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在《中国通信》、《Computer Communications》、《计算机学报》、《电子学报》等期刊和国际会议上发表论文30余篇。 [1] Jing Chen, Quan Yuan, Guoliang Xue, Ruiying Du, Kun He, Lina Wang, Zhiyong P Game-Theory-Based Batch Identification of Invalid Signatures in Wireless Mobile N In of International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2015) 2015 (CCF A类)[2] Jing Chen, Kun He, Ruiying Du, Yang X Dominating Set and Network Coding-based Routing in Wireless Mesh N IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed S 2014 (CCF A类)[3] Jing Chen, Quan Yuan, Ruiying Du, Jie W MuCAR: A Greedy Multi-flow-based Coding-Aware Routing in Wireless N In of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking(SECON) 2015 (CCF B类)[4] Jing Chen, Kun He, Ruiying Du, Fajiang Yu, Quan Yuan, Lina W A Multi-objective Optimization Model Based on Immune Algorithm in Wireless Mesh N International Journal of Communication S 2014 (SCI收录)[5] 张宇,陈晶,杜瑞颖,周庆,郑明辉 适于车载网通信的高效签密方案 2015, 43(3):512-517 (权威期刊, corresponding author)[6] Yu Fajiang, Chen Jing, Xiang Yang, Zhu Jiacheng, Zhao Y An efficient anonymous remote attestation scheme for trusted computing based on improved CPK Electronic Commerce R 2014 (SSCI收录,corresponding author)[7] Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Qian Wang, Shixiong Y Secure Routing Based on Network Coding in Wireless Sensor N In Proceeding of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-13) Melbourne, Australia, 2013:58-64 (CCF,C类)[8] Yu Zhang, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Yang Xiang, Qing Z FEACS: A Flexible and Efficient Access Control Scheme for Cloud C In P of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-14) Beijing, China, 2014 (CCF C类, corresponding author)[9] Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Huanguo Z Intrusion Detection Model Based on Incomplete Information Game in Wireless Mesh N China C 2012,9(10): 23-32 (SCI收录)[10] Ruiying Du, Lan Deng, Jing Chen, Kun He, Minghui Z Proofs of Ownership and Retrievability in Cloud S In P of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-14) Beijing, China, 2014 (CCF C类, corresponding author)[11] Jing Chen, Tong Li, Ruiying D Efficient Reliable Opportunistic Network Coding Based on Hybrid Flow in Wireless N China C 2011,8(4): 125-131 (SCI收录)[12] Shixiong Yao, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Chiheng W A Survey of Security Network Coding toward Various A In P of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-14) Beijing, China, 2014 (CCF C类, corresponding author)[13] Jing Chen, Shiguo Lian, Ruiying D A Hybrid Game Model Based on Reputation for Spectrum Allocation in Wireless N Computer C 2010, 33(14): 1623-1631 (SCI收录)[14] 陈晶, 杜瑞颖, 王丽娜, 田在荣 网络环境下一种基于概率密度的信任博弈模型 电子学报2010,38(2): 427-433 (权威期刊)[15] 沙乐天,傅建明,陈晶,黄诗勇 一种面向敏感信息处理的敏感度度量方法 [J] 计算机研究与发展, 2014, 51(5): 1050- (权威期刊)[16] 李拴保,傅建明,张焕国,陈晶,王晶,任必军 云环境下基于环签密的用户身份属性保护方案 通信学报 2014, 35(9): 99-111 (权威期刊)[17] Liping Zhang, Shanyu Tang, Jing Chen, Shaohui Z Two-Factor Remote Authentication Protocol with User Anonymity Based on Elliptic Curve C Wireless Personal C 2014 (SCI收录)[18] Wei Liu, Wei Du, Jing Chen, Wei Wang, Guosun Z Adaptive energy-efficient scheduling algorithm for parallel tasks on homogeneous Journal of Network and Computer A (SCI收录)[19]Ou Ruan, Jing Chen, Jing Zhou, Yongquan C An Efficient Fair UC-Secure Protocol for Two-Party Computation, Security and Communication N 2013 (SCI收录)[20] Fu Cai, Gao Xiang, Chen Jing GRAP: Grey Risk Assessment based on Projection in Ad Hoc Journal of Parallel and Distributed C 71(9): 1249- (CCF B类)[21] Jianwei Liu, Ruiying Du, Jing Chen and Kun H A key distribution scheme using network coding for mobile ad hoc Security and Communication N 3 (SCI收录)[22] 徐鹏, 崔国华, 陈晶 标准模型下一种实用的和可证明安全的IBE方案 计算机学报 2(33): 335-344 (权威期刊)[23] Minghui Zheng, Jing C Provably Secure Two-party Explicit Authenticated Key Agreement P In of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications(TrustCom) 2012: 1299-1303 (CCF C类)



cssci 是南大核心,南京大学评选的《中文社会科学引文索引》,每两年评一次核心期刊,通常是指北大核心,也就是平常说的中文核心,北京大学评选的,4年一次每个单位,根据自己的研究方向,和自己单位科研领先的专业相近的刊物,通常划归为A类,次之B类,再次之C类一般来说,单位能够划分A类、B类、C类的,基本上要求都是比较高的地方,A类、B类、C类这些刊物,多数都是从cssci 和中文核心期刊里面选择出来的,也有极个别把不是不是核心的报纸刊物划在A类、B类里面,比如人民日报、光明日报等等


职称计算机考试分为3-4个等级。由于职称计算机考试由各地人事考试中心自行组织,因而职称计算机考试等级划分也有所差别。 一般来说,大多数地区职称计算机考试均分为四个等级,分别是正高、副高、中级和初级,有的地区也称为A级、B级、C级和D级


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