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internet financial 应该是正确的,在发表的论文中出现过 另外,价值中国专访的记者提问《金融服务营销手册》作者Evelyn Ehrlich时用的是on line financial 这两个应该都是可以的

汉语【互联网金融】英语【Internet finance】【互联网金融介绍】Internet finance或者Internet-based financing都指在2013年大行其道的“互联网金融”,从理论上来说,任何涉及广义金融的互联网应用(Internet applications)都属于互联网金融,网上银行(online banking)、在线理财(online wealth management)以及第三方支付(third-party payments)等均属于互联网金融。互联网金融通过互联网、移动互联网等工具,使得传统金融业务具备透明度更强、参与度更高、协作性更好、中间成本更低、操作上更便捷等一系列特征。There are several models for Internet finance, including mini-lending, wealth management and third-party payments. Each offers advantages that conventional financial tools are unable to reach.互联网金融有几种模式,包括小额借贷、理财以及第三方支付。每种模式都具备传统金融工具难以企及的优势。

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The Internet Financial


A virtual world is an interactive simulated environment accessed by multiple users through an online interface. Virtual worlds are also called "digital worlds," "simulated worlds" and "MMOG's." There are many different types of virtual worlds, however there are six features all of them have in common: 1. Shared Space: the world allows many users to participate at once. 2. Graphical User Interface: the world depicts space visually, ranging in style from 2D "cartoon" imagery to more immersive 3D environments. 3. Immediacy: interaction takes place in real time. 4. Interactivity: the world allows users to alter, develop, build, or submit customized content. 5. Persistence: the world's existence continues regardless of whether individual users are logged in. 6. Socialization/Community: the world allows and encourages the formation of in-world social groups like teams, guilds, clubs, cliques, housemates, neighborhoods, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Virtual worlds have been created for many different purposes. The largest and most common type of virtual world is the "MMORPG" which stands for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game." But virtual worlds have also been built for purposes other than gaming. The following section summarizes a few ways in which virtual worlds are currently used: Commercial GamingCommercial gaming worlds tend to focus on a singular fictional theme and consistently follow formal conventions such as character-focused avatars, progression through an interactive narrative storyline, and a series of competitive events. Strongly influenced by fantasy, science fiction, and anime genres of literature and film, the majority of sizable virtual worlds in existence today are commercial gaming worlds. Examples include Everquest, Lineage 2, and World of Warcraft. While Virtual Worlds Review includes several top-quality gaming worlds on the review list, we mostly feature worlds that fall outside the traditional gaming mold. Fortunately there are many other great sites that contain comprehensive lists of commercial gaming worlds. Here are a few: MPOGD.com Gamespot Gamespy Socializing / Online Community BuildingIn addition to the traditional fantasy RPG worlds, there are many commercial community-focused virtual worlds that emphasize socializing rather than gaming. These worlds offer a more open-ended experience and are strongly influenced by the cultures of text-based chat rooms. Although small-scale, casual games may be incorporated into a social world, participants are not necessarily there to win or play a game, but rather to socialize with others and, in many cases, create and decorate a personal space such as a home, room, or apartment. Social worlds tend to use settings based on idealized versions of reality. Most provide some basic building tools and the ability to host activities and events that revolve around a wide variety of topics. EducationSome virtual worlds have been created for educational purposes. In most cases, educational worlds are sponsored by academic institutions or nonprofit organizations, although some educational worlds are sponsored by corporations. Educational worlds come in a wide variety of forms, including 3D recreations of museum and gallery spaces, computer programming tutorials, virtual libraries, and meeting spaces for online university courses. Active Worlds Educational Universe is one of the oldest and largest networks of educational worlds. Adobe Atmosphere is also being used to build virtual worlds for educational purposes. A great example of a corporate-sponsored educational world is Mokitown. Political ExpressionVirtual worlds can serve as forums for political expression and debate. While real-world political issues can crop up in gaming, social, and educational worlds, there are a few cases in which completely separate virtual worlds have been built for the purpose of political debate or even experiments in various types of self-governing online communities. A great example of a virtual world with a political focus is AgoraXchange. Military TrainingVirtual world technologies are also being used in some interesting ways by the U.S. military. America's Army is being used as a tool to recruit potential soldiers, while companies like Forterra Systems are working with military groups to develop training simulations. And this is just the beginning. As these technologies develop further over the next several years, virtual worlds will be used for all types of purposes as more people begin spending more time in them. If you're new to the "world of virtual worlds" we hope that Virtual Worlds Review will serve as a user-friendly, informative place to learn a bit about them. For those who are already familiar with virtual worlds, we hope the site will let you know about other types of worlds you may not have heard of before. In either case, welcome and enjoy the site. -------------------A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact via avatars. These avatars are usually depicted as textual, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional graphical representations, although other forms are possible[1] (auditory[2] and touch sensations for example). Some, but not all, virtual worlds allow for multiple users.The computer accesses a computer-simulated world and presents perceptual stimuli to the user, who in turn can manipulate elements of the modeled world and thus experiences telepresence to a certain degree.[3] Such modeled worlds may appear similar to the real world or instead depict fantasy worlds. The model world may simulate rules based on the real world or some hybrid fantasy world. Example rules are gravity, topography, locomotion, real-time actions, and communication. Communication between users has ranged from text, graphical icons, visual gesture, sound, and rarely, forms using touch and balance senses.Massively multiplayer online games commonly depict a world similar to the real world, with real world rules and real-time actions, and communication. Communication is usually textual, with real-time voice communication using VOIP also possible.[clarify]Virtual worlds are not limited to games but, depending on the degree of immediacy presented, can encompass computer conferencing and text based chatrooms.HistoryThe concept of virtual worlds predates computers and could be traced in some sense to Pliny.[5] The mechanical-based 1962 Sensorama machine used the senses of vision, sound, balance, smells and touch (via wind) to simulate its world. Among the earliest virtual worlds to be implemented by computers were not games but generic virtual reality simulators, such as Ivan Sutherland's 1968 virtual reality device. This form of virtual reality is characterized by bulky headsets and other types of sensory input simulation. Contemporary virtual worlds, multi-user online virtual environments, emerged mostly independently of this virtual reality technology research, fueled instead by the gaming industry but drawing on similar inspiration.[6] While classic sensory-imitating virtual reality relies on tricking the perceptual system into experiencing an imersive environment, virtual worlds typically rely on mentally and emotionally engaging content which gives rise to an immersive experience.The first virtual worlds presented on the Internet were communities and chat rooms, some of which evolved into MUDs and MUSHes. MUDs, short for “Multi User Dungeons,” are examples of virtual worlds that consist of virtual space inhabited by representations of data and other users [7]. Early virtual worlds were text-based, offering limited graphical representation, and often using a Command Line Interface.Maze War (also known as The Maze Game, Maze Wars or simply Maze) was the first networked, 3D multi-user first person shooter game. Maze first brought us the concept of online players as eyeball "avatars" chasing each other around in a maze.” (http://www.digibarn.com/history/04-VCF7-MazeWar/index.html, 29th Feb). According to the website this was in 1974, it was played on Arpanet (the initial internet), however it could only be played on an Imlac, as it was specifically built for this type of computer.Then in 1978 MUD was released, it however was not 3D, it was text-based and used a TELNET program, by following the link you will be able to play the game, and understand just how far virtual worlds have come since http://www.british-legends.com/. You can understandably argue whether or not this is a “virtual world” and that Maze War was more sophisticated (being 3D), but you must understand that MUD could be played by anyone, Maze War was computer specific. Perhaps in today’s senses it is not a true virtual world, but the idea of a virtual world in those days were different (see Neuromancer link in bibliography for more information).Some early prototyptes were WorldsAway, a prototype interactive communities featuring a virtual world by CompuServe called Dreamscape, Cityspace, an educational networking and 3D computer graphics project for children, and The Palace, a 2-dimensional community driven virtual world. However, credit for the first online virtual world usually goes to Habitat, developed in 1987 by LucasFilm Games for the Commodore 64 computer, and running on the Quantum Link service (the precursor to America Online).[citation needed]In 1996, the city of Helsinki, Finland with Helsinki Telephone Company (since Elisa Group) launched what was called the first online virtual 3D depiction intended to map an entire city. The Virtual Helsinki project was eventually renamed Helsinki Arena 2000 project and parts of the city in modern and historical context were rendered in 3D.[citation needed][edit] Virtual world conceptsOne perception of virtual worlds requires an online persistent world, active and available 24 hours a day and seven days a week, to qualify as a true virtual world.[citation needed] Although this is possible with smaller virtual worlds, especially those that are not actually online, no massively multiplayer game runs all day, every day. All the online games listed above[clarify] include downtime for maintenance that is not included as time passing in the virtual world. While the interaction with other participants is done in real-time, time consistency is not always maintained in online virtual worlds. For example, EverQuest time passes faster than real-time despite using the same calendar and time units to present game time.As virtual world is a fairly vague and inclusive term, the above can generally be divided along a spectrum ranging from:massively multiplayer online role-playing games or MMORPGs where the user playing a specific character is a main feature of the game (World Of Warcraft for example). massively multiplayer online real-life/rogue-like games or MMORLGs, the user can edit and alter their avatar at will, allowing them to play a more dynamic role, or multiple roles. Some would argue that the MMO versions of RTS and FPS games are also virtual worlds if the world editors allow for open editing of the terrains if the "source file" for the terrain is shared. Emerging concepts include basing the terrain of such games on real satellite photos, such as those available through the Google Maps API or through a simple virtual geocaching of "easter eggs" on WikiMapia or similar mashups, where permitted.[edit] BoundariesVirtual worlds are well-known as being fantasy spaces sealed off from the real world, but more careful analysis reveals that the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds is quite porous. Participants constantly arrive and depart from the world, carrying with them their unique set of behavioral assumptions and attitudes that cannot be disentangled from their interactions in the virtual world.[8][clarify] For example, in virtual worlds which bring together players from multiple cultural backgrounds, a participant in a virtual world brings their own cultural preconceptions about those other cultures across the boundary into the world while playing. The term magic circle has been used to describe the imaginary barrier between the virtual world and the real world. The fantasy environment of the virtual world is protected from the intrusion of real life by this magic circle, but practices such as the sale of virtual items and virtual currency for real life currency challenges this separation while reinforcing the notion that objects in the virtual world have real life value. In a 2001 study by Edward Castronova, the value of the currency in the MMORPG Everquest was evaluated based on its exchange rate at USD 0.0107, making this unit of virtual currency of higher value than the Yen or the Lira.Even though Virtual Worlds are most of the time seen as 3D Games, there are many different kinds of it: forums, blogs, wikis and chatrooms where communities born. Places which have their own world, their own rules, topics, jokes, members, etc... Each person who belongs to these kinds of communities can find like-minded people to talk to, whether this be a passion, the wish to share information about or just to meet new people and experience new things. Some users develop a double personality depending on which world they are interacting with. Depending on whether that person is in the real or virtual world can impact on the way they think and act. It is not all about video games and communities, virtual world also plays a part in the social as it can allow people to speak or share knowledge with each other. Best examples are instant messaging and visio-conferences which allow people to create their own virtual world. It can also be used to help hospitalized children (suffering from painful disease or autism for example) to create a comfortable and safe environment which can help them.Although Virtual Worlds can be seen as a new way for people to socialize, they are said to be at the heart of a lot of anti-social behaviour. People playing video games online and more precisely, MMORPG are sometimes so addicted to the game that they cannot live without playing it. Such people are called “No Life” or Otaku and spend most of their time in their house not leaving it for days. They are often wrongly treated like insane people and also represented as dangerous when criminal cases imply links with video games. The thing is that video games played online are most of the time designed to be played for a long period of time (and even in the case of World Of Warcraft indefinitely – programmers provide updates and new things to discover regularly). People who abuse this kind of video games end up living most of their live in their bedrooms, do not develop any social life or skills: they communicate with friends mostly via the game or the internet, they create their own life on the internet with a specific name, image and charisma. The example of Second Life is totally unique because players develop communities and businesses in this game. Second Life is a game where the player has to create his/her own character with a human aspect and live a second life in a virtual world. The thing is that some people are so involved in this game (and created their “own self” in this game) that they have a double personality.


华文版本 Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).HistoryCreationThe USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as ARPA, in February 1958 to regain a technological lead.[1][2] ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution.Licklider moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory at Harvard University to MIT in 1950, after becoming interested in information technology. At MIT, he served on a committee that established Lincoln Laboratory and worked on the SAGE project. In 1957 he became a Vice President at BBN, where he bought the first production PDP-1 computer and conducted the first public demonstration of time-sharing.At the IPTO, Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran,[citation needed] who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first two nodes of what would become the ARPANET were interconnected between UCLA and SRI International in Menlo Park, California, on October 29, 1969. The ARPANET was one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet. Following on from the demonstration that packet switching worked on the ARPANET, the British Post Office, Telenet, DATAPAC and TRANSPAC collaborated to create the first international packet-switched network service. In the UK, this was referred to as the International Packet Stream Service (IPSS), in 1978. The collection of X.25-based networks grew from Europe and the US to cover Canada, Hong Kong and Australia by 1981. The X.25 packet switching standard was developed in the CCITT (now called ITU-T) around 1976. X.25 was independent of the TCP/IP protocols that arose from the experimental work of DARPA on the ARPANET, Packet Radio Net and Packet Satellite Net during the same time period. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn developed the first description of the TCP protocols during 1973 and published a paper on the subject in May 1974. Use of the term "Internet" to describe a single global TCP/IP network originated in December 1974 with the publication of RFC 675, the first full specification of TCP that was written by Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine, then at Stanford University. During the next nine years, work proceeded to refine the protocols and to implement them on a wide range of operating systems.The first TCP/IP-wide area network was made operational by January 1, 1983 when all hosts on the ARPANET were switched over from the older NCP protocols to TCP/IP. In 1985, the United States' National Science Foundation (NSF) commissioned the construction of a university 56 kilobit/second network backbone using computers called "fuzzballs" by their inventor, David L. Mills. The following year, NSF sponsored the development of a higher-speed 1.5 megabit/second backbone that became the NSFNet. A key decision to use the DARPA TCP/IP protocols was made by Dennis Jennings, then in charge of the Supercomputer program at NSF.The opening of the network to commercial interests began in 1988. The US Federal Networking Council approved the interconnection of the NSFNET to the commercial MCI Mail system in that year and the link was made in the summer of 1989. Other commercial electronic e-mail services were soon connected, including OnTyme, Telemail and Compuserve. In that same year, three commercial Internet Service Providers were created: UUNET, PSINET and CERFNET. Important, separate networks that offered gateways into, then later merged with, the Internet include Usenet and BITNET. Various other commercial and educational networks, such as Telenet, Tymnet, Compuserve and JANET were interconnected with the growing Internet. Telenet (later called Sprintnet) was a large privately funded national computer network with free dial-up access in cities throughout the U.S. that had been in operation since the 1970s. This network was eventually interconnected with the others in the 1980s as the TCP/IP protocol became increasingly popular. The ability of TCP/IP to work over virtually any pre-existing communication networks allowed for a great ease of growth, although the rapid growth of the Internet was due primarily to the availability of commercial routers from companies such as Cisco Systems, Proteon and Juniper, the availability of commercial Ethernet equipment for local-area networking and the widespread implementation of TCP/IP on the UNIX operating system.Common uses of the InternetE-mailFor more details on this topic, see E-mail.The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Even today it can be important to distinguish between Internet and internal e-mail systems. Internet e-mail may travel and be stored unencrypted on many other networks and machines out of both the sender's and the recipient's control. During this time it is quite possible for the content to be read and even tampered with by third parties, if anyone considers it important enough. Purely internal or intranet mail systems, where the information never leaves the corporate or organization's network, are much more secure, although in any organization there will be IT and other personnel whose job may involve monitoring, and occasionally accessing, the e-mail of other employees not addressed to them.The World Wide WebMany people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web (or just the Web) interchangeably, but, as discussed above, the two terms are not synonymous.The World Wide Web is a huge set of interlinked documents, images and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. These hyperlinks and URLs allow the web servers and other machines that store originals, and cached copies, of these resources to deliver them as required using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is only one of the communication protocols used on the Internet.Web services also use HTTP to allow software systems to communicate in order to share and exchange business logic and data.Software products that can access the resources of the Web are correctly termed user agents. In normal use, web browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Firefox, access web pages and allow users to navigate from one to another via hyperlinks. Web documents may contain almost any combination of computer data including graphics, sounds, text, video, multimedia and interactive content including games, office applications and scientific demonstrations.Through keyword-driven Internet research using search engines like Yahoo! and Google, millions of people worldwide have easy, instant access to a vast and diverse amount of online information. Compared to encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the World Wide Web has enabled a sudden and extreme decentralization of information and data.Using the Web, it is also easier than ever before for individuals and organisations to publish ideas and information to an extremely large audience. Anyone can find ways to publish a web page or build a website for very little initial cost. Publishing and maintaining large, professional websites full of attractive, diverse and up-to-date information is still a difficult and expensive proposition, however.Many individuals and some companies and groups use "web logs" or blogs, which are largely used as easily updatable online diaries. Some commercial organisations encourage staff to fill them with advice on their areas of specialization in the hope that visitors will be impressed by the expert knowledge and free information, and be attracted to the corporation as a result. One example of this practice is Microsoft, whose product developers publish their personal blogs in order to pique the public's interest in their work.Collections of personal web pages published by large service providers remain popular, and have become increasingly sophisticated. Whereas operations such as Angelfire and GeoCities have existed since the early days of the Web, newer offerings from, for example, Facebook and MySpace currently have large followings. These operations often brand themselves as social network services rather than simply as web page hosts.Advertising on popular web pages can be lucrative, and e-commerce or the sale of products and services directly via the Web continues to grow.In the early days, web pages were usually created as sets of complete and isolated HTML text files stored on a web server. More recently, websites are more often created using content management system (CMS) or wiki software with, initially, very little content. Contributors to these systems, who may be paid staff, members of a club or other organisation or members of the public, fill underlying databases with content using editing pages designed for that purpose, while casual visitors view and read this content in its final HTML form. There may or may not be editorial, approval and security systems built into the process of taking newly entered content and making it available to the target visitors.Social impactThe Internet has made possible entirely new forms of social interaction, activities and organizing, thanks to its basic features such as widespread usability and access.Social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace have created a new form of socialization and interaction. Users of these sites are able to add a wide variety of items to their personal pages, to indicate common interests, and to connect with others. It is also possible to find a large circle of existing acquaintances, especially if a site allows users to utilize their real names, and to allow communication among large existing groups of people.Sites like meetup.com exist to allow wider announcement of groups which may exist mainly for face-to-face meetings, but which may have a variety of minor interactions over their group's site at meetup.org, or other similar sites.Political organization and censorshipFor more details on this topic, see Internet censorship.In democratic societies, the Internet has achieved new relevance as a political tool. The presidential campaign of Howard Dean in 2004 in the United States became famous for its ability to generate donations via the Internet. Many political groups use the Internet to achieve a whole new method of organizing, in order to carry out Internet activism.Some governments, such as those of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, the People's Republic of China, and Saudi Arabia, restrict what people in their countries can access on the Internet, especially political and religious content. This is accomplished through software that filters domains and content so that they may not be easily accessed or obtained without elaborate circumvention.In Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden, major Internet service providers have voluntarily (possibly to avoid such an arrangement being turned into law) agreed to restrict access to sites listed by police. While this list of forbidden URLs is only supposed to contain addresses of known child pornography sites, the content of the list is secret.[citation needed]Many countries, including the United States, have enacted laws making the possession or distribution of certain material, such as child pornography, illegal, but do not use filtering software.There are many free and commercially available software programs with which a user can choose to block offensive websites on individual computers or networks, such as to limit a child's access to pornography or violence. See Content-control software.Leisure activitiesThe Internet has been a major source of leisure since before the World Wide Web, with entertaining social experiments such as MUDs and MOOs being conducted on university servers, and humor-related Usenet groups receiving much of the main traffic. Today, many Internet forums have sections devoted to games and funny videos; short cartoons in the form of Flash movies are also popular. Over 6 million people use blogs or message boards as a means of communication and for the sharing of ideas.The pornography and gambling industries have both taken full advantage of the World Wide Web, and often provide a significant source of advertising revenue for other websites. Although many governments have attempted to put restrictions on both industries' use of the Internet, this has generally failed to stop their widespread popularity.One main area of leisure on the Internet is multiplayer gaming. This form of leisure creates communities, bringing people of all ages and origins to enjoy the fast-paced world of multiplayer games. These range from MMORPG to first-person shooters, from role-playing games to online gambling. This has revolutionized the way many people interact and spend their free time on the Internet.While online gaming has been around since the 1970s, modern modes of online gaming began with services such as GameSpy and MPlayer, to which players of games would typically subscribe. Non-subscribers were limited to certain types of gameplay or certain games.Many use the Internet to access and download music, movies and other works for their enjoyment and relaxation. As discussed above, there are paid and unpaid sources for all of these, using centralized servers and distributed peer-to-peer technologies. Discretion is needed as some of these sources take more care over the original artists' rights and over copyright laws than others.Many use the World Wide Web to access news, weather and sports reports, to plan and book holidays and to find out more about their random ideas and casual interests.People use chat, messaging and e-mail to make and stay in touch with friends worldwide, sometimes in the same way as some previously had pen pals. Social networking websites like MySpace, Facebook and many others like them also put and keep people in contact for their enjoyment.The Internet has seen a growing number of Web desktops, where users can access their files, folders, and settings via the Internet.Cyberslacking has become a serious drain on corporate resources; the average UK employee spends 57 minutes a day surfing the Web at work, according to a study by Peninsula Business Services.[9]Complex architectureMany computer scientists see the Internet as a "prime example of a large-scale, highly engineered, yet highly complex system".[10] The Internet is extremely heterogeneous. (For instance, data transfer rates and physical characteristics of connections vary widely.) The Internet exhibits "emergent phenomena" that depend on its large-scale organization. For example, data transfer rates exhibit temporal self-similarity. Further adding to the complexity of the Internet is the ability of more than one computer to use the Internet through only one node, thus creating the possibility for a very deep and hierarchal sub-network that can theoretically be extended infinitely (disregarding the programmatic limitations of the IPv4 protocol). However, since principles of this architecture date back to the 1960s, it might not be a solution best suited to modern needs, and thus the possibility of developing alternative structures is currently being looked into.[11]According to a June 2007 article in Discover magazine, the combined weight of all the electrons moved within the Internet in a day is 0.2 millionths of an ounce.[12] Others have estimated this at nearer 2 ounces (50 grams).[13]MarketingThe Internet has also become a large market for companies; some of the biggest companies today have grown by taking advantage of the efficient nature of low-cost advertising and commerce through the Internet, also known as e-commerce. It is the fastest way to spread information to a vast number of people simultaneously. The Internet has also subsequently revolutionized shopping—for example; a person can order a CD online and receive it in the mail within a couple of days, or download it directly in some cases. The Internet has also greatly facilitated personalized marketing which allows a company to market a product to a specific person or a specific group of people more so than any other advertising medium.Examples of personalized marketing include online communities such as MySpace, Friendster, Orkut, Facebook and others which thousands of Internet users join to advertise themselves and make friends online. Many of these users are young teens and adolescents ranging from 13 to 25 years old. In turn, when they advertise themselves they advertise interests and hobbies, which online marketing companies can use as information as to what those users will purchase online, and advertise their own companies' products to those users.

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金融类毕业论文常用题目1. 金融不良资产价值影响因素的实证研究2. 我国农村经济增长中的农村金融抑制研究3. 发展中国家的金融自由化与中国金融开放4. 衍生金融工具会计问题研究5. 我国房地产金融风险及防范研究6. 房地产金融风险管理及对策研究7. 我国金融衍生市场创建若干法律问题初探8. 现代银行业金融机构市场退出法律问题刍议9. 论我国进出口政策性金融机构的立法完善10. 上海国际金融中心建设的制约因素分析11. 我国商业银行金融创新研究12. 我国商业银行金融衍生品的风险管理研究13. 金融危机后韩国银行业重组机制对中国的启示14. 金融自由化所必须的法律规则及其实施15. 我国金融发展对经济增长影响的理论分析与实证研究16. 制度、制度变迁与我国金融制度变迁研究17. 离岸金融法律监管问题研究18. 连接函数(Copula)理论及其在金融中的应用19. 我国金融控股公司的风险管理研究20. 构建中国金融条件指数21. 中国金融发展水平:比较与分析22. 论国际金融衍生交易中的法律问题23. 金融投资风险评价BP神经网络模型研究及应用24. 现代金融危机的理论与实践25. 欧元对国际金融市场的影响26. 试论金融债权资产的定价理论与实务27. 中国宏观金融风险的统计度量与分析28. 无线金融交易模型(WFTM)技术研究 29. 中国渐进改革中以租金为基础的政府金融支持行为30. 对我国金融控股公司发展问题的探讨31. 我国农村金融抑制问题研究32. 论金融控股公司的监管33. 金融监管有效性研究34. 区域金融中心与区域经济发展研究35. 非正规金融在我国金融生态中的地位和作用分析36. 商业银行金融服务创新及应用研究37. 西部地区县域金融发展问题38. 房地产金融风险的评价及防范对策研究39. 房地产市场泡沫及其金融风险研究40. 中国发展金融控股公司的研究与设想41. 金融开放条件下的货币政策传导机制42. 金融创新的扩散机理研究43. 关于我国金融资产管理公司商业化转型的研究44. 基于行为金融理论下的市场有效性研究与证券价值分析45. 亚洲金融危机以来我国外贸出口政策的协调性研究46. 我国农村金融生态问题研究47. 金融中介的发展与金融稳定问题研究48. 中外汽车金融比较研究49. 金融资源优化配置解析及对江苏的实际考察50. 金融衍生工具在利率风险管理中的应用51. 沪港金融中心发展的比较研究52. 养老保险制度基础与金融工具创新53. 区域金融发展与区域经济增长关系的实证研究54. 中国资本项目开放与金融深化关系的实证分析55. 金融反腐败与金融安全56. 我国金融中介作用于经济增长的路径分析57. 中国金融领域反洗钱制度分析58. 金融服务业消费者的安全保障问题研究59. 基于资本市场的国防工业整合中的金融支撑研究60. 汽车金融中的信贷资产证券化研究61. “新经济”后美国财政货币政策及对金融市场的影响研究62. 和谐金融生态体系的构建及区域金融生态的改善63. 金融控股公司风险与监管研究64. 中国金融资产管理公司发展策略研究65. 我国农村信用社金融风险研究66. 论我国农村金融市场的构建67. 论我国商业银行个人金融业务的发展68. 我国中小企业的金融机构融资之路研究69. 中国汽车金融风险管理70. 金融危机与民主化71. 构建金融网格的若干技术研究72. 金融深化、资本深化与地方财政分权73. 金融创新环境中的银行审慎监管机制研究74. 重庆近代金融建筑研究75. 网络金融风险及其监管探析76. 金融中介理论和我国全能银行的发展77. 重构我国农村金融体系研究78. 非洲货币联盟的发展79. 关于建立我国中小企业政策性金融体系的思考80. 金融衍生工具监管制度研究81. 我国金融制度变迁路径的不对称研究82. 我国的非正规金融83. 安徽县域经济发展中的金融支持研究84. 银行国际化与金融发展关系的实证分析85. 基于VaR技术的中国金融市场风险管理及实证研究86. 世界金融监管模式的发展及我国之借鉴87. 我国商业银行金融品牌理论与实践探讨88. 山东省金融资源的配置和经济分析89. 我国商业银行对中小企业金融支持的路径研究90. 农村金融资源的逆向配置与政策研究91. 中国金融资产管理公司的商业化转型问题研究92. 山东省农村金融发展对农村经济增长的作用机制:理论与实证研究93. 金融创新视角下的金融管制研究94. 中国金融业务综合经营收益和风险模拟分析95. 电子金融的风险发生机理与防范策略研究96. 金融集团监管的法律问题研究97. 衍生金融工具会计对我国银行业的影响研究98. 我国商业银行房地产金融风险及其防范99. FDI与经济发展:金融市场的作用100. 国内金融控股公司业务协同与创新研究101. 新光证券交易系统的设计与实现102. 论我国住房抵押贷款证券化的实践与完善103. 资产证券化的定价探讨和实证分析104. 资产证券化理论及我国的应用探索105. 从行为金融学的角度透析我国证券市场的效率106. 证券翻译理论与实践107. 我国住房抵押贷款证券化运作模式及定价方法研究108. 住房抵押贷款证券的定价方法及其在中国的应用分析109. 中国早期证券公司衰亡原因分析110. 股权分置改革的法律问题研究111. 证券服务机构虚假陈述民事责任问题研究112. 对我国资产证券化法制环境的分析和立法构想113. 我国证券投资者权益保护法律问题研究114. 互联网对我国证券经纪业的影响115. 我国证券投资基金投资风格的经验分析116. 中国开放式证券投资基金的风险管理117. 中国证券市场有效性研究118. 我国证券市场有效性研究119. 证券市场中的会计事务所变更研究120. 中国证券市场最小报价单位调整的效应分析121. 证券公司网络改造技术研究122. 数据挖掘技术在证券领域的应用123. 上市公司证券法监管研究124. 证券欺诈犯罪若干问题研究125. 中美证券市场比较分析126. 资产证券化127. 住房抵押贷款证券化模式研究128. 基于与证券投资基金比较的我国社会保障基金管理研究129. 我国证券公司竞争力研究130. 我国证券市场机构投资者价值投资行为研究131. 中国证券市场投资风险与收益研究132. 住房抵押贷款证券化产品在我国的应用研究133. 中国证券投资基金业绩与规模关系的实证研究134. 我国开放式证券投资基金业绩评价实证研究135. 基于行为金融理论下的市场有效性研究与证券价值分析136. 我国证券市场股权结构的制度安排与改革137. 我国证券经纪业务研究138. 我国证券经纪人发展问题研究139. 构建和提升证券公司核心竞争力探析140. 资产证券化相关会计问题研究141. 住房抵押贷款证券化过程的风险控制研究142. 汽车金融中的信贷资产证券化研究143. 佣金自由化下的证券公司盈利模式分析144. 我国证券投资基金系统性与非系统性风险研究145. 我国证券市场中小投资者权益保护机制研究146. 我国住房抵押贷款证券化研究与实证分析147. 我国证券投资基金和股票价格波动性的实证研究148. 证券投资中股票选择理论分析与案例研究149. 中国证券投资基金羊群行为及内部博弈研究150. 我国证券市场内幕交易管制的实证检验151. 我国证券信息内幕操纵与证券监管研究152. 中国证券投资基金业绩评价实证研究153. 证券公司风险的法律监管154. 证券投资基金监管法律制度研究155. 世界主要国家和地区与我国证券稽查执法模式比较156. 资产证券化—我国的立法模式选择157. 证券市场操纵行为法律规制研究158. 资产证券化中特殊目的载体法律问题研究159. 一类部分信息下证券投资最优化问题160. 我国工商企业资产证券化融资方式研究161. 信贷资产证券化法律问题研究162. 我国证券市场的风险研究163. 证券交易所上市费的经济分析164. 中国证券公司治理结构与发展环境分析165. 银行信贷资产证券化的信用风险分析166. 淄博市农村合作银行证券委托业务处理系统167. 我国住房抵押贷款证券化的障碍及对策研究168. 证券业网上交易系统设计与实现169. TT证券经纪业务营销策略研究170. 证券公司数据采集与数据可视化171. 证券投资基金风险管理研究172. 利率期限结构的混沌模型及其在利率衍生证券定价中的应用173. 资产证券化财务效应研究174. 证券市场政府监管的适度性分析175. 证券民事责任制度研究176. 证券管制的立法目标及其实现177. 中国证券市场审计失败问题研究178. 中国证券市场投资者有限理性行为研究179. 我国商业银行不良贷款证券化研究180. 我国证券市场国际化的风险问题研究181. 抵押权证券化法律问题研究182. 我国开放式证券投资基金市场营销分析183. 中国的A股上市公司是否成功地购买了审计意见184. 人寿保险证券化及其在化解我国寿险业利差损问题中的应用185. 证券市场委托理财合同纠纷案件处理的思考186. 中国证券公司盈利模式转变研究187. 人民币升值对中国银行业、证券业及外商直接投资的影响分析188. 中国证券市场信用问题研究189. 我国证券投资基金评价体系研究190. 保险风险证券化研究191. QDⅡ制度与我国证券市场的渐进开放192. 证券投资基金产品创新设计研究193. 我国证券监管法制现状及其完善194. 中国证券投资基金业绩绩效评价体系的研究195. 证券投资者保护基金法律问题研究196. 资产证券化SPV法律问题研究197. 我国住房抵押贷款证券化发展问题研究198. 中国证券投资基金治理结构研究199. 证券投资基金监管法律问题研究200. 我国证券公司融资模式研究


杨帅(2016)按照共享经济主体方面之间的差异来进行分类的,与此同时,杨帅还提出了包含消费及生产领域的可以实现对参与主体进行划分的框架。该框架是一个比较具体化的框架,主要包括以下几点:第一,企业-个人类型。这种类型指的是企业借助第三方网络平台或相关联的企业进行其闲置资源利用渠道的拓宽。其中,最为经典的案例就是首钢创客空间。第二,个人-企业类型,这种类型也被称为临时工代表性经济形式。简单来说就是那些拥有时间、资源、技能的个人借助网络平台中的相关众包平台,满足企业临时性的服务需求。在这一过程中,个人为企业提供服务并收取适当的报酬。通过这种方式,企业能够用较低的成本来解决其内部问题而且个人也能够在为企业提供服务的过程中得到相应的报酬。第三,个人-个人类型,在这种模式中交易的主体为个人。个人能够借助第三方网络平台来实现个人需求与共计之间的协调,该网络平台作为媒介其主要的作用就是为双方提供信息。比如:滴滴出行。通过该平台,双方的利益都能够得到满足,且经济效益也能够得到增加。最后一种是企业-企业类型,通过对互联网的合理应用,企业中的闲置资本能够得到有效的利用。通过资源的充分利用,企业内部生产领域的结构性问题也能够得到很好的解决。例如:阿里巴巴淘工厂。阿里巴巴淘工厂将线下供给能力与线上市场需求之间进行了结合,以此来带动其供给与需求之间的最优配置,进而提升其企业资源配置的合理性。吴晓隽和杨天波(2015)的观点中,共享经济是能够在IT软硬件生产、无线网络、信息终端以及新型消费及生产模式的构建过程中都有十分重要的作用。也就是说,共享经济的影响范围不仅局限于互联网及相关产业中,还包括对于企业经营管理、消费模式、生产模式的影响。郑志来(2016)在对共享经济这一问题进行研究的过程中,首先对供给侧改革的相关内容进行了分析。随后,郑志来表示,共享经济能够有效的改善经济失衡的状况并能够成为供给侧机构性变革过程中一个十分重要的补充部分。共享经济与供给侧结构性改革之间是存在着一定的联系的,且共享经济是一种实现经济方式转变的有效手段。二、共享经济相关理论(一)共享经济的概念最早提出共享经济这一概念的学者是马科斯·费尔逊和琼·斯潘思,在其代表作《社区结构和协同消费:常规活动的方法 》中有对这一概念的详细解释。近几年,伴随着我国经济发展水平的不断提升,共享经济这一概念逐渐被人们所了解。当下,我国对于共享经济的定义为:借助互联网信息技术等一系列相关的科学技术,对海量的、分散的资源进行合理有效的整合并能够满足多样化需求的经济活动的总称。共享经济的主要特征为使用权限,是一种合作经济。共享经济的目的就是为了进行交易成本的压缩,进而带来经济效益的提升。共享经济的主要作用包括以下两点:首先,共享平台的性质是中间媒介,能够带动双方交易成本的降低。与此同时,借助这一共享平台双方能够得到更多的资源和信息,并且其监督成本较低。其次,在共享平中,原本不能够加入到大交易环节中的物品也能够进行交易。这就使交易的范围得到了扩大,且资源的利用效率得到了提升。伴随着经济的不断发展和进步,产生了一种新型的经济形态—基于 O2O 的共享经济。这种经济活动其实在很久之前就已经产生了,不过都没有得到人们的重视。近几年,基于O2O的共享经济逐渐被人们所了解、重视并且不断的发展起来。这种新型经济形态产生的根本原因是互联网信息技术的不断发展,使得传统的交易区域、空间被打破,市场规模得到了扩张。在这种形势下,每个人都是需求者和供给者。在新型经济形态中,物品的使用权、所有权之间处于分离的状态,且相关的交易内容也被赋予了新的意义。与此同时,人们在获取物品的过程中其目的也发生了改变。人们的关注点转移到了物品的实际使用权利上,这就使得物品的使用效率得到了明显的提升。对于消费者来说,用更加低廉的价格就能够租用到你需要使用的物品,这种方式既能够满足消费者使用物品的需求还能够减少消费者的支出。而且,限制资源在这一过程中也能够得到更加合理、有效的利用。(二)共享经济的特点1、价值增值价值增值过程属于西方经济学领域,其被定义为是劳动力价值的补偿,而其在共享经济的商业模式下,其又被赋予了新的意义与和内涵,因为共享经济对于价值进行了全新的定义,即只有在有需求的人手里,物品才能体现其价值,因而这一价值增值过程就成为了将闲置的物品转移到对其存在需求的人手里的过程。卖家通过售卖闲置的物品,在清理自己的生活空间的同时还可以回收到相当于物品原价格中的一定资金的回报,而限于经济原因而无法入手想要商品的买家也可以经由购买这些出售的闲置商品来满足自身的强烈渴望。2、充分利用闲置资源对于闲置资源的充分利用也是共享经济特点中的一种,其能够提高资源的利用率甚至保护环境。正是由于社会经济的不断发展与科技的飞速进步使得一部分人在追求最新科技的同时对于其拥有的尚且完好的高科技产品进行不断的淘汰,这正是由于城市生活集约化的进一步发展和居民个人生活水平的不断提高同时伴随在社会产能过剩的背景下个人对于产品拥有的越来越少的可使用空间所导致的。而那些所淘汰下来的产品又会对个人的生活空间产生占据,由此甚至还需要个人来负担养护和维修的开销,同时产品没有得到充分利用也是一种资源的浪费,违背了绿色发展的理念。其实在社会生活中,共享经济无处不在,例如在交通领域,其传统的公交飞机地铁火车就能够极大的的便利许多乘客的交通出行,它就属于一种共享经济。而新开发出来的滴滴打车也对众多用户的出行起到了很大的便利。将使用交通产品的时间段错开以实现对于车辆的使用率的显著提升,这在降低物品闲置时间,提高资源的利用效率的同时还能实现对于在自身生活成本上的降低,符合绿色发展的理念3、网络易访性随着互联网那个大时代的到来,人们可以更加方便的经由网络来实现自身的生活方式上的便捷化,这点也体现在了共享经济中的闲置物品交易上,买家和卖家双方都能够在网上实现顺畅的交流,这也使得卖家更容易对用户的需求实现掌握,互联网所提供的强大的图文功能可以让买家更好的了解卖家的产品,也更便于卖家对自己的产品进行更好的展示以吸引客客户。O2O网站是一种个人对个人的网络销售方式,正适合闲置物品的买卖,其提供的功能可以降低卖家进行宣传推广的成本,而对于卖家来说也是省去了去线下进行了解的精力,使其通过网络就能实现对产品的全方位了解,因而共享商业模式的实现离不开网络的易访性,正是其为买家与卖家之间提供了便利且成熟的用以双方交流的平台来实现了对于共享商业的促进作用。4、社群共享社群共享是消费者在消费过程中,寻找的具有相同消费需求的群体,为了节省一定的消费费用而采用团购或拼团的方式进行消费。例如拼多多和美团就是针对具有相同购物需求的的消费者群体而建立的;58同城、安客居是将有共同的居住需求的人们聚在一起;51job以及智联招聘则是构建了一个用人单位和求职者之间的沟通交流搭建了桥梁;天猫、淘宝以及聚美优品则是找准自己的市场定位,主要对自己的强项进行经营。通过众多的APP我们可以看出,社群共享产生了一种新的消费模式。5、所有权需求下降在以前那个物资匮乏的年代,只有拥有了该商品的所有权才能心安理得地使用。不过现在人们生活水平的大大提高,对产品的消费观念也发生转变,人们在进行商品购买时更突出获得商品的使用权而不是所有权,商品只有对自己有用才具有价值。在这种消费观念下,共享经济应运而生。一辆共享单车可以在一天内满足十几个人的出行需求,一份学术资料可以供几百位学者学习借鉴,如何在最小的代价下最大程度上满足市场需求,是在共享经济发展模式下需要思考的主要问题。共享经济的发展在一定程度上满足了更多人的消费需求,并且被更多的人认可和接受。三、我国共享经济存在的问题分析(一)现有法律法规无法适应共享经济的发展由于我国的法律条文大部分是在上世纪制定的,所以在我国当下实行的法律体系中,对于新出现的共享经济并没有制定明确的法律规定,而且共享经济依托于互联网的发展而发展,并且在多个领域均有涉及,所以没有一个行业的法律能够直接套用到共享经济的发展之中,对于共享经济从业人员的待遇问题、电商平台的税收问题等层出不穷的新问题都有待解决。一些陈旧的法律条文并不能适应当下经济发展的需要,如果从旧时代的法律角度来看新时代的经济发展,共享经济中有许多创新企业都涉嫌违规或在濒临违规的边界,部分法律并不能对共享经济的发展起到相应的监管,反而具有一定的阻碍作用。共享经济的准入门槛较低,服务质量良莠不齐,并且在对共享经济的发展中缺少有效的市场监管,消费者利益得不到保障。因此,我国要不断完善关于共享经济的法律体系,建立相关的监管部门保障行业稳定发展,并通过相应的激励机制促进创新企业的发展,使共享经济能为我国的国民经济发展做出更大的贡献。


参考文献,[1]李博.互联网金融的模式不发展[J].中国金融、 2013 。10、[2]谢平.互联网金融模式研究[J].金融研究、 2012 、12 。作者简介、刘师媛,1981- 、 ,女、江苏盐城人。讲师,从事公司金融方向的研究。

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【摘要】自从Internet出现以后,它就引起了以科技为先驱的网络经济革命,随着网上货币、网络银行和网上清算等新的金融理念的出现,逐渐就形成了互联网金融的时代,如何在这种新经济形势下发展互联网金融是我们必须要考虑的问题。因此本文主要就是阐述当前形势下互联网金融的状况和在发展过程中存在的问题,并且对互联网金融未来的趋势进行分析,希望能对我国互联网金融的发展有所帮助。 【关键词】互联网 金融 现状 发展趋势 研究 一、引言 随着全球网络经济的迅速发展,电子商务的发展如雨后春笋,尤其是中国加入WTO之后,网络银行业务正在接受着来自全球银行业的严峻挑战。但与此同时,挑战与机遇并存,我们必须要积极有效地应对全球金融服务提供商的挑战,建立新的互联网金融战略,互联网金融自产生之日起就得到了迅速的发展,但是仍然存在许多的问题,因此,了解、分析我国的互联网金融现状,就是保障我国保持金融业竞争力的重要方法。 二、互联网金融的特点及意义 (一)互联网金融的特点 相对于传统金融,互联网金融具有很大的变化,它不仅在技术上有了很大的改进,而且在金融行业的管理方式和管理观念上面都很大的改变。它具有以下几个特点: 1.信息化和虚拟化。在互联网金融中进行生产和流通的是信息(包括货币、价格、中介服务等),这种现象它就决定了市场的信息化和虚拟化。 2.高效性与经济性。相对于传统金融,互联网金融的网络技术更加先进,处理相关的金融业务也更加快捷,它具有更好的灵活性,并且已经没有时间和空间的束缚,能够为客户提供更丰富、更方便的服务,大大提高了服务效率。 3.一体化。互联网金融的出现极大地推动了金融混业经营的发展,主要原因在于金融网络化的过程当中,客观上存在着系统管理客户所有财务金融信息的需求。 (二)互联网金融的意义 互联网金融对当代社会发展具有重要的意义,主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.互联网金融服务更全面直接广泛,提高了工作效率。由于互联网金融的发展,客户对原有的传统金融分支机构的依赖性越来越小,取而代之的则是网络交易。而网络交易无须面对面进行交易,这样不仅提高了银行的服务质量,还提高了客户的金融交易需求。 2.互联网金融极大地降低了交易成本。互联网金融机构无需构建庞大的办公场所,雇佣众多的营业员工,在各地开设分支机构,这些都大大降低了投资成本、营业费用和管理费用。 3.互联网金融服务的全球化服务。在经济全球化的今天,高科技技术如雨后春笋般出现,互联网金融服务突破了语言和地域方面的限制,使得网上银行的跨国服务更加容易,同时也会接触越来越多的客户,实现规模化经济。 三、我国的互联网金融现状 (一)我国的互联网金融取得的成绩 我国自从20世纪70年代开始进行金融电子化的进程,这就为互联网金融的开展打下了良好的基础。通过近三十年的发展,已经初步形成了互联网金融所需要的基本技术及运营框架。目前,企业网上银行功能非常丰富,还有质押贷款业务等等。网络银行最近几年,主要是以工商银行和招商银行为首的,取得了非常大的成绩,在国际上获得了很多大的奖项。 (二)我国的互联网金融存在的问题 虽然,我国的金融网络化已经初具成效,但是通过互联网金融所进行的交易量所占比重还相当小,表现在客户范围小,交易额小,风险性大等缺点。主要体现在支持互联网金融发展的大环境尚未完全建立、金融业缺乏对互联网金融业务的风险意识、金融认证体系尚未完善和互联网金融的相关法律有待配套。同时,互联网金融的发展将对传统金融业造成冲击与挑战。传统金融业的支柱是支付和信用,其核心分别是钱和信息,但如今这两方面都能够不同程度地借助互联网完成。但是,由于目前中国信用体系并不完善,相关政策不够健全,互联网金融的发展仍然面临种种问题与风险。 四、我国互联网金融的发展趋势 金融伴随着科技的发展形式日新月异,从网银到第三方支付,从国际电汇到电子商务。手机支付、网购保险、网上小额贷款……互联网与金融服务的融合日益加深,互联网金融大概可以分为三个层次:替换、优化和创新。替换是指对传统金融业务流程中某环节的直接替换;优化是再造金融业流程本身,即简化、优化或重构;而创新则是创造新的金融业务流程。由此,我们可以得出移动化、电商化、自金融将成为我国互联网金融的主要发展方向。 “移动化”主要指移动支付的快速发展。据互联网研究机构艾瑞咨询统计,2012年中国第三方支付市场整体交易规模达12.9万亿元,同比增长54.2%,其中第三方移动支付市场交易规模达1511.4亿元。这使得银行服务逐渐从前台走向后台。 “电商化”是指电商企业基于交易信息和信用评估为小微企业提供的信贷服务。其中最典型的就是阿里巴巴金融,为阿里巴巴、淘宝、天猫等电子商务平台的小微企业提供可持续性的小额贷款,金融从数千元到数十万元不等。 而“自金融”模式则是通过互联网的用户聚合和高速传播的特点,为用户提供直接的投融资服务,资金的需求方和供给方都是个人,取代了原有的机构渠道来进行融资和贷款。宜信、拍拍贷、人人贷等小额网络贷款平台是提供此类服务的代表性平台。 五、小结 经济的发展是以科技为基础的,在全球化日益加剧的今天,互联网金融产业的兴起也是迎合了世界经济发展的趋势,从现阶段的发展来看其发展现状仍然存在着许多问题,但是互联网金融产业仍会是未来一个高增长、高增加值的产业。由其发展所带来的经济效益不可估量。电子化的时代需要电子化的经济模式,互联网金融的在未来经济发展中的责任任重道远。


