,几秒内骤然生长.咒语2---防水防湿 Impervious 因派威鲁哈利在一场魁地奇比赛中赫敏给他使用的咒,能有效防止眼镜起雾.咒语3---飞来咒 Accio 阿可欧让想要的东西飞来飞去.最经典的是<<哈4>>中哈利召唤火弩箭的场景.咒语4---洪亮咒 Sonorus 索挪若斯让自己的声音提高数倍.多用在体育比赛中.咒语5---阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 阿拉霍魔拉!到家忘记带钥匙时,有重要东西丢在柜子里而打不开时,便可使用.咒语6---熄灭咒 Nox 挪克斯标准巫师咒语2级-恶作剧咒咒语1---倒挂金钟 Levicorpus 雷威库泊斯作用如同有双无形的手抓住你的脚踝,将人吊在半空中.(会脑冲血)咒语2---"我庄严宣誓我不怀好意" I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.使用活点地图的咒语咒语3---锁腿咒 腿立僵停死。 Locomtor Morts 落卡墨托 摩尔斯你会看见你的冤家双腿并拢,惊恐的望者地面,人笔直地向地上到去咒语4---乌龙出洞 Serpensortia 瑟喷梭提亚高级巫师咒语3级--禁锢咒咒语1---全身束缚咒 统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 佩脆飞克 托塔露斯让人无法动弹,像块石头.咒语2---缴械咒 除你武器 Expelliarmus 伊辟里拉姆让对手的武器飞上云天.咒语3---滑稽滑稽 瓦西瓦西 Riddikulus 瑞迪库鲁对付博格特的咒语咒语4---复苏咒 Enervate 伊恩伟特当你的朋友被昏迷咒击中时用.咒语6---障碍咒 障碍重重 Impedimenta 因佩笛门塔施术者面前会生起一道看不见的屏障阻挡敌人,一般会持续几分钟.咒语7---铁甲咒 Protego 泊塔欧用来减弱对手攻击威力.咒语8---变身咒 Animagi 阿尼马奇阿尼马格斯不能由自己确定自己要变身的动物,这是根据本人的性格,人品.其他:分裂咒:四分五裂。Diffindo 迪飞多左右分离。Dissendium 迪森帝恩显形咒:急急现形。Aparecium 阿帕奎恩荧光闪烁。Lumos 露莫斯遗忘咒:一忘皆空。Obliviate 欧比利威 飞行咒:羽加迪姆.勒维奥萨。Wingardium Leviosa 毒咒:咧嘴呼啦啦。Rictusempra 瑞克凸森啪毒咒:塔郎泰拉舞。Tarantallegra 塔兰托勒拉毒咒:门牙赛大棒。Densaugeo 登萨歌


This book provides pretty much everything we've been promised from the outset: an ending, and a satisfying one at that -- but not without its price. Many die, not just the two Rowling mentioned in so many interviews. Many beloved characters die, and some of them die "off screen" as it were, so that we as readers aren't even privy to the details of their deaths, or their final moments of life. Some of these deaths will bring tears to the eyes of any loyal Potter devotee, I've no doubt of that. But as for the main death, the one so many have wondered about? Well, that's where Rowling falls back on a few too-worn literary devices, and where she loses one of her stars. I found this book to be far too full of easy short cuts and simplistic cliches to give it five stars. Far too many times, Harry and his friends were "mysteriously" saved at the last minute. And the real answers to these so-called mysteries will fall much more easily into the hands of die-hard Potter fanatics who've spent hours studying the books and pouring over the fan sites than they ever do into the hands of the characters themselves. This is too often frustrating. Perhaps it's unfair to criticize or punish Rowling for the perseverance and intelligence of her fans, but the fact is that many of her secrets have been guessed. In fact, the few that haven't seem only to surprise because Rowling conveniently has them pop up for the first time in this book. Magical objects we've seen many times before suddenly have new and useful -- and VERY convenient -- magical properties. People we've only heard of have convenient new information and relevance to the plot. She lost the other star because of omissions. Unexplained (and again, very convenient) plot twists, otherwise known as plot holes, are all over the book. A book this long that purports to be the end of an epic series should not have this many plot holes and inexplicable events. (None of which I can go into detail about without giving up major spoilers -- sorry.) And most damning of all, when some of the plot holes are explained, it's done in a manner resembling what the brilliant movie "The Incredibles" referred to as "monologuing" -- when one character (usually the bad guy) sits around explaining the whole plot and nothing bad happens to the good guys while all these lose ends are conveniently tied up. For some reason, the villain, no matter how vicious he has been throughout the story, always conveniently waits to attack until the hero's had plenty of time to get all the answers he needs to defeat the bad guy. The only change Rowling makes to this shopworn device is that she does it via magical means. (Though in her case, the magical mean in question is the Pensieve -- something shopworn in and of itself, considering the number of times it's now been used in this series to convey crucial information.) I was also sorely disappointed to realize that she left out a number of things she practically promised fans would be included in this book. For instance, many fans have asked her what Harry's parents did for a living. She always said she couldn't tell us because it would be too big a plot spoiler for the upcoming novels. Well, now the novels are all finished and we still don't know. Why didn't she include that in this final book, if it really was supposed to matter so much? And why did she leave so much crucial information out of her far too short epilogue? There is no doubt that in Harry Potter Rowling has created a brave and endurable hero, one who will linger in the hearts and minds of readers for generations to come. But in this humble reader's opinion, she has also created one for whom the struggle ended a bit too quickly and easily, of whom too many things are left unknown, and for whom answers and help came too readily and too conveniently in the end. Then again . . . maybe I just wanted it to last a little longer. Because it's over now, and nothing like Harry Potter is ever happening to this humble reader again.


Do you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favorite readings. The hero Harry Potter is a student in a magic school. He wears glasses and has no parents, and now he is sixteen years old.

He is very brave and known to everyone, because he is the only person who will not die by devil. When I read the book, I feel very excited and interested.

So I have read it again and again, each time I have different feelings. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven't read the book, read it now and you'll find a wonderful world.



范文:The contradiction between good and evil in Harry Potter's novels is mainly divided into two clues: the first is the opposition between good and evil represented by Harry and Voldemort, and the second is based on Harry's own struggle against evil as a dark line.

It is precisely because the setting of the story has Harry's self struggle that makes his heroic image more full. I feel that evil can never overcome justice.


1.哈利波特在生日的时候得知自己是个巫师的身份,并进入霍格沃茨魔法学校学习,开始自己的魔法之旅。在学校里,他结识了好友罗恩和赫敏。他们得知伏地魔的大阴谋,最终成功保护了魔法石,阻止了伏地魔复活。2.学校里发生许多人离奇石化的事件,传说中斯莱特林的密室被打开,哈利因为懂得蛇佬腔成为大家怀疑的对象。赫敏最终发现真相却不幸自己也被石化,哈利和罗恩进入密室,哈利再次遭遇伏地魔,他杀死蛇怪,救出金妮,再次阻止了伏地魔获得肉身。3.阿兹卡班的重犯小天狼新布莱克越狱,他的目标是杀死哈利。哈利在学校中受到重点保护。最后他们还是与小天狼星面对面,却发现他并非泄密者,真正的泄密人是小矮星彼得,他竟然是罗恩的宠物老鼠斑斑!彼得逃脱,小天狼星也只能继续亡命生涯。4.哈利十分离奇地变成了第四个勇士参加三强争霸赛。层层比赛后,奖杯竟然是个门钥匙,把哈利带到伏地魔前。伏地魔复活了,又一次战役开始了!5.魔法部不肯相信伏地魔归来,派专员来管理霍格沃茨。哈利组织学生成立邓不利多军。哈利赶到魔法不去就小天狼星,却发现只是一个圈套,一场激战过后,小天狼星死去。战斗公开打响。6.为了杀死伏地魔,必须消灭7个魂器。邓不利多带领哈利去寻找、销毁魂器,霍格沃茨正在进行一场激战。他们赶回参与战斗,邓不利多被斯内普杀死。接下去的战斗,哈利必须一个人来面对。7.正义与邪恶的斗争!正义当然能够战胜邪恶,却付出了非常惨重的伤亡代价。哈利战胜了伏地魔!他与金妮、赫敏与罗恩结婚生子,从此幸福地生活在一起。哈利波特受欢迎的原因很多啦!罗琳创造了一个魔法世界,令人向往。她塑造了英雄哈利波特,在跌宕起伏的冒险中,让人们在现实中不能得到实现的一些事情,正义对邪恶的战斗,得到了实现。关于爱、友情,在书中也是一条充满温情的线索,贯穿其中。哈利第一次看到厄里斯魔镜(能够让你看到你最希望看到的事),他看到的是他死去的父母。这种亲情,对父母的爱,以及父母对他的爱,是书的重要线索,从第一部到最后。哈利的教父小天狼星和哈利之间的深情。还有爱情,斯内普对莉莉波特的始终不变爱情,足以让人动容。友情也是同样让人赞叹,哈利与罗恩、赫敏的铁三角好朋友,上一代人詹姆和小天狼星的友情。In 1 Harry Porter birthday learned he was a wizard of ID, and enters the Hogg Watts magic school, began his magical journey. At school, he met his friend Ron and Hermione. They learn that Voldemort conspiracy, ultimate success to protect the stone, to prevent Voldemort resurrection.The school has 2 many bizarre Petrochemical event, the legendary Slytherin chamber is opened, because Harry knows Parselmouth become the object of suspicion. Hermione eventually found out the truth but unfortunately he was petrified, Harry and Ron entered the room, Harry again encountered Voldemort, he kills the basilisk, save Ginny, who once again prevented the flesh.3 Azkaban Sirius escaped felon Black, his goal is to kill Harry. Harry is at the school is focused on the protection of. They finally and Sirius face to face, only to find that he was not the source, the real possessor is Peter Pettigrew, he is Ron's pet rat scabbers! Peter escapes, Sirius can continue to fugitive.4 Harry is mysteriously became fourth warriors in the Triwizard tournament. Layer upon layer after the game, the trophy was a key to the door, took Harry to Voldemort before. Voldemort raised, and a battle begins!5 the Ministry refused to believe that Voldemort, Commissioner for the management of Hogg Watts. Harry organizes the student to the establishment of Dumbledore's army. Harry hurried to the magic to Sirius, is found only in a trap, after a fierce battle, Sirius. The battle started publicly.6 in order to kill Voldemort, must eliminate 7 horcrux. Dumbledore led Harry to seek, to destroy a Horcrux, Hogg Watts is a fierce battle. They hurried back to participate in the combat, Dumbledore is killed by Snape. The next battle, Harry must be a man to face.The 7 fight between good and evil! Of course we can overcome evil, justice, has paid a very heavy casualties price. Harry defeated voldemort! He and Ginny, Hermione and Ron get married and have children, live happily ever after.Harry Porter is popular for a number of reasons!Rowling has created a world of magic, yearning. She shaped the hero Harry Potter, the ups and downs of adventure, let people in reality cannot be achieved something, justice to battle the evil, to be realized.About love, friendship, in the book is also a happy trail, which runs through.Harry first saw the mirror of Erised ( to let you see you most want to see the thing ), he saw his parents. In this family, the love of their parents, as well as the parents of his love, is the book's important clues, from the first to the last. Harry's godfather Sirius and Harry affection between. Love, Snape Lily Porter has always been the same love, enough to make people moved.Friendship is equally impressive, Harry and Ron, Hermione of the iron triangle of good friends, a generation James and Sirius.



哈里的表哥达力在哪里上中学? 麻瓜中学

1.哈利·波特的生日是几月几日?你的答案:2.秋·张在《哈利波特与混血王子》中出现了几次?(注:是人出现,不是名字)你的答案:3.詹姆·波特在O.W.Ls中在羊皮纸上描的字母“L.E”是什么意思?你的答案:4.卢平在O.W.Ls结束后说浪人的特征是什么?你的答案:5.古代魔文中“ehwaz”和“eihwaz”个是什么意思?你的答案:6.在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》的穿越活板门后略去了那位教授所设的关卡?你的答案:7.罗恩曾经把“电话”说成了什么?你的答案:8.已经拍摄过的“哈利波特”系列的导演分别叫什么?请把电影队应写出。你的答案:9.清分别写出电影中哈利·波特、赫敏·格兰杰、秋·张和德拉科·马尔福德扮演者。注意对应。你的答案:10.书中对德拉科头发、眼睛、脸色格式用什么颜色描写的?注意对应。你的答案:11.请写出詹姆·波特等四人的绰号。注意对应。你的答案:12.写出金妮在格兰芬多魁地奇球队中担任的位置。你的答案:13.写出小天狼星三个堂姐和他们所嫁的人的名字。注意对应。你的答案:14.三个不可饶恕咒的名字。你的答案:15.哈利波特和伏地魔的魔杖尺寸、材料。注意对应。你的答案:16.汤姆·里德尔的全名和变化字母顺序后的句子。(In English)你的答案:17.《哈利波特与火焰杯》中小天狼星让哈利在提起他的名字时叫什么?你的答案:18.三强争霸赛中四位勇士分别拿到哪四种龙?注意对应你的答案:19.书中目前目前为止出现了几位阿尼玛格斯?写出人名和动物。注意对应。你的答案:20.描述魔法标记和显出它的咒语。你的答案:答案近期发布作者: 聪明的格兰杰 2006-10-10 19:07 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 回复:哈利波特问答卷1.哈利波特的生日是几月几号?你的答案:7 312.秋·张在《哈利波特与混血王子》中出现了几次?(注:是人出现,不是名字)你的答案:13.詹姆·波特在O.W.Ls中在羊皮纸上描的字母“L.E”是什么意思?你的答案:莉莉。伊万丝——哈利的妈妈4.卢平在O.W.Ls结束后说浪人的特征是什么?你的答案:第一,他坐在我的作为上。第二,他穿着我的衣服.第三,他的名字叫莱姆斯·卢平。(这是他还很年轻,13年后他说不出这样的话了]5.古代魔文中“ehwaz”和“eihwaz”个是什么意思?你的答案:"ehwaz”合作,“eihwaz”防御6.在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》的穿越活板门后略去了那位教授所设的关卡?你的答案:斯内普——魔药7.罗恩曾经把“电话”说成了什么?你的答案:掉话8.已经拍摄过的“哈利波特”系列的导演分别叫什么?请把电影队应写出。你的答案:1和2 克里斯 哥伦布 3 阿方索 卡隆 4 迈克 纽厄9.清分别写出电影中哈利·波特、赫敏·格兰杰、秋·张和德拉科·马尔福德扮演者。注意对应。你的答案:丹尼尔·雷德克里夫艾玛·沃特森梁凯蒂汤姆·费尔顿10.书中对德拉科头发、眼睛、脸色格式用什么颜色描写的?注意对应。你的答案:头发是白金色的,说话拉长调,眼睛是浅灰的,有着苍白的尖脸11.请写出詹姆·波特等四人的绰号。注意对应。你的答案:小天狼星·布莱克:大脚板詹姆·波特: 尖头叉子莱姆斯·卢平: 月亮脸小矮星·彼得: 虫尾巴。12.写出金妮在格兰芬多魁地奇球队中担任的位置。你的答案:曾经是追球手,后来当找球手(seeker)13.写出小天狼星三个堂姐和他们所嫁的人的名字。注意对应。你的答案:安多米达—— 一个叫泰德·唐克斯的麻瓜纳西莎——卢修斯·马尔福(德拉克 马尔福的妈妈)贝拉特里克斯(罗道斯夫·莱斯特兰奇)14.三个不可饶恕咒的名字。你的答案:钻心咒,——钻心腕骨夺魂咒,——魂魄出鞘阿瓦达索命咒15.哈利波特和伏地魔的魔杖尺寸、材料。注意对应。你的答案:哈利:冬青木,凤凰羽毛(尾羽)十一英寸.伏地魔:紫杉木,凤凰羽毛(尾羽),十三英寸半。杖心的尾羽都是凤凰福克斯16.汤姆·里德尔的全名和变化字母顺序后的句子。(In English)你的答案:Tom Marvolo Riddle 汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔I am Lord Voldemort 我是伏地魔17.《哈利波特与火焰杯》中小天狼星让哈利在提起他的名字时叫什么?你的答案:伤风18.三强争霸赛中四位勇士分别拿到哪四种龙?注意对应你的答案:哈利·波特——匈牙利树蜂龙芙蓉·德拉库尔——威尔士绿龙维克多尔·克鲁姆——中国火球龙塞德里克·迪戈里——瑞典短鼻龙19.书中目前目前为止出现了几位阿尼玛格斯?写出人名和动物。注意对应。你的答案:詹姆斯·波特 牡鹿小天狼星布莱克 黑狗小矮星彼得 老鼠丽塔 斯基特 甲虫米勒娃·麦格 黑色花斑猫20.描述魔法标记和显出它的咒语。一个硕大无比的骷髅头,由无数碧绿色的星星般的东西组成,一条大蟒蛇从骷髅的嘴巴里冒出来,像是一根舌头。咒语:尸骨再现作者: 聪明的格兰杰 2006-10-10 19:10 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 回复:哈利波特问答卷不对啊,小弟记得魔法石中省略的是奇洛的古怪!!作者: 追梦№少年 2006-10-10 20:52 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 回复:哈利波特问答卷也省略了奇洛巨怪。作者: fanlii 2006-10-10 21:20 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 回复:哈利波特问答卷阿瓦达索命咒 咒语没写~是阿瓦达索命作者: 218.94.94.* 2006-10-10 21:33 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 回复:哈利波特问答卷1.哈利·波特的生日是几月几日?你的答案:7.312.秋·张在《哈利波特与混血王子》中出现了几次?(注:是人出现,不是名字)你的答案:1次3.詹姆·波特在O.W.Ls中在羊皮纸上描的字母“L.E”是什么意思?你的答案:莉莉伊万斯4.卢平在O.W.Ls结束后说浪人的特征是什么?你的答案:1他坐在我的座位上2他穿着我的衣服3他的名字叫莱姆斯卢平5.古代魔文中“ehwaz”和“eihwaz”个是什么意思?你的答案:合作,防御6.在电影《哈利波特与魔法石》的穿越活板门后略去了那位教授所设的关卡?你的答案:我没看。。。7.罗恩曾经把“电话”说成了什么?你的答案:天话?8.已经拍摄过的“哈利波特”系列的导演分别叫什么?请把电影队应写出。你的答案:我忘了。。。9.清分别写出电影中哈利·波特、赫敏·格兰杰、秋·张和德拉科·马尔福德扮演者。注意对应。你的答案:哈利波特:丹尼尔拉德克里夫赫敏格兰杰:艾玛沃特森秋张:梁凯蒂德拉科马尔福:汤姆菲尔顿10.书中对德拉科头发、眼睛、脸色格式用什么颜色描写的?注意对应。你的答案:头发:浅黄色眼睛:浅灰色(第三部好像是浅色)脸色:苍白11.请写出詹姆·波特等四人的绰号。注意对应。你的答案:詹姆波特:尖头叉子莱姆斯卢平:月亮脸小天狼星布莱克:大脚板小矮星彼得:虫尾巴12.写出金妮在格兰芬多魁地奇球队中担任的位置。你的答案:追球手,曾任找球手13.写出小天狼星三个堂姐和他们所嫁的人的名字。注意对应。你的答案:贝拉特里克斯:罗道夫斯莱斯特兰奇安多米达:泰德唐克斯纳西沙:卢修斯马尔福14.三个不可饶恕咒的名字。你的答案:钻心剜骨,魂魄出窍,阿瓦达索命15.哈利波特和伏地魔的魔杖尺寸、材料。注意对应。你的答案:哈利波特:11英寸,冬青木,凤凰羽毛伏地魔:13英寸半,紫杉木,凤凰羽毛16.汤姆·里德尔的全名和变化字母顺序后的句子。(In English)你的答案:tom marvolo riddlei'm lord voldemort17.《哈利波特与火焰杯》中小天狼星让哈利在提起他的名字时叫什么?你的答案:伤风18.三强争霸赛中四位勇士分别拿到哪四种龙?注意对应你的答案:芙蓉的拉库尔:中国火球塞德里克迪戈里:瑞典短鼻龙维克多尔克鲁姆:威尔士绿龙哈利波特:匈牙利树蜂19.书中目前目前为止出现了几位阿尼玛格斯?写出人名和动物。注意对应。你的答案:詹姆波特:牡鹿小天狼星布莱克:大黑狗小矮星彼得:老鼠丽塔斯基特:甲虫米勒娃麦格:猫20.描述魔法标记和显出它的咒语。你的答案:一个绿色的骷髅头,口中吐出一条蛇尸骨再现



