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英语学习方法:如何提高英语水平We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our To develop interest in English study is not very We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' 在英语学习之初,我们应该注重培养对英语学习的兴趣。培养对英语的兴趣并不难。当我们可以说点儿简单的英语,用英语与别人或与老外交谈,或作别人的翻译时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感,这样,兴趣就培养起来了。请注意,这种满足感和成就感很重要! Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before And we should certainly carry out these plans to the 制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划。并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划。请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命。 Notes should be made whenever we study any We may follow this advice: Don't read book without making As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and 无论学习什么,我们都要作笔记。我们可以参照下面的忠告:不作笔记就不要读书。如您所知,笔记是我们对所学课本的总结,中心内容,我们的理解和课本的缩略。笔记要比课本薄的多,我们可以较容易的记忆和经常复习他们。更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,这样我们可以经常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担。 Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our 看英文电影,收看英语电视节目,听英文歌曲和在某些特定场景学习英语也是很棒和很生动的英语学习方式,因为这样我们可以把所学英语与某些特定的场景联系起来以加深记忆。 Never just memorize single English Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the 请不要孤立地背英语单词。请背记包含生词的句子或词组,这样我们才真正能运用这些词汇,而且印象更深。 If time permits, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all 如果时间允许,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也帮助很大。他能帮助我们扩大视野并全方位地掌握所学知识。 Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in English Persistence, patience, self-confidence and determination are badly 优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的。当然如果兴趣培养得好,可适当削弱这方面的要求。

外国语学院英语论文格式规范(附样例) A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)外国语学院 2001级英语教育1030120011XX XXX 指导老师:XXX(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of ……(英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。)【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。) Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, … So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999) (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前) The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, … And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don’t know。我不知道。 (2) I am not a 我不是诗人。 (正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号)… The differences between English idioms and Chinese 1 The characteristics of English idioms(正文章节序号编制:章的编号: ,, ,…;节的编号:1,2…,1,2…;小节的编号为:1, 2…。小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号) … In conclusion, …2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms … Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose …1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms …(i) … …(ii) … … Conclusion …Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号)Sanved, The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C] New York: OUP, 常亮,“关于英语的偏离否定”[J] 。《外国语文》,1993,4:44。冯树健,“否定之否定新说”[J] 。《英语辅导》,1998,6:11。李光陵,“不完全否定浅析” [J] 。《大学英语》,2000,30:30。(论文最后的参考文献中所有文献的排列顺序:尾注:按照编号顺序。夹注:英文文献----网络文献----汉语文献,各个文献的先后以作者的姓氏字母或拼音为序,不用单独加序号或编号;每个参考文献的第二行起必须缩进4个英文字符;5倍行距;另外,与文中的夹注一一对应;不同类型的参考文献写法请参照写作指南中附件2的内容)


我来自中国 我的父亲是演员 母亲曾经是歌手 我现在是美国加利福尼亚洲Riverside的La Sierra Academy上High school的S17岁我的梦想是成为一名电影导演,然后建立一家娱乐公司为最终目标你可以写小时候我的爸爸带我去过很多片场,我也曾经在张艺谋,吴宇森,赵本山的片场当过场记,所以我对电影的拍摄十分着迷十分想成为一名有名的导演父亲的影响对我十分大而且也看和妈妈去过全国巡演,这个也很引导我对于音乐的热爱所以我想申请这个大学的电影与电视专业I am from China, an actress mother, my father was once a singerI am now the United States, California Riverside's La Sierra Academy of S17-year-old on the High My dream is to become a film director, and then establish an entertainment company as the ultimate You can write a child my father took me've been to a lot of film shooting, and I have said before Zhang Yimou, John Woo, Zhao Benshan chip market had been a log keeper, so I am very fascinated by the film's Is to become a famous his father's influence to me is but also to see and her mother went to the national tour, this is also led me to love the So, I would like to apply for this university film and television 我的personal quality是开朗热情,乐于助人,十分善良,喜欢动物,喜欢参加活动和组织活动的alent是唱歌(非常强项,参加了很多比赛屡屡获奖),写剧本,和写诗歌,钢琴Accomplishment我自己会写的经历就是曾经在张艺谋,吴宇森,赵本山的片场当过场记,亲眼见证了很多电视剧和电影的剪辑过程以上就是我能提供的资料要求每篇五百字左右再加上您的语言丰富一下,每篇五百字是可以达到的~!拜托,很着急,这周日就要!1000分绝对会给的!写得好再加分也可以发到我的邮箱 My personal quality is the warm and cheerful, helpful and very kind, likes animals, likes to participate in activities and activities of the O Talent is singing (very strengths, to participate in a number of award-winning games), writing scripts, and writing poetry, Accomplishment I am going to experience isHad Zhang Yimou, John Woo, Zhao Benshan chip market had been a log keeper, witnessed a lot of TV and film editing That is all I can offer Request Each Wu Baizi Coupled with a rich look at your language, Each Wubai Zi is possible to achieve ~! Come on, is very anxious that this Sunday must! 1000 am absolutely will give a! write a good plus Can also be sent to my mailbox

我来自中国 我的父亲是演员 母亲曾经是歌手 我现在是美国加利福尼亚洲Riverside的La Sierra Academy上High school的S17岁我的梦想是成为一名电影导演,然后建立一家娱乐公司为最终目标你可以写小时候我的爸爸带我去过很多片场,我也曾经在张艺谋,吴宇森,赵本山的片场当过场记,所以我对电影的拍摄十分着迷十分想成为一名有名的导演父亲的影响对我十分大而且也看和妈妈去过全国巡演,这个也很引导我对于音乐的热爱所以我想申请这个大学的电影与电视专业I am from China, an actress mother, my father was once a singerI am now the United States, California Riverside's La Sierra Academy of S17-year-old on the High My dream is to become a film director, and then establish an entertainment company as the ultimate You can write a child my father took me've been to a lot of film shooting, and I have said before Zhang Yimou, John Woo, Zhao Benshan chip market had been a log keeper, so I am very fascinated by the film's Is to become a famous his father's influence to me is but also to see and her mother went to the national tour, this is also led me to love the So, I would like to apply for this university film and television 我的personal quality是开朗热情,乐于助人,十分善良,喜欢动物,喜欢参加活动和组织活动的alent是唱歌(非常强项,参加了很多比赛屡屡获奖),写剧本,和写诗歌,钢琴Accomplishment我自己会写的经历就是曾经在张艺谋,吴宇森,赵本山的片场当过场记,亲眼见证了很多电视剧和电影的剪辑过程以上就是我能提供的资料要求每篇五百字左右再加上您的语言丰富一下,每篇五百字是可以达到的~!拜托,很着急,这周日就要!1000分绝对会给的!写得好再加分也可以发到我的邮箱 My personal quality is the warm and cheerful, helpful and very kind, likes animals, likes to participate in activities and activities of the O Talent is singing (very strengths, to participate in a number of award-winning games), writing scripts, and writing poetry, Accomplishment I am going to experience isHad Zhang Yimou, John Woo, Zhao Benshan chip market had been a log keeper, witnessed a lot of TV and film editing That is all I can offer Request Each Wu Baizi Coupled with a rich look at your language, Each Wubai Zi is possible to achieve ~! Come on, is very anxious that this Sunday must! 1000 am absolutely will give a! write a good plus Can also be sent to my mailbox

(1)联系工作实际选题要结合我国行政管理实践(特别是自身工作实际),提倡选择应用性较强的课题,特别鼓励结合当前社会实践亟待解决的实际问题进行研究。建议立足于本地甚至是本单位的工作进行选题。选题时可以考虑选些与自己工作有关的论题,将理论与实践紧密结合起来,使自己的实践工作经验上升为理论,或者以自己通过大学学习所掌握到的理论去分析和解决一些引起实际工作问题。(2)选题适当所谓选题要适当,就是指如何掌握好论题的广度与深度。(3)选题要新意所谓要有新意,就是要从自己已经掌握的理论知识出发,在研究前人研究成果的基础上,善于发现新问题,敢于提出前人没有提出过的,或者虽已提出来,但尚未得到定论或者未完全解决的问题。只要自己的论文观点正确鲜明,材料真实充分,论证深刻有力,也可能填补我国理论界对某些方面研究的空白,或者对以前有关学说的不足进行补充、深化和修正。这样,也就使论文具有新意,具有独创性。选题技巧:技巧—:依据学术方向进行选题。论文写作的价值,关键在于能够解决特定行业的特定问题,特别是在学术方面的论文更是如此。因此,论文选择和提炼标题的技巧之一,就是依据学术价值进行选择提炼。技巧二:依据兴趣爱好进行选题。论文选择和提炼标题的技巧之二,就是从作者的爱好和兴趣出发,只有选题符合作者兴趣和爱好,作者平日所积累的资料才能得以发挥效用,语言应用等方面也才能熟能生巧。技巧三:依据掌握的文献资料进行选题。文献资料是支撑、充实论文的基础,同时更能体现论文所研究的方向和观点,因而,作者从现有文献资料出发,进行选题和提炼标题,即成为第三大技巧。技巧四:从小从专进行选题。所谓从小从专,即是指软文撰稿者在进行选则和提炼标题时,要从专业出发,从小处入手进行突破,切记全而不专,大而空洞。[3]4相关综述编辑任何一个课题的研究或开发都是有学科基础或技术基础的。综述部分主要阐述选题在相应学科领域中的发展进程和研究方向,特别是近年来的发展趋势和最新成果。通过与中外研究成果的比较和评论,说明自己的选题是符合当前的研究方向并有所进展,或采用了当前的最新技术并有所改进,目的是使读者进一步了解选题的意义。综述部分能反映出毕业设计学生多方面的能力。首先,反映中外文献的阅读能力。通过查阅文献资料,了解同行的研究水平,在工作中和论文中有效地运用文献,这不仅能避免简单的重复研究,而且也能使研究开发工作有一个高起点。其次,还能反映出综合分析的能力。从大量的文献中找到可以借鉴和参考的,这不仅要有一定的专业知识水平,还要有一定的综合能力。对同行研究成果是否能抓住要点,优缺点的评述是否符合实际,恰到好处,这和一个人的分析理解能力是有关的。值得注意的是,要做好一篇毕业论文,必须阅读一定量(2~3篇)的外文资料,这不仅反映自己的外文阅读能力,而且有助于论文的先进性。 1、论文摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。2、不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。3、结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。4、用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。5、要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。6、除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。7、不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。8、缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。9、论文摘要之撰写通常在整篇论文将近完稿期间开始,以期能包括所有之内容。但亦可提早写作,然后视研究之进度作适当修改。有关论文摘要写作时应注意下列事项:10、整理你的材料使其能在最小的空间下提供最大的信息面。11、用简单而直接的句子。避免使用成语、俗语或不必要的技术性用语。12、请多位同僚阅读并就其简洁度与完整性提供意见。13、删除无意义的或不必要的字眼。但亦不要矫枉过正,将应有之字眼过份删除,如在英文中不应删除必要之冠词如a''an''the等。14、尽量少用缩写字。在英文的情况较多,量度单位则应使用标准化者。特殊缩写字使用时应另外加以定义。15、不要将在文章中未提过的数据放在摘要中。16、不要为扩充版面将不重要的叙述放入摘要中,即使摘要仅能以一两句话概括,就让维持这样吧,切勿画蛇添足。17、不要将文中之所有数据大量地列于摘要中,平均值与标准差或其它统计指标仅列其最重要的一项即可。18、不要置放图或表于摘要之中,尽量采用文字叙述。


我来自中国 我的父亲是演员 母亲曾经是歌手 我现在是美国加利福尼亚洲Riverside的La Sierra Academy上High school的S17岁我的梦想是成为一名电影导演,然后建立一家娱乐公司为最终目标你可以写小时候我的爸爸带我去过很多片场,我也曾经在张艺谋,吴宇森,赵本山的片场当过场记,所以我对电影的拍摄十分着迷十分想成为一名有名的导演父亲的影响对我十分大而且也看和妈妈去过全国巡演,这个也很引导我对于音乐的热爱所以我想申请这个大学的电影与电视专业I am from China, an actress mother, my father was once a singerI am now the United States, California Riverside's La Sierra Academy of S17-year-old on the High My dream is to become a film director, and then establish an entertainment company as the ultimate You can write a child my father took me've been to a lot of film shooting, and I have said before Zhang Yimou, John Woo, Zhao Benshan chip market had been a log keeper, so I am very fascinated by the film's Is to become a famous his father's influence to me is but also to see and her mother went to the national tour, this is also led me to love the So, I would like to apply for this university film and television 我的personal quality是开朗热情,乐于助人,十分善良,喜欢动物,喜欢参加活动和组织活动的alent是唱歌(非常强项,参加了很多比赛屡屡获奖),写剧本,和写诗歌,钢琴Accomplishment我自己会写的经历就是曾经在张艺谋,吴宇森,赵本山的片场当过场记,亲眼见证了很多电视剧和电影的剪辑过程以上就是我能提供的资料要求每篇五百字左右再加上您的语言丰富一下,每篇五百字是可以达到的~!拜托,很着急,这周日就要!1000分绝对会给的!写得好再加分也可以发到我的邮箱 My personal quality is the warm and cheerful, helpful and very kind, likes animals, likes to participate in activities and activities of the O Talent is singing (very strengths, to participate in a number of award-winning games), writing scripts, and writing poetry, Accomplishment I am going to experience isHad Zhang Yimou, John Woo, Zhao Benshan chip market had been a log keeper, witnessed a lot of TV and film editing That is all I can offer Request Each Wu Baizi Coupled with a rich look at your language, Each Wubai Zi is possible to achieve ~! Come on, is very anxious that this Sunday must! 1000 am absolutely will give a! write a good plus Can also be sent to my mailbox


A Brief Analysis of english teaching in senior high schoolAbstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn E But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in the English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and In this paper, the importance and methods of reading and writing will be further Key words: reading writing techniques Introduction: Classes should be learner-centered, with meaningful, functional activities, often, classes begin by finding out what the students don’t These classes operate on the assumption that there is a great deal of information that students lack and that the teacher and textbooks will impact that information to the Teachers who hold this assumption view students as plants waiting passively to be fed and But I think the students should be regarded as explorers, active learners who bring a great deal to the learning process and at the same time, draw from their environment as they develop new The basic principle will be used in the teaching of reading and How to teach reading I Why teach readingThere are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s In the first place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study purposes or simply for Anything we can do to make reading easier for them must be a good Reading texts provide good models for English writing, provide opportunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and Lastly, good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative responses and be the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating The last but not the least, students must read widely because only a fraction of knowledge about the world can come from other experiences in their short II What kind of reading should students do? When the teachers give reading class to students, they should notice a balance----a balance to be struck between real English on the one hand and the students’ capabilities and interests on the There is some authentic written material which beginner students can understand to some degree: menus, timetables, signs and basic instructions, for example, and, where appropriate, teachers can use But for longer prose, teachers can offer their students texts, which, while being like English, are nevertheless written or adapted especially for their Anyway, the materials to be read should be interesting and Teachers should become better acquainted with books written specially for teenagers and dealing with their III What are the principles behind the teaching of reading? i) Permit Students To Read No one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, flutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimming Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definitions of words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written ii) Encourage students to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the languageOf course, it is important to study reading texts for the way they use language, how many paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative But the meaning, the message of the text, is much more Teachers should help students understand that the main reason to read is for They have to have their own purpose to read and reading must make sense, they have to find ways of doing something about They should be encouraged either to reread or to continue reading to gain But they must realize that the meaning is not in the teacher, but in the interaction between the reader and Students should be encouraged to ask themselves repeatedly, “Does this make sense to me?” Students should be encouraged to reject and to be intolerant of reading materials that do not make iii) Encourage students to guess or predict Readers’ guesses or predictions are based on the cumulative information and syntactic structure they have been learning as they have been Therefore, their guesses are more often than not appropriate to the Students have to realize that risk taking in reading is appropriate; that using context to decide what words mean is a proficient reading strategy and that they have the language sense to make appropriate guesses which can fit both the grammatical and semantic sense of what they are iv) Match the task to the topic Once a decision has been taken about what kind of reading text the students are going to read, teachers need to choose good reading tasks—the right kind of questions and useful puzzles, Asking boring and inappropriate questions can undermine the most interesting text; the most commonplace passage can be made really exciting with imaginative and challenging Working in groups, the English teacher and students take turns asking each other questions following the The teacher may ask, “ What is the significance of the character’s age?” These questions require inferences based on details from the reading


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① 网上聊天越来越流行 ② 有人反对它,有人赞同。 ③ 我的看法 With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to Some think that it has more problems than First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and To them, it is very useful and As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly without its bad 议论文范文 2 As students, we always have a lot of exams/tests every Tests are used nowadays to check/examine/measure how well /effectively students Exams are a very useful and important educational tool of However, exams have some side effects of their First, some exams can’t reflect the real progress students Second, too difficult or too many exams force students to cheat in Too many exams force students to study for the sake of exams only, to name just a In my opinion, advantages of exams far outweigh their Despite their side effects, exams can on the whole check and show how well students study scientifically and At least so far there has been not any method that take their place in Besides, exams seem to be fair to all students as they are objective and everyone is equal before test To conclude, exams may continue to exist in our education for a long time before they are replaced by some better measurement 记叙文范文 Eye-witness account of a traffic accident 假如你在某日某地某时目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书如下: 车祸发生的时间和地点 你所见到的车祸的情况 你对车祸原因的分析 I witnessed a traffic accident on the street at about Here is my account of It happened at yesterday at the Xiao Zai intersection when I was on my way back to my A taxi ran into a cycling boy riding across Chang An Road near the When the taxi pulled up abruptly after the driver realized what had happened, the boy was already lying on the ground, bleeding and crying In 5 minutes, an ambulance came and took away the wounded There is no knowing how it came But I suppose it was because the boy ran the red light and the taxi driver took it for granted that there would be no pedestrian or cyclist would cross the road at that This accident warns us of the danger of ignoring traffic





