
> 期刊投稿知识库

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1, the wording of try to be brief Advertisement required in a limited space and time exert maximum effectiveness, concise ads make clear, did not forget to read not only cause the reader's attention and interest in subject contrast and focus. Therefore, the number of monosyllabic words or letters less frequently used. Such as: Buy one, eat more. This car sales ads, buy and get are two simple monosyllabic verb, straightforward manner to advertisers and consumers manifested bilateral activities. Reflects not only the sincerity of the advertisers, but also so that consumers have easy, efficient, cost-effective sense of trade relations in order to add credibility. The only car in its class. (1993 VILLAGER car ads). Buy one pair. Get one free. (Advertisement glasses). More than two terms used in ads are not more than six letters in length, and its meaning is the ordinary people can understand English ads reflect the characteristics of easy to understand. 2, just use popular colloquial and informal vocabulary Lot of ads used in popular spoken language and informal vocabulary, so that ads appear very friendly, and attract their attention, their desire to buy produce. In addition, popular colloquial, informal language to facilitate understanding and memory. Such as: Yes! The Philippines, now! Travel Agency this is the wording of ads is extremely simple, highly verbal, very rich first infectious YES to stimulate consumer recognition of the psychological, but also strongly called on consumers to use NOW that action.




摘 要: 名称的翻译对于化妆品至关重要。本文旨在寻找一个汉译英文化妆品名称的好方法。作者首先介绍了翻译对品牌的重要性,接着对语言和文化关系进行了讨论,然后介绍了中英翻译的四种方法,最后进行了总结。为达到最好的翻译效果,译者应在不同的情况下使用不同的翻译方法。

关键词: 翻译 品牌 化妆品














还有更多的例子:“EsteeLauder”被翻译成“雅诗兰黛”,“SISTEIN”翻译是翻译成“希斯汀”,“Elizabeth Arden”被翻译成“伊丽莎白・雅顿”等。






















如果想当然地翻译成:“Good good study, day day up.”就要贻笑大方了,因为“好好学习,天天向上”是典型的中文表达,直接翻译成英文不符合英文语法。正确的翻译应该是:Work hard and make progress everyday.


“班门弄斧”可译成 This is like showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban,the master carpenter。

在这个例子中,如果不在译文中加上the master carpenter而只译作Lu Ban, 不知道典故的外国读者就会感到茫然,不知道Lu Ban是何许人,因而也就无法理解本句子内在含义。



原文:In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors.




原文:Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me for a long time?





(1)English is spoken here. 这儿讲英语。

(2)It is hoped that you will have a chance to visit China. 欢迎你有机会来中国访问。


(1)他被选为学生会主席。He was elected Chairman of the Students’Union.

(2)这个问题正在研究。The problem is now bEing studied.

但必须注意的是,并不是所有带被动标记的句子都一定要译成英语的被动式。比如“老太太被风吹病了”,若译成“The old lady was blown sick by the wind” 就成了中国式的英语了,而只有译成“The old lady fell ill because of the draught.”才符合英语表达习惯。


不同文化的人,生活习惯和思维方式都有很多不同,翻译时也必须作等值意义转换。如:英语民族的人见面时喜欢谈天气,说“Lovely weather,isn’tit”之类的话,根据英美人的习惯,这无非是一句最方便、最不得罪人的见面语。而在我国, 自古就“民以食为天”,人们见面时爱说“吃了吗?”在多数情况下,说话人并不十分关心别人是不是吃饭了,而只是一种招呼罢了。中国人听到这些问话也只是回答说“吃了”或“没吃呐”,实际上是个应酬。这样的对话如果译成英文只说“A:How do you do? B:How do you do?”或“A:Hi! B:Hi!” 就行了。如果将A的问话改译成“Have you had you meal?”如果被问者B是英语民族的人,他心理上首先的反应是:“Yes, I have.”或 “No, l haven't”或“Do you mean to invite me to dinner?”由于这种文化上的差异,汉语中许多围绕“吃饭”问题所形成的词语,在英语中就很难找到字面对应的表达法,对于“饭桶”、“吃不开”、“吃不了兜着走”等这一系列说法只好分别意译为“good- for-nothing”,“be unpopular”,“land oneself in serious trouble”,等才能基本如实传达原文的含义。


同一客观事物,在不同的文化里可能包含不同的价值,引起不同的联想,具有不同的内涵。动物比喻(Animal Metaphors)在汉英两种语言中均有广泛的使用。然而,由于文化背景、思维方式的不同,人们对动物比喻的正确理解和翻译存有障碍。从翻译的角度总体说来,动物比喻可以分为两大类,一类是:译语与原语存在对应的关系,翻译时可采用同值、近值互借法,以再现原语形象。例如:

(1)He is as sly as a fox. 他狡猾得像个狐狸。

(2)A wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼

另一类是:同一动物形象在原语和译语中的语用意义相去甚远。因此,在翻译过程中就出现了动物形象名称的转换。这种动物形象的转换可以是一种动物形象转换为另一种动物形象, 也可以是一种动物形象转换成人的形象,例如:

(1)Talk horse.吹牛。(horse译为“牛”)

(2)Black sheep.害群之马。(sheep译为“马”)

(3)Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日。(dog 译成“人”)





[2]范仲英 1994 《实用翻译教程》外语教学与研究出版社

[3]喻家楼 1991 《汉语成语英译词典》中国科学技术大学出版社




Only when you understand the true meaning of life can you live truly. Bittersweet as life is, it's still wonderful, and it's fascinating even in tragedy. If you're just alive, try harder and try to live wonderfully.




I believe there is a person who brings sunshine into your life. That person may have enough to spread around. But if you really have to wait for someone to bring you the sun and give you a good feeling, then you may have to wait a long time.



在世界经济全球化及中国加入WTO的形势下,社会需要大量能够用英语在国际上进行科技、经贸、法律和 文化 等方面交流的专业人才。下面是我带来的英语 文章 阅读带翻译,欢迎阅读!英语文章阅读带翻译篇一 In the public interest The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies. Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well, that it has been adopted in other countries like Denmark, Norway, Finland, and New Zealand. Even countries with large populations like Britain and the United States are seriously considering imitating the Swedes. The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. As long ago as 1809, the Swedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual. A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.O.' or 'Ombudsman'. The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society. As complaints must be made in writing, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1200 letters a year. He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in detail. There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection. If a citizen's complaint is justified, the Ombudsman will act on his behalf. The action he takes varies according to the nature of the complaint. He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered. The following case is a typical example of the Ombudsman's work. A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treated by the police, simply because he was a foreigner. The Ombudsman immediately wrote to the Chief of Police in the district asking him to send a record of the case. There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified and the Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation. It was impossible for the Ombudsman to take action, but when he received a similar complaint from another foreigner in the same village, he immediately sent one of his lawyers to investigate the matter. The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions. The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in he official files. It was only possible for the Ombudsman to find this out by sending one of his representatives to check the facts. The policeman in question was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any further complaints were lodged against him, he would be prosecuted. The Ombudsman's prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed. 斯堪的纳维亚半岛各国实行开明的社会政策,受到全世界的推崇。在瑞典,已逐渐形成了一种完善的制度以保护每个公民不受专横的和不称职的政府官员的欺压。由于这种制度行之有效,已被其他国家采纳。 是瑞典人首先认识到政府工作人员如文职人员、警官、卫生稽查员、税务人员等等也会犯错误或者自以为在为公众服务而把事情做过了头。早在1809年,瑞典论会就建立一个保护公民利益的制度。议会内有一个代表各政党利益的委员会,由它委派一位称职的人选专门调查个人对国家的意见。此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般管他叫“J.O.”,即“司法特派员”。司法特派员不受任何政治压力的制约。他听取社会各阶层的各种大小意见,并进行调查。由于意见均需用书面形式提出,司法特派员每年平均收到1,200封信。他有8位律师作他的助手协助工作,每封信都详细批阅。司法特派员的工作没有什么秘密可言,他的信件是公开的,供公众监督。如果公民的意见正确,司法特派员便为他伸张正义。司法特员采取的行动因意见的性质不同而有所不同。他可以善意地批评某位官员,也可以甚至向议会提议修改某项法律。下述事件是司法特派员工作的一个典型例子。 一个住在瑞典乡村的外国人写信给司法特派员,抱怨说他受到警察的虐待,原因就是因为他是个外国人。司法特派员立即写信给当地警察局长,请他寄送与此事有关的材料。材料中没有任何文字记载证明外国人所说的情况符合事实,警察局长矢口否认这一指控。司法特派员难以处理。但是,当他又收到住在同一村庄的另一个外国人写的一封内容类似的投诉信时,他立即派出一位律师前去调查。律师证实有个警察确实多次粗鲁地对待外国人。警察歧视外国人的事在官方档案中不可能加以记载,司法特派员只有派他的代表去核对事实才能了解真相。当事的警察受到严厉的斥责,并被告知,如果再有人投诉他,他将受到起诉。司法特派员及时采取的行动,迅速制止了这一起不愉快的事件,不然这件事可能因未得到人们注意而不了了之。 英语文章阅读带翻译篇二 Instinct or cleverness? We have been brought up to fear insects. We regard them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good. Man continually wages war on item, for they contaminate his food, carry diseases, or devour his crops. They sting or bite without provocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer nights, or beat against our lighted windows. We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps, but of quite harmless ones like moths. Reading about them increases our understanding with out dispelling our fears. Knowing that the industrious ant lives in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch. No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horror of being stung. Most of our fears are unreasonable, but they are impossible to erase. At the same time, however, insects are strangely fascinaing. We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. We enjoy staring at them entranced as they go about their business, unaware (we hope) of our presence. Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle ? Last summer I spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree. The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house. I am especially proud of it, not only because it has survived several severe winters, but because it occasionally produces luscious peaches. During the summer, I noticed that the leaves of the tree were beginning to wither. Clusters of tiny insects called aphides were to be found on the underside of the leaves. They were visited by a laop colony of ants which obtained a sort of honey from them. I immediately embarked on an experiment which, even though it failed to get rid of the ants, kept me fascinated for twenty-four hours. I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape , making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphides. The tape was so sticky that they did not dare to cross it. For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment. I even went out at midnight with a torch and noted with satisfaction (and surprise) that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it. I got up early next morning hoping to find that the ants had given up in despair. Instead, I saw that they had discovered a new route. They were climbing up the wall of the house and then on to the leaves of the tree. I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity. The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods! 我们自幼就在对昆虫的惧怕中长大。我们把昆虫当作害多益少的无用东西。人类不断同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。它们无缘无故地又叮又咬;夏天的晚上,它们未经邀请便飞到我们房间里,或者对着露出亮光的窗户乱扑乱撞。我们在日常生活中,不但憎恶如蜘蛛、黄蜂之类令人讨厌的昆虫,而且憎恶并无大害的飞蛾等。阅读有关昆虫的书能增加我们对它们的了解,却不能消除我们的恐惧的心理。即使知道勤奋的蚂蚁生活具有高度组织性的社会里,当看到大群蚂蚁在我们精心准备的午间野餐上爬行时,我们也无法抑制对它们的反感。不管我们多么爱吃蜂蜜,或读过多少关于蜜蜂具有神秘的识别方向的灵感的书,我们仍然十分害怕被蜂蜇。我们的恐惧大部分是没有道理的,但去无法消除。同时,不知为什么昆虫又是迷人的。我们喜欢看有关昆虫的书,尤其是当我们了解螳螂等过着一种令人生畏的生活时,就更加爱读有关昆虫的书了。我们喜欢入迷地看它们做事,它们不知道(但愿如此)我们就在它们身边。当看到蜘蛛扑向一只苍蝇时,一队蚂蚁抬着一只巨大的死甲虫凯旋归时,谁能不感到敬畏呢? 去年夏天,我花了好几天时间站在花园里观察成千只蚂蚁爬上我那棵心爱的桃树的树干。那棵树是靠着房子有遮挡的一面暖墙生长的。我为这棵树感到特别自豪,不仅因为它度过了几个寒冬终于活了下来,而且还因为它有时结出些甘甜的桃子来。到了夏天,我发现树叶开始枯萎,结果在树叶背面找到成串的叫作蚜虫小虫子。蚜虫遭到一窝蚂蚁的攻击,蚂蚁从它们身上可以获得一种蜜。我当即动手作了一项试验,这项试验尽管没有使我摆脱这些蚂蚁,却使我着迷了24小时。我用一条胶带把桃树底部包上,不让蚂蚁接近蚜虫。胶带极粘,蚂蚁不敢从上面爬过。在很长一段时间里,我看见蚂蚁围着大树底部来回转悠,不知所措。半夜,我还拿着电筒来到花园里,满意地(同时惊奇地)发现那些蚂蚁还围着胶带团团转。无能为力。第二天早上,我起床后希望看见蚂蚁已因无望而放弃了尝试,结果却发现它们又找到一条新的路径。它们正在顺着房子的外墙往上爬,然后爬上树叶。我懊丧地感到败在了足智多谋的蚂蚁的手下。蚂蚁已很快找到了相应的对策,来对付我那套完全不科学的办法! 英语文章阅读带翻译篇三 From the earth: greatings Radio astronomy has greatly increased our understanding of the universe. Radio telescopes have one big advantage over conventional telescopes in that they can operate in all weather conditions and can pick up signals coming from very distant stars. These signals are produced by colliding stars or nuclear reactions in outer space. The most powerful signals that have been received have been emitted by what seem to be truly colossal stars which scientists have named 'quasars'. A better understanding of these phenomena may completely alter our conception of the nature of the universe. The radio telescope at Jodrell Bank in England was for many years the largest in the world. A new telescope, over twice the size, was recently built at Sugar Grove in West Virginia. Astronomers no longer regard as fanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signals which have been sent by intelligent beings on other worlds. This possibility gives rise to interesting speculations. Highly advanced civilizations may have existed on other planets long before intelligent forms of life evolved on the earth. Conversely, intelligent being which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years' time, or when life on earth has become extinct. Such speculations no longer belong to the realm of science fiction, for astronomers are now exploring the chances of communicating with living creatures (if they exist) on distant planets. This undertaking which has been named Project Ozma was begun in 1960, but it may take a great many years before results are obtained. Aware of the fact that it would be impossible to wait thousands or millions of years to receive an answer from a distant planet, scientists engaged in Project Ozma are concentrating their attention on stars which are relatively close. One of the most likely stars is Tau Ceti which is eleven light years away. If signals from the earth were received by intelligent creatures on a planet circling this star, we would have to wait twenty-two years for an answer. The Green Bank telescope in West Virginia has been specially designed to distinguish between random signals and signals which might be in code. Even if contact were eventually established, astronomers would not be able to rely on language to communicate with other beings. They would use mathematics as this is the only truly universal language. Numbers have the same value anywhere. For this reason, intelligent creatures in any part of the universe would be able to understand a simple arithmetical sequence. They would be able to reply to our signals using similar methods. The next step would be to try to develop means for sending television pictures. A single picture would tell us more than thousands of words. In an age when anything seems to be possible, it would be narrow-minded in the extreme to ridicule these attempts to find out if there is life in other parts of the universe. 天文学方面最新发展使得我们能够在银河系和其他星系发现行星。这是一个重要的成就,因为相对来说,行星很小,而且也不发光。寻找行星证明相当困难,但是要在行星上发现生命会变得无比艰难。第一个需要解答的问题是一颗行星是否有能够维持生命的条件。举例来说,在我们的太阳系里,对于生命来说,金星的温度太高,而火星的温度则太低。只有地球提供理想的条件,而即使在这里,植物和动物的进化也用了40亿年的时间。 一颗行星是否能够维持生命取决于它的恒星——即它的“太阳”——的大小和亮度。设想一下,一颗恒星比我们的太阳还要大,还要亮,还要热20倍,那么一颗行星为了维持生命就要离开的它的恒星非常远。反之,如果恒星很小,维持生命的行星就要在离恒星很近的轨道上运行,而且要有极好的条件才能使生命得以发展,但是,我们如何才能找到这样一颗行星呢?现在,没有一台现存的望远镜可以发现生命的存在。而开发这样一台望远镜将会是21世纪天文学的一个重要的研究课题。 使用放置在地球上的望远镜是无法观察到其他行星的生命的。地球周围温暖的大气层和望远镜散出的热量使得我们根本不可能找到比行星更小的物体。即使是一台放置在围绕地球的轨道上的望远镜——如非常成功的哈勃望远镜——也因为太阳系中的尘埃微粒而无法胜任。望远镜要放置在木星那样遥远的行星上才有可能在外层空间搜寻生命。因为我们越是接近太阳系的边缘,尘埃就越稀薄。一旦我们找到这样一颗行星,我们就要想办法将它的恒星射过来的光线遮暗,这样我们就能彻底“看见”这颗行星,并分析它的大气层。首先我们要寻找植物,而不是那种“小绿人”。行星上最容易生存下来的是细菌。正是细菌生产出我们在地球上呼吸的氧气。在地球上发展的大部分进程中,细菌是地球上唯一的生命形式。作为地球上的居民,我们总存有这样的希望:小绿人来 拜访 我们,而我们可以和他们交流。但是,这种希望总是只在科幻小说中存在。如果我们能够在另一颗行星上找到诸如细菌的那种低等生命,那么这个发现将彻底改变我们对我们自己的看法。正如美国国家航空和宇宙航空局的丹尼尔.戈尔丁指出的“在其他地方发现生命会改变一切。任何人类的努力和想法都会发生变化。”



Six Sigma seeks to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes.[1] It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts" etc.) who are experts in these methods.[1] Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified financial targets Historical overview Six Sigma was originally developed as a set of practices designed to improve manufacturing processes and eliminate defects, but its application was subsequently extended to other types of business processes as well.[2] In Six Sigma, a defect is defined as anything that could lead to customer dissatisfaction.[1] The particulars of the methodology were first formulated by Bill Smith at Motorola in 1986.[3] Six Sigma was heavily inspired by six preceding decades of quality improvement methodologies such as quality control, TQM, and Zero Defects, based on the work of pioneers such as Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, Taguchi and others. Like its predecessors, Six Sigma asserts that – Continuous efforts to achieve stable and predictable process results (i.e. reduce process variation) are of vital importance to business success. Manufacturing and business processes have characteristics that can be measured, analyzed, improved and controlled. Achieving sustained quality improvement requires commitment from the entire organization, particularly from top-level management. Features that set Six Sigma apart from previous quality improvement initiatives include – A clear focus on achieving measurable and quantifiable financial returns from any Six Sigma project.[1] An increased emphasis on strong and passionate management leadership and support.[1] A special infrastructure of "Champions," "Master Black Belts," "Black Belts," etc. to lead and implement the Six Sigma approach.[1] A clear commitment to making decisions on the basis of verifiable data, rather than assumptions and guesswork.[1] The term "Six Sigma" is derived from a field of statistics known as process capability studies. Originally, it referred to the ability of manufacturing processes to produce a very high proportion of output within specification. Processes that operate with "six sigma quality" over the short term are assumed to produce long-term defect levels below 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).[4][5] Six Sigma's implicit goal is to improve all processes to that level of quality or better. Six Sigma is a registered service mark and trademark of Motorola, Inc.[6] Motorola has reported over US$17 billion in savings[7] from Six Sigma as of 2006. Other early adopters of Six Sigma who achieved well-publicized success include Honeywell (previously known as AlliedSignal) and General Electric, where the method was introduced by Jack Welch.[8] By the late 1990s, about two-thirds of the Fortune 500 organizations had begun Six Sigma initiatives with the aim of reducing costs and improving quality.[9] In recent years, Six Sigma has sometimes been combined with lean manufacturing to yield a methodology named Lean Six Sigma. [edit] Origin and meaning of the term "six sigma process" Graph of the normal distribution, which underlies the statistical assumptions of the Six Sigma model. The Greek letter σ marks the distance on the horizontal axis between the mean, µ, and the curve's inflection point. The greater this distance is, the greater is the spread of values encountered. For the curve shown in red above, µ = 0 and σ = 1. The other curves illustrate different values of µ and σ.Sigma (the lower-case Greek letter σ) is used to represent the standard deviation (a measure of variation) of a statistical population. The term "six sigma process" comes from the notion that if one has six standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit, there will be practically no items that fail to meet specifications.[5] This is based on the calculation method employed in process capability studies. In a capability study, the number of standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit is given in sigma units. As process standard deviation goes up, or the mean of the process moves away from the center of the tolerance, fewer standard deviations will fit between the mean and the nearest specification limit, decreasing the sigma number and increasing the likelihood of items outside specification.[5] [edit] Role of the 1.5 sigma shift Experience has shown that in the long term, processes usually do not perform as well as they do in the short.[5] As a result, the number of sigmas that will fit between the process mean and the nearest specification limit is likely to drop over time, compared to an initial short-term study.[5] To account for this real-life increase in process variation over time, an empirically-based 1.5 sigma shift is introduced into the calculation.[10][5] According to this idea, a process that fits six sigmas between the process mean and the nearest specification limit in a short-term study will in the long term only fit 4.5 sigmas – either because the process mean will move over time, or because the long-term standard deviation of the process will be greater than that observed in the short term, or both.[5] Hence the widely accepted definition of a six sigma process is one that produces 3.4 defective parts per million opportunities (DPMO). This is based on the fact that a process that is normally distributed will have 3.4 parts per million beyond a point that is 4.5 standard deviations above or below the mean (one-sided capability study).[5] So the 3.4 DPMO of a "Six Sigma" process in fact corresponds to 4.5 sigmas, namely 6 sigmas minus the 1.5 sigma shift introduced to account for long-term variation.[5] This is designed to prevent underestimation of the defect levels likely to be encountered in real-life operation.[5] [edit] Sigma levels See also: Three sigma rule Taking the 1.5 sigma shift into account, short-term sigma levels correspond to the following long-term DPMO values (one-sided): One Sigma = 690,000 DPMO = 68.26% efficiency Two Sigma = 308,000 DPMO = 95.24% efficiency Three Sigma = 66,800 DPMO = 99.73% efficiency Six Sigma = 3.4 DPMO = 99.9997% efficiency [edit] Methods Six Sigma has two key methods: DMAIC and DMADV, both inspired by Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle.[9] DMAIC is used to improve an existing business process; DMADV is used to create new product or process designs.[9] [edit] DMAIC The basic method consists of the following five steps: Define high-level project goals and the current process. Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data. Analyze the data to verify cause-and-effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Improve or optimize the process based upon data analysis using techniques like Design of experiments. Control to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability, move on to production, set up control mechanisms and continuously monitor the process. [edit] DMADV The basic method consists of the following five steps: Define design goals that are consistent with customer demands and the enterprise strategy. Measure and identify CTQs (characteristics that are Critical To Quality), product capabilities, production process capability, and risks. Analyze to develop and design alternatives, create a high-level design and evaluate design capability to select the best design. Design details, optimize the design, and plan for design verification. This phase may require simulations. Verify the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and hand it over to the process owners. DMADV is also known as DFSS, an abbreviation of "Design For Six Sigma".[9] [edit] Implementation roles One of the key innovations of Six Sigma is the professionalizing of quality management functions. Prior to Six Sigma, quality management in practice was largely relegated to the production floor and to statisticians in a separate quality department. Six Sigma borrows martial arts ranking terminology to define a hierarchy (and career path) that cuts across all business functions and a promotion path straight into the executive suite. Six Sigma identifies several key roles for its successful implementation.[11] Executive Leadership includes the CEO and other members of top management. They are responsible for setting up a vision for Six Sigma implementation. They also empower the other role holders with the freedom and resources to explore new ideas for breakthrough improvements. Champions are responsible for Six Sigma implementation across the organization in an integrated manner. The Executive Leadership draws them from upper management. Champions also act as mentors to Black Belts. Master Black Belts, identified by champions, act as in-house coaches on Six Sigma. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They assist champions and guide Black Belts and Green Belts. Apart from statistical tasks, their time is spent on ensuring consistent application of Six Sigma across various functions and departments. Black Belts operate under Master Black Belts to apply Six Sigma methodology to specific projects. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They primarily focus on Six Sigma project execution, whereas Champions and Master Black Belts focus on identifying projects/functions for Six Sigma.

1.引言景观设计是环境设计的组成部分,大到绵延几十公里的风景区规划,小到十几平方米的庭院设计,都属于景观设计的范畴。本文的景观设计定位于城市景观设计的层次上,选择城市景观设计作为切入点,从中研究分析一般的设计要素和方法,是比较适宜的。近年来,我们生活的城市发生了很大的变化,大批的广场绿地、商业步行街、主题公园、街头小品出现在我们的视觉以内,影响着我们的感观和行为方式。而新建的住宅小区都以景观优美的园林作为卖点,影响着人们的思维和购买心理。景观设计已经不知不觉中走到了我们的周围,走近了我们的身边,并对我们施展着潜移默化的作用。你可以不到美术馆去欣赏艺术品,但你不得不在城市环境中行走,不得不在居住小区的环境中活动,它的景观视觉美感、造型形态、色彩、材质、以及在阳光下灯光下呈现出来的效果,时时会刺激你的目光,影响你的行为和心理的变化。一个有良好景观的城市环境、居住环境,为人们提供了物质功能和精神功能双重价值。“诗意的栖居”始终是人们内心的向往,而景观设计正式通过提高生活品质,提升生活品位,以人为主体,以空间环境为客体,构架着现实通向理想的桥梁。2.景观的概念景观(Landscape),什么是景观,无论是在西方还是在东方,都是一个美丽而难以说清的概念。哪怕是同一景象,不同的人都有不同的理解。景观是人类的栖息地,景观是人类的工艺品,景观是需要科学分析方法能被理解的物质系统,景观是有待解决的问题,景观是可以带来财富的资源,景观是反映社会伦理、道德和价值观念的意识形态,景观是历史,景观是美。我们可以从景观与人的物我关系与景观的艺术性、科学性、场所性及符号性入手,来认识景观。2.1 景观的视觉美的含义:外在人眼中的景象景观作为城市景象景观的设计与创造,实际上也就是创造城市、造建筑的城市。景观作为视觉审美对象的含义,经历了一些微妙的变化。第一个变化来源于文艺复兴时期对乡村土地的贪欲,即景观作为城市的延伸;其二则来源于工业革命中后期对城市的恐惧和憎恶,即景观作为对工业城市的对抗。景观作为城市的延伸和附属 人们最早注意到的景观是城市本身,“景观的视野随后从城市扩展到了乡村,是乡村也成为景观”。文艺复兴之前的欧洲封建领主制度将人束缚在君权之下,人被束缚在土地之中,大自然充满神秘和恐怖,且又为人类生活之母,对土地的眷恋和依赖,使得人如母亲襁褓之中的婴儿。城市资本主义的兴起使人从土地中解放出来,土地的价值从生活和生存所必须的使用价值,转变成为可以交换的商品和资源,人与土地第一次分离而成为城里人。新兴的城市贵族通过强大的资本勾画其理想的城市,同时不断的向乡村扩展,将其作为城市的附属。1420年前后发明的ts原理,使理想城市的模式成为一个完全几何、数学的围有围墙的图案。在几何中心是一个大的开放空间,被行政建筑所包围:国王的宫殿,法院的大楼,主教堂,监狱,财务大楼和军事中心。这样的理想城市是为行政办公及法律公正而设立的,是为了城市生活而设计的,是纯粹理想化的。理想城市模式与文艺复兴时期的绘画一样,遵循了严格的比例关系和美学原则。而景观作为城市的延伸,也被同样的审美标准来设计和建造,因此有了凡尔塞为代表的巴洛克造园。景观作为城市的逃避 景观作为视觉美的含义的第二个转变,源于工业化带来的城市环境的恶化。工业化本身是文艺复兴的成果,但是至少从19世纪下半叶开始,在欧洲和美国各大城市,城市环境极度恶化。城市作为文明和高雅的形象被彻底破坏。相反成为了丑陋和恐怖的场所,而自然原野和田园成为了逃避的场所。因此。作为审美对象的景观也从欣赏和赞美城市,转向爱恋和保护田园。因此才有以Olmsted为代表的景观设计师的出现和景观设计学的诞生。一般来说,这个诞生的时间被确认为是1863年5月;因此才有以倡导田园风光为主调的美国城市公园运动,和以保护自然原始美景为主导的美国国家公园体系;因此也才有霍华德那深得人心的田园城市和随后的田园郊区运动。2.2 景观的栖息地含义:内在人的生活体验景观是人与人、人与自然关系在大地上的烙印 每一景观都是人类居住的家,或者说是潜在的家。中国古代山水画把可居性作为画境和意境的最高标准。所谓的“山水有可行者,有可望者,有可居者,有可游者……但可行可望不如可居可游之为得”(郭熙、郭思《林泉高致》)。无论是作画还是赏画,实质上都是一种卜居的过程。也就是场所概念(place)的深层含义。这便又回到哲学家海得歌尔的栖居概念。栖居的过程实际上与自然的力量与过程相互作用,以便取得和谐的过程,大地上的景观是人类为了生存和生活而对自然的适应、改造和创造的结果。同时,栖居的过程也是建立在人与人和谐相处的过程。因此,作为栖息地的景观,是人与人,人与自然关系在大地上的烙印。景观是内在人的生活体验 景观作为人在其中生活的地方,把具体的人和具体的场所联系在一起。景观是由场所构成的,而场所的结构又是通过景观来表达的。与时间和空间的概念一样,场所是无处不在的,人离不开场所,场所是人于地球和宇宙中的立足之处,场所使无变为有,使抽象变具体,是人在冥冥之中有了一个认识和把握外界空间和认识及定位自己的出发点和终点。2.3 景观作为系统的含义:科学、客观的解读在一个景观系统中,至少存在着五个层次以上的生态关系:第一是景观与外部系统的关系,如哈尼族村寨的核心生态流是水。哀劳山中,山有多高,水有多深,高海拔将南太平洋的暖湿气流截而为雨,在被灌溉,饮用和洗涤利用之后,流到干热的红河谷地,而后蒸腾、蒸发回大气,经降雨又回到本景观之中,从而有了经久不衰的元阳梯田和山上茂密的丛林,这是全球及区域生态系统科学研究的对象。根据Lovelock的盖娅理论,大地本来是一个生命体:地表、空气、海洋和地下水等通过各种生物的物理的和化学的过程,维持着一个生命的地球。第二是景观内部各个元素之间的生态关系,即水平生态过程。来自大气的雨、雾,经过村寨上丛林的截流、涵养,成为终年不断的涓涓细流,最先被引入寨中人所共饮的蓄水池;再流经家家户户门前的洗涤池,汇入寨中和寨边的池塘,那里是耕牛沐浴和养鱼的场所,最后富含养分的水流,被引入寨子下方的层层梯田,灌溉着他们的主要作物——水稻。这种水平生态过程,包括水流、物种流、营养流与景观空间格局的关系,正是景观生态学的主要研究对象。第三种生态关系,是景观元素内部的结构与功能的关系,如丛林作为一个森林生态系统,水塘作为一个水域生态系统,梯田本身作为一个农田系统,其内部结构与物质和能量流的关系,这是一种在系统边界明确情况下的垂直生态关系,其结构是食物链和营养阶,功能是物质循环和能量流动,这是生态系统生态学的研究对象。第四种生态关系则存在于生命和环境之间,包括植物与植物个体之间与群体之间的竞争、共生关系,是生物对环境的适应,及个体与群体的进化和演替过程,这便是植物生态、动物生态、个体生态、种群生态所研究的对象。第五种生态关系则存在于人类与其环境之间的物质、营养及能量的关系,这是人类生态学所要讨论的。当然,人类本身的复杂性,包括其社会、文化、政治性以及心理因素都使得人与人、人与自然的关系变得十分复杂。已远非人类生态本身所能解决,因此又必须借助社会学、文化生态、心理学、行为学等学科对景观进行研究。城市景观作为一个生态系统,几乎包含了所有上诉生态过程,而成为城市生态学的研究对象。2.4 景观作为符号的含义:人类理想和历史的书人类是符号动物,景观是一个符号传播的媒体,是有含义的,它记载着一个地方的历史,包括自然和社会历史;讲述着动人的故事,包括美丽的或者是凄惨的故事;讲述着土地的归属,也讲述着人与土地,人与人,以及人与社会的关系,因此行万里路,如读万卷书。这本书是由符号和语言写成的,“景观具有语言的所有特征,它包含着话语中的单词和构成——形状图案、结构、材料、形态和功能。所有景观都是由这些组成的。如同单词的含义一样,景观组成的含义是潜在的,只存在于上下文中才能显示。景观语言也有方言,它可以是实用的,也可以是诗意的。海得歌尔把语言比喻成人们栖居的房子。景观语言是人类最早的语言,是人类文字及数字语言的源泉。“河出图,洛出书”固然是一个神话传说,但它却生动的说明了中国文字与数字起源于对自然景观中自然物及现象的观察和启示的过程。同文字语言一样,景观语言可以用来说,读和书写,为了生存和生活——吃、住、行、求偶和生殖,人类发明了景观语言,如同文字语言一样,景观语言是社会的产物。景观语言是为了交流信息和情感的,同时也是为了庇护和隔离的,景观语言所表达的含义只能部分地为外来者所读懂,而有很大部分只能为自己族群的人所共享,从而在交流中维护了族群内部的认同,而有效的抵御外来者的攻击。景观中的基本名词是石头、水、植物、动物和人工构筑物,他们的形态、颜色、线条和质地是形容词和状语。这些元素在空间上的不同组合,便构成了句子、文章和充满意味的书。一本关于自然的书,关于这个地方的书,以及关于景观中人的书。当然,要读懂,读者就必须要有相应的知识和文化。不同的社会文化背景的人,如同上下文关系中的景观语言一样,是有多重含义的,这都是因为人是符号的动物;而景观符号,是人类文化和理想的载体。3.景观设计的概念景观设计是指通过对环境的设计使人与自然相互协调,和谐共存。她是大工业时代的产物、科学与艺术的结晶,融合了工程和艺术、自然与人文科学的精髓,创造一个高品质的生活居住环境,帮助人们塑造一种新的生活意识,更是社会发展的趋势。3.1 景观设计所涵盖的领域景观设计具有广泛的领域,大到国土与区域规划设计,小到庭院,甚至室内的绿色空间设计;从纯自然的生态保护和恢复,到城市中心地段的空间设计,都是景观设计多涵盖的领域。以下就初步的谈一下景观设计所涵盖的领域:3.1.1城镇规划景观设计师很早就开始担当城市物质空间的规划角色,城镇规划是城市空间的中心规划。城镇规划是针对城市与乡镇的规划与设计。规划者运用区域规划技术与法规、常规规划、概念规划、土地使用研究和其他方法来确定城市地域内的布局与组织。城镇规划也涉及到“城市设计”内容,如广场、街道景观等开放空间与公共空间的发展。3.1.2场地和社区规划环境设计是景观设计专业的核心问题。涉及到居住区、商业、工业、各机构的室内空间以及公共空间等室外空间的细部设计。它把场地作为艺术研究的对象来看待,综合平衡室内与室外的软、硬表面,建筑物与植物的材料选择以及灌溉、栽培等基础设施建设和详细的构筑物的规划说明与准备等。场地规划以某一地块内的建筑和自然元素的协调与安排为基础,场地规划项目涉及单幢建筑的土地设计、办公区公园设计、购物中心或整个居住社区的地块设计等。从更大的职业范围讲,基地设计还包括基地内自然元素与人工元素的秩序性、效率性、审美性以及生态等敏感性的组织与整合。其中,基地的自然环境包括地形、植物、水系、野生动物和气候。敏感性的设计有利于减少环境压力与消耗,从而提高基地的价值。(接下面!)

Translation studies As we all know, translation means communication. It is important to our daily life. When we want to communicate with others, At first, We must translateone language into another. But, translation is a complex process. Because thereare many additional factors involved. If we wan t t o get a prefect result, we must master many skills. This paper talked about something about translation.I think if we pay more attention to the following details, we will do better in translation. While opening up new perspectives, the genegel approach as practiced in North American transition workshops might best be characterized by a theoretion and subjection that tend to reinforce whatever theoretical values individual translators hold .much that has been written on the subject of translation yields very little when sifed for theoretical substance because it has always been written as if spoken in the wortkshop . the personal anecdotes and pieces of advice may provide some help ,but certainly not the coherent and consistent theory required for translation. The problem is not just a contemporary phenomenon in North America ,but one that has troubled translation theory historically . people practiced translation ,but they were never quite sure what they were practicing. During the sixties in the United States ,the translation workshop perpetuated the same practice .Clearly, a more systematic approach to translation was needed ,and the discipline that appeared to have the theoretical and linguistic tools necessary to address the problem was linguistics .



For a long time, due to the impact of the extreme leftist ideology, we basically hold a negative attitude on the role played by the KMT and its army in the war. It seems that the KMT and its military’s actions in the war, didn’t relate the overall situation of Anti-Japanese War, and even hampered the victory process of Sino-Japanese War. When the Anti-Japanese War Victory Day, the contribution of the patriotic officials always are touched on lightly, people do not know what great battles the Kuomintang fought in, what sacrifices the soldiers made , and also cannot know how the political leaders use their talent, courage and uprightness to lead the people to defeat the evil invaders.

In real life, those heroic sacrifice soldiers’ families do not have access to pension. Many meritorious patriotic officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang has been denied for decades, they do not get duly respect, some of them subjected to undue discrimination and even persecution. We should not forget, the Kuomintang anti-Japanese patriotic soldiers had defended this piece of our land and fought in bloodshed, had made outstanding contribution for the independence of the Chinese

Li zhunji, My Hero

Have you seen the Korean TV series call “Hero”? The hero of the story is a actor called Lizhunji. Lizhunji, he is my hero.

I admire most of the characters he acted in the movies and TV dramas, such as the romantic and free spirited Xu Zheng yu in “My Girl”, the tough man in “the times of the wolf and dog”, and the legendary hero in “the plum blossom”. Beside this, I admire him as an actor. He challenges himself as an actor and chooses to act totally different type of rolls. He said to his fans, “If one day I forgot my dream and chased after money and fame, I wouldn’t be me anymore. Please abandon me then.”

I’m not an actor, but I want to be like him to challenge myself and live in the dream to achieve, not to sit back and enjoy the success.





The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.

My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.

If you ask brother chun much stronger? The arms unbend had 19 practice, follow the rockets running. Racing Twenty feet into football, break son unique. Brother chun is playing in Germany, Brazil cowering rig surrender. If nobody asked how much power? A call a tornado thirty, learn to write round his pupil. Forty xi, the British library endorsement. Yu spring wave, leaning worship created universe hero.

My hero she is, and she loves me, as all other mothers would their children. I remember the time when I was struck on my bed by severe illness, and she used to pick up the coursework for me, journeying from her workplace to school, from school to home. My tears nearly ran out of control when I saw bruises on her knees. She got thoses bruises when retrieving my homework. I feel regret for having said nothing to her; an adolescent sense of rebellion kept me silent. Perhaps to others my mother is merely an ordinary hairdresser and stylist, but she is of the most beautiful and elegent style in my mind.








Ladies and gentlemen:

We are glad to have such a good chance to visit Hong Kong with our hero Yang Uwei. And I‘ll take this opportunity to introduce Yang Liwei to all. Mr Yang was born in Suizhong, Liaoning Province. Mr Yang has a happy family, he and his wife with his 8-year-old son. He used to be an excellent pilot with an experience of 1350 hour s flight. Many years ago he had a dream, that is to step on the moon. We are sure that his dream will come true. Yang Liwei is the first astronaut who flew in space in China. We are proud of him!

That s all. Thank you!

When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is around me, who gives me more love than others.

She is my mother, the hero in my heart. My mother isnt great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star.

She does nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn a lot.

When I was a baby, she taught me how to walk and how to speak. When I go to school, she helps me solve many problems.

She also tells me be kind to others. When I do badly in study, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up.

My mother is a teacher, and she is always busy with her work. When she corrects students homework, she is always very serious.

My mother is responsible to all of her students.

She cares much about students study and life, and she tries her best to help students in need.

My mother is a loving mother, a qualified teacher, and a real hero in my heart.

The other day the TV reported that a retired school math teacher, Beth Smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a United Nation’s refugee camp in Thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and English.

I was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked Beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “By helping these kids, I feel I’m doing good for the society, therefore I feel happy.”

Her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and I realize that she is a true hero in my heart.

My father is the hero in my heart. He is an ordinary people, but he is very special in my heart. He is very brave, hard-working and responsible. I am afraid of mouse; my father will stand out to help me drive it out.

It is funny to watch him fighting with mouse. He is not only caring for me, but also looking after of my grandparents. He is glad to do this and never complain. As for his job, he works very hard.

Sometimes the uncle works with my father will praise him in front of me. My dad is the hero in my mind. I want to be a person like him when I grow up.



In American comic books, there are all kinds of superheroes. They live to protect people’s lives and keep the world in peace. For me, I like superman the most. I have watched the TV series and I know everything about this cool guy. He is born to be great.

The way he protects the world

A Hero in My Heart

Have you ever seen the film"hero"?I think you have .You may like the people in the film.But I don't think they are the real heroes.In my heart,the Chinese astronaut,Yang Liwei is the real hero.He was the first to get to the moon in our country.And the trip to the moon was succesfully made by him,though there were quiet a difficulties,Also,they brought us the courage as well as the knowledge.As an astronaut,Yang works very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly.So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one .We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero .

national heros always have marvellous reputations, after died miserablly. they died by a lot of reasons. some were killed because their emperors were too?afraid of the powers they had, some because their enemies bribed to the nation traitors, often who have had a great wealth or?a powerful authority. this is a nation that is like producing traitors overwhelmingly every time on a very dangerious situation, and quite often, heros are mistakenly treated as traitors but peple who really betrayed the fate of this nation, because of their ruling powers, are seen as the savior.

i shall admit there are some implication as a clue of history, to mirror what will happen repetitiously over and over again. heros are respectable, famous, and admired. without them, this nation should have gone through more sufferrings. they deserve what they own. however, tracking of our shameless history ,what to be noted is that ?noboy else but ourselves torture our heros, mistreated thier beloved, and even eradicated the origins of theirs. although hundreds of years later, they gained back their reputations, and if lucky, maybe they could get some statues, biographies or whatever else, one truth cant be denied. they were put in an etremely painful life, and so were their families and friends, for what these heros contributed to our nations future, and what they devoted their lives to protect. what can be concluded from it? if there r some potential heros around u, stay away from him or her, coz though we know we must show our respect to them, they are most likely to be a tragedy, which also causes people care about them to pay for the price.

its ironical, isnt it? this nation never stops calling for more heros desperately,in a name of protecting its people, but what im more interested in is, what the people do to the heros, when they are alive? if heros are the role models of most people of this nation, then how come heros are still so needed by us, especially when we shout out, justicely and loudly, that there must be someone else standing out to be heros. and if they dont wanna be heros, they gotta think about the outcomes that the entire nation curses them as wusses, humiliating them afterwards. but curiously, net time theyll still ask for someone else again to sacrifice their lives to defend the benefits of the nation( or the benefits of some). why dont u be then? or at least, why dont u, the nation people, protect the heros when they need u. when the emperors threaten ur heros, why didnt u overthrow the empire, instead u gave in the throne?when you know who betrayed the nation to sell off ur heros, just because of their powers, u gave in again?

the truth is, this nation grants the greatest hornor to heros, when it needs them. once heros lost their auras, or the public has to pay, heros begin sufferring. and what is hidden in the heart of most of people is, they want the rest to pursue the hornor of being a hero, but they themselves are more addicted into another thing---power. such people deem themselves wiser.

we are saying this nation is great, sorry, its a no. most of great genes of this nation have been eliminated by oursleves, in three thousand years grand history, dynasty after dynastry, one generation after one.

My Hero

My hero isn't a great person. My hero is my father. He always makes me happy. He is a helpful person. he does his best to help others. He is good at month and English. If I understand something, I can ask him, and he will tell me how to do it. He often gives money to the poor. He says they need to be loved. I want to be a person like my farther. I'll be a helpful person. I'll do my best to help others, too.

I like my heroI .like my father. I am proud of my father.





the other day the tv reported that a retired school math teacher, beth smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a united nation’s refugee camp in thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and english. i was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “by helping these kids, i feel i’m doing good for the society, therefore i feel happy.” her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and i realize that she is a true hero in my heart.

The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.

My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.

If you ask brother chun much stronger? The arms unbend had 19 practice, follow the rockets running. Racing Twenty feet into football, break son unique. Brother chun is playing in Germany, Brazil cowering rig surrender. If nobody asked how much power? A call a tornado thirty, learn to write round his pupil. Forty xi, the British library endorsement. Yu spring wave, leaning worship created universe hero.

The other day the TV reported that a retired school math teacher, Beth Smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a United Nation’s refugee camp in Thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and English. I was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked Beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “By helping these kids, I feel I’m doing good for the society, therefore I feel happy.” Her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and I realize that she is a true hero in my heart.

The hero in my heart.

Everyone's heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit. So far,I can't forget a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person I can't understand why he was so friendly,but I really know,he was a hero in my heart.I looked up upon him.and I will do all things I can do,I want to be the 2nd Leifeng.

My father is my hero.

When I was young he would kiss me every night and sing to me as I awoke. He made me feel so special. I knew that my father loved me. It made me feel strong enough to do almost everything.

He got sick, but strength(力气) kept him alive. He loved his children so much. He gave up years of his life caring for the woman, his wife. She was going to die. Day and night he struggled(努力) for years with her disease. (疾病)Despite disease of his own, he still stood by her side caring for her and loving her until the day she died.

When talking about the hero, people will think about the person who saves the world, such as superman and batman, they care about the public’s lives and interest all the time. In the real life, people believe that a hero at least can make great influence to the society, like the scientist. But in my opinion, some true heroes are easy ignored, they are doing the ordinary jobs while making great contribution to the society.

The city cleaners are the classic ones, they beautify the city and bring comfort to the public. Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job. They are heroes and should be praised.

Have you ever seen the film"hero"?I think you have .You may like the people in the film.But I don't think they are the real heroes.

In my heart,the Chinese astronaut,Yang Liwei is the real hero.He was the first to get to the moon in our country.

And the trip to the moon was succesfully made by him,though there were quiet a difficulties,Also,they brought us the courage as well as the knowledge.

As an astronaut,Yang works very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly.

So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one .

We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero .

My hero is not a person who is known by many people, she is just a person I want to thank most. She is my teacher.

My teacher is very experienced and well-trained. She has a sense of humor which makes her classes lively and keeps our attention to her subject. She teaches us not only much knowledge but also some skills on how to learn English well. She treats us as her own children. When we are in troubles, she always encourages us to face the difficulties bravely and cheers us up. With her help, I have made great progress in English. So she is respected by me and becomes the important hero in my heart.

My teacher is like a lighthouse in the sea, guiding me to reach the coast of success.

He is the real hero in my mind.

There are lots of famous persons in the world and they are like stars in the sky. But the best lightest one in my heart is Liu Xiang. I think he is a real hero.

Many years ago, all the people in the world think that Asians are not good at running. However, Liu Xiang changed their minds. He got the first place! This was the first Asian to win 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games. When Liu Xiang faced the other strong runners, the only mind in his heart was “I believe I can.” He ran like a flying horse. He tried his best. At last he won the Olympic championship.

There was a joyful atmosphere everywhere in China when we knew he won. We CRIed for his success. We can imagine how hard he worked to prepare for the race.

Liu Xiang is the hero in my heart. I hope he can do better in the 2008 Olympic Games. Good luck to you, Liu Xiang!

Everyone has a hero, and the hero in my heart is Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China.

He was the man who gave his whole life to his motherland- China. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working, Then he won many prizes and had many famous inventions.Now,he is the person who make our country stronger and develop faster. And everyone in China will not forget him.

He knew wherever he was, he was a Chinese. I learned a lot from him. So I won’t forget him and he is the hero in my mind

My father is the hero in my heart.He is an ordinary people, but he is very special in my heart.He is very brave, hard-working and responsible.

I am afraid of mouse; my father will stand out to help me drive it out.It is funny to watch him fighting with mouse.He is not only caring for me, but also looking after of my grandparents.

He is glad to do this and never complain.As for his job, he works very hard.Sometimes the uncle works with my father will praise him in front of me.My dad is the hero in my mind. I want to be a person like him when I grow up.






The Advantages of Top University

Nowadays, some students believe that entering a top university is not that necessary, because some of the successful businessmen like the Alibaba’s founder Ma Yun and QQ’s founder Ma Huateng have nothing to do with the top university. Actually, top university have its own advantages. First, you can meet the excellent people there. The friends you make maybe your business partners in the future and the teachers are with higher level, which can pass you the advanced konwledge. Second, though the textbooks for every university are almost the same, but top university teaches students with different methods. It pays attention to cultivate students with critical minds and pratical ability. The thesis is very strict for students, when they pass it, they will cry with happiness, because they are admitted by the professors. When the students graduate from top university, they have made a different.


very girl loves fashion, when they see the models walking on the stage, they will be attracted and want to follow their styles. Most girls start to notice the fashion as they become the teenagers, when they are children, they don’t see the difference. But it has been reported that a four years old girl had created the fashion. What the shocking news, the girl is from America and she can design the dress by herself, the paper is the main material. The mother said that the girl loved to see fashion show and then she would make the dress to imitate the style. The mother posted the pictures on the Internet, and soon it caught many people’s attention, people spoke highly of the girls’ design. Her talent was noticed by the famous company, they signed her and let the girl make her own style. What a talented girl.


The high school life is never easy for me. On one hand, I have to learn so many subjects, for the purpose of entering a good university. On the other hand, I am so afraid of lagging behind other students. I always feel like I am in the competition and sometimes I want to get away from this situation. When I am tired, I try not to think about the study, I will go to the cinema and watch a movie. Losing in the movie can help me forget about the annoyance and laugh out loudly. Sometimes I will ask my friends to go to the restaurant, buffet is my favorite. Eating all kinds of food and we play some fun games is also a good way for me to be happy. When I am back, I will be full of energy and fight for my future.



Since the invention of computer, the world has come to the information stage. Today, people can do almost all the things through the Internet. They work and shop and communicate by this convenient way. As the information can be received from all kinds of resources, some people choose to search the Internet to get the diagnose before they go to see the doctor. If the doctor tell them something that is different from what they see from the Internet, then they will question about the diagnose. Online medical service indeed helps people to get the idea of their sickness, but it can’t be trustworthy, because who knows whether the information is given by a professional doctor. What’s more, the accurate diagnose should be checked the body, while online diagnose can’t offer this service, so it is unreliable.


The Great Wall is famous as the one of the miracles in the history, it attracts the people from all around the world to witness its greatess. But according to the research, the Great Wall is missing gradually, for it suffers the damage from both nature and human being. As the environment is polluted, the acid rain often comes and destroys the buildings in the long run. What’s more, the increasing number of tourists step on the bricks, which will damage the building. More unpolited behaviors have been reported, such as people like to write down some words to remember their trip here, which disfigures the appearance of this great site. When the Great Wall disappears some day, it is the greatest pity, we are no longer have the chance to appreciate its grandness. To save this miracle, we need to behavior ourselves and protect the environment.



I think most people have the moment to be annoyed by the technology. For example, the task is prepared to be finished in the certain time, but as we are easy to be lost in the computer games, nothing will be completed in the end. Technology indeed brings convenience, it improves our efficiency, but at the same time, it also distances people’s communication. A lot of my friends spend all their time in searching the Internet, even when we are sitting in a table, everyone lows down their heads and focus on playing smart phones. When I play jokes, no one gives me the response, I feel lost. We are just sitting face in face, while I feel the largest distance. The moment we talk to our friends and families is precious, don’t let smart phone controls your life. Just put down the phone and have a nice talk.



