
> 期刊投稿知识库

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英语语言文学的论文答辩主要分为两部分:自我陈述和回答答辩老师问题,下面对这两部分进行详细讲解。一、自述(用英语完成):1、先问好,再开始自述,自述时间为5-10分钟,要简明扼要,必须将自述内容提纲制作成Powerpoint文件。2、主要陈述内容(即Powerpoint文件主要内容):(1)自己选择这个题目的原因;(2)设计和实施的简单过程(如,商务方向:采用什么方法来搜集信息、资料等);(3)自己论文的主要内容(不要念论文,最好用4、5句话简单介绍论文内容,如,商务方向:做了哪些调查,得出什么结论,计划如何实施项目);(4)仍然存在的问题(如,商务:在实施项目中可能会遇到的风险以及如何解决);3、最好准备相关文字并熟记(答辩时要脱稿陈述,但是可以看PPT文件)。4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that .英语文学论文答辩自我陈述范例:Good morning all the appraiser committee members. I come from *** , majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am *** and my supervisor is prof.***.With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially Lessing's works. Secondly, Comparing to the studies abroad, which extends most than 50 years, the Lessing study in China is relatively new. Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of From Rationalism to Irrationalism-on Doris Lessing's Construction of Dreams in Psychological Fictions as the title of my paper.I hope by studying this short story we can know more about the different arrangements for the dreams and hallucinations in Lessing's works at different period, the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism.Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .The thesis consists of five sections: the introduction, three chapters of argumentation,and the conclusion.The introduction includes a brief introduction to the writer and the writer's works concerned, the literary review of academic research at home and abroad, the main theory applied in this thesis, and an explanation to the thesis's content, structure and significance.The three chapters of argument consists of 1) an analysis of the coincidental consistency of Lessing's dream construction with Freudian theory; 2) a comparison between the hallucinations in “To Room Nineteen” and the dream images in The Golden Notebook,and an analysis to the distinction between Lessing's and Freud!s understandings on the mechanism of displacement and condensation, on id and superego, and on trauma; and 3) essing's transcendence over psychoanalytic concerns. The last section is brief conclusion of the whole thesis. It restates Lessing's metamorphosis from rationalism to irrationalism.Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有6-8个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟。2、首先要听清楚问题,如果没有听清,可以要求老师重复问题(可以说pardon之类的话)。 3、回答时首先要态度好,要切题,而且不要保持沉默,不会时可以表示抱歉。 4、常见问题: (1)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper 或Why were you interested in this project(2)关于具体部分:商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop 或Do you think this a necessary activity for the project(3)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for (商务)(4)关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page there are some grammatical errors.(5)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit5、带一份定稿(要与老师们持有的论文页码一致)。6、最后要向老师们表示感谢。












首先,你应该把你论文中涉及到的概念都弄清楚,它们的定义是什么,应该能用英语做简单的讲解。比如,礼貌准则 , 这就是一个概念,老师可能会问,“什么是礼貌准则?”“礼貌准则起什么作用?”等;在这个基础上,把这些概念相联系的方面也准备一下: 比如,礼貌准则与日常交流、礼貌准则与英语教学等。

老师问的问题也是基于你的论文中探讨的东西,你只要对所讨论的题目清楚明了,把这些变成自己的话用自然流畅的英语表达出来,应该是没有问题的。有时候,老师可能提一些这样的问题,比如,“Where do you find this quotation?”"Do you agree with it? and why?"


I cited this from Dr. Samovar and Porter, from their book "Communication between Cultures", in a chapter in which they discuss the possibilities that cause communication breakdown.I find it supportive to my arguments here.

开场白里面简单地介绍自己的研究和论文的主题,为什么选择这个项目。简单说几句研究过程和方法。这里一定要给出一个Roadmap, 也就是说明你的论文有几部分,每一部分里面都探讨的什么问题。这一点很重要。

对于自己不清楚的问题,可以看看老师的问题和你的研究是不是有focus 上的差异,这样你可以强调一下这种差异,因不是你的研究重点,你没有过多在意。不会就是不会,可以让老师来回答这个问题。



一般来说,在个人陈述的时候介绍一下,why did you choose this topic?然后整个论文的结构,分为几个部分,每个部分的大致内容~~


一般来说,上台介绍自己的姓名,然后指明自己的supervisor是谁,"with his/her constant encouragement,I finished my paper..."等等


英语语言文学的论文答辩主要分为两部分:自我陈述和回答答辩老师问题,下面对这两部分进行详细讲解。一、自述(用英语完成):1、先问好,再开始自述,自述时间为5-10分钟,要简明扼要,必须将自述内容提纲制作成Powerpoint文件。2、主要陈述内容(即Powerpoint文件主要内容):(1)自己选择这个题目的原因;(2)设计和实施的简单过程(如,商务方向:采用什么方法来搜集信息、资料等);(3)自己论文的主要内容(不要念论文,最好用4、5句话简单介绍论文内容,如,商务方向:做了哪些调查,得出什么结论,计划如何实施项目);(4)仍然存在的问题(如,商务:在实施项目中可能会遇到的风险以及如何解决);3、最好准备相关文字并熟记(答辩时要脱稿陈述,但是可以看PPT文件)。4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that .英语文学论文答辩自我陈述范例:Good morning all the appraiser committee members. I come from *** , majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am *** and my supervisor is prof.***.With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially Lessing's works. Secondly, Comparing to the studies abroad, which extends most than 50 years, the Lessing study in China is relatively new. Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of From Rationalism to Irrationalism-on Doris Lessing's Construction of Dreams in Psychological Fictions as the title of my paper.I hope by studying this short story we can know more about the different arrangements for the dreams and hallucinations in Lessing's works at different period, the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism.Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .The thesis consists of five sections: the introduction, three chapters of argumentation,and the conclusion.The introduction includes a brief introduction to the writer and the writer's works concerned, the literary review of academic research at home and abroad, the main theory applied in this thesis, and an explanation to the thesis's content, structure and significance.The three chapters of argument consists of 1) an analysis of the coincidental consistency of Lessing's dream construction with Freudian theory; 2) a comparison between the hallucinations in “To Room Nineteen” and the dream images in The Golden Notebook,and an analysis to the distinction between Lessing's and Freud!s understandings on the mechanism of displacement and condensation, on id and superego, and on trauma; and 3) essing's transcendence over psychoanalytic concerns. The last section is brief conclusion of the whole thesis. It restates Lessing's metamorphosis from rationalism to irrationalism.Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有6-8个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟。2、首先要听清楚问题,如果没有听清,可以要求老师重复问题(可以说pardon之类的话)。 3、回答时首先要态度好,要切题,而且不要保持沉默,不会时可以表示抱歉。 4、常见问题: (1)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper 或Why were you interested in this project(2)关于具体部分:商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop 或Do you think this a necessary activity for the project(3)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for (商务)(4)关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page there are some grammatical errors.(5)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit5、带一份定稿(要与老师们持有的论文页码一致)。6、最后要向老师们表示感谢。


英语语言文学的论文答辩主要分为两部分:自我陈述和回答答辩老师问题,下面对这两部分进行详细讲解。一、自述(用英语完成):1、先问好,再开始自述,自述时间为5-10分钟,要简明扼要,必须将自述内容提纲制作成Powerpoint文件。2、主要陈述内容(即Powerpoint文件主要内容):(1)自己选择这个题目的原因;(2)设计和实施的简单过程(如,商务方向:采用什么方法来搜集信息、资料等);(3)自己论文的主要内容(不要念论文,最好用4、5句话简单介绍论文内容,如,商务方向:做了哪些调查,得出什么结论,计划如何实施项目);(4)仍然存在的问题(如,商务:在实施项目中可能会遇到的风险以及如何解决);3、最好准备相关文字并熟记(答辩时要脱稿陈述,但是可以看PPT文件)。4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that .英语文学论文答辩自我陈述范例:Good morning all the appraiser committee members. I come from *** , majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am *** and my supervisor is prof.***.With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially Lessing's works. Secondly, Comparing to the studies abroad, which extends most than 50 years, the Lessing study in China is relatively new. Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of From Rationalism to Irrationalism-on Doris Lessing's Construction of Dreams in Psychological Fictions as the title of my paper.I hope by studying this short story we can know more about the different arrangements for the dreams and hallucinations in Lessing's works at different period, the thesis aims at an elucidation of Lessing's chronological shift in her philosophy from rationalism to irrationalism.Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .The thesis consists of five sections: the introduction, three chapters of argumentation,and the conclusion.The introduction includes a brief introduction to the writer and the writer's works concerned, the literary review of academic research at home and abroad, the main theory applied in this thesis, and an explanation to the thesis's content, structure and significance.The three chapters of argument consists of 1) an analysis of the coincidental consistency of Lessing's dream construction with Freudian theory; 2) a comparison between the hallucinations in “To Room Nineteen” and the dream images in The Golden Notebook,and an analysis to the distinction between Lessing's and Freud!s understandings on the mechanism of displacement and condensation, on id and superego, and on trauma; and 3) essing's transcendence over psychoanalytic concerns. The last section is brief conclusion of the whole thesis. It restates Lessing's metamorphosis from rationalism to irrationalism.Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有6-8个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟。2、首先要听清楚问题,如果没有听清,可以要求老师重复问题(可以说pardon之类的话)。 3、回答时首先要态度好,要切题,而且不要保持沉默,不会时可以表示抱歉。 4、常见问题: (1)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper 或Why were you interested in this project(2)关于具体部分:商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop 或Do you think this a necessary activity for the project(3)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for (商务)(4)关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page there are some grammatical errors.(5)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit5、带一份定稿(要与老师们持有的论文页码一致)。6、最后要向老师们表示感谢。




What's the significance of your paper?

What's the originality of your paper?








Good morning, professors and everyone. I come from JMU College. I am XXX and my supervisor is prof XXX. With her sincere and intellectual guidance, I have finished my paper.

The title of my paper is An Analysis of Ahab’s Personality Tragedy in Moby Dick. I choose this title as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothic literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this work as this is one of the texts in our American literature course . Last but not least , Moby-Dick is widely recognized as the summit not only of Melville’s art but of American nineteenth-centry fiction.

The purpose of this essay is to study Captain Ahab,the role in Moby-Dick, whose leg was bitten by the white whale in his process of the whaling. After losing his leg, he determined to revenge Moby Dick and tried to kill it. In order to revenge, Ahab ultimately dooms the crew of the Pequod (save for Ishmael) to death by his obsession with Moby Dick. By taking the comprehensive analysis perspective of Moby-Dick, this thesis will point out that the main characteristics of Ahab.

This paper consists of three parts. Part one presents an introduction to the Social Background and the life of the Author Herman Melvillehe ,Part two presents The Main Characteristics of Ahab. there are three aspects have been divided to analyze his characters: his monomania , his selfishness, and his individualism. Part three presents The Consequences of Ahab's Personality Tragedy.

OK, that's all. Thank you !

Questions :

1. 怎样运用理论去分析的

2. 针对你论文中的某个商标翻译而考你噢,所以要熟悉你论文中作为例子的翻译

3. 什么是monomania(偏执狂)?

4. 白鲸记的象征意义有哪些

5. 亚哈船长为何复仇

d between us unless you obey my rule, and talk th

不好意思, 我没有听清楚 您能再说一次吗?


























1. 在五分钟的陈述中,该生介绍了论文的主要内容与结构,以及为此进行的研究,显示出对所研究的问题有一定的认识。视频设计很漂亮,但不太符合专业要求,若多从计算机专业的角度对实现过程进行设计则更好。 2. 该生流利地陈述了写作该论文的目的、理论与实践意义,古玩网站设计过程很规范,但实体和概念之间联系少,整个设计应该尽量符合计算机方面的要求。 3. 该生陈述清楚,回答问题流利。虽论文立意比较好,有一定的研究价值,但构架和内容都比较庞大,需要较强的独立研究能力,论文题目和客户端登陆服务器模块也需稍作修改。该生准备工作充分,环节陈述完整,论文构思清晰,体现了较好的专业基础,时间把握也很好。就是论文中有需求但缺乏需求分析,对部分答辩问题回答不太清楚,图的表示方式不规范。 4. 该生用dreamweave和access数据库等技术对甘孜旅游网站进行设计,设计清新美观,主要问题回答准确,基本概念清楚,望对论文中指正的数据库存放问题进行修改。 5. 该生专业素养比较好,对所提问题回答流利,正确率高,对实现过程中遇到的难题认识到位,时间把握得当,若能用比较新的运行环境进行实现相对好。 6. 该生对数据库的设计细节讲解详细,研究深入,论坛设计部分独立完成,有一定的科研能力,答辩中思路清晰,回答得简明扼要,语言流利。答辩组经过认真讨论,一致同意通过该生成绩为良好,但要求该生纠正论文中尚存的某些错误。 7. 在十分钟的陈述中,该生介绍了论文的主要观点、内容与结构,以及论文的写作过程,条理清晰,语言无大错,对老师的提问做出了基本正确的回答,体现了一定的专业素养。但设计过程有点小问题,流程图不很完善,希望及时纠正。 8. 从答辩可以看出该生总体专业基础比较扎实,准备工作充分,对论文内容非常熟悉,能简洁明了的陈述设计思想和过程,系统展示流畅,回答问题有理有据,基本概念清楚,论文有一定创新。希望继续完善论文中的部分文字和符号,争取规范使用。 9. 该生在规定时间内比较流利、清楚的阐述论文的主要内容,能恰当回答与论文有关的问题,态度谦虚,体现了比较扎实的.计算机基础。建议把图像的打开功能用适当的文字表达出来,继续完善使论文格式规范化。 10. 结合数学知识用计算机技术来处理地质问题,对方法原理掌握透彻,论文有比较好的创新。对快速傅里叶和小波变换图的结果分析到位,处理结果良好,计算机基础素养好。答辩中主要问题回答准确、深入。论文中变换的指标若有对比会更好。 11. 论文陈述清楚,讲解简单明了,存在不足在于缺少自己的新观点、新方法,多为套用他人研究成果,论文格式方面应多规范。 12. 答辩的准备工作充分,对老师的提问能详实回答,并对设计过程中所遇困境能反复探讨研究,找出更好的解决方法,专业技术比较好。若能结合专业改进使静态的网页成为动态的则更好,不足在于数据库中表的描述方式不太对,望改进。 13. 论文陈述清晰明白,开门见山,直接入题。对老师的提问能流利作答,思路清晰,但对论文中的部分代码解释不楚,有少量语言错误,望今后的研究中多创新。 14. 该生能在规定时间内陈述论文的主要内容,但答辩中回答问题不是很流畅,对设计的细节技术不太熟,回答问题不够切题。 15. 从五部分对论文进行阐述,重点突出,答辩流畅、熟练,知识掌握基本到位,时间符合要求。不足是论文中有部分概念错误。 16. 答辩过程中,该生能在规定时间内熟练、扼要的陈述论文的主要内容,条理清晰,创新点明显,回答问题时反映敏捷,表达准确,系统演示熟练,专业素养很高,经答辩委员会商议,一致同意其成绩为优秀。




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同学:您好!首先解释一下论文答辩的一般过程和要求。一般答辩老师会针对论文的选题意义及原因、文献梳理、创新点、研究方法(写作方法)、论述过程和结论,以及论文的格式和体例有个大致的了解。之后,会针对论文的上述这些方面进行一些提问。第二,答辩时老师的关注点在哪里。这个问题比较复杂,因为不同老师的专业倾向不同,所以对你的论文的关注点也不一样,如果你写的东西正好和答辩老师的专业领域相近,那么就比较麻烦,这是由于答辩老师对你写的东西比较了解,因此也就会问的比较多,尤其是研究问题、文献和论述中的逻辑或方法。反之,如果老师对你写的东西不是特别了解,那么基本上就只是问一些细枝末节的东西,比如格式、体例、标点符号错误、拼写错误。(我一同学运气比较差,写的电影语言的翻译问题,结果碰到两个老师,一个是翻译的一个是电影文学的。。。。)至于,文学方向,这就需要学生对所选择的文学作品、作者、文学现象等内容比较全面的了解,最好能有个系统的整理,这种整理不需要太过详细,只需要列出一个提纲提示自己一下(trigger your memory)即可。第三,语言是关键。无论是什么专业的答辩老师,语言功底都比较深厚,因此,语言问题是老师最容易或最普遍的问题,老师会对语法、用词、句法、文法、拼写等等语言基本问题纠缠一下。(要不怎么显出他们水平比你高呢?)因此,把论文的语言做好是必须的,也是基本的要求。第四,题外话。一般老师都会问几句题外话,比如:你觉得学英语怎么样?工作好找吗?你学英语从事什么工作比较好,研究还是应用?(我答辩时,老师没怎么问我论文,就是问了这个问题)。这种提问一般就是考察学生的口语水平,因此就需要平时的积累。口语好的同学就不必发愁了。第五,论文体例或格式。这个是老师最先考察的内容,如果他们发现你的格式有些不一致或是不漂亮,就会影响整体效果,认为你态度不好。第六,千万不要抄袭。是不是抄袭,老师基本上一看就知道,所以这方面就不要冒险尝试了,我身边有无数同学有这种问题,都被发现了。希望对你有帮助。


