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自英国央行作出独立的在1997年,进行货币政策一直比较不具争议性。辩论之间的keyneisans , monetarists的支持者和固定汇率机制,现在看来非常遥远。尽管明显的共识,有许多相关的问题进行货币政策尚未解决,并会尽快来前列。是当前的形式,独立为英国央行是否恰当呢?应中央银行的目标通货膨胀或价格水平呢?请问1 ,中央银行处理的资产价格通缩?应更多地考虑采取的货币总量?应中央银行的目标资产价格呢?是什么之间的关系,货币供应量和资产价格上涨?应如何确保中央银行的金融稳定?国际能源机构是在前列,改变参数的辩论围绕货币政策在七十年代和八十年代。这段文字,汇集了一些主要的作者在该领域,包括现任总督英伦银行,以讨论当前的问题在货币政策和之间的关系,货币政策和金融市场。它是适当的本科生和研究生在经济和金融以及为练习者在金融市场。参考

你的分数太少了 ,我估计别人没动力的翻译很累的

In the knowledge economy era, knowledge becomes the most important factor of production; technology, patents, creative and other software products has become an important product form. Knowledge become the dominant consumer consumption; knowledge as factors of production and distribution. Possession of the degree of knowledge as the main basis for the allocation, with the knowledge, creative workers become the main employment; high-tech industry will become the pillar industry of the era of knowledge economy; innovation is the soul of the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based economy era is bound to have an enormous impact on international trade.The structure of international trade, the impact of commodity: In the knowledge economy era, the invisible trade will be the main content of international trade. Knowledge-based economy era, will make the world trade liberalization was accelerated. Integration of domestic and foreign markets, no longer be divided into domestic and foreign trade, market competition has become a global competition. The rapid development of regional blocs is a manifestation of the trend of trade liberalization.Key words knowledge-based economy; international trade; impact; countermeasures


Ebanking,a new kind of financial service,emerges along with the development of Internet. Compared with the ordinary banks,the operation of ebanking is simpler and faster. Based on the case study of China Merchants Bank,this thesis analyzes the problems of ebanking and provides respective suggestions. In general,the thesis can be devided into the following four parts: firstly,the brief introduction of the history of CMB; secondly,the analysis of the status quo of the CMB's ebanking; thirdly, the analysis of the existing problems of the CMB's ebanking service; lastly, the suggestions for the future development of the CMB's ebanking. 写到论文里的时候 这几个部分不要分列 直接写成一段就好 现在这样便于你对比我毕业了 当初被论文折磨的不行还好有个好结果 我们导师好严格~ 加油!呵呵

元照英美法译文,流畅精准!research on the development of retail banking business of commercial bank ABSTRACT:the retail banking business of commercial bank is the important business domain and its resource of revenue.so far the retail banking business play an important role in the revenue of the developed countries's commercial banks.however,retail banking business of CHINA's commercial banks is in the initial stage,its development is relatively falling behind,also has more problems.in 2006,CHINA's financial sector has opened up completely.the competition is more and more fierce from foreign banks.how to accelerate the development of the retail banking business of commercial banking has become the serious question which CHINA's banking systems can get survial and development. so it has realistic and far-reaching significance that research on the present situation and existing problem about the commercial banking system's retail banking business,discussion on the strategic development of retail banking business. this lecture begins with the present situation of development of CHINA'S commercial banks and the existing problems,sovles the the most important strategic significance about CHINA's banking development.CHINA' commeicial banking systems should take measures to deal with a series of issues in the fierce banking competitin. 英美法流畅标准!







[复数:abstracts;第三人称单数:abstracts;现在分词:abstracting;过去式:abstracted;过去分词:abstracted;比较级:more abstract;最高级:most abstract]


abstract algebra[数]抽象代数;近世代数;[数]抽象代数学;代数结构









On the commercial banks in the development of retail banking Commercial banks commercial banks in the retail business is an important business areas and a source of income. At present, commercial banks in developed countries, income, retail business occupies a decisive position. China's commercial banks and retail business is still in its infancy, development is lagging behind, there are many problems. China's financial industry in 2006 to completely open up, from foreign banks increasingly competitive, how to speed up the development of commercial banks in the retail business to become China's commercial banks to survive and development. Therefore, the study of commercial banks in the retail business development status and problems to explore the response of retail business development strategy with realistic and far-reaching significance. In this paper, mainly from the development of China's commercial banks in the status quo and development problems, the answer to the development of China's commercial banks retail business major strategic significance, as well as banks in the increasingly fierce competition, China's commercial banks should adopt a series of measures programs,



With the arrival of the era of experience economy, experience marketing to replace the traditional marketing methods, in order to cater to consumer consumption pattern change.Therefore, as tourists experience oriented tourism product, theme park should establish a set of perfect experience marketing system, to meet the growing demand of tourist experience.Taking Happy Valley in Shanghai as an example, using the methods of literature research on theme park and experiential marketing literature summary, summarized and applied to a theme park experience marketing eight strategies.Through the case study method, into the Disney Park success stories, and from the theme park experience marketing eight strategy angle to carry on the concrete analysis.Based on the investigation on the spot, listened to the opinion of respondents, together with the author's own perspective analysis of Shanghai Happy Valley experience marketing present situation and the insufficiency of.In the light of Happy Valley experience marketing deficiencies, use comparative study of law, draw lessons from the advanced experience of Disney Park, Shanghai Happy Valley experience marketing strategy and puts forward the concrete countermeasures and suggestions of improvement.I hope these suggestions and Countermeasures for Shanghai Happy Valley and other theme park operators to provide reference.

UNESCO has proposed: "developed and underdeveloped countries, is the gap between developed and creativity to develop creativity, eliminate to shorten the gap of." This is undoubtedly education workers in an important warning: must pay attention to the cultivation of students' creative thinking ability. But in the old, traditional education curriculum standards are followed blindly the concept and content of the theorem ZhiXu tile ground to give students the knowledge, the generation, development and generating process does not show students to cultivate students' thinking and habits plan-making, students are not good at thinking, the lack of independent thinking and understanding of the problems and solutions that promote their insight into music, creativity, which greatly restrain the development of students' creative thinking ability. The traditional education model have not meet the needs of the rapid development of social education reform, therefore, become inevitable. The new curriculum standard, the basic goal, teaching content and structure of the present teaching, student learning is a significant change, the new curriculum standards for students in mathematics learning various aspects ability to improve the students' mathematical ability and innovation, practical, including the cultivation of students' creative thinking ability is one of the main methods. This paper aims to study the specific teaching strategy, creative thinking ability of four and the cultivation of thinking ability, logical thinking ability and negative thinking, divergent thinking ability and intuition thinking ability.Keywords: creative thinking ability, New standard, Teaching strategy

UNESCO has proposed: "the gap between developed and backward countries, the gap between the actual development of creativity, from the development of creativity start to shorten the gap, closing the gap." This is undoubtedly to our education workers is an important warning : Emphasis on the creative thinking ability. But in the old curriculum standards, the traditional education will be also followed blindly concept, theorem plainly and instill the content to students, knowledge creation, development and build process does not show to students, focusing on students "seeking the" thinking and habits of thinking a result, students are not good at independent thinking, lack of problem discovery, understanding and solution creativity, sensibility, which greatly inhibited the ability of students to the development of creative thinking. Traditional mode of education has failed to meet the needs of rapid development of society, therefore, education reform became a necessity. The introduction of the new curriculum standards, so that the basic goal of teaching, teaching materials and structure of the presentation, students learn ways significant changes have taken place in the new curriculum standards Zhuzhangtongguo students in all aspects of mathematics learning ability to improve their mathematical literacy and innovative, practical ability, which develop creative thinking ability is one of the most important tools. This paper aims through specific teaching strategies, creative thinking ability of the four main thinking ability, that is, logical thinking ability, divergent thinking ability, reverse thinking and intuitive thinking.


Development [Abstract] of modern logistics industry, is closely related with the world economic growth. Port is an important part of modern logistics chain, with its unique advantage of location and infrastructure advantages, is playing an increasingly important role in the modern comprehensive logistics system. Modern port logistics efficiency has become an important support for the upgrading of regional economic development and industrial structure, the port logistics has become the focus of the study on the nature of each country, region. Xiamen port is an important port in China, should play a leading role in the west of the port, play radiation and focusing function of the port, on both sides of the Strait and the national service. This paper hopes to become the hub port in Xiamen port construction of research and analysis of this direction, finds the main problems existing with Xiamen port, port logistics knowledge, combined with the data for quantitative analysis, put forward the strategic target and development strategy for the future development of Xiamen port construction.


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