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Control of Parallel Inverters in Distributed AC Power Systems with Consideration of Line Impedance Effect在分布式交流电力系统中考虑连线阻抗影响时的并联逆变器控制 论文发到你的邮箱了

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Power network is the power system of power generation equipment and electric equipment in the outside. Power network transmission and distribution, including three links. Mainly by power lines, substation and ac and dc converter (realize mutual transformation technology device). According to the function can be divided into the transmission lines, regional grid, tie and distribution network. Power network distribution in vast territory of plants and YongDianHu becomes an organic whole repeatedly, the production of electric power to scatter. Power network operation condition is safe, reasonable, directly affects the development of national economy. Therefore, the setting of power network computing research, has very important practical significance.As the electric power network scale unceasingly expands, the power system protection device of increasing of quantity and quality enhances unceasingly, relay protection management of complexity and difficulty of technology are also increasing. Its core is the power network of relay protection setting calculation. Based on the classic example to short-circuit fault fault current electricity network is introduced, and the calculation method of short-circuit current calculation system setting the further improvement and development are discussed.In power system and the actual operation before the operation parameters change, all need through short circuit calculation, solving some electrical equipment through the short-circuit current, relay protection setting value and the key parameter calibration equipment, electric equipment to ensure safe operation. Power system correctly grasp the basic principle of short-circuit current calculation method is correct and relay protection setting electrical equipment and related parameters of the value of the key. Through the calculation of the electric equipment and experienced impact to open to choose equipment capacity and provide technical basis. Meanwhile, through calculation of electrical equipment in various fault condition, giving the fault current protection device fixed value setting. These work in power system in the daily work appear particularly important and meaningful.This paper introduced the short-circuit current calculation method and process, then combines power network, through the analysis of the characteristics of a simple system of power networks relay protection setting calculation, this article analyzes the problems and the causes of different conclusion of different calculation methods applicable scope.Keywords: power network, The setting, Short-circuit current calculation, Relay protection, Short-circuit current,我请我老师翻译的 呵呵

(最好)不要某宝,不要个人,一定要选一个正规的润色机构——服务有保障,有售后,北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 终身满意。

Electric power system network, in addition to other power generation equipment and electrical equipment parts. Electricity network, including substation, transmission, distribution three links. Mainly by power lines, substations and converter stations (to achieve the transformation between AC and DC technology device) form. According to the functions can be divided into transmission lines, regional power grid, contact lines and distribution networks. Electricity distribution network to the vast geographical region as close plants and electricity users, to focus on the production of electricity delivered to every household electricity distributed. Power network operating conditions are safe, reasonable, and directly affect the country's economic development. Therefore, power networks, setting calculation study has very important practical significance. With the power network have been expanding the number of power system protection devices increasing continuously improve quality, protection management work of the complexity and technical difficulty also increases. The core is the power network relay protection setting calculation. In this paper, short-circuit fault to present the classic example of the power network fault current calculation method, and setting short-circuit current calculation system further perfection and development is discussed briefly. Put into operation in power system operation before and the actual changes in the parameters are calculated through a short circuit, passing through some of the electrical equipment to solve short-circuit current, relay protection setting values on the key parameters and equipment check to ensure the safety of electrical equipment run. Correctly grasp the power system short-circuit current calculation of the basic principles and methods, is able to correctly set the value of electrical equipment and relay protection setting the key parameters. By calculating the impact of that equipment withstand current and breaking capacity required to provide technical basis for the selection of equipment. At the same time, can also be calculated in a variety of electrical equipment that under fault conditions the fault current, and thus to the protection of value tuning device. These work in the daily work of the power system is especially important and meaningful. This paper details the short-circuit current calculation method and process, and then combine the characteristics of electricity networks, by analyzing a simple system of power network relay setting calculation to undertake a study to analyze the reasons come to different conclusions and different methods for calculating range. Key words: power network; calculation; short-circuit current calculation; protection; short circuit surge current;


电气工程及其自动化毕业设计(东北电力大学毕业论文) 2009 年 03 月 19 日 星期四 16:22 论文主要内容包括 1.摘要 2.英文翻译 3.原始资料 4.计算书 5.说明书 6.参考文献 7.图纸 简单区域电力网络系统的一次或二次设计毕业论文 目录: 第一章. 设计依据 第二章. 原始资料 第三章 接入系统设计 第四章 地方供电系统设计 第五章 主变选择(包括抽头选择或调整方式设计) 第六章 主接线设计(包括所用电设计) 第七章 短路电流计算 第八章 设备选择 第九章 继电保护配置 [正文]: 第一章.设计依据 根据××大学电气工程及自动化专业毕业任务书 第二章.原始资料 为了满足工农业生产发展的需要,经上级批准,决定新建 110KV 盐北变电所。 一. 设计资料 (一) 新建的盐北变电所各电压级负荷数据,回路,同时率等见表 3。 盐北变电所每年负荷增长率 5%,需考虑五年发展规划 变电所总负荷 s110=K 1(s35+s10) (1+5%) (二) 新建的盐北变电所,受电方案有两种: (1)从 110K 盐城东郊变受电距离 30KM(本课题做)(2)从 110KV 灌南变受电距离 35KM(本课题不 ; 做) ,电力系统接线图见图 1 (三) 电力系统,各厂、所、输电线等主设备技术参数见表 1、2、3、4、5。 (四) 其它原始资料: 所址:地形地势平坦、土址电阻率为 1.5×10 欧?厘米,所址高于百年一遇最高洪水位。所 址所在地气候,平均气温 15℃,最高气温 35℃,最低气温-15℃。 交通:紧靠国家二级公路,进所公路 0.4 公里。 水源:变电所附近有河流供方方便,水量充足。 二.设计内容 (一) 接入系统设计: 确定接入系统输电线路回路数及导线截面。 (二) 地区供电系统设计: 根据地区负荷性质及供电距离,确定供电线路数及导线截面。 (三) 通过技术、经济比较,确定变电所主变压器台数及容量、型号、规格。 (四) 通过电压计算、选择主变分接头或调压方式。 (五) 根据所确定的主变方案和进出线回路数,通过技术分析、论证,确定待建变电所的 主接线。 (六) 确定待建变电所的所用电方案(所用变压器台数、型号、容量和自用电接线型式, 所用电负荷按 0.1%变电所容量计) 。 (七) 电气设备选择 1. 为选择电器设备和继电器保护整定需要,计算三相短路电流。 2. 选择变电所电气一次设备(断路器、隔离开关、PT、CT、母线、避雷器及中性点接地 设备) 。 (八) 继电保护 根据继电保护要求,确定变电所各元件继电保护配置。 ...... [摘要]: 本设计说明书是根据毕业设计任务书的要求,结合“电气设备”“电力系统暂态分析”“电 、 、 力系统稳态分析”“继电保护”“电气工程专业毕业设计指南”等有关书籍而制定的,是我 、 、 三年大学学习的总结。 三年中,在授课老师的指导下,学到了很多的知识,对我的学习生涯和社会实践生活有很大 的促进使我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,不仅思想上有了大的收获,知识上也有质的突破。 同时也注重于将所学习的知识运用与实际工作中 ,增强了处理分析问题的能力。 这次设计的新建 110KV 变电所本着为国民经济各个部门提供充足的电能,最大限度地满足 用户的用电需要,保证供电的可靠性,保证良好的电能质量,提高电力系统运行经济性的原 则进行设计。是针对接入系统设计:确定接入系统输电线路回路数及导线截面。地区供电系 统设计: 根据地区负荷性质及供电距离, 确定供电线路数及导线截面。 通过技术、 经济比较, 确定变电所主变压器台数及容量、 型号、 规格。 通过电压计算、 选择主变分接头或调压方式。 根据所确定的主变方案和进出线回路数,通过技术分析、论证,确定待建变电所的主接线。 确定待建变电所的所用电方案(所用变压器台数、型号、容量和自用电接线型式,所用电负 荷按 0.1%变电所容量计) 。电气设备选择:为选择电器设备和继电器保护整定需要,计算三 相短路电流。选择变电所电气一次设备(断路器、隔离开关、PT、CT、母线、避雷器及中 性点接地设备) 。继电保护根据继电保护要求,确定变电所各元件继电保护配置。 Prolegomenon This design explains is basis of graduate design assignment book, combine bear on book that 《electric equipment》 、 《electric system steady condition analyzing》 、 《relay safeguard》 、 《electric engineering specialty enchiridion of graduate design》,this is my summarize of three years in university . In three years, depend on teachers go to supervise, acquire many knowledge, promote me that learning 、 work and live, ceaseless challenge me and enrich me, not only my inwardly harvest and that go up knowledge. Likewise pay attention to in the work. This time design of 110KV substation tenet that in order to afford ample electricity of country every department, ensure power supply, ensure power supply finer quality, and promote electric system economy. This time design of running system design (fix on transmit electricity circuitry loops of running system and section of circuitry); fix on number that mains transformer of substation, and capability 、type、specification; compute voltage、choose tap place, compare economy and technology; fix on power supply blue print of substation; compute electrical current of three route short circuit ; choose electric equipment (breaker、seclusion switch、PT、CT、 generatrix、arrester、grounding equipment )and relay safeguard , fix on relay safeguard configure of substation. [参考文献]: 1.《发电厂电气部分课程设计参考资料》 水力电力出版社 2.《电力系统设计设备参考资料》 河海大学出版社 3.《电力系统稳态分析》 水力电力出版社 4.《电力系统暂态分析》 水力电力出版社 5.《电力工程设计手册》 水力电力西北电力设计院 6.《发电厂电气部分》 水力电力出版社 7.《电力系统继电保护原理》 水力电力出版社 8.《电力系统课程设计及毕业参考资料》 中国电力出版社


Haiti Earthquake of 2010 March 19, 2010 A delegation of experts on human rights in Haiti prepares to testify before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on March 23rd. The delegation will urge the Commission to formally investigate the human rights impact of post-earthquake aid in Haiti and guide donor States regarding their obligations when delivering assistance. — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 19, 2010 In anticipation of the March 31 Donors' Conference on Haiti, over 300 NGOs from around the world sent a letter to donor states calling on them to embrace the human rights and dignity of all Haitians as the driving force behind international assistance in rebuilding Haiti. — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 16, 2010 January’s earthquake has prompted hundreds of thousands of Haitians to leave Port-au-Prince, reversing a decades-long migration from the countryside. — NYT March 15, 2010 New Orleans Law School professor Jeanne M. Woods draws on the experience of Hurricane Katrina to advocate for a "human rights approach" to aid for Haiti, which would provide Haitians with control over their own destiny and long-term support for their basic needs. — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 15, 2010 Successful and sustainable development projects require including the Haitian people themselves in the planning and execution. But as Loune Viaud of Partners in Health and Monika Kalra Varma of the RFK Center for Human Rights observe, "Those who have the greatest stake in rebuilding Haiti, Haitians themselves, don’t now and never have had a real seat at the table." — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 12, 2010 Elderly Haitians find themselves distinctly vulnerable and emotionally burdened after January's earthquake. — NYT March 9, 2010 In the aftermath of the earthquake, Haiti faces the added challenge of the growing number of amputees and other disabled victims of the catastrophe. There is a pressing need for prostheses and a rehabilitation infrastructure before it's too late. — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti Table of Contents Overview Relief Efforts Haitian Government Response Earthquakes in the Caribbean Social Conditions in Haiti Americans Accused of Child Trafficking How to Help Complete Coverage Overview Updated: Feb. 19, 2010 By THE NEW YORK TIMES A massive earthquake struck Haiti just before 5 p.m. on Jan. 12, about 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, the country's capital. The quake was the worst in the region in more than 200 years. A study by the Inter-American Development Bank estimates that the cost could be between $7.2 billion to $13.2 billion, based on a death toll from 200,000 to 250,000.


“毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation

Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n]  美 ['dɪsɚ'teʃən]

n. 论文,专题;学术演讲


1、academic dissertation 学位论文 ; 学术论文

2、Graduation Dissertation 毕业论文

3、Doctorate dissertation 博士论文

4、Dissertation Committee 论文委员会

5、dissertation topics 毕业论文题目


article, paper,dissertation, essay, prose, thesis这组词都有“文章”的意思,其区别是:

1、article 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。

2、paper 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。

3、dissertation 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。

4、essay 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。

5、prose 专指散文。

6、thesis 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。


1、Exploring "Trinity Working Mode" of Integrating Graduation Field Work, Graduation Dissertation and Employment on Graduation.


2、On Problems in Writing Graduation Dissertation


“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]n. 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句:1.He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文.2. I have not yet footnoted my dissertation. 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注.3. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文.

专业英语翻译本来就贵 还4万字 几千块钱的活儿不会有人给你免费做的 劝你真急的话赶紧花钱找专业人士给你翻



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