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科学 和自然是两个专业权威杂志 只是各个的戴白领域不同 国内应该可以订购 不过看的懂不懂是个问题 因为都很专业化 可以去邮局查找订阅编号

回答 宝宝稍等 Science magazine is a comprehensive science magazine with English Name: Science Its science news report, summary, analysis and book review are authoritative popular science The magazine is also suitable for general The main focus of the journal is to publish important original scientific research and scientific research In addition, science also publishes science related news, views on science and technology policies and matters of interest to Unlike most scientific journals that focus on a particular field, science and its rival, nature, cover all According to the Journal Citation Report, the impact factor of Science in 2014 was 更多1条 




许多高校和研究单位,都以能够在这两种期刊上发表文章为“最高荣誉”,而且不惜“重金奖励”——有的单位对于在这两种杂志上发表一篇文章的作者一次性奖励10万元人民币。最近,我又看到一些单位在自己的“十一五发展规划”中,也将能够在《科学》(Science)和英国的《自然》(nature)杂志上发表论文作为“奋斗的目标”。继SCI检索导向、影响因子导向之后,现在又出现了“S&N”导向,我不知道是不是我们的科学研究管理者无能,怎么就没有自己的评价标准,而总是依赖于别人?这种导向也已经“传染”到我国的期刊界和期刊管理界,动不动就拿”S&N”来作为“中国学术期刊”的榜样。 S&N是个什么东西?具有这样大的威力,以至于影响到中国的科学研究的政策和导向。这不得不引起我的思考。S&N不就是两本杂志吗,又有什么?是的,这两本杂志是目前世界范围内知名度最高的综合类期刊,但是他的影响是什么?是科研成果本身的影响还是期刊的运作。在我看来是“炒作大于水平”。包括《科学》杂志宣称的“对一些科学研究团队进行跟踪,在研究成果做出的第一时间进行报道。”这究竟有多大的科学价值和意义!更何况,目前对《科学》的审稿程序和发稿程序的科学性已经有人提出了质疑。 从《科学》和《自然》的办刊理念和经营思想上来看,我认为他们算不上是一份“学术刊物”,理由是:期刊的报道只是消息性的,而不是深度的报道。在篇幅上多数是以两个页码,长篇论文很少;从报道的深度上看,多数只是“报告”一种结果而已,而没有完整的过程,特别是“科学研究”是讲究成果的“可重复性”,如果报道不能将研究的方法、手段、条件和研究的步骤交代清楚,人们又如何能够“重复验证”。既然,不是一种“学术期刊”,那么在这样的刊物上发表的“科研成果”为什么可以具有那么重要的分量呢?很显然,那就是“宣传”的效果大于“科学”本身。我们的科学研究导向,以这样的期刊作为“标准”也就不得不让人们认为是“玩虚的”。 我们的期刊应当创国际的知名度,但是不能完全以“S&N”为样板,至少应该明确“我们的刊物定位是什么?”,如果要办成一种“科技新闻报道性”杂志,那么以“S&N”为榜样和目标是应该的,能有这样的影响力和影响范围无疑是让人羡慕的。但是,如果要办一种严谨的学术理论刊物,那么以他们为榜样那就错了,不仅是永远也做不到,而且会搞乱自己的办刊方向和思路,变成“四不像”都有可能。不同刊物应当有不同的定位,不同的定位就决定刊物的性质和影响的范围,甚至是影响的方式。一些营销手段也就不是对与所有期刊都适用的。 谈到这里,我想起来:对于我国目前期刊的发展状况不满意的者,在提出各种“解决方案时”往往没有关照到其所针对的刊物定位。有些是需要解决办刊理念的问题,增强期刊的经营能力;有些是局限于体制特别是办刊体制问题,需要明确责任、提供空间;有的并不是期刊本身的原因,而是社会的通病或者是受社会的约束,需要等待社会的进步和回归;也有些期刊的问题并不是问题,在现有条件和环境下,现在做的已经相当不错了,过高的的要求只能是一厢诚愿。

《Nature》杂志是世界上最早的国际性科技期刊,其办刊宗旨是将科学发现的重要结果介绍给公众,让公众尽早知道全世界自然知识的每一分支中取得的所有进展。 该杂志自创刊以来,始终如一地报道和评论全球科技领域里最新的研究成果和最重要的突破,已成为当今自然科学界国际影响最大的重要期刊之一。收文内容涵盖了自然科学各个研究领域,尤其在生物学、医学、物理学等领域卓有成就。许多新的发现、创新性的文献大多首发于《自然》周刊。DNA双螺旋结构的发现、人类基因组序列测序结果的公布、高温超导研究的新发现、艾滋病研究的新突破等都是在《自然》周刊首先发表的。我国每年公布的世界十大科技新闻也大多来源于《自然》周刊。 ::Nature系列期刊自创刊伊始就秉承《Nature》的创刊宗旨,努力办高质量的学术期刊,其影响因子在各自的领域里都名列前茅。 在[Nature] 和 [Science]发表的结 记得做学生时学校图书馆的[Nature]和[Science]等期刊杂志是影印的,虽然信息丰富,但这两个看来是新闻性周刊杂志 ( Magazine ) 。影印书刊要滞后3个月到1年,见到已成旧闻,因此很少认真阅读,但偶尔翻翻,也能被刺激一下。记得当时对分形几何的兴趣,就是被[Nature]上的报道激起的。当时阅读的,主要是新闻评论部分,也许这些杂志发表的论文离所学专业太远,现在想不起来曾经读过其中发表的什麽论文和快报。 后来到了欧洲,系级图书馆有了及时到的原版期刊,才逐渐开始阅读得多起来。两个杂志也到校园里促销,记得还曾订过一年的[Science],才花了几十荷兰盾。接触过促销人员以后,才知道两个杂志是科学界的引导性杂志。但看看周围的成名的教授,绝大部分都没有在这两个杂志上发表过文章,在实验室也很少听到关于这两个杂志的讨论。到是记得一次和Julian谈起建议在Nature发表论文,他用戏虐的语气说,不必着急,你一辈子在这个杂志发表一篇就可以了。那时Julian在荷兰Twente大学做教授,在催化界如日中天,名声贯耳。后来到了Nancy ,一日看文献机检报告(那时还没有联机的数据库,只能定题委托检索) ,看到南锡一大的同行在Nature上发表文章,题为低温甲烷氧化偶联制乙烯,报道在金属催化剂上600oC以下可生成乙烯,而我们DCPR在ENSIC的课题组当时在做甲烷氧化偶联动力学模型,采用的是氧化镧做催化剂,反应温度要800oC以上。讨论工作时郑重向 Guy-Marie Côme教授汇报,我们的同事发明了反应温度极低的催化剂,建议是否用这一新催化剂做动力学研究。 Guy-Marie问 In which journal?,答Nature,答 Nature? Then it’s not too late if we use it after ten years。 从此才认真分析[Nature]和[Science]与其它科技期刊的不同,逐渐的理会了Magazine和Journal的区别。 Magazine是针对大众的读物,兼有科普、吸引学生参加科学研究和其它领域专家注意以促进合作的职能,因此必须吸引眼球和刺激兴趣。 Journal是专业性的,必须客观的记录研究的进程,面对的读者是小同行,因此这才是真正的科学文献。 1995年以后,祖国逐步进入了学术大跃进时代。中国作者的名字也进入了[Nature]和[Science]的作者系列。开始几年,很为他们骄傲,觉得国家给他们优厚的研究条件也是应该的。但渐渐的,感受到了不在这些杂志发表的压力,学校一再出重奖政策,奖励在[Nature]和[Science]发表论文的作者,在基金会和各种政府组织的项目论证中,[Nature]和[Science]论文作者成为极大优势。渐渐的,经常听到领导语重心长的教导,永丹,你作文功夫很好,为什麽不到[Nature]和[Science]去发表论文?到2000年以后,竟然逐步成为一种歧视,似乎不在这两个杂志发表就不是专业人员,就不能在中国做科学研究。 然教授已做多年,学生也有多位,不得不考虑小组的生存。遂认真阅读两个杂志的作者指南,对其中发表的Letters和Articles也着实研究了一番,特别是中国作者的大作,更作为学习的重点。然而,越读越胆小,人造金刚、碳管储氢、拼接始祖之类的实在想不通。掂量掂量自己,还是在自己的专业杂志发表的好,至少审稿人是小同行,在发表之前认真严肃的审稿,可帮助修正一时的冲动。 呵呵上面有个是引得李永丹教授的一片博文,有点经典。

科学 和自然是两个专业权威杂志 只是各个的戴白领域不同 国内应该可以订购 不过看的懂不懂是个问题 因为都很专业化 可以去邮局查找订阅编号


回答 宝宝稍等 Science magazine is a comprehensive science magazine with English Name: Science Its science news report, summary, analysis and book review are authoritative popular science The magazine is also suitable for general The main focus of the journal is to publish important original scientific research and scientific research In addition, science also publishes science related news, views on science and technology policies and matters of interest to Unlike most scientific journals that focus on a particular field, science and its rival, nature, cover all According to the Journal Citation Report, the impact factor of Science in 2014 was 更多1条 

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自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 the journalWelcome to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of Citations and Impact FactorIn 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest competitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific) The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published Aims and scopeNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider Nature's mission statementFirst, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November Nature's first issueRead the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November Sample issueFree online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of NContact the journalProvides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising About the editorsLike the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found A full list of journal staff appears on the Nature family of journalsIn addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature For advertisersInformation on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified For librariansInformation for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print 科学杂志 in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United S Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific community, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and commentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the US, the UK, and other countries, including 26 PD editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in S





都没有中文译本,不过部分文章有时会译过来,散见于一些刊物。通常真正会看《Science》与《Nature》的人都是有足够英语基础的,全译意义不大。可参看与 你可以看看《科技新时代》或《北京科技报》


