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翻译如下:1,一些公司由于无法掌握核心技术,只能外包这些关键组件来组装。2,混合动力插件或混合式插件 普华永道会计师事务所咨询公司 (对四大有些了解应该知道这个公司)

Core technologies support

Support by core technology

In modern enterprises, the core technology knowledge, experience, skills development and expansion of enterprises have become the most critical factors and how to effectively encourage the core technical staff, this is the development of enterprises continued to practical problems faced To solve this problem, incentive stock options may be a good How to design a set of core technologies suitable for the stock option incentive programme, which is the purpose of the study In this paper, to take theoretical analysis and empirical research, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the method of combining incentive stock options from the theoretical study and its mode of operation, then the mechanism of its role and effect, the last of China's modern enterprise's core technology to design a Incentive stock options Papers on the following issues: 1, stock option incentive mechanism in Europe and the United States and other developed countries are widely used, which make up the core technical staff in long-term incentive and the lack of improving the competitiveness of enterprises achieved remarkable Therefore, Chinese enterprises need to have a choice based on its own characteristics, the introduction of the core technical staff stock options incentive 2, Based on stock options and incentive theory involved in the programme design the main provisions of the analysis, with technology shares in the company's future actual situation, to design a comprehensive, simple and practical core technical staff incentive stock options programme in the hope of the Reality plays a certain operation of the In short, to make the core technical staff stock option incentive mechanism in China can fully play its role, we must optimize the market environment, legal system and improve the corporate governance structure to make


core technology control

Core technologies support

core technical support

借鉴核心竞争力这个词的英语表达--core-competitiveness这里可以用一个合成词core-tecnology support


Support by core technology


借鉴核心竞争力这个词的英语表达--core-competitiveness这里可以用一个合成词core-tecnology support

青鸟初级程序员证ACCP(Aptech Certified Computer Professional)初级程序员—junior programmer 程序员—visual programmer 软件工程师—software engineer 国家助学金statestipend/subsidy 泰安市科技立项technology project of TaiAn 英语四级证书cet 4 certificate青鸟高级程序员证书senior programmer 全国电子商务大赛一等奖 the first prize of the national electronic commerce contest IT技能 IT skills 软件语言:DownLoad_Language 应用软件语言 applicationsoftware language熟悉Java、VB、C#、C++、JavaScript、C、HTML语言Familiar with Java, VB, C #, C + +, JavaScript, C, HTML language相关软件技术software-related technology 精通ASPNET、JSP编程,精通MVC模式下的抽象工厂模式Proficient in , JSP programming ,Proficient in abstract factory patternt of MVC pattern 核心技术core technology技术technology 数据库设计开发技术Database technology of design and development运用能力sociolinguistic competence项目管理经验Project Management Experience项目管理技术与方法techniques and methods of Project management 开发工具developer kits运用command设计能力Designed capacity熟悉C/S系统的三层架构Familiar with three tier architecture of C/S system 熟悉以ASPNET、JSP为主的B/S架构Familiar with B/S Architecture based on the principle of , JSP


core technology leads to successful future


The core technology of future success

3 核心技术 核心技术是必要提供使能电子商务活动的核心作用。我们故障这入四个主要区域: 通信、信息介绍和表示法、语言、和存贮和检索。这些是网站的根本元素。F2 描述四个区域以代表性例子。 通信。为任何双方在电子商务活动参与, 真正通讯电路必须建立。 信息介绍和表示法。这指定信息(它的格式的)介绍并且怎么它应该被组织为交换(如同简单的文本、图解图象、声音和录影, 或组合) 。 语言。精确逻辑步为数据和计算来源的操作是形成网站的智力能力的积木的重要组分。 存贮和检索。这是数据结构为数据和信息录音和检索通过地方和遥控。 电子商务网站的演变 这里, 我们提到期间在1990 之前作为前网时代、90 年代初期作为易反应的网时代, 90 年代中期作为交互式网时代, 和期间在21 世纪的开始附近作为综合网时代(F3) 。 1 前网时代 在万维网的出现之前, 商业行为是闭合的:机制刚性。数字式地参与经营活动, 通信渠道必须谈判。虽然互联网提供连接在任何双方之间, 开放通信不能建立直到一个一致信息格式为内码经营活动被开发了。 设计为网络环境, EDI 是为互换提供句法的标准。但是, 它刚性。核心技术单独根本上也站立了没有固定接口特点。技术太很快被开发利用互联网和是时期的闭合, 预先安排, 一对一, 事务对事务商务。 2 易反应的网时代 在90 年代的开始, 商业行为在互联网演变了对经营在是开放和容易地容易接近的环境里。互联网允许信息被分享。万维网被形成了, 标记电子商务起点。开放通入达到了。分享和观看统一的URL 标识符和自由地可利用的浏览器, 和通信必须不再预先安排。 网站的扩散被跟随。原始网站开始居住于网。与强有力的基于互联网的查寻引擎的发展一起, 万维网成为了一种有效的渠道使企业到达潜在的顾客。在这个时代, 网站典型地是信息资源。广义门户以核心起作用譬如目录, 编目, 张贴, 并且编组变得共同。




Core technologies support

OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。


