导语:这个春节十分特殊,一种新型冠状病毒传染病袭来,危害了许多人的身体健康。下面是小编为大家带来的疫情防控作文范文,欢迎阅读。 疫情防控作文1 没有春节不是流动的,也没有春节不是走动的。这是以往中国人过春节的常态,热热闹闹、走亲串户、朋友相聚,动起来的春节被视为祥和、欢乐的时节。 然而,这个春节,真的不一样。一个现实原因就是,新型冠状病毒引发的疫情还在持续,全国人民为此揪心。应该以什么样的状态与心态,过好这个春节,值得我们细细思量。春节的流动、拜年的走动、庙会的人头攒动,这些人们已经习惯了的过年方式,在这些日子里恐怕需要改一改了。 此时,“动”的年节莫若“静”的岁月。人们越是大规模流动,越是大范围聚集,越容易增加疾病传染的概率。走动起来还是宅上一宅,理性人不难看透其中的得失,既为人也为己。事实上,不走动也能过好年。技术发达了,信息拜年、视频祝福、在线聚会,都不失为一种时尚,那些以往通过面对面完成的新春祝福,借助云端就能迅速直抵耳畔、身边,过年礼仪一样也缺不了。 此时,“动”的脚步莫若“静”的心意。在抗击疫情的最前沿,各条战线上的“勇士”都已经动起来了,他们为了更多人的生命安全,以这样一种方式过了个“动”的年,是真正的大无畏。相反,对普通人来说,如无特殊情况,宜静不宜动,什么自驾跨城回家、什么一定上门拜年、什么提前安排好的聚会等等,都不妨在冷静且理性地审视下做个宅男宅女,不远行、不扎堆、少聚会。现在,的祝福是以你我的安全距离为彼此送上健康祝福,的心意是以你我的实际行动护佑早日战胜疫情。 时间不等人!时间属于奋进者!我们正在全力与病毒赛跑、与疫情赛跑,也一定会战胜病魔、战胜疫情,需要争分夺秒、众志成城。每个人都是主体,每个人都有义务,每个人都应该以“静”致敬那些坚守的、“逆行”的英雄们。如此,我们一定会风雨无阻向前进。 疫情防控作文2 “新型冠状病毒”这名词一经问世,人们的生活就收到了极大的影响,它完全不亚于17年前的非典。人人唯恐避之不及,这种病源于武汉,因武汉人爱吃山珍野味,所以才有了这种病。这种病开始会发热咳嗽,接着气泡会渐渐长满你的肺部。目前全中国已经死亡26例,确诊1287例,疑似7000多例。可见这种病对人类危害极大。 在这生死攸关的时刻,全国人民众志成城,凝心聚力,携手抗击病毒。上至80来岁的老中医,下到20多岁的青年医生;上至满腹经纶的专家,下到普普通通的市民。他们都不要报酬、不畏牺牲,力求为这一场不尽相应的战争贡献自己的一份力量! 钟南山院士已近耄耋之年,仍毅然决然地挺身而出。1月16日晚,钟南山老人走到了抗击病毒的最前线。如此高龄,也与祖国凝聚在一起,抗击病毒,他的到来好比是来了一座定海神针,为一线的医生们竖起了榜样。他每天都疲惫不堪,只睡4个小时,现已研究了几种安全的临床药准备治疗。 我的爸爸虽是三线城市医生,也奋不顾身投入抗击冠状病毒的战争中。消息一出,他立即主动报名,随时候命。就在昨天,他连续奋战了24个小时,检查了200多名病人,他眼戴护目镜,面戴口罩,身穿防护服,用x光检查病人的肺部,额头沁着细密的汗珠,可是眼神中的坚毅流露出对这场战役必胜的决心。 我只是一名小学生,也为祖国做奉献。每天我坚持喝白开水,勤洗手,尽量不出门,出门戴口罩,不多与别人交谈,且天天都关注着疫情发展的情况。做到不给医生添乱,在保护好自己的同时,也减轻了那些在一线上苦苦奋战的医生的压力。 这众志成城,凝心聚力的中国民众,使我仿佛看见:当新药研制成功,病毒被控制的`那一天,人们快乐地笑着,笑着;病人家属激动地笑着,笑着;医学家们自豪地笑着,笑着。我相信,那一天,已不远。 疫情防控作文3 2020年的春节是个不一样的春节。以往的春节人们有的走亲访友,一起吃团圆饭,有的出门旅游,有的一起逛街;街上总是热热闹闹的,而今年人们只能待在家里,不敢出来。街上空荡荡的,显得格外冷清,都有了“空城”一说了。造成这种现象的罪魁祸首就是“新型冠状病毒”。 那又是什么造成新型冠状病毒发出来的呢?大部分人说怪野生动物,我觉得不怪野生动物,人类自己得好好反思一下。如果人类不那么贪婪,那么在野生动物身上的病菌就不会被人类吃进肚子而感染上“新型冠状病毒”,也就不会传染这么多人了。 我的舅舅是一位人民警察,从大年三十开始就天天上班,甚至没回过一次家。他也是冲在一线的战士,我很敬佩像他一样的逆行者,我为他们点赞! 这么多医护人员和战士们冲在一线,我相信我们一定能顺利的击败疫情!也会尽快的恢复我们正常的学习和生活!也希望冲在一线的爷爷奶奶,叔叔阿姨,哥哥姐姐们保护好自己的身体!加油!【疫情防控作文范文】相关文章:防控疫情作文范文防控疫情作文疫情防控作文疫情防控的作文防控疫情作文三篇2020春节防控疫情作文关于防控疫情的作文春节疫情防控作文
Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan Medicine ResearchesIn vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori action of 30 Chinese herbal medicines used to treat ulcer Li Y, Xu C, Zhang Q, Liu JY, Tan RXInstitute of Functional Biomolecules, State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, PR CInfection by Helicobacter pylori has been ascertained to be an important etiologic impetus leading usually to chronic active gastritis and gastric ulcer with growing incidences Utilizing as the test pathogen a standard and five clinic strains of Helicobacter pylori, the antibacterial action was assessed in vitro with ethanol extracts of 30 Chinese herbal medicines which have been frequently prescribed since ancient times for treating gastritis-like Among the 30 tested materials, the ethanol extracts of Abrus cantoniensis (Fabaceae), Saussurea lappa (Asteraceae) and Eugenia caryophyllata (Myrtaceae) were strongly inhibitory to all test strains (MICs: approximately 40 microg/ml), and Hippophae rhamnoides (Elaeagnaceae), Fritillaria thunbergii (Liliaceae), Magnolia officinalis and Schisandra chinensis (Magnoliaceae), Corydalis yanhusuo (Papaveraceae), Citrus reticulata (Rutaceae), Bupleurum chinense and Ligusticum chuanxiong (Apiaceae) substantially active with MICs close to 0 microg/ As to antibacterial actions of the aqueous extracts of the same drugs, those derived from Cassia obtusifolia (Fabaceae), Fritillaria thunbergii and Eugenia caryophyllata were remarkably inhibitory against all the six Helicobacter pylori strains (MICs: approximately 60 microg/ml) The work compared almost quantitatively the magnitude of the anti-Helicobacter pylori actions of the 30 most prescribed gastritis-treating Chinese herbal drugs, and located as well some source plants where potent anti-Helicobacter pylori phytochemicals could be Pharmacokinetic and pharmacological interactions between ticlopidine hydrochloride and Kangen-Karyu - Chinese traditional herbal Makino T, Wakushima H, Okamoto T, Okukubo Y, Deguchi Y, Kano YDepartment of Kampo Medicinal Science, Hokkaido College of Pharmacy, 7-1 Katsuraoka, Otaru 047-0264, JapanKangen-Karyu (KGK), containing peony root, cnidium rhizome, saf flower, cyperus rhizome, saussurea root and Salvia miltiorrhiza root, is a Chinese traditional medicine formula to invigorate the 'blood' and dispel 'blood stasis', arising from poor blood The present study evaluated the pharmacokinetic and pharmacological interactions between KGK and ticlopidine Ticlopidine was administered orally or intravenously to KGK-treated rats, and its plasma concentrations were KGK did not significantly affect the pharmacokinetic parameters of ticlopidine in rats treated with both oral and intravenous Ticlopidine alone significantly prolonged the mouse tail-bleeding time and adenosine 5'-diphosphate-induced ex vivo platelet aggregation, which was slightly augmented by KGK It is suggested that the combined therapy of ticlopidine and KGK may augment the antithrombotic effects, and that the dosage of ticlopidine should be reduced to prevent thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, a severe adverse effect of Bioactive constituents from Chinese natural XV Inhibitory effect on aldose reductase and structures of Saussureosides A and B from Saussurea Xie H, Wang T, Matsuda H, Morikawa T, Yoshikawa M, Tani TKyoto Pharmaceutical University, JThe 80% aqueous acetone extract from the whole plant of Saussurea medusa MAXIM was found to inhibit rat lens aldose reductase (IC50=4 microg/ml) From this extract, flavonoids, lignans, and quinic acid derivatives were isolated together with two new ionone glycosides, saussureosides A and B Their absolute stereostructures were elucidated on the basis of chemical and physicochemical evidence including the application of modified Mosher's In addition, some isolates were found to show an inhibitory effect on aldose This is the page of Chinese medicine for stomach problems, you can buy Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan online
How to be away from the virusTo avoid being infected with the virus, we have to warn ourselves to stayaway from the crowds, especially those travelers whohave come from Hubeiprovince, where the outbreak was More importantly, some routinepreventative actions should be taken such as wearing masks and frequenthand-washing, which are so highly important that we can’t afford Plus, it is necessary to maintain air circulation and alcohol cleaning inplaces wherewe live and Among other things, during the critical periodwhen we are in difficulties, we mustn’t go out as much as we can because somevictims have been reported, whom we should To sum up, these dos and don’ts have become the guidance thatis accessibleto So let’s take good care of ourselves, which means caring aboutothers as
Novel coronavirus infection is coming quietly at the beginning of the year, just as people are ready to celebrate the Spring F A battle against the virus has also At the time of outbreak and prevention and control, there are always some unknown heroes who build a solid "protective wall" for us in a "retrograde" They are fighting an epidemic war without smoke of gunpowder, which is a never-ending and inevitable resistance They are the most beautiful rebels of this 希望能够帮到您,望采纳!
疫情期间我们应该尽量少外出: 作为普通百姓,我们不是一线的救护人员及工作人员,唯一能做的事就是宅在家。不要小看“宅”这个行为,因为病毒的隔离期较长,是否染上难以被发现。但是一旦染上了,如果外出使他人受到传染,一定做到,少聚集,不聚集,不参加大型活动,出省报备,出门戴口罩
疫情威胁广大人民的健康,中华数字书苑克服困难迅速推出了抗击疫情专题,将移动端对公众开放, 著 社会科学文献出版社 本书根据传染病问题与国家安全的联系、传统安全与非传统之间的联系等构