
> 期刊发表知识库

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Dear xxx,I'm very sorry for bothering The article I contributed to your magazine ( xxxx) had "Minor revision" listed as its status on the general interface, but I did not see any amendments in the webpage and have not received any e- Might I ask if there were any errors?


Dear xxx,I'm very sorry for bothering The article I contributed to your magazine ( xxxx) had "Minor revision" listed as its status on the general interface, but I did not see any amendments in the webpage and have not received any e- Might I ask if there were any errors?

First,Write about the event(When and where It happened)Next,write about what you and some of your friends,where do you when this event happened。Then writes about why this event was improvement。Our improvement,even that eyes member VR as it happened in on us in。When I heard the news of this eventual,when this event happened。I was my friends where。This event is a very improvements出me because I remember this event will becaused。

Every time when my birthday comes, I will make my wishes and hope I can realize Sometimes I will think of the question of what will I can if the god gives me three The first idea comes to my mind, which is about my I want to buy all the things that my parents need for them to return their The second thought is to travel around the I have a fever to search the different cultures, traveling to every corner of the world makes me excited, then my life is full of The last wish is to have a satisfied job, which I am interested in and feel Families, career and loving life are best



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The article that I contributed (Serial N xxxx) was displayed on line as Minor revision on the submission interface, but I did not see any revision remark either on the submission page or in my email Would there be anything wrong anywhere?

请参照期刊最近一期中各栏目每页页眉上的投稿信箱或责编信箱。投稿信箱依此为准,杂志上的责编信箱是法定的投稿信箱,稿件一定要根据内容,投对栏目。 二、投稿格式如何? 正文用TXT格式,若有图片须标明图号。图片直接抓为无损的BMP格式或高画质JPG格式并打包压缩为ZIP作为附件发送。无论新老作者,稿件正文末尾均要注明作者详细联系信息和通讯地址。 三、稿费标准如何? 稿费一般不低于100元/千字,特稿特优。对于文字方面问题比较多的稿件,如果决定采用,将适当降低其稿费标准。 四、答复期限如何? 一般在投稿后三周内答复,最长不超过1个月(法定时间)。如果逾期没有收到答复,作者可自行处理其稿件。 五、一稿多投谁负责? 如果在1个月内的某个时点稿件被它刊决定采用而造成一稿多投,责任在作者一方。扣发作者相应稿费。如果逾期没有得到回复,而在逾期后出现一稿多投,责任在编辑一方。稿费照发。 六、稿费、样刊何时寄出? 稿费和样刊及采用通知书一般在期刊发行后1个月内寄出。遇特殊节日或活动,也可能有所延迟,但不超过2个月。 ★最后,老安送给大家几个提高投稿命中率的小技巧: 层次要分明。一口气写下来的一大段稿子,编辑看起来就很累,改起来更累。 文字要过关。没有经过“三校九浏”的稿件,不要轻易发出。 技术要实用。不实用的怪东西尽管新奇,但不一定看好。 简明扼要。与其让编辑为你挤水,还不如自己提前把水榨干,不要落个“掺水大王”的



