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pharmacy engineering

“制药工程专业”英语是(Pharmaceutical Engineering)“制药工程专业”是大学本科的一个专业,是专有名词,英语常用“Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty”注:在大学里工程类的专业都是用“Engineering”比较正规:)~如以下大学里的各工程专业:制药工程(Pharmaceutical Engineering)分子科学与工程(Polymer Materials and Engineering)材料科学与工程(Material Science and Engineering)


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我把我写的那篇给你吧 反正我也交了C) Civil Engineering Research Institute of Gansu, opportunities and threat analysis 1. The opportunity to analyze the external environment since 1992, China's construction market has expanded gradually standardized, project bidding system and the construction supervision system and gradually implement and perfect, engineering consulting With the new business development, engineering consulting industry policy and legal environment for continuous improvement. Shiliu Da Party clearly pointed out to encourage and develop the third industry, accelerate the development of services for the China Engineering Consulting provides policy support. Countries are committed to development of related laws and policies to build a fair, just, open and orderly market, so that the legal system and market standardized management processes faster, thus carrying out engineering consulting business to create a good competitive environment. Whole range of services to increase market demand, "one-stop" service demand horizon. The previous range of various types of engineering consulting services to include only projects a certain stage, or even just for a single phase of the part of the project legal often require different stages of project construction to select a different consulting firm, which makes the whole project consulting services a lack of integrity. And now because of investment diversification and engineering service needs of the construction process is the all-round development of the whole process, Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering works as a comprehensive scientific consulting firms precisely to meet this "one-stop" service needs . Construction market business opportunities. With the national key project construction and other types of investors to increase investment, engineering consulting industry is faced with unlimited business opportunities. Over the next 10 years, China's housing construction peak, 15 to reach 5.7 billion during the expansion, by 2005 China's urban per capita housing area will reach 22 o'clock. To promote urbanization. Well-known American economist, Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz at the World Bank conference in terms of: the 21st century the most important influences on human process, there are two things: First, China's urbanization, the second is a new technological revolution. China's urbanization rate in 2020 should reach 50%. 2. Analysis of the external threats to the environment in adverse market conditions. Currently engineering consulting industry peers competition between the increasing pressure, with disorderly competition between the industry, mainly because: the industry access to the policy is relaxed, a large number of new entrants making a relatively large number of engineering consulting firm, and the annual increase rapidly, out of less. Engineering Consulting Company homogenization between the serious, obvious differences between competitors. Various types of engineering consulting fees difficult to implement, keep the prices down to compete very prominent. Market demand for those who choose engineering consulting firm conversion relatively easy. Social identity degree of disadvantage. Engineering consulting industry in the whole community to the status and role of the lack of knowledge and its degree of recognition is also far from enough. In developed countries (such as the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, etc.), engineering consulting services engineering staff are mostly the elite belong to the high intelligence and complex talent and their intelligence services to obtain from the value of knowledge consistent with their high returns. However, the province's engineering consultants have not been duly recognized in society and the government, the most representative is the industry has called for an increase in fees and charges. The relative concentration of customers. In accordance with a small number of key principles, engineering consulting company's main business by a small number of key customers to provide these critical services to customers in the engineering consulting fees have greater bargaining power, can often presses is relatively low. Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering and is currently on the frequently encountered such a situation. The threat of potential entrants. China's accession to WTO, with the entry into force of government commitment, China's engineering consulting industry is already beginning to confront the threat of international engineering consulting firm. Many of the world-renowned large-scale engineering consulting organizations, are trying to expand their business in China through a variety of ways. At present, the world's top 200 engineering consulting company, has more than 150 assigned to China, these companies market their operational capability, management level and in such aspects as funding account for a large advantage. With the further liberalization of China's engineering consulting market, the country's various protection measures for the gradual abolition, these companies will inevitably beings, with our engineering consulting firms to snatch the market, and thus by potential entrants to become competitors. The threat of replacement. In accordance with national laws and regulations to allow owners of long-term construction projects, such as a large business or real estate investment company that has a dedicated construction management team, a relatively sound institutional system, the quality of personnel was also higher under the premise of free to complete the construction certain stages of work, rather than entrusted to a professional engineering consulting firm. (D) of Gansu Academy of Marketing Science in Civil Engineering Problems in the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Gansu Province in the development of engineering consulting industry, the market has done a lot of efforts and achieved some good results, but under the conditions of market economy, marketing, engineering consulting inadequate grasp of the activities of law, lack of scientific marketing idea. Currently, Gansu Academy of Marketing Science Civil Engineering There are following problems: 1, senior marketing management in place, lack of marketing mechanism is currently the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Gansu high-level management positions, there is no marketing functions, shown in Figure 1, this senior management of absence has brought a lot of harm. First of all, the lack of marketing mechanisms, the Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering, Engineering Consulting Marketing completely spontaneous marketing stage in order to survive, seemingly full of marketing, but in reality various departments like marketing, does not command a battle. Secondly, the marketing advantages of individual secondary sector can not be used for the whole institution, the enterprise's overall marketing functions of the greatly reduced. Affect the efficiency of selling many of the problems can not be resolved at a high level of hospital-wide adverse impact on marketing performance, marketing, lack of direction guidance. 2. Market positioning is unknown, competitive advantage can not play two different business units in different markets to develop a single business consulting market, internal conflicts, marketing resources can not be focused on the use of hospital-wide can not form a competitive advantage. 3. Weak corporate brand awareness, organizational culture is not conducive to the development of enterprises due to the current practice of Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering, the project responsibility system, each employee in the market are the equivalent of an independent consulting firm, and sometimes criticize each other for personal gain or strife, organizational culture is not conducive to long-term development of enterprises and brand image of the set. 4. The industry's products less competitive in Gansu Civil Engineering consulting services with scientific research institutes, consulting services for all single-qualification due to the low barriers to entry, the nature of a large number of private companies have joined, leading to homogenization of severe service products, is facing fierce competition in the market . 5. Consulting service quality due to the lack of unified management of organizations in the technical quality of sector work is usually routine in-house office, there is no technical management and quality management functions, and thus the two units of the depth of consulting services, lack of standard width.可以的话采纳我的




1 "And the international standards of the entire process of project cost control"2 "On the construction enterprise project cost management"

《与国际接轨的全过程工程造价控制》The entire process of international integration of project cost control 《浅谈建筑施工企业项目成本管理》 On the construction enterprise project cost management"



Traditional Construction ProceduresAs mentioned before, construction under the traditional construction procedure is performed by contractors. While they would like to satisfy the owner and the building designers, contractors have the main objective of making a profit. Hence, their initial task is to prepare a bid price based on an accurate estimate of construction costs. This requires development of a concept for performance of the work and a construction time schedule. After a contract has been awarded, contractors must furnish and pay for all materials, equipment, power, labor, and supervision required for construction. The owner compensates the contractors for construction costs and services.A general contractor assumes overall responsibility for construction of a building. The contractor engages subcontractors who take responsibility for the work of the various trades required for construction. For example, a plumbing contractor installs the plumbing, an electrical contractor installs the electrical system, and an elevator contractor installs elevators. Their contracts are with the general contractor, and they are paid by the general contractor.Sometimes, in addition to a general contractor, the owner contracts separately with specialty contractors, such as electrical and mechanical contractors, who perform a substantial amount of the work require for a building. Such contractors are called prime contractors. Their work is scheduled and coordinated by the general contractor, but they are paid directly by the owner.Sometimes also, the owner may use the design-build method and award a contract to an organization for both the design and construction of a building. Such organizations are called design-build contractors. One variation of this type of contract is employed by developers of groups of one-family homes or low-rise apartment buildings. The homebuilder designs and constructs the dwellings, but the design is substantially completed before owners purchase the homes.Administration of the construction procedure often is difficult. Consequently, some owners seek assistance from an expert, called a professional construction manager, with extensive construction experience, who receives a fee. The construction manager negotiates with general contractors and helps select one to construct the building. Managers usually also supervise selection of subcontractors. During construction, they help control costs, expedite equipment and material deliveries, and keep the work on schedule. In some cases, instead, the owner may prefer o engage a construction program manager, to assist in administrating both design and construction.Construction contractors employ labor that may or may not be unionized. Unionized craftspeople are members of unions that are organized by construction trades, such as carpenter, plumber, and electrician unions, Union members will perform only the work assigned to their trade.During construction, all work should be inspected. For this purpose, the owner, often through the architect and consultants, engages inspectors. The field inspectors may be placed under the control of an owner’s representative, who may be titled clerk of the works, architect’s superintendent, engineer’s superintendent, or resident engineer. The inspectors have the responsibility of ensuring that construction meets the requirements of the contract documents and is performed under safe conditions. Such inspections may be made at frequent intervals.In addition, inspections also are made by representatives of one or more governmental agencies. They have the responsibility of ensuring that construction meets legal requirements and have little or no concern with detailed conformance with the contract documents. Such legal inspections are made periodically or at the end of certain stages of construction. One agency that will make frequent inspections is the local or state building department, whichever has jurisdiction. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure conformance with the local or state building code.Following is a description of the basic traditional construction procedure for a multistory building.After the award of a construction contract to a general contractor, the owner may ask the contractor to start a portion of the work before signing of the contract by giving the contractor a letter of intent or after signing of the contract by issuing a written notice to proceed. The contractor then obtains construction permits, as required, form governmental agencies, such as the local building, water, sewer, and highway departments.The general contractor plans and schedules construction operations in detail and mobilizes equipment and personnel for the project. Subcontractors are notified of the contract award and issued letters of intent or awarded subcontracts, then are given, at appropriate times, notices to proceed.Before construction starts, the general contractor orders a survey to be made of adjacent structures and terrain, both for the record and to become knowledgeable of local conditions. A survey is then made to lay out construction.Field offices for the contractor are erected on or near the site. If desirable for safety reasons to protect passersby, the required to be removed from the site are demolished and the debris is carted away.Next, the site is prepared to receive the building. This work may involve grading the top surface to bring it to the proper elevations, excavating to required depths for basement and foundations, and shifting of utility piping. For deep excavations, earth sides are braced and the bottom is drained.Major construction starts with the placement of foundations, on which the building rests. This is followed by the erection of load-bearing walls and structural framing. Depending on the height of the building, ladders, stairs, or elevators may be installed to enable construction personnel to travel from floor to floor eventually to the roof. Also, hoists may be installed to lift materials to upper levels. If needed, temporary flooring may be placed for use of personnel.As the building rises, pipes, ducts, and electric conduit and wiring are installed. Then, permanent floors, exterior walls, and windows are constructed. At the appropriate time, permanent elevators are installed. If required, fireproofing is placed for steel framing. Next, fixed partitions are built and the roof and its covering are put is place,Finishing operations follow. There include installation of the following: ceilings; tile; wallboard; wall paneling; plumbing fixtures; heating furnaces; air-conditioning equipment; heating and cooling devices for rooms; escalators; floor coverings; window glass; movable partitions; doors; finishing hardware; electrical equipment and apparatus, including lighting fixtures, switches, transformers, and controls; and other items called for in the drawings and specifications. Field offices, fences, bridges, and other temporary construction must be removed from the site. Utilities, such as gas, electricity, and water, are hooked up to the building. The sit is landscaped and paved. Finally, the building interior is painted and cleaned.The owner’s representatives then give the building a final inspection. If they find that the structure conforms with the contract documents, the owner accepts the project and gives the general contractor final payment on issuance by the building department of a certificate of occupancy, which indicates that the completed building meets building-code requirements.传统的施工程序众所周知,在传统的施工程序中进行施工的承包商。尽管他们想满足业主和建筑设计师的要求,但是最终还是以赚取利润为主要目标的。因此,他们最初的任务是对编写投标价格的建筑成本进行准确的估计。这就需要进行前期调查的工作并且做出施工时间表。等合约批出后,施工方必须提供所有材料并支付其费用,设备,电力,劳动力。业主此时需要进行必要的监督。一个总承包商承担一个建筑整体的责任。从事分包的承建商则需承担建造工程所需的各个工作。例如,管道承包商安装水管,电业承办商安装电气系统,电梯则由电梯承包商安装。他们与总承包商签订合同,费用由总承包商支付。有时候,除了一个总承包商,还有各种专业承包商,如电气和机械承包商,执行工作时需要与业主签订合同。这种承包商被称为间接承包商。他们的工作,由总承包商协调,但它们都是由业主直接联系。还有些时候,业主可以使用设计建造方法同时兼有设计和建筑施工单位的职能。这些单位被称为设计建造承包商。这方面的一个类型的合同聘用的变化是由一户住宅或低层住宅建筑群的开发。在房屋建筑设计和建造的住房,但设计之前需要由购买房屋的业主完成。施工过程管理往往是困难的。因此,一些业主会去寻求专家的协助,这些专家被称为专业施工经理,他们具有丰富的施工经验。施工经理与总承包商进行谈判,并选择其中一个项目。施工经理通常还监督分包商。在施工期间,它们有助于控制成本,加快运送设备和材料,并保持工作的进度。在依法行政,协助设计和建设的情况下,业主可以选择从事建筑项目经理。建筑承包商雇用的劳动力,一般有大工和小工。大工再建筑工程中从事技术活,如木工,管道工,工会成员和电工工会,小工则执行了分配给他们的工作。在施工期间,一切工作都要验收。因此,业主通过建筑师和监理经常进行督查。可能是名为工程员,建筑师或驻地工程师。作为业主的代表实地视察。核查人员必须确保工程符合合同文件的要求,并在安全的条件下进行的责任。这种检查可作出重复。此外,验收还是需要一个或多个政府机构的代表。他们必须确保工程符合法律要求,并负责检查与合同文件是否一致。这种视察一般定期或在某些阶段施工结束以后进行。地方或国家建设部门具有管辖权。这些检查的目的是确保符合当地或国家的建筑规范。以下是传统多层建筑施工的基本程序。建造开始后合同授予开发商,业主可要求开发商开始施工之前签约给或之后签约发出书面通知的同时另一部分工作继续进行。紧接着施工方根据需要获取建筑许可证,例如当地的建设,供水,污水处理,政府机构和公路部门。总承包商的计划和进度详细施工作业以及动员项目设备和人员。分包商得到通知后,做出签订合同的意向或授予分包合同书,然后给出在适当的时候进行通知。在施工前启动,总承包商要进行的一项调查就是邻近结构和地形,这些都要记录在案,并要熟悉当地情况。这项调查结束以后,随即进行布局建设。承建商的现场办事处都建在施工现场或附近。为了安全起见,必须从脚手架上移除的东西,产生的碎片都要运走。下一步,该网架是为建设工程准备的。这项工作为地下室开挖和基础开挖的深度,以及公用事业管道转移找到正确的标高。深挖掘,土方支撑,底部排出。建筑开始于基础上,然后是承重墙和结构框架的施工。梯子,楼梯,或电梯的安装,可让施工人员往返于各个楼层。此外,可安装卷扬机来运送材料。由于建筑高度的上升,管道,电力管道和线路安装以及永久地板,外墙,窗户和构造的影响。在适当的时候,永久的电梯安装。再需要的情况下可以安装防火卷帘。其次,屋顶等地方也需要安装。精加工工序安装有包括以下内容:天花板,瓷砖,墙板,墙壁镶板,水管装置,加热炉,空气调节设备,加热和冷却室装置;自动扶梯;地板,窗户玻璃;活动板,门;电气设备和仪器,包括照明灯具,开关,变压器,控制器,遵照项目的图纸和规格。外地办事处,围栏,桥梁和其他临时建筑,公共设备,如天然气,电力管道,水管,都连接到建筑上。最后,是建筑物内部的打扫和清洗。业主的代表,会给建设工程作最后检查。如果他们满意并认为符合合同文件,那么业主接受该项目,并交给总承包商的一个占用证书,这表明,总承包商已完成建设,建设部门再根据建筑规范的要求发放最后付款。

1.1钢筋混凝土 素混凝土是由水泥、水、细骨料、粗骨料(碎石或;卵石)、空气,通常还有其他外加剂等经过凝固硬化而成。将可塑的混凝土拌合物注入到模板内,并将其捣实,然后进行养护,以加速水泥与水的水化反应,最后获得硬化的混凝土。其最终制成品具有较高的抗压强度和较低的抗拉强度。其抗拉强度约为抗压强度的十分之一。因此,截面的受拉区必须配置抗拉钢筋和抗剪钢筋以增加钢筋混凝土构件中较弱的受拉区的强度。 由于钢筋混凝土截面在均质性上与标准的木材或钢的截面存在着差异,因此,需要对结构设计的基本原理进行修改。将钢筋混凝土这种非均质截面的两种组成部分按一定比例适当布置,可以最好的利用这两种材料。这一要求是可以达到的。因混凝土由配料搅拌成湿拌合物,经过振捣并凝固硬化,可以做成任何一种需要的形状。如果拌制混凝土的各种材料配合比恰当,则混凝土制成品的强度较高,经久耐用,配置钢筋后,可以作为任何结构体系的主要构件。 浇筑混凝土所需要的技术取决于即将浇筑的构件类型,诸如:柱、梁、墙、板、基础,大体积混凝土水坝或者继续延长已浇筑完毕并且已经凝固的混凝土等。对于梁、柱、墙等构件,当模板清理干净后应该在其上涂油,钢筋表面的锈及其他有害物质也应该被清除干净。浇筑基础前,应将坑底土夯实并用水浸湿6英寸,以免土壤从新浇的混凝土中吸收水分。一般情况下,除使用混凝土泵浇筑外,混凝土都应在水平方向分层浇筑,并使用插入式或表面式高频电动振捣器捣实。必须记住,过分的振捣将导致骨料离析和混凝土泌浆等现象,因而是有害的。 水泥的水化作用发生在有水分存在,而且气温在50°F以上的条件下。为了保证水泥的水化作用得以进行,必须具备上述条件。如果干燥过快则会出现表面裂缝,这将有损与混凝土的强度,同时也会影响到水泥水化作用的充分进行。 设计钢筋混凝土构件时显然需要处理大量的参数,诸如宽度、高度等几何尺寸,配筋的面积,钢筋的应变和混凝土的应变,钢筋的应力等等。因此,在选择混凝土截面时需要进行试算并作调整,根据施工现场条件、混凝土原材料的供应情况、业主提出的特殊要求、对建筑和净空高度的要求、所用的设计规范以及建筑物周围环境条件等最后确定截面。钢筋混凝土通常是现场浇注的合成材料,它与在工厂中制造的标准的钢结构梁、柱等不同,因此对于上面所提到的一系列因素必须予以考虑。 对结构体系的各个部位均需选定试算截面并进行验算,以确定该截面的名义强度是否足以承受所作用的计算荷载。由于经常需要进行多次试算,才能求出所需的 3 截面,因此设计时第一次采用的数值将导致一系列的试算与调整工作。 选择混凝土截面时,采用试算与调整过程可以使复核与设计结合在一起。因此,当试算截面选定后,每次设计都是对截面进行复核。手册、图表和微型计算机以及专用程序的使用,使这种设计方法更为简捷有效,而传统的方法则是把钢筋混凝土的复核与单纯的设计分别进行处理。 1.2土方工程 由于和土木工程中任何其他工种的施工方法与费用相比较,土方挖运的施工方法与费用的变化都要快得多,因此对于有事业心的人来说,土方工程是一个可以大有作为的领域。在1935年,目前采用的利用轮胎式机械设备进行土方挖运的方法大多数还没有出现。那是大部分土方是采用窄轨铁路运输,在这目前来说是很少采用的。当时主要的开挖方式是使用正铲、反铲、拉铲或抓斗等挖土机,尽管这些机械目前仍然在广泛应用,但是它们只不过是目前所采用的许多方法中的一小部分。因此,一个工程师为了使自己在土方挖运设备方面的知识跟得上时代的发展,他应当花费一些时间去研究现代的机械。一般说来,有关挖土机、装载机和运输机械的唯一可靠而又最新的资料可以从制造厂商处获得。 土方工程或土方挖运工程指的是把地表面过高处的土壤挖去(挖方),并把它倾卸到地表面过低的其他地方(填方)。为了降低土方工程费用,填方量应该等于挖方量,而且挖方地点应该尽可能靠近土方量相等的填方地点,以减少运输量和填方的二次搬运。土方设计这项工作落到了从事道路设计的工程师的身上,因为土方工程的设计比其他任何工作更能决定工程造价是否低廉。根据现有的地图和标高,道路工程师应在设计绘图室中的工作也并不是徒劳的。它将帮助他在最短的时间内获得最好的方案。 费用最低的运土方法是用同一台机械直接挖方取土并且卸土作为填方。这并不是经常可以做到的,但是如果能够做到则是很理想的,因为这样做既快捷又省钱。拉铲挖土机。推土机和正铲挖土机都能做到这点。拉铲挖土机的工作半径最大。推土机所推运的图的数量最多,只是运输距离很短。拉铲挖土机的缺点是只能挖比它本身低的土,不能施加压力挖入压实的土壤内,不能在陡坡上挖土,而且挖。卸都不准确。 正铲挖土机介于推土机和拉铲挖土机的之间,其作用半径大于推土机,但小于拉铲挖土机。正铲挖土机能挖取竖直陡峭的工作面,这种方式对推土机司机来说是危险的,而对拉铲挖土机则是不可能的。每种机械设备应该进行最适合它的性能的作业。正铲挖土机不能挖比其停机平面低很多的土,而深挖坚实的土壤时,反铲挖土机最适用,但其卸料半径比起装有正铲的同一挖土机的卸料半径则要小很多。在比较平坦的场地开挖,如果用拉铲或正铲挖土机运输距离太远时,则装有轮胎式的斗式铲运机就是比不可少的。它能在比较平的地面上挖较深的土(但只能挖机械本身下面的土),需要时可以将土运至几百米远,然后卸土并在卸土的过程中把土大致铲平。在挖掘硬土时,人们发现在开挖场地经常用一辆助推拖拉机(轮式或履带式),对返回挖土的铲运机进行助推这种施工方法是经济的。一旦铲运机装满,助推拖拉机就回到开挖的地点去帮助下一台铲运机。 斗式铲运机通常是功率非常大的机械,许多厂家制造的铲运机铲斗容量为8 m³,满载时可达10 m³。最大的自行式铲运机铲斗容量为19立方米(满载时为25 m³),由430马力的牵引发动机驱动。 翻斗机可能是使用最为普遍的轮胎式运输设备,因为它们还可以被用来送混凝土或者其他建筑材料。翻斗车的车斗位于大橡胶轮胎车轮前轴的上方,尽管铰接式翻斗车的卸料方向有很多种,但大多数车斗是向前翻转的。最小的翻斗车的容量大约为0.5立方米,而最大的标准型翻斗车的容量大约为4.5m³。特殊型式的翻斗车包括容量为4 m³的自装式翻斗车,和容量约为0.5 m³的铰接式翻斗车。必须记住翻斗车与自卸卡车之间的区别。翻斗车车斗向前倾翻而司机坐在后方卸载,因此有时被称为后卸卡车。 1.3结构的安全度 规范的主要目的是提供一般性的设计原理和计算方法,以便验算结构的安全度。就目前的趋势而言,安全系数与所使用的材料性质及其组织情况无关,通常把它定义为发生破坏的条件与结构可预料的最不利的工作条件之比值。这个比值还与结构的破坏概率(危险率)成反比。 破坏不仅仅指结构的整体破坏,而且还指结构不能正常的使用,或者,用更为确切的话来说,把破坏看成是结构已经达到不能继续承担其设计荷载的“极限状态”。通常有两种类型的极限状态,即: (1)强度极限状态,它相当于结构能够达到的最大承载能力。其例子包括结构的局部屈曲和整体不稳定性;某此界面失效,随后结构转变为机构;疲劳破坏;引起结构几何形状显著变化的弹性变形或塑性变形或徐变;结构对交变荷载、火灾和爆炸的敏感性。 (2)使用极限状态,它对应着结构的使用功能和耐久性。器例子包括结构失稳之前的过大变形和位移;早期开裂或过大的裂缝;较大的振动和腐蚀。 根据不同的安全度条件,可以把结构验算所采用的计算方法分成: (1)确定性的方法,在这种方法中,把主要参数看作非随机参数。 (2)概率方法,在这种方法中,主要参数被认为是随机参数。此外,根据安全系数的不同用途,可以把结构的计算方法分为: (1)容许应力法,在这种方法中,把结构承受最大荷载时计算得到的应力与经过按规定的安全系数进行折减后的材料强度作比较。 (2)极限状态法,在这种方法中,结构的工作状态是以其最大强度为依据来衡量的。由理论分析确定的这一最大强度应不小于结构承受计算荷载所算得的强度(极限状态)。计算荷载等于分别乘以荷载系数的活载与恒载之和。 把对应于不乘以荷载系数的活载和恒载的工作(使用)条件的应力与规定值(使用极限状态)相比较。根据前两种方法和后两种方法的四种可能组合,我们可以得到一些实用的计算方法。通常采用下面两种计算方法: 确定性的方法,这种方法采用容许应力。 概率方法,这种方法采用极限状态。 至少在理论上,概率法的主要优点是可以科学的考虑所有随机安全系数,然后将这些随机安全系数组合成确定的安全系数。概率法取决于: 2.1 Reinforced Concrete Plain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement ,water ,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel),air, and often other admixtures. The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork, then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cement/water mix, resulting in hardened concrete. The finished product has high compressive strength, and low resistance to tension, such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength. Consequently, tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete element. It is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of 答题实属不易,请楼主谅解,求采纳~

Modern architecture, not to be confused with 'contemporary architecture', is a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics, primarily the simplification of form and the elimination of ornament. While the style was conceived early in the 20th century and heavily promoted by a few architects, architectural educators and exhibits, very few Modern buildings were built in the first half of the century. For three decades after the Second World War, however, it became the dominant architectural style for institutional and corporate building. 1. Origins Some historians see the evolution of Modern architecture as a social matter, closely tied to the project of Modernity and hence to the Enlightenment, a result of social and political revolutions. Others see Modern architecture as primarily driven by technological and engineering developments, and it is true that the availability of new building materials such as iron, steel, concrete and glass drove the invention of new building techniques as part of the Industrial Revolution. In 1796, Shrewsbury mill owner Charles Bage first used his ‘fireproof’ design, which relied on cast iron and brick with flag stone floors. Such construction greatly strengthened the structure of mills, which enabled them to accommodate much bigger machines. Due to poor knowledge of iron's properties as a construction material, a number of early mills collapsed. It was not until the early 1830s that Eaton Hodgkinson introduced the section beam, leading to widespread use of iron construction, this kind of austere industrial architecture utterly transformed the landscape of northern Britain, leading to the description, "Dark satanic mills" of places like Manchester and parts of West Yorkshire. The Crystal Palace by Joseph Paxton at the Great Exhibition of 1851 was an early example of iron and glass construction; possibly the best example is the development of the tall steel skyscraper in Chicago around 1890 by William Le Baron Jenney and Louis Sullivan. Early structures to employ concrete as the chief means of architectural expression (rather than for purely utilitarian structure) include Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple, built in 1906 near Chicago, and Rudolf Steiner's Second Goetheanum, built from 1926 near Basel, Switzerland. Other historians regard Modernism as a matter of taste, a reaction against eclecticism and the lavish stylistic excesses of Victorian Era and Edwardian Art Nouveau. Whatever the cause, around 1900 a number of architects around the world began developing new architectural solutions to integrate traditional precedents (Gothic, for instance) with new technological possibilities. The work of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, Victor Horta in Brussels, Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona, Otto Wagner in Vienna and Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow, among many others, can be seen as a common struggle between old and new. 2. Modernism as Dominant Style By the 1920s the most important figures in Modern architecture had established their reputations. The big three are commonly recognized as Le Corbusier in France, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius in Germany. Mies van der Rohe and Gropius were both directors of the Bauhaus, one of a number of European schools and associations concerned with reconciling craft tradition and industrial technology. Frank Lloyd Wright's career parallels and influences the work of the European modernists, particularly via the Wasmuth Portfolio, but he refused to be categorized with them. Wright was a major influence on both Gropius and van der Rohe, however, as well as on the whole of organic architecture. In 1932 came the important MOMA exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture, curated by Philip Johnson. Johnson and collaborator Henry-Russell Hitchcock drew together many distinct threads and trends, identified them as stylistically similar and having a common purpose, and consolidated them into the International Style. This was an important turning point. With World War II the important figures of the Bauhaus fled to the United States, to Chicago, to the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and to Black Mountain College. While Modern architectural design never became a dominant style in single-dwelling residential buildings, in institutional and commercial architecture Modernism became the pre-eminent, and in the schools (for leaders of the profession) the only acceptable, design solution from about 1932 to about 1984. Architects who worked in the international style wanted to break with architectural tradition and design simple, unornamented buildings. The most commonly used materials are glass for the facade, steel for exterior support, and concrete for the floors and interior supports; floor plans were functional and logical. The style became most evident in the design of skyscrapers. Perhaps its most famous manifestations include the United Nations headquarters (Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, Sir Howard Robertson), the Seagram Building (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), and Lever House (Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill), all in New York. A prominent residential example is the Lovell House (Richard Neutra) in Los Angeles. Detractors of the international style claim that its stark, uncompromisingly rectangular geometry is dehumanising. Le Corbusier once described buildings as "machines for living", but people are not machines and it was suggested that they do not want to live in machines. Even Philip Johnson admitted he was "bored with the box." Since the early 1980s many architects have deliberately sought to move away from rectilinear designs, towards more eclectic styles. During the middle of the century, some architects began experimenting in organic forms that they felt were more human and accessible. Mid-century modernism, or organic modernism, was very popular, due to its democratic and playful nature. Alvar Aalto and Eero Saarinen were two of the most prolific architects and designers in this movement, which has influenced contemporary modernism. Although there is debate as to when and why the decline of the modern movement occurred, criticism of Modern architecture began in the 1960s on the grounds that it was universal, sterile, elitist and lacked meaning. Its approach had become ossified in a "style" that threatened to degenerate into a set of mannerisms. Siegfried Giedion in the 1961 introduction to his evolving text, Space, Time and Architecture (first written in 1941), could begin "At the moment a certain confusion exists in contemporary architecture, as in painting; a kind of pause, even a kind of exhaustion." At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a 1961 symposium discussed the question "Modern Architecture: Death or Metamorphosis?" In New York, the coup d'état appeared to materialize in controversy around the Pan Am Building that loomed over Grand Central Station, taking advantage of the modernist real estate concept of "air rights",[1] In criticism by Ada Louise Huxtable and Douglas Haskell it was seen to "sever" the Park Avenue streetscape and "tarnish" the reputations of its consortium of architects: Walter Gropius, Pietro Belluschi and the builders Emery Roth & Sons. The rise of postmodernism was attributed to disenchantment with Modern architecture. By the 1980s, postmodern architecture appeared triumphant over modernism, including the temple of the Light of the World, a futuristic design for its time Guadalajara Jalisco La Luz del Mundo Sede International; however, postmodern aesthetics lacked traction and by the mid-1990s, a neo-modern (or hypermodern) architecture had once again established international pre-eminence. As part of this revival, much of the criticism of the modernists has been revisited, refuted, and re-evaluated; and a modernistic idiom once again dominates in institutional and commercial contemporary practice, but must now compete with the revival of traditional architectural design in commercial and institutional architecture; residential design continues to be dominated by a traditional aesthetic. 选我的谢谢


可以看看这个 呵呵 是 土木专业英语上的课文 building types and designA building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in .As classified by their use ,buildings are mainly of two types :industrial buildings and civil buildings .industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling ,employment ,education and other social activities .Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds ,in such fields as the mining industry ,the metallurgical industry ,machine building ,the chemical industry and the textile industry . factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones .the construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings .however ,industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used .Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings .residential buildings should suit family life .each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms : a living room ,a kitchen and a toilet .public buildings can be used in politics ,cultural activities ,administration work and other services ,such as schools, office buildings, parks ,hospitals ,shops ,stations ,theatres ,gymnasiums ,hotels ,exhibition halls ,bath pools ,and so on .all of them have different functions ,which in turn require different design types as well. Housing is the living quarters for human beings .the basic function of housing is to provide shelter from the elements ,but people today require much more that of their housing .a family moving into a new neighborhood will to know if the available housing meets its standards of safety ,health ,and comfort .a family will also ask how near the housing is to grain shops ,food markets ,schools ,stores ,the library ,a movie theater ,and the community center .In the mid-1960’s a most important value in housing was sufficient space both inside and out .a majority of families preferred single-family homes on about half an acre of land ,which would provide space for spare-time activities .in highly industrialized countries ,many families preferred to live as far out as possible from the center of a metropolitan area ,even if the wage earners had to travel some distance to their work .quite a large number of families preferred country housing to suburban housing because their chief aim was to get far away from noise ,crowding ,and confusion .the accessibility of public transportation had ceased to be a decisive factor in housing because most workers drove their cars to work .people we’re chiefly interested in the arrangement and size of rooms and the number of bedrooms .Before any of the building can begin ,plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like ,the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be done.An important point in building design is the layout of rooms ,which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relation to the purposes for which they are intended .in a dwelling house ,the layout may be considered under three categories : “day”, “night” ,and “services” .attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas .the “day “rooms generally include a dining-room ,sitting-room and kitchen ,but other rooms ,such as a study ,may be added ,and there may be a hall .the living-room ,which is generally the largest ,often serves as a dining-room ,too ,or the kitchen may have a dining alcove .the “night “rooms consist of the bedrooms .the “services “comprise the kitchen ,bathrooms ,larder ,and water-closets .the kitchen and larder connect the services with the day rooms .It is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms ,and those most in use should preferably face south as possible .it is ,however ,often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements ,both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads .in resolving these complex problems ,it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities ,density of population ,height of buildings ,proportion of green space to dwellings ,building lines ,the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood ,and so on .There is little standardization in industrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations .the modern trend is towards light ,airy factory buildings .generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction ,a factory can be given a “shed ”type ridge roof ,incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare .翻译:建筑类型和设计建筑物与人们有着紧密的联系,他为人们提供必要的空间,用以工作和生活。根据适用类型不同,建筑物可以分为两类:工业建筑和民用建筑。工业建筑包括各个工厂或工业生产所使用建筑,民用建筑是指那些人们用以居住,就业,教育和其他社会活动的建筑场所。工业建筑的厂房可用于采矿业,冶金工业,机械制造,化学工业和纺织工业等各类领域的加工和制造。厂房可分为两种类型:单层的和多层的。工业建筑也属于建筑的一种。但是,工业建筑与民用建筑所用的材料和建筑方式不同。民用建筑按使用可分为两大类:住宅建筑和公共建筑。住宅建筑要适应家庭生活。每个单位应包括至少三个必要客房:起居室,厨房和厕所。公共建筑可在政治,文化活动,管理工作和其他服务,如学校,写字楼,公园,医院,商店,车站,剧院,体育馆,宾馆,展览馆,洗浴池,等等。他们都有着不同的职能,这反过来又需要不同的设计类型。房屋是用以住人的. 其基本功能是提供住房的内容,但今天人们需要更多的住房内容。一个家庭在进入一个新的社区后将知道,现有住房不仅要符合其安全,健康和舒适等标准。还要考虑其附近是否有相应的配套设施,如食品市场,学校,商店,图书馆,电影院,以及社区中心等。在60年代中期住房最重要的价值是足够大的空间和方便的出入交通。大多数家庭会首选约半英亩面积土地的家庭住宅,这样将提供足够的空间的用以业余活动。在高度工业化的国家,许多家庭的首选是那种尽可能远离市中心商业圈的住房,即使距离上班地点不得不有一段距离。相当多的家庭首选是郊区的住房,因为他们的主要目的是要远离噪音,拥挤和混乱。拥有方便的公共交通使得距离不再是一个决定性因素,因为大多数人都是开着自己的汽车去上班了。人们现在主要感兴趣的是户型,房间的大小和卧室的数目。在工程项目开始之前,要做好建筑设计和施工流程,让人提前知道该建筑建成后是什么样子以及下一步应该做什么。在建筑设计中要特别重视房间的布局,其目的是提供最大的便利与可能的用途。在一个住宅建筑设计中,布局可考虑以下三个方面: “白天” , “夜晚”和“服务”。必须注意这些空间区域之间的连通交流。 “白天”房一般包括餐厅,起居室和厨房,但其他房间可能会增加,如书房,并有可能成为一个大厅。起居室通常是最大的,往往是一个餐厅,也或可能有厨房、凹室等。 “夜间”房间包括卧室、客房。“服务”用房间包括厨房,浴室,储藏室 ,和厕所等。厨房和储藏室需设置在一起,以方便其房间功能的使用。此外,还必须考虑各种客房的朝向问题,当然最好尽可能的将那些经常使用的房间朝南设置。然而,在考虑到周围的环境和地点、道路等多方面因素,往往很难达到最佳要求。在解决这些复杂的问题,还必须按照当地城市规划条例所涉及的对公共设施,人口密度,建筑物高度,绿化面积,建筑红线等的要求,还要考虑到有相邻建筑的情况,等等。尽管工业建筑需要符合当地城市规划条例但很少有标准化的工业楼宇。现代厂房建筑的趋势是轻质、通风。一般的钢筋混凝土结构或钢结构的工厂,可以得到一个“跌”型脊屋顶,把窗户开向北以便使分布均匀的自然采光不会直射进来造成刺眼。

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土木工程常用英文期刊集粹土木工程常用英文期刊集粹1.Chaos, Solit***** and Fractals 2.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3.Computers and Structures 4.Engineering Structures 5.European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 6.Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 7.International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 8.International Journal of Solids and Structures 9.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 10.Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 11.Reliability Engineering and System Safety 12.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 13.Structural Safety 14.Thin-Walled Structures ASCE 1.Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2.Journal of Structural Engineering Academic Press 1.Journal of Sound and Vibration IOS Press 1.Shock and Vibration ASME 1.Journal of Applied Mechanics 2.Applied Mechanics Review John Wiley&S*****, Ltd. 1.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Spring-Verlag 1.Archive of Applied Mechanics 2.Computational Mechanics 3.Structural Optimization Kluwer Academic Publishers 1.Nonlinear Dynamics AIAA 1.AIAA Journal ACI Structural Journal Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems Structural engineering and Mechanics 所列期刊基本上都是属于SCI检索范围. 属土木类的顶级刊物,搞科研不可不看哦.田间阡陌2010-05-14 10:44我是搞桥梁抗震的:1 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering(Springer)《地震工程通报》刊载地震工程研究方面的原始论文及跨学科文章。2 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (GSW)《美国地震学会通报》美国地震学会刊物,刊载地震学、地震工程及相关领域研究论文。在地震学核心刊物中排名第18。2004年影响因子IF:1.8123 Canadian Geotechnical Journal (Canada NRC) 《加拿大土工杂志》是世界上地球勘察领域的三大学术期刊之一。其内容涉及地层基础,挖掘,土壤资源,水坝,筑堤,斜坡,地下水利的新发展,岩石工程,地球化学,废物管理和输送,土壤冻结,结冰,下雪,海岸土壤以及地缘战略学。4 Clay Minerals (GSW) 《粘土矿物》刊载粘土与粘土矿物分析、物理与化学性质、地质与土壤研究以及粘土矿的利用等方面的研究论文。在矿物学核心刊物中排名第12位,2005年影响因子IF:1.1845 Computational Geosciences (Springer) 《计算地球科学》 刊载以数学模拟、仿真模拟、数据分析、形象化、反演等手段研究地球科学的高质量论文。6 Disasters (Wiley Black) 《灾害》刊载研究各种自然灾害(地震、洪水、热带风暴等)的预防政策制定及其实施等方面学术论文、实地研究文章、会议报告和书评。7 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (Wiley) 《地震工程与结构动力学》 国际地震工程学会会刊。发表地震工程及其他动力负荷形式的研究文章,涉及地震频度、地面运动、土壤扩展与破坏、动力学分析方法、结构实验性能、震情分析等,兼载书评与会议消息。8 Natural Hazards (Springer) 《自然灾害》刊载自然灾害和技术性灾害的物理问题、灾难事件预测统计学、风险评价、灾害先兆的性质等方面的研究论文、评论、实例分析等,兼及相关的社会与政治问题及学术界动态。9 Natural Hazards Observer (NH Res. & Appl. Info. Center) 《自然灾害观察者》报道地震、洪水等自然灾害的研究、计划与活动。10 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. (AGU) 《地球物理学中的非线性过程》主要刊登以下两方面真正有创造性贡献的文章:动力学系统理论和应用非线性方法研究地球物理学基础问题。11Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology (GSW) 《工程地质学与水文地质学季刊》伦敦地质学会(GSL)刊物,刊载地质学在土木工程、采矿及水资源开发等领域的应用论文与评论。2004年影响因子IF:1.8912Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (Springer) 《岩石力学与岩石工程》刊载工程地质学、岩石工程、土壤力学、岩石力学等领域的实验、理论和应用方面的研究论文。我看了一下楼主列出的期刊,里面没有的我就补充了一下,这里给出的是我常用到的,主要是地震学、灾害学、地震工程学方面,大家可以看一看。如果有重复的,可能是我没有看仔细,还请见谅。


