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学术堂整理了一份最新的关于包装设计方面的论文题目,供大家进行参考:  包装设计中的文化与审美  浅析海派文化对老上海食品包装设计的影响  浅析绿色包装设计  论包装设计中图形设计的表现特征  浅谈互动设计在包装设计中的应用  扁平化在现代包装设计中的应用  “零废弃”包装设计案例探析  包装设计中电脑美术设计的综合运用  中国传统文化在现代包装设计中的运用研究  中国传统文化与当代包装设计之漫议  论包装艺术设计生态性发展  试论绿色设计理念在包装设计中的渗透  包装设计中色彩设计的运用  智能化包装设计的方法研究——以老年人智能药品包装为例  浅谈包装设计中的设计策划  水墨画在包装设计上的应用研究  绿色设计思潮对产品包装设计的启示


平面广告之公益招贴设计要求:建议使用illustrator或coredraw软件制作色彩搭配好、中心突出。 VI 形象设计(企业 VI ) 要求:用 ai 制作(矢量)。色彩、标志、主题、中心突出。注:标志、标志标准字、标志比例、标志应用在桌旗、衣服、名片、信封上的具体应用不少于3个。广告设计 要求:具有鲜明和突出的广告主题,能反应广告的信息内涵。在创意上要有创造性,不落俗套,健康向上。文字内容要求简练、准确、通俗易懂,对消费者能产生吸引力。 商标设计 要求:能体现商品的特点,对生产厂商有一定的宣传力度。设计出来的商标应具有个性,同时不乏美感,能体现时代性。 包装设计 要求:包装是商品生产的继续,是商品的有机组织部分。设计要达到对商品的美化、识别,同时也体现出商品的使用、销售等方面,以及在运输、存储过程中应注意到的事项,如保护措施等。 封面设计 要求:简洁、稳重、大气,版面新颖,能够体现书籍的形象特点、反映书籍内容。 7、使用 0 制作毕业纪念册 要求: 掌握 0 的基本功能 b、掌握 flash 的基本功能 c 、掌握 photoshop 的基本功能 d 、有一定的解决问题的能力 使用 0 制作 photoshop 课件 要求: 有一定程序设计能力 b、熟练掌握 0 的各项功能 c 、掌握 flash 的基本功能 d 、掌握 photoshop 的基本功能 e 、有一定的解决问题的能力 书籍设计离成熟还有多远? 广告设计教育的现状及思考 浅谈版式设计 现代标志设计与原始符号情结

英〕艾伦·斯旺英国平面设计基础教程张锡九等译,上海人民美术出 版社,2003 加德纳,费加尔;王毅译 21世纪超级标志设计[M]上海:上海人民美术出版社, 爱德华�6�1丹尼森,理查德�6�1考索雷;沈慧,刘玉民译包装纸型设计[M]上海:上海人民美术出版社,2003,31- [9] 拉兹罗�6�1鲁斯,乔治�6�1L�6�1威本佳;赵黎明译包装设计图形手册[M]沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社,2002,





I've tried to find several articles regarding to packaging I found that this one is written in a good way, easy to understand and catch all the principles in high I have put the linkto the pdf in the Good luck~


品牌包装设计应从商标、图案、色彩、造型、材料等构成要素入手,在考虑商品特性的基础上,遵循品牌设计的一些基本原则,如:保护商品、美化商品、方便使用等,使各项设计要素协调搭配,相得益彰,以取得最佳的包装设计方案。如果从营销的角度出发,品牌包装图案和色彩设计是突出商品个性的重要因素,个性化的品牌形象是最有效的促销手段。 (一)包装图案的设计 包装图案中的商品图片、文字和背景的配置,必须以吸引顾客注意为中心,直接推销品牌。包装图案对顾客的刺激较之品牌名称更具体、更强烈、更有说服力,并往往伴有即效性的购买行为。它的设计要遵循的基本原则: 1.形式与内容要表里如一,具体鲜明,一看包装即可知晓商品本身。 2.要充分展示商品。这主要采取两种方式,一是用形象逼真的彩色照片表现,真实地再现商品。这在食品包装中最为流行,如巧克力、糖果、食品罐头等,逼真的彩色照片将色、味、型表现得令人搀涎欲滴;二是直接展示商品本身。全透明包装、开天窗包装在食品、纺织品、轻工产品中是非常流行的。 3.要有具体详尽的文字说明。在包装图案上还要有关于产品的原料、配制、功效、使用和养护等的具体说明,必要时还应配上简洁的示意图。 4.要强调商品形象色。不只是透明包装或用彩色照片充分表现商品本身的固有色,而是更多地使用体现大类商品的形象色调,使消费者产生类似信号反映一样的认知反映,快速地凭色彩确知包装物的内容。例如万宝路烟盒上身采用暗红色,下身是纯白色,色彩搭配醒目、突出,使人联想到西部牛仔的阳刚之气。烟盒上方饰有烫金的菲利浦?莫里斯公司的标志:两匹骏马护卫着一顶金色王冠,再加上黑色的Marlboro商标,更使人觉得万宝路气度不凡。 5."石门家族"式的包装,要将其重点体现在包装的主要展销面。凡一家企业生产的或以同一品牌商标生产的商品,不管品种、规格、包装的大小、形状、包装的造型与图案设计,均采用同一格局,甚至同一个色调,给人以统一的印象,使顾客一望即知产品系何家品牌。 6.要注意功效设计。包装图案中的功效设计主要表现在以下方面: ①保护性能设计,包括防潮、防霉、防蛀、防震、防漏、防碎、防挤压等。 ②方便性能设计,包括要方便商店陈列,销售;方便顾客携带、使用等。 ③推销性能设计,即无需销售人员的介绍或示范,顾客只凭包装画面文图的"自我介绍"就可以了解商品,从而决定购买。 包装图案的设计手法,则要求以其简单的线条、生动的个性人物、搭配合理的色彩等给消费者留下深刻的印象。以苏格兰威士忌酒中的皇家礼炮21为例。该酒是经过21年精心酿制而成的,用蓝、红、绿三种颜色的宫庭御用精制瓷瓶盛装,瓶身上刻有持剑跨马的圆桌骑士形象,品牌商标图案上有两架礼炮,并配有苏格兰威士忌协会颁发的21年酒龄的鉴定证明,整个包装显得典雅、富贵。以至于有的人喝完酒后,将酒瓶细心地收藏起来。 包装图案设计禁忌也是一个值得注意的问题。不同的国家和地区有不同的风俗习惯和价值观念,因而也就有他们自己喜爱和禁忌的图案,产品的包装只有适应这些,才有可能赢得当地市场的认可。包装图案设计禁忌可分为人物、动物、植物和几何图形禁忌几种。这里不多赘述。 (二)包装色彩设计 色彩在包装设计中占有特别重要的地位。在竞争激烈的商品市场上,要使商品具有明显区别于其他产品的视觉特征,更富有诱惑消费者的魅力,刺激和引导消费,以及增强人们对品牌的记忆,这都离不开色彩的设计与运用。 日本色彩学专家大智浩,曾对包装的色彩设计做过深入的研究。他在《色彩设计基础》一书中,曾对包装的色彩设计提出如下八点要求: 1.包装色彩能否在竞争商品中有清楚的识别性; 2.是否很好地象征着商品内容; 3.色彩是否与其他设计因素和谐统一,有效地表示商品的品质与份量; 4.是否为商品购买阶层所接受; 5.是否是较高的明视度,并能对文字有很好的衬托作用; 6.单个包装的效果与多个包装的叠放效果如何; 7.色彩在不同市场,不同陈列环境是否都充满活力; 8.商品的色彩是否不受色彩管理与印刷的限制,效果如一。 这些要求,在商品包装的色彩设计的实践中无疑都是合乎实际的。随着消费需求的多样化、商品市场的细分化,对品牌包装设计的要求,也越来越严格和细致起来。为了更准确地掌握不同种类商品包装色彩设计的不同要求,我们可以将生活消费品划分为三大类别,分别提出色彩设计的具体要求: 第一类,奢侈品。如化妆品中的高档香水、香皂以及女性用服饰品等;男性用如香烟、酒类、高级糖果、巧克力、异国情调名贵特产等。这种商品特别要求独特的个性,色彩设计需要具有特殊的气氛感和高价、名贵感。例如法国高档香水或化妆品,要有神秘的魅力,不可思议的气氛,显示出巴黎的浪漫情调。这类产品无论包装体型或色彩都应设计得优雅大方。再如,男人嗜好的威士忌,包装设计要有18世纪法国贵族生活的特殊气氛,香烟包装设计要求有一种贵族的气质感。健牌特(KENT)香烟的烟盒遍体为白色,一座白色的古城堡耸立在一片白色之中,再配以金光灿烂的"KENT"商标,会使人联想起古老的城堡里的贵族生活。骆驼牌(CAMEL)香烟盒的底色是淡黄色,暗喻广阔的沙漠。背景图案上的金字塔和棕桐树代表古老的东方,给人一种神秘的和原始的感觉。这类商品的包装都应给人一种高价名牌的感觉。国内的"茅台酒"、"五粮液"、"沪州老窖"、"中华烟"、"云烟"等极品包装,也在设计上开始向国际名牌看齐。 第二类,日常生活所需的食品,例如罐头、饼干、调味品、咖啡、红茶等。这类商品包装的色彩设计应具备两点特征:(1)引起消费者的食欲感;(2)要刻意突出产品形象,如矿泉水包装采用天蓝色,暗示凉爽和清纯,并用全透明的塑料瓶,充分显示产品的特征。目前国内这一类型的产品以广东的食品、饮料、矿泉水等较为成功。 第三类,大众化商品,如中低档化妆品、香皂、卫生防护用品等。这类商品定位于大众化市场,其包装色彩设计要求:(1)要显示出易于亲近的气氛感;(2)要表现出商品的优质感;(3)能使消费者在短时间内辨别出该品牌。翻译:Brand packaging design should trademark, the design, color, shape, materials, consider elements in commodity characteristics, on the basis of the following a few basic principles of brand design, such as: protection products, beautification, convenient use, goods that the design elements, harmonious collocation, to obtain the best packing design If from marketing Angle, brand packaging design and color design is outstanding personality factor, the goods of individuation brand image is one of the most effective means of sales (a) packaging design of designThe commodity packaging design, text and background images of configuration, must to attract customers attention as the center, the direct selling Packaging design for customer brand name of stimulating than more concrete, more intense, more convincing, and often associated with the purchase behavior that Its design should follow the basic principles:1 form and content, specific to a bright, commodity packaging can be 2 to fully display It mainly adopt two ways, one is using image lifelike color photograph, real ground emersion The most popular in the food packaging, such as chocolate, candy, canned food, vivid color photos will be color, taste, shape with a performance that is about to drip saliary, Second is the direct show commodity Fully transparent packaging, packaging in food, textiles KaiTianChuang, light industry products are very 3 to have specific details of the In the packaging design of products have on raw materials, preparation, use and maintenance etc, the specific instructions, when necessary, still should match on concise 4 should emphasize merchandise Don't just transparent packaging or with color photographs show commodity itself, but the natural color to use more reflect categories of commodity is tonal, make consumers image reflected signals of similar, fast with cognitive reflects the packaging color Such as red, the body USES marlboro cigerrat case, who is pure white color collocation, smart, reminiscent of cowboy Yang The above cigerrat case with bronzing Phillip? Mark: two morris horse in a golden crown guards, plus the black Marlboro trademark, make the person feels Marlboro "the family" shimen packaging, will the focus embodies in the main sales Every one of the enterprise in the same brand trademark or production of goods, regardless of the varieties, specifications, packaging, packaging of size, shape modelling and designs, all the same pattern, even the same color, give a person with unified impression, make customer looked at how knowledge product that 6 should pay attention to the function The design of packaging design main effect in the following aspects:1 protection performance design, including the moistureproof, mouldproof and moth-proofing, shockproof, leakproof, broken, extrusion Convenient performance design, including 2 convenient stores display, sales, The convenience of our customers, use, 3 sales performance design, namely no sales personnel introduction or demonstration, and only by customers in figure "packaging picture can introduce", thus decided to buy Packaging design, the design methods for its simple lines, lively personality, reasonable collocation of colour to the consumer The royal Scottish whisky to salute 21 for Wine is made by 21 years carefully, blue, red, and green color palace royal porcelain, refined engraved with the sword across the body of the knights of the horse, the brand trademark logo image has two salute, and equipped with scotch whisky association awarded the age of 21 years wine, appraisement, appear That some people drink alcohol, will be collected carefully Packaging designs is a noteworthy Different countries and regions have different customs and values, and also have their own love and taboo of design, product packaging only adapt to these, it will be possible to win the local market Packaging designs can be divided into tabu characters, animals, plants and geometry are Here small (2) the packaging color designColor in packaging design occupies an important In the fierce competition in the market, to make the goods with obvious difference in visual features, the other products more rich tempt consumers charm, stimulate and guide consumption, and strengthen the memory of brand, without colorific design and Japanese expert of colour of packaging, big ZhiHao of color design had in-depth In his book "the color design basis for packaging, proposed the following eight color design requirements:1 in the packaging color can be clearly competition recognition,2 if well symbolizes commodity content,3 if colour with other design factors effectively, harmonious and unified quality and quantity of the goods said,4 if accepted for commodities purchased class,5 if higher MingShi degree, and can have very good foil characters;6 a single package and multiple packaging when effect, In different markets, different color display environment are full of vigor, The goods are not whether colour printing color management and the limit, the These requirements, the colour of commodity packaging design in the practice are practical With the consumption demand of diversification, commodity market differentiation, brand packaging design requirement, also more and more rigorous and In order to accurately grasp the different kinds of different commodity packaging color design requirements, we can be divided into three categories of consumer goods are put forward, color design requirements:The first kind, If the high-grade perfume, cosmetics soap and women use garment; Men with such as cigarette, wine, senior sweets, chocolate, rare and exotic emotional This special requirement unique individual character, color design has special atmosphere and high, E cosmetics, high-grade perfume or mysterious charm, incredible atmosphere, showing the romantic emotional appeal in P This kind of product regardless of color or size package should be designed and Be like again, men's hobby whisky, packaging design should have the 18th century French noble life special atmosphere, cigarette packaging design requirements have a noble KENT attractions (iv) of cigarettes, a white white was the ancient castle stands in a white, match again with golden "KENT" trademark, can make a person associate with old castle of noble CAMEL (CAMEL) of cigarette background is flaxen, implying the vast On the background of the pyramid and palm trees represents the ancient Oriental, give a person a kind of mystery and original This kind of commodity packaging should give a person a kind of high brand Domestic "maotai", "wu liang ye", "Shanghai", "the old cellar state", "clouds" cigarette packaging, also in such gourmet design began to international Second, the daily life of canned foods, such as needed, biscuits, spices, coffee, tea, This kind of commodity packaging color design should have two characteristics: (1) the appetite of consumers, (2) for outstanding product image, such as water, implied by sky-blue packed with cool and pure, transparent plastic bottles, fully displays the characteristics of the At present domestic this type of products in guangdong food, drink, mineral water relatively The third kind, popular commodities, such as cheap soap, cosmetics, health protection products, For this kind of commodity market, its mass located in packaging color design requirements: (1) to show the intimate atmosphere, (2) should show commodity quality sense, (3) can make consumers identify within short time the 查到的求好评


