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2000 word? You know how much is gona cost for write that in the UK?

希望这篇Bonfire的文章能帮到你。Bonfire Night - November 5thThis popular British rhyme is often spoken on Bonfire Night, in memory of the Gunpowder Plot:Remember, remember the 5th of NovemberGunpowder, treason and I see no reason that gunpowder treasonShould ever be The smell of gunpowder smoke and the snap and crackle of bonfires will fill the capital in the run up to Bonfire N Thousands of revellers will line London's parks to "ooh" and "aah" as the city explodes into colour, in remberance of Guy Fawkes (Guido Fawkes) and his foiled plot to blow up Parliament and the King in Guy Fawkes was born in Yorkshire in A convert to the Catholic faith, Fawkes had been a soldier who had spent several years fighting in I It was during this period that he adopted the name Guido (Italian for Guy) perhaps to impress the ladies! 'Guy Fawkes Day' also known as 'Bonfire Night' or 'Fireworks Night' by some, marks the date, November 5, 1605, when Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators attempted to kill King James I and the Members of Parliament and to blow up the Houses of PThis conspiracy arose as a reaction to the persecution of Catholics under the rule of King James, a P Infuriated by the failure of King James, the son of the passionately Catholic Mary Queen of Scots, to grant more toleration to C Four other Catholics joined with Fawkes in his plans including Robert C Catesby made a fatal error and invited other Catholics to join the plot until there were 60 plotters in all, you try keeping a secret when 60 people know about Thomas Percy rented a cellar beneath the Palace of Westminster and 36 barrels of gunpowder were placed in the cellars of the Houses of P But Francis Tresham betrayed the conspiracy in a letter to his brother-in-law Lord Monteagle, warning him not to attend Monteagle told the government and Fawkes was caught red handed in the cellars under Parliament, with a box of matches in his pocket and a guilty expression on his face! His fellow conspirators fled but many were killed or arrested and 9 members of the 60+ plotters, including Fawkes, were hung, drawn and quartered in January Comedians down the ages have said that he was "The only man ever to have entered Parliament with honest "In London, bonfires were lit to celebrate the discovery of the plot soon after Fawkes was discovered and In 1606 Parliament agreed to make 5th November a day of public thanksgiving and ever since then the day has been celebrated with fireworks and However, it is not a public November 5 and any other day appointed for church bells to be rung is also called Ringing D On this day bells are rung by order of Parliament to mark the deliverance of the King and his government at the exposure of the Gunpowder P It is customary to give the ringers money and Children used to make stuffed figures with masks as effigies of Guy F They would call these figures guys and display them in the streets, using the traditional formula of "A penny for the guy" when asking passersby for money (which was spent on fireworks or wood for the bonfire) The guys then became the centre-piece of bonfires on the night of November 5 when fireworks light up the sky over most of B But this practice has died out in recent The fear of strangers, the fact that children are not allowed to buy fireworks and the negative association with begging, have all but put and end to Many people still hold bonfire parties and BBQs (even though it is usually really cold) and invite their friends to gather around the fire with However, because of the rising number of accidents that occur every year many communities hold professionally organised public Some of the venues for these public bonfires are in parks, fields, and on Some of the traditional food eaten at this time of year includes:-Sausages (called bangers), a good hearty soup, baked potatoes, bonfire toffee, toffee apples and parkin - a sweet, sticky New laws were introduced to control the use of fireworks in 2004 with an £80 on-the-spot fine for anyone caught breaking They include:- * It is an offence for any person under the age of 18 to possess adult fireworks in a public place (all fireworks except sparklers and party poppers) * It is an offence to possess category 4 fireworks (professional display fireworks) unless you are a licenced pyrotechnics * It is an offence to supply fireworks to anyone under the age of * It is an offence to use fireworks between 11 pm and 7 am apart from: - November 5th – until 12 midnight; - New Years Eve – until 1 am; - Chinese New Year – until 1 am; - Diwali night – until 1 * It is an offence for any person to throw, cast or fire any firework into any highway, street, thoroughfare or public One of the largest organised events in the UK is the Bridgwater Carnival in Bridgwater, Somerset dating back to the 1605 gunpowder The procession is held each year on the Thursday nearest to November It is an illuminated procession that takes about two hours to pass with over 130 entries made by various local carnival After the carnival, an annual squibbing display is held along the Bridgwater High Street when over 100 squibs (small fireworks) are set off Another famous event is held in Lewes (see above), but even though it's the town's most famous event people from outside the area are actively discouraged from attending because it is so To mark the demise of 17 protestant martyrs, who were burnt at the stake in front of the Star Inn, now the Town Hall; 17 burning crosses are carried through the town, and a wreath-laying ceremony occurs at the War Memorial in the centre of Ladies' and men's races which involve pulling flaming tar barrels "the barrel run", take place along Cliffe High Street at the start of the A flaming tar barrel is also thrown into the river Ouse; which is said to symbolise the throwing of the magistrates into the river after they read the Riot Act to the bonfire boys in The festivities culminate in five separate bonfire displays, where the effigies are destroyed by firework and Up to 80,000 people have been known to attend this local spectacle, coming from all over the South and sometimes further

英文: English style of eating habits is also easy, pay attention to Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, At noon, the children eat lunch at school, adults at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so Vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be After the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so Fried fish and fries (Fish and chips) This is the traditional British fast food nation (fast food) It is in the 19th century 60's pop At that time, the railway put start fresh fish one night directly (direct) transported from the east coast to L English at the fish paste on top ofgood deep-fried in oil, and fried potatoes be eaten People put a mixture of salt and vinegar sauce and pour it into the article on fish and potatoes, with a newspaper bag, and then eat from the paper in Today, people often use a clean paper packaging, and to provide a fork (fork) Cha (Tea) British National enjoy a cup of At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add Coffee (Coffee) Now in the United Kingdom, as popularity of coffee and People either do not add milk or add milk, or drink coffee or preparing a new instant Wine (Wine) English wine industry is very More and more of the many vineyards are producing wine and red wine (red wine) English pubs everywhere, has several flavors, each with 10,000 large and small pubs, which have many hundreds of years of history, this old pub is usually haunted legends, it is interesting that not only did not care about the owner, but also his house ghost Li Chuan-story as the general put on a table in Something fishy about the pub business better and sell more Eating habits with knife and fork pyronaridine ~ British people generally preferred way of cooking there is: cooked in soy and vinegar, barbecue, fried and Of meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique; However, the categories of the beef they have special preferences, such as barbecue beef (ROASTED BEEF), is attached not only in the consumption of seasonal vegetables, baked potato, but also will add some steak on the mustard sauce; at the use of seasoning on the butter and liquor preferences; at spice up the taste of meat Kou, cinnamon and other spices The more well-known British cuisine has: beef kidney allocation (STEAK KIDNEY PIE), fish Pai (ENGLISH FISH CHIP), the Royal butter chicken (CHICKEN A LA KING) and so British people enjoy hunting, only once a year at the hunting period, there is much of the hotel or restaurant will be introduced to game meal, such as deer (VENISON), rabbits (HARE), pheasant (PHEASANT),, such as General cooking game when using some gin or berries and wine, this approach is in order to remove the smell of mutton flavor of the food Breakfast is very important to the British people, British restaurants in the supply of a wide range of meals, have fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat porridge category, bread, jam and Nowadays the popular afternoon tea (HIGH TEA) is the mass from the United Kingdom, and its more famous there is Victoria-style VICTORIAN STYLE), the contents can be said to be all-inclusive, including all kinds of small points, muffin, fruit tarts (TARTE ) and Supper on the daily lives of English is also one of the most important part of the meal of their choice is usually late, and are eating betterto promote friendship between meals can imagine they belong to are very autonomous nation, and a supper for them could take The United Kingdom at the local, there will be lot of people who love to drink, mainly because it itself is also a wine producing English at the cost of alcohol consumption on the expenditure than the other also to the Nobu Restaurant This is a world-renowned Japanese-style sushi restaurant, perfect interpretation of the cultural diversity of L Enjoy the best way is to let the staff recommend, another is called a reversal of the world's black cod, point of confusing the champagne Of course, the best have someone else foot the bill! Remember the location you want in advance, S John's Restaurant Very authentic British restaurant, under the name of the solemn nostalgia,thick sauce, verytraditional British Pig here are LOGO, shows a simple kick! Have to roast whole pigs, Yorktraditional rural English Confections are a weight of more down 2,3个 Good to eat! Ensure that you spot, the United Kingdom must go FREE to try! Hakkasan Restaurant An average consumption of 60 pounds in London's top Is not a false faceskill, newspapers comment on is "the history of the sexiest Chinese restaurant", are impartial Hot and sour soup, pipa duck, pork Doo British sparkling wine, Greece white P It seems that Chinese and Western, at tip of tongue on 中文: 英国人的饮食习惯亦式样简单,注重营养。早餐通常是麦片粥冲牛奶或一杯果汁,涂上黄油的烤面包片,熏咸肉或煎香肠、鸡蛋。中午,孩子们在学校吃午餐,大人的午餐就在工作地点附近买上一份三明治,就一杯咖啡,打发了事。只有到周末,英国人的饭桌上才会丰盛一番。通常主菜是肉类,如烤鸡肉、烤牛肉、烤鱼等。蔬菜品种繁多,像卷心菜、新鲜豌豆、土豆、胡萝卜等。蔬菜一般都不再加工,装在盘里,浇上从超市买回的现成调料便食用。主菜之后总有一道易消化的甜食,如烧煮水果、果料布丁、奶酪、冰激凌等。 鱼和油炸土豆条(Fish and chips) 这是英国民族传统的快餐食品(fast food)。它是在19世纪60年代流行起来的。那时,铁路开始把新鲜的鱼一夜间直接(direct)从东海岸运到伦敦。英国人在鱼上面裹上糊放在油里炸好,和炸土豆条一起吃。人们把盐和醋的混合调料倒在炸鱼和土豆条上,用报纸包上,然后从纸包里拿着吃。如今,人们经常用清洁的纸包装,并提供一个餐叉(fork)。 茶(Tea) 英国民族喜欢喝茶。在英国传统(tradition)上人们用瓷茶杯泡茶,一人一个茶杯,一匙茶。大多数英国人喜欢喝浓茶,但是要加许多牛奶。多年前,人们习惯先把牛奶倒入茶杯,然后再放茶,最后加水。 咖啡(Coffee) 现在在英国,咖啡和茶一样受欢迎。人们或是加牛奶或是不加牛奶,或是喝新泡制的咖啡或速溶咖啡。 酒(Wine) 英国的酒业很强盛。越来越多的葡萄园正在生产白酒和红酒(red wine)。英国的酒馆无所不在,有好几万家大大小小各具风味的酒馆,其中还有不乏数百年历史的,这样的老酒馆通常传说闹鬼,有趣的是,主人不但不避讳,还把他家的鬼故事像立传一般摆在每一张桌子上。有鬼的酒馆生意更好,而且卖得更贵。 饮食习惯用刀叉咯~ 英国人一般较喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方式;然而,他们对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉(ROASTED BEEF),在食用时不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤洋芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥茉酱;在佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类;在香料上则喜好肉寇、肉桂等新鲜香料。 较为人知的英国料理菜名有:牛肉腰子派(STEAK KIDNEY PIE)、炸鱼排(ENGLISH FISH CHIP)、皇家奶油鸡(CHICKEN A LA KING)等。英国人喜欢狩猎,在一年只有一次的狩猎期中,就有许多的饭店或餐厅会推出野味大餐,如野鹿(VENISON)、野兔(HARE)、雉鸡(PHEASANT)、野山羊(WILDSHEEP)等的烹调。而一般烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子或浆果及酒,此做法是为了去除食物本身的膻腥味。 英国人对早餐非常讲究,英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。 时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE),内容可说是包罗万象,包括各式小点、松糕、水果挞(TARTE)及三明治等。 晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,而一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头。 在英国当地,会有许多爱好喝的人士,主要是因为它本身也是个产酒国家。英国人在饮酒上的花费比起其它的支出还来的多。 Nobu餐厅 这是一家享誉全球的日式寿司餐厅,完美诠释了伦敦的多元文化。最好的享受方式就是让店员推荐,再多叫一份颠倒世界的黑鳕鱼,点一杯晕头转向的香槟。当然,最好还有别人买单!事前要记得定位啦,不然免谈。 圣约翰餐厅 很正宗的英国餐厅,顶着怀旧庄严的名字,汁浓酱稠、入味十分的传统英式菜。猪是这里的LOGO,透着一股纯朴劲儿!有转烤全猪、约克夏布丁等传统的英国乡村菜。甜点的分量更是一份打倒2、3个。 很好吃的!保证让你过瘾,有空去英国一定要尝一尝! Hakkasan餐厅 一家平均消费60英镑的伦敦顶级中餐厅。绝不是死撑面子的假把式,报纸上的评论是“史上最性感的中餐厅”,是中肯的评价。酸辣汤、琵琶鸭、五花肉斗英国气泡酒、希腊白葡。似乎中西合璧,在舌尖上共谱一曲。


1 The fast development of modern technology has not only provided people with a considerable amount of disposable income, but also enable them to enjoy long weekends and paid  Never before have so many people traveled to so many different parts of the world and, with the help of fast, comfortable modes of modern transport, more and more people are tempted to leave their homes to see more of the  It seems as if there are travelers   People travel because traveling benefits them in a number of  First, it enables them to derive much pleasure from sight- seeing and photo- Second, traveling relieves them from strain and makes them thoroughly relaxed and ready to resume their work with renewed  Third, it offers them an opportunity to visit old friends and make new friends as  Finally, it allows them to see different customs, learn new things, gain new experience and enables them to come back with a broader   With so many advantages to traveling, I think people should be encouraged to travel from time to time, especially on holidays, if their finance and health 2The growth of tourism has become a contemporary phenomenon experienced by all countries in the International tourist arrivals alone reached as high as 546 million in 1994 and is forecasted to rise to 937 million in 2010 ,according to WTOThe above figures will be dwarfed considerably if one takes domestic tourists into Without barriers of national borders, languages, differences in cultures and so on ,people to travel more freely and frequently within their own But why do people travel so much?According to Maslow ,there is a hierarchy of universal wants and needs found in every human At the lower levels of the hierarchy are the needs for survival which range from physiological needs such as hunger and thirst to the needs for security and Above them come the needs to belong ,to be loved ,and to be accepted by a social Next are the needs for self-esteem ,self-respect and the esteem of Ultimately at the top of the hierarchy there are the needs for self-actualization or self-realization, that is ,the need to develop one’s own potential ,the need for aesthetic stimulation ,the need to create or to build one’s own personality and character, After one’s own survival is well established, people will naturally seek the gratification of other Then tourism turns out to be a good solution, since it provides ample chances to satisfy most of the needs, and the needs ,in turn ,constitute major motivational factors for people to travel and go on vacation For example, the need for safety and self-preservation, which makes it necessary for a person to rest ,to relax, and to have a change of pace ,climate ,environment , can be fulfilled by On the other hand ,esteem, which involves recognition and admiration from neighbors ,friends, and colleagues, often motivates a person to travel Even “self-actualization” may be achieved when a long-held dream comes true on certain

我是一个高考的过来人,高考成绩129分,平时大考碰狗屎运也考过130+的分数。首先我想请阁下明白一个道理冰冻三尺非一日之寒,所以坚持很重要,英语是一门很看重积累的科目。虽然我高考已经好多年了,而且今年即将大学毕业,踏入社会。但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英语的自信还有,我觉得学好英语不难,重要的是你要有恒心,急躁冒进,三天打渔两天晒网都是不行的。在这里我就毛遂自荐一下我的学习方法吧:首先先你要端正心态,不要急躁,,你做你自己的事,这样才能静下心来学习。要成为英语高手就必须比别人走更多的路,做更多的事。你应该明白一个事实,英语是单词和语法的综合,所以单词和语法都要拿下。其次,对于单词,有如下几种方法,第一个,是加强记忆的频度,也就是说,早上记了几个,隔几个小时又看一次,总之一天之内,记忆的间隔不要太长,否则你辛苦积累的记忆会随着时间的延长而淡化,第二个,是可以根据自己的理解编顺口溜,比如good morning是狗摸你…(见笑了)…,第三个,最重要的是,记单词的时候,不要忘了阅读,一边记单词,一边看文章,这样可以把孤立的单词串联起来,记忆的效果会加倍,第四个。我建议你记单词要分门别类记忆,要形成一个意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……这样做在你写作时,是十分有好处的,写作时不要尽写一些低级词汇,你要写高级词汇,比如重要性写magnitude,许多写a multitude of或者handsome。再次,是语法。学习语法,首先要明白什么是主谓宾定状补,什么是系动词,什么是直接宾语,间接宾语,这些是学习语法的基础,语法是房子,主谓宾定状补等是沙石砖瓦。然后就要多做一些语法专项练习,并在此过程中不断总结,并时时回顾那些了解,那些依然不理解,需要注意的是,那些不理解的一定要花时间弄清楚,否则对自己的不负责将会导致英语语法一知半解的结局!这对于想成为英语高手的人来说,是十分不利的!(注:本人从开始时不知主谓宾,到熟练掌握语法,把语法书看了不下二十遍,书都翻烂了!莫笑本人愚笨……)此外,对于完形填空以及阅读理解,那就只能靠平时的练习了,在这个过程中,你要时时总结,纵深对比,千万不要陷入题海战术只做题,不总结的误区当中。在做题的过程中,你把各种体型都总结了一遍,积累了丰富的经验,而且你还提升了自己的阅读速度,一举两得,所以做题是很重要的!其实,完形填空无非就是单项选择加语境分析,也就是说,做完形填空你的语法要好,而且你要积累比较多的固定搭配,短语,特殊用法等,完形填空的语法还是很重要的!对于阅读,我个人感觉是,纯粹是个人经验积累多少的问题,只有保证一定的练习量,你才能用质的提高!最后,我建议你,平时读报,或者做题的时候,发现有好的句子好的词汇,你要抄下来,长期下来,你的作文会有提高的,需要说明的是,这个提高过程可能很缓慢,但是最后能收到很好的效果,以前25分的作文我都能保证在21-23这个级别,靠的就是对语法的熟练掌握和积累了许多较高级的词汇,句型,句子。我个人的理解是,在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上!!


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速度激情力量的结合 有世界上最“火爆”的球迷 有世界上最强大的球队 历史悠久 影响深远 无论顶级还是低级别联赛都有一大批铁杆


按照马斯诺的需求理论,当人们的第一层次的需求得到满足时,就会追求高一层次的需求。足球运动的产生过程也是人们向更高需求追求的过程,是从物质需求得到满足后的必然发展结果。18—19世纪中期,欧洲的阶级分化,资产阶级和地主间的矛盾进一步激化。斗争的结果是地主阶级对新兴资产阶级的斗争进入体育项目(包括足球运动)中阻碍了民间足球的发展。英国工业革命后,不断发展的工业化和城市化,并随之而来的中产阶级的出现以及 19世纪英国公学教育改革,推动了英式足球的出现。从这个意义上讲,现代足球首先产生于英国,具有历史发展的必然性。 19世纪中叶后的英国,工业化和城市化进程加快 ,大批的农村人口涌人了城市,早在 19世纪中叶,英国初步实现了城市化 ,这时全国已经有一半以上的人口居住在城镇里。伴随着生产技术的根本变革和经济的发展 ,使人们的联系变得更为快捷,过去封闭的社会变得开放;人们的生活质量发生变化,工作时间减少,余暇时间增多。当人们的物质需求得到满足时,就必然需要更高层次的追求,精神上的、文化层面上的需求就应运而生。于是,他们大多数就选择了体育运动或看体育运动来增添自己的生活乐趣。而足球运动作为新兴的体育运动形式,反映了人们间的强烈竞争、进取和合作精神 ,迅速兴起就成为必然。 3.足球俱乐部的产 生和发展及早期足球产业化发展 3.1足球俱乐部的产生 与发展 最早的足球俱乐部起源于英国,民间足球游戏和公学足球运动的发展,使得一些热爱足球运动的组织在一起 ,并导致足球俱乐部的出现。最早出现的足球俱乐部(1862年的诺丁汉郡俱乐部),其成员大多来源于原公学(牛津、剑桥大学)的学生。从这种意义上讲 ,足球俱乐部的起源来源于 l9世纪的公学。工业革命的爆发,工人经济收人增多、中产阶级的出现、大批观众的出现,使得公学业余运动逐渐职业化。英国足球运动的迅速发展得益于学生和上等阶层,特别是学生,他们思想激进、活跃 ,接触面广。他们不仅将足球运动传给外国的留学生,还传播给了工人阶层和军人。随着英国海外殖民扩张,海外英国人连同在英学生、工作的外国人一起将足球带到了世界各地。英国以外的各地足球运动迅速发展,各俱乐部相继成立。足球俱乐部是伴随职业化的推广而发展的。早期的足球俱乐部是带有明显娱乐性质的具有相同爱好者的简单组合。俱乐部自身或者与外界不定期地通过一些足球比赛来调节自我,比赛无日程规定。这种局面的改观直到现代足球诞生后的 1O年,世界上首个有组织的比赛出现。1872年第 1届足总杯吸引了 15支球队参加,采用连续淘汰制,博尔顿流浪者队最终获得冠军。继此 ,联赛出现从以上分析,我们认为早期足球俱乐部不是真正意义上的俱乐部直到 1885年以后 ,英国足协迫于现实压力,首先宣布职业球员的合法化,苏格兰等国相继步其后尘,最终实现了足球运动的职业化。足球运动职业化以后 ,有人付钱看球 ,有人踢球挣钱 ,于是围绕足球运动的产业就产生了,从此以后的足球俱乐部才是以盈利为特征的真正意义上的职业俱乐部。19世纪末以前,英国的足球俱乐部主要是一种业余化健身性和娱乐性组织。19世纪末,足球俱乐部的商业化倾向开始明显到20世纪初,大多数足球俱乐部开始转变为以追求经济利益为主的股份化商业组织。不过,早期的足球产业化发展是简单的,其各方面运作仍处于尝试阶段。首先是各俱乐部在比赛宣传方面作了相应尝试;接着足球装备业等相关产业相继出现。更为重要的是足球成为商业推助剂各种广告相继附着于足球运动的发展 ,形成全新的足球运动概念。值得一提的是,传媒对足球产业化推广的影响是巨大的,没有传媒的介入就没有现代足球的快速发展。早在 1927年英国的 BBC广播公司进入足球比赛中,对比赛进行报道与直播,后来 ,电视中也出现了足球 比赛的内容。20世纪5O年代 ,电视媒体全面介入足球运动,大大推动了足球运动的发展。 3.2足球俱乐部产生与发展的背景 为了满足人们的需求就出现了大量的足球俱乐部,英国现在的 9个职业足球俱乐部,主要集中于英格兰中部和西北部这两个传统工业地区,围绕着伯明翰和曼彻斯特两个中心城市;此外伦敦和纽卡斯尔一南一北两个城市周边,也有不少足球俱乐部,这与当地的经济条件是不可分割的,随着城市机器大工业的发展,大部分的工作就能够让机器来完成了,人们的空余时间增多了和人们的经济条件富有 ,所以球赛的观众就增加了,为了满足市场的需求,英国的足球运动就逐渐走向了产业化与商业化的道路。也就是说 ,在英国机器大工业时代的条件下,人们的空余时间增多,经济收入增加,对一些娱乐运动的追求 日益剧增,许多依靠足球运动来为生活增添色彩的人们集中在一块,也就有了早期的足球俱乐部。而伴随着英国经济的发展,英国人的生活条件进一步提高,可以出钱看球赛的人不断增加 ,这时踢球就可以成为一种谋生的手段 ,而随之而来的职业足球合法化,意味着足球俱乐部真正出现。此外从英国足球俱乐部的区域分布特征来看,早期的足球俱乐部存在着明显的对经济发展的依附性,经济越发达,足球俱乐部越多,足球运动发展越快。 4.足球全球化发展的历程 足球运动从英国向世界各国的发展与英国当时的海外殖民地有着不可分割的关系。足球运动在英国的形成与发展之后,随着产业革命的发生,英国同时也处在社会转型的时期,开始出现了许多剩余劳动力。即由于早在英国的全球的殖民运动过程中,国内的人口增长速度超过了粮食增长的速度 ,造成粮食的严重短缺,此时人口的增长对土地也造成了强大的压力 ,导致物价上涨。人口的增长也造成了失业率的持续上涨。所以就有了大量的剩余劳动力了。还有随着 18世纪全球经济复杂化的进程 ,为了寻求新的原料产地和商品倾销地 ,因而英国的大量的城市居民和大贸易公司随着环境的改变而四处迁移,造成了人口的全球漂移。在此背景下,英国已经把很多国人送到全球各地的殖民地。在殖民地的人民也有了空余时间来进行业余的体育活动,加之这些英殖民地地区的经济、社会文化环境的变化,殖民地的人们也就开始接受了该项运动了,在全球英殖民地上就逐渐形成了足球运动。在 19世纪末,英国在全球的殖民地数量高达 183个,遍布全球各地。可以认为英国的殖民统治,无形间促进了世界第一运动的全球推广。此外,足球运动的全球推广过程中,不得不提到英殖民地的英国军队。军人空闲的足球竞赛运动对足球的全球扩张具有重要意义。


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难啊 不会哦


Should Students Wear the school Uniform ?Uniform is a standard set of clothes which is worn by a group of But it seems that more and more people say that it may not be a must for students wearing their school People debate on this issue for many There are certain reasons why a student should wear uniform to go to School uniform is identification for It is a respect to the And also, wearing uniform can show the tidiness and discipline of the school, decrease discrimination among Further more, it can save the students’ time on choosing what to wear to It is a place for study, not a place for Students should concentrate on their study but not their On the contrary, there are voices from the students saying that there will be more freedom wearing casual They also say that uniforms are expensive and ugly, and even some of them say that they feel shameful when they wearing those ugly clothes walking on the Is that really so bad to wear uniform to Let’s have a deeper look at those reasons Firstly, a uniform represents the A person wearing a set of uniform represents that he/she is a Uniform is the symbol of Just as a doctor wearing his white jacket, when he puts on his jacket, it means that he is a It is the same as the police, lawyers and so Most of the jobs and careers required employees to wear certain kind of An office manager wears a business A sailor wears a set of sailor A lawyer wears a wig and a dark A garbadgeman wears is special Careers which you can think of need to wear uniform to show their Students should also wear a school uniform to indicate their identity, and also show the respect to their A person wears his/her uniform well to show the respect to his/her Therefore, a school uniform is necessary for Secondly, wearing a school uniform can show the unity and tidiness of the Many people say that there are too many rules in It is not easy to follow all the rules and standards of the This will increase the burdens of the I strongly disagree with this point of A school is a place to learn knowledge, discipline and self- The whole school learn the same things, wear the same set of uniform, there are no differences between This “burden” is shared by the whole The whole school is the same and the uniform is just like a “promise” of the Once you wear the uniform and enter the school, all students will be No matter you are rich or poor, pretty or ugly, tall or short; the requirement is the same, to learn what you should A school is a place for students to learn, to Students should concentrate on their studies but not what they Lastly, school uniform can keep out some unnecessary disturbance on students’ For example, if the students need not to wear their school uniform, those who are richer will wear the most expensive brand names while those who are not so wealthy will wear some casual clothes to Then, school will become a fashion Students will compare their clothes and Those richer students may tease on those who wear some usual Sometimes, even they will gather together to form group, laugh at others or discuss their Even though those rich students do not laugh at other Those not wealthy students will feel inferior or self-abased on This causes much harmless to those students’ studies and self- To put this aside, we assume that students will not tease at There is still a very unhealthy phenomenon we need to look Students tend to spend more time on choosing the clothes for A survey says that an American high-school student starts his usual day at about 7 The first thing comes up to him is to choose what should he wears to school for the America is a good example of not wearing uniform to school; however, it is found out that students spend more time on choosing clothes rather than having a leisure Is that really wise to not wear school uniform to There are voices from students and parents saying that the cost of the uniform is very high and not But wearing different clothes to school is also a chance for students to buy more Uniform may need only a few sets of them for the whole Wearing casual clothes will need not only a few sets, maybe a dozen of It is because nobody is willing to wear similar clothes all the day other than The cost will be higher than buying a few sets of These few sets will turn into the most precious memories in their As a conclusion, wearing uniform is always better choice for students rather than wearing casual Uniform can represents the identification of students, the respect to the school and also the respect of being a And also, uniform can show the unity of students of the This can teach the students to learn discipline and self- To endure something they do not accept can steel And also, uniform can lower some unnecessary Students will not compare themselves on the brands or styles of their casual Every student is fair in the school no matter how they are different in They can also save more time for study rather than wasting time to choose what they should wear for A lower cost of clothing can save the money for the parents for better With the above strong evidence, I strongly agree that students should wear uniform to


这个,虽然我文采很差,写不了,但是我可以提供下方法,希望可以帮到LZ首先LZ用中文的方法写一篇,然后再用“有道翻译”或者“金山解霸”把中文翻译成英文,这样就OK 了!


