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Core competitiveness of enterprises is unique, can bring economic benefits, corporate sustainabilityThe core competence of competitive advantage, once owned enterprise core competitive ability, can make the enterprise form long-term advantage, promote the development of the Since the 1990s, western strategic theorists are very concerned that core competitiveness of enterprises, the core competitiveness of enterprises is the driving force, is growing enterprise obtains a sustainable competitive A small and medium-sized enterprise core To analyze the current situationSince the reform and opening up, China's small and medium-sized enterprise development of small and medium-sized enterprises in economic development, and played an important role, the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises more and more attention, and its status and known by The future belongs to the era of small and medium-sized enterprises, vigor of small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to play its flexible, salesConvenient and flexible liquidity advantages in the fierce competition in the market economy in his place, and to inject new vitality into the economic In the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has its own advantages, but also faced a series of small and medium-sized enterprises, the current problems facing an outstanding problem is lack of competitiveness, especially the lack of core competitiveness, embodied in the following aspects:1 enterprise strategic consciousness, strategic intent is not clearSustained competitive advantage to play with the development strategy of enterprise strategic intention that match the future direction of the enterprise, business development plan, the From now on, the small and medium-sized enterprises widespread light strategy, tactics, and on the decision thinking formulary With no clear strategic intent, caused many small and medium-sized enterprise management, business field direction, lost the blindness of management and speculative, optional 2 limited resources scattered into the diversified trapMany small and medium-sized enterprise diversification is enterprise profit growth for expansion, and dispersive risk Many small and medium-sized enterprises in the main business still does not have strong competitive situation, diversification, due to the implementation of blind in multiple domain of business resources, scattered in the specific areas of business enterprise resources, especially the impact strength of the core areas that need resources or main business field of competitiveness, damage to cultivating the core competitiveness of enterprises, and some even lost the original 3) research and development and innovation ability is poor investmentAssess, small and medium-sized enterprises in China r&d funds for the proportion of sales revenue, and average less than 4% international businesses generally think of funds for research, sales of more than 5%, the enterprise has competitiveness, Just enough to maintain 2%, Less than 1% of the enterprise is hard to Technological innovation is the power of the enterprise research and development ability, to small and medium-sized enterprises in China, the serious shortage of r&d input hindered enterprise technology improvement and innovation, severely weakened the enterprise sustainable competitive capacity of enterprises, the further 4 organizational structure, management BackwardWith the development of knowledge economy, the information management play a more and more important role in time, the information, the communication of information, to traditional organizational structure adjustment, organization structure should be flexible to flat, the development While the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises at present in our country executes or traditional linear organization structure, due to the lagging organization structure adjustment, and the domestic large enterprises and foreign enterprises, management of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially behind the enterprise's strategic management, cost and quality management, human resources management, sales management, , it is hard to adapt to the fierce market Enterprise organization structure unreasonable, operation mechanism is not alive, the radical I Cultivate core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprisesEnterprise core competitive ability is enterprise, can create economic benefits and difficult to competitors mimic the unique ability of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish and maintain the advantage conditions, is the enterprise from the technology products, from management to the comprehensive quality of small and medium-sized enterprises core Cultivate the core competitive force of important realistic 1 our economy has from the economic surplus to economic shortageIn short, although economic times of small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of products, product technical content is low, but due to the low product demand, small and medium-sized enterprises producing products can still sell in the market and has certain In the market economy is increasingly perfect today, products, and the buyer's market for products glut has gradually formed, and with the progress of science and technology, the Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises in market competition in the original advantage is gradually disappear, cultivate their own unique advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises is the key to enhance its 2 both domestic and international market competition becomes increasingly fierceAfter joining the wto, foreign goods can proceed in China, which makes the consumer market is very small and medium-sized At the same time, domestic market competition will be more In recent years, China's small and medium-sized enterprises can rapid development, largely thanks to the government and tariff barriers to adjust the macro- But after the wto entry, tariffs and canceling gradually, foreign products with high quality and low price to win the domestic consumer, it is undoubtedly to small and medium-sized enterprises more Facing economic globalization and the entry of wto, the core competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises will sooner or later in the fierce competition in the 3 for sustainable development of the enterpriseThe small and medium-sized enterprises in China, many enterprises can why some people, develop, and some of the enterprise is just a flash in the Investigate its reason, the key lies in whether the enterprise with long-term competitive In certain period of small and medium-sized enterprises to gain a competitive advantage is not difficult, difficult is long-term competitive Economic globalization, due to the product life cycle is shortened, competition is critical to the success of the enterprise owns continuously develops new products and market competition ability of The long-term competitive advantages of enterprises from the core competitiveness of superior Only the cultivation of small and medium-sized enterprises core competitiveness, to drive the development of enterprise, the enterprise limited manpower,核心竞争力是企业独具的、能为企业带来经济效益的、支撑企业可持续性 竞争优势的核心能力,企业一旦拥有核心竞争能力,就会使企业形成长期优势,推动企业的长久发展。20世纪90年代以来,西方战略理论家们就十分关注企业核心竞争力,认为核心竞争力是企业成长的驱动力,是企业获取持续竞争优势的基础。一我国中小企业核心竞争力现状分析改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了不断的发展,中小企业在经济发展中发挥了重要的作用,中小企业的生存和发展越来越受到人们的关注,它的地位也越来越为人们所认识。未来时代是属于中小企业的时代,充满活力的中小企业必将继续发挥其经营灵活自如、销售快捷 方便、资金周转灵活等优势,在竞争激烈的市场经济中取得自己的立足之地,并为经济发展注入新的活力。中小企业在发展中有自身的优势,但也面临一系列问题,当前中小企业面临的一个突出问题就是缺乏竞争力,特别是普遍缺乏核心竞争力,具体表现在以下几个方面:企业战略意识淡薄,战略意图不明确持续竞争优势的发挥需要与发展战略相匹配企业战略意图表明了企业未来的前进方向、自己的业务定位、计划发展的能力。从目前来看,中小企业普遍存在着重战术、轻战略,依赖经验决策的思维定式。由于没有明确的战略意图,导致了许多中小企业经营方向迷失,经营领域模糊,经营的盲目性、投机性、随意性特点突出。有限的资源分散,跌入多元化陷阱多元化经营被很多中小企业认为是企业寻求规模扩张、利润增长、分散风险的策略。目前很多中小企业在主营业务尚不具备较强的竞争力的状况下,盲目实施多元化经营,由于资源分散在多个业务领域,分散了企业在具体业务领域的资源实力,尤其是影响了需要资源保证的核心领域或主营业务领域的竞争力,损害了对核心竞争力的培养,一些企业甚至丧失了原有的优势。研究发展投入不足,创新能力差椐调查,我国中小企业研发经费占销售收入的比例平均水平不到4%,而国际企业界普遍认为,研发经费占销售额的5%以上,企业才有竞争力;占2%仅够维持;不足1%的企业则难以生存。技术创新的动力在于企业的研发能力,对我国中小企业而言,研发投入的严重不足阻碍了企业进行技术改进和创新,严重削弱了企业的持续竞争能力,制约了企业的进一步发展壮大。组织结构调整滞后,管理混乱随着知识经济的发展,信息在管理中发挥了越来越重要的作用,为了及时的传递信息,沟通信息,必须对传统的组织结构进行调整,组织结构应向扁平化、柔性化方向发展。而目前我国大多数中小企业实行的还是传统的直线型组织结构,由于组织结构调整滞后,与国内大型企业及国外企业相比,我国中小企业的管理落后,尤其是企业的战略管理、成本理、质量管理、人力资源管理、销管理等方面,很难适应激烈的市场竞争。企业组织结构不合理,经营机制不活,是影响企业竞争力的带有根本性的深层次原因。二 培育中小企业核心竞争力的必要性企业核心竞争力是企业所拥有的,能够创造经济效益并难以被竞争对手模仿的独特能力,它是企业建立和保持优势的必要条件,是企业从技术到产品,从管理到战略综合素质的核心体现培育中小企业的核心竞争力具有重要的现实意义。我国经济已从短缺经济走向过剩经济在短缺经济时代,尽管中小企业生产的产品技术含量低,产品档次低,但由于产品供不应求,中小企业生产的产品仍然能销售出去并在市场中具有一定的优势。在市场经济体制日益完善的今天,产品往往供过于求,产品的买方市场已逐步形成,而且随着科学技术的进步,我国中小企业在市场竞争中的原有优势正在逐步消失,培育自己的独特优势是中小企业增强其竞争力的关键。国内外市场竞争日趋激烈加入wto后,国外的商品可以长驱直入我国的消费市场,这使得中小企业受到很大的冲击。同时,国内市场的竞争将更加激烈。近几年来,我国的中小企业之所以能较快发展,很大程度上得益于关税壁垒的调节和政府的宏观调控能力。而入世后,关税降低以至逐步取消,外国产品将以质优价廉赢得国内的消费者,这无疑是给中小企业更多的挑战面对经济全球化和加入wto的挑战,没有核心竞争力的中小企业迟早会在激烈的市场竞争中被淘汰。企业可持续发展的需要在我国众多的中小企业中,为什么有些企业能长盛不衰,发展壮大,而有些企业只是昙花一现?究其原因,关键在于企业是否拥有长期的竞争优势中小企业在某个特定时期取得竞争优势并不是很难,难的是长期保持竞争优势经济全球化时代,由于产品寿命周期的日渐缩短,竞争成功的关键在于企业是否拥有不断开发新产品和开拓市场的特殊竞争能力。企业的长期竞争优势来源于优于竞争对手的核心竞争力只有培育中小企业的核心竞争力,才能带动企业各方面的发展,把企业有限的人力


杨红梅信息化对企业核心竞争力的影响分析[J]管理世界(4)66-67李卫军信息化与我国中小企业核心竞争力研究[D]武汉理工大学2006曹敏杰中小保险企业核心竞争力评价研究[D]西北农林科技大学2008翟文华沈阳市中小企业核心竞争力培育研究[D]沈阳理工大学2009石谦 孙文军,企业的核心竞争能力《杂志大全》社会科学,2009年3月





1、科技含量低,缺乏核心竞争力。  我市大多数民营企业主要集中在进入门槛低、技术含量不高、竞争激烈、劳动密集型的行业,而在科技含量高、市场准入门槛高、利润率高的行业则数量很少。企业产品技术含量水平较低,科研开发能力不足,缺乏自己的核心技术和竞争力。  2、人才缺乏,市场竞争力不强。  一是职工整体受教育程度不高。民营企业尤其是乡镇民营企业中,初中及以下文化水平的员工仍有不少。  二是缺乏专业人才。民营企业特别是中小民营企业由于规模小、资金实力不足等各种原因,引进高素质的专业人才还存有一定困难,缺乏优秀的管理人才、技术人才和高级技术工人。目前,由于人才流动性大,中小民营企业对人力资源的投资比较慎重,再加之企业发展较快,人才需求量较大、时间急,所需人才更多地是从人才市场招聘,不能真正将人力资源投资作为企业基础性投资看待,甚至很多中小民营企业从未对职工进行过专业或岗位技能培训,忽视了企业自身对人才的长期培养。  三是留住人才难。民营企业在留住优秀人才的环境和机制上并不具备相对优势,加之诚信缺失,企业与人才之间缺乏信任,人才流失问题较为普遍,给企业的稳步发展造成一定影响。  3、规模体量较小,整体竞争能力不高。  由于历史和现实的诸多因素影响,我市民营企业生产规模较小,集团化、产业集群化程度低,规模企业数量和整体竞争能力与苏南相比仍有相当差距。我市进入全国上规模民营企业500强仅有4家,而苏州有27家,无锡有23家,南京有17家,常州有13家。  为了进一步加快我市民营经济的发展,我们认为还需要做好以下几方面的工作:  1、加快自主创新力度。创新是企业核心竞争力的源泉,是企业发展的动力。民营企业要科学发展,在竞争中占有一席之地,最根本的是要增强创新能力。民营企业一是要通过引进智力资源、技术许可、与科研院所进行合作等方式,加大产学研结合力度,接受先进技术转移,形成消化吸收转化再创新的良性发展模式,生产出技术含量高、附价值高的产品;二是要注重培养企业自身研发能力,设立技术中心,形成企业强大的竞争力和发展后劲,生产出具有自主知识产权的核心产品;三是要打造知名品牌,结合本行业、本企业的特点实施品牌发展战略,扩大市场占有率;四是要切实将专利转化为生产力,加大知识产权保护力度,积极做好专利的申请、保护和转化工作,尤其是申报国际专利。  2、加强培训力度。民营企业要提高创新能力,必须提高从业人员的整体素质,注重人才培养。一是企业家的培养。民营企业主要加强自身修养,面对经济全球化、信息化、知识化的新形势,尽快加强各种法律、法规、经济政策以及市场竞争规则的学习,树立科学的管理理念,提高企业经营管理水平,同时还要明确社会责任,重视企业精神文明建设,倡导诚实守信、依法经营,照章纳税、关爱员工,热心社会公益事业,积极回报社会,提升民营企业形象;二是技术人才的培养。一方面,民营企业必须完善人才制度,通过多种方式吸收社会人才,充实壮大技术人才队伍,政府和有关部门要创造条件,鼓励人才到民营企业就业;另一方面,要加强现有专业人才的培训,积极创造条件,为高科技人才提供发展空间。树立以人为本的思想,形成科学有效的人才使用、评价和激励机制,保证技术人员队伍的稳定;三是加强从业人员的劳动技能培训和政策法律培训。树立以人为本的思想,积极创造条件,舍得支付成本培训员工,提高职工队伍的整体素质,增强自我保护的能力。四是建立人本第一的企业文化。以人为本,强化员工的和谐理念,员工间的和谐、管理层的和谐与企业的和谐是企业健康发展的根本。  3、加大政府扶持力度。一是要强化政府为规模民营企业服务的意识,对于国家产业政策鼓励、允许发展的项目,加快审批进度,简化办事程序,提高工作效率,为民营规模企业的发展提供优质高效的服务;二是要完善信息支持体系,集中各行业生产经营情况、业务发展、技术、市场信息,适时发布相关的技术标准和有关行业发展方面的信息,以弥补市场信息不充分的缺陷;三是要加大资金扶持力度,对有助于扬州经济发展的大项目大工程,通过专家组认真评审后,给予资金倾斜支持,尤其要确保扬州地方财政对于科技型企业技术创新的资金支持;四是要引导民营资本向现代服务业流向,鼓励其进军基础设施、公用事业、卫生、教育产业、传媒业和金融业。通过必要的政策引导,积极推动产业集群、企业集聚、集约发展,推动各类要素向优势行业和优势企业集中,着力培育一批核心竞争力强、拥有自主知识产权和知名品牌的规模民营企业,推动全市民营经济的快速健康发展。



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Core competitiveness of enterprises is unique, can bring economic benefits, corporate sustainabilityThe core competence of competitive advantage, once owned enterprise core competitive ability, can make the enterprise form long-term advantage, promote the development of the Since the 1990s, western strategic theorists are very concerned that core competitiveness of enterprises, the core competitiveness of enterprises is the driving force, is growing enterprise obtains a sustainable competitive A small and medium-sized enterprise core To analyze the current situationSince the reform and opening up, China's small and medium-sized enterprise development of small and medium-sized enterprises in economic development, and played an important role, the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises more and more attention, and its status and known by The future belongs to the era of small and medium-sized enterprises, vigor of small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to play its flexible, salesConvenient and flexible liquidity advantages in the fierce competition in the market economy in his place, and to inject new vitality into the economic In the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has its own advantages, but also faced a series of small and medium-sized enterprises, the current problems facing an outstanding problem is lack of competitiveness, especially the lack of core competitiveness, embodied in the following aspects:1 enterprise strategic consciousness, strategic intent is not clearSustained competitive advantage to play with the development strategy of enterprise strategic intention that match the future direction of the enterprise, business development plan, the From now on, the small and medium-sized enterprises widespread light strategy, tactics, and on the decision thinking formulary With no clear strategic intent, caused many small and medium-sized enterprise management, business field direction, lost the blindness of management and speculative, optional 2 limited resources scattered into the diversified trapMany small and medium-sized enterprise diversification is enterprise profit growth for expansion, and dispersive risk Many small and medium-sized enterprises in the main business still does not have strong competitive situation, diversification, due to the implementation of blind in multiple domain of business resources, scattered in the specific areas of business enterprise resources, especially the impact strength of the core areas that need resources or main business field of competitiveness, damage to cultivating the core competitiveness of enterprises, and some even lost the original 3) research and development and innovation ability is poor investmentAssess, small and medium-sized enterprises in China r&d funds for the proportion of sales revenue, and average less than 4% international businesses generally think of funds for research, sales of more than 5%, the enterprise has competitiveness, Just enough to maintain 2%, Less than 1% of the enterprise is hard to Technological innovation is the power of the enterprise research and development ability, to small and medium-sized enterprises in China, the serious shortage of r&d input hindered enterprise technology improvement and innovation, severely weakened the enterprise sustainable competitive capacity of enterprises, the further 4 organizational structure, management BackwardWith the development of knowledge economy, the information management play a more and more important role in time, the information, the communication of information, to traditional organizational structure adjustment, organization structure should be flexible to flat, the development While the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises at present in our country executes or traditional linear organization structure, due to the lagging organization structure adjustment, and the domestic large enterprises and foreign enterprises, management of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially behind the enterprise's strategic management, cost and quality management, human resources management, sales management, , it is hard to adapt to the fierce market Enterprise organization structure unreasonable, operation mechanism is not alive, the radical I Cultivate core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprisesEnterprise core competitive ability is enterprise, can create economic benefits and difficult to competitors mimic the unique ability of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish and maintain the advantage conditions, is the enterprise from the technology products, from management to the comprehensive quality of small and medium-sized enterprises core Cultivate the core competitive force of important realistic 1 our economy has from the economic surplus to economic shortageIn short, although economic times of small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of products, product technical content is low, but due to the low product demand, small and medium-sized enterprises producing products can still sell in the market and has certain In the market economy is increasingly perfect today, products, and the buyer's market for products glut has gradually formed, and with the progress of science and technology, the Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises in market competition in the original advantage is gradually disappear, cultivate their own unique advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises is the key to enhance its 2 both domestic and international market competition becomes increasingly fierceAfter joining the wto, foreign goods can proceed in China, which makes the consumer market is very small and medium-sized At the same time, domestic market competition will be more In recent years, China's small and medium-sized enterprises can rapid development, largely thanks to the government and tariff barriers to adjust the macro- But after the wto entry, tariffs and canceling gradually, foreign products with high quality and low price to win the domestic consumer, it is undoubtedly to small and medium-sized enterprises more Facing economic globalization and the entry of wto, the core competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises will sooner or later in the fierce competition in the 3 for sustainable development of the enterpriseThe small and medium-sized enterprises in China, many enterprises can why some people, develop, and some of the enterprise is just a flash in the Investigate its reason, the key lies in whether the enterprise with long-term competitive In certain period of small and medium-sized enterprises to gain a competitive advantage is not difficult, difficult is long-term competitive Economic globalization, due to the product life cycle is shortened, competition is critical to the success of the enterprise owns continuously develops new products and market competition ability of The long-term competitive advantages of enterprises from the core competitiveness of superior Only the cultivation of small and medium-sized enterprises core competitiveness, to drive the development of enterprise, the enterprise limited manpower,核心竞争力是企业独具的、能为企业带来经济效益的、支撑企业可持续性 竞争优势的核心能力,企业一旦拥有核心竞争能力,就会使企业形成长期优势,推动企业的长久发展。20世纪90年代以来,西方战略理论家们就十分关注企业核心竞争力,认为核心竞争力是企业成长的驱动力,是企业获取持续竞争优势的基础。一我国中小企业核心竞争力现状分析改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了不断的发展,中小企业在经济发展中发挥了重要的作用,中小企业的生存和发展越来越受到人们的关注,它的地位也越来越为人们所认识。未来时代是属于中小企业的时代,充满活力的中小企业必将继续发挥其经营灵活自如、销售快捷 方便、资金周转灵活等优势,在竞争激烈的市场经济中取得自己的立足之地,并为经济发展注入新的活力。中小企业在发展中有自身的优势,但也面临一系列问题,当前中小企业面临的一个突出问题就是缺乏竞争力,特别是普遍缺乏核心竞争力,具体表现在以下几个方面:企业战略意识淡薄,战略意图不明确持续竞争优势的发挥需要与发展战略相匹配企业战略意图表明了企业未来的前进方向、自己的业务定位、计划发展的能力。从目前来看,中小企业普遍存在着重战术、轻战略,依赖经验决策的思维定式。由于没有明确的战略意图,导致了许多中小企业经营方向迷失,经营领域模糊,经营的盲目性、投机性、随意性特点突出。有限的资源分散,跌入多元化陷阱多元化经营被很多中小企业认为是企业寻求规模扩张、利润增长、分散风险的策略。目前很多中小企业在主营业务尚不具备较强的竞争力的状况下,盲目实施多元化经营,由于资源分散在多个业务领域,分散了企业在具体业务领域的资源实力,尤其是影响了需要资源保证的核心领域或主营业务领域的竞争力,损害了对核心竞争力的培养,一些企业甚至丧失了原有的优势。研究发展投入不足,创新能力差椐调查,我国中小企业研发经费占销售收入的比例平均水平不到4%,而国际企业界普遍认为,研发经费占销售额的5%以上,企业才有竞争力;占2%仅够维持;不足1%的企业则难以生存。技术创新的动力在于企业的研发能力,对我国中小企业而言,研发投入的严重不足阻碍了企业进行技术改进和创新,严重削弱了企业的持续竞争能力,制约了企业的进一步发展壮大。组织结构调整滞后,管理混乱随着知识经济的发展,信息在管理中发挥了越来越重要的作用,为了及时的传递信息,沟通信息,必须对传统的组织结构进行调整,组织结构应向扁平化、柔性化方向发展。而目前我国大多数中小企业实行的还是传统的直线型组织结构,由于组织结构调整滞后,与国内大型企业及国外企业相比,我国中小企业的管理落后,尤其是企业的战略管理、成本理、质量管理、人力资源管理、销管理等方面,很难适应激烈的市场竞争。企业组织结构不合理,经营机制不活,是影响企业竞争力的带有根本性的深层次原因。二 培育中小企业核心竞争力的必要性企业核心竞争力是企业所拥有的,能够创造经济效益并难以被竞争对手模仿的独特能力,它是企业建立和保持优势的必要条件,是企业从技术到产品,从管理到战略综合素质的核心体现培育中小企业的核心竞争力具有重要的现实意义。我国经济已从短缺经济走向过剩经济在短缺经济时代,尽管中小企业生产的产品技术含量低,产品档次低,但由于产品供不应求,中小企业生产的产品仍然能销售出去并在市场中具有一定的优势。在市场经济体制日益完善的今天,产品往往供过于求,产品的买方市场已逐步形成,而且随着科学技术的进步,我国中小企业在市场竞争中的原有优势正在逐步消失,培育自己的独特优势是中小企业增强其竞争力的关键。国内外市场竞争日趋激烈加入wto后,国外的商品可以长驱直入我国的消费市场,这使得中小企业受到很大的冲击。同时,国内市场的竞争将更加激烈。近几年来,我国的中小企业之所以能较快发展,很大程度上得益于关税壁垒的调节和政府的宏观调控能力。而入世后,关税降低以至逐步取消,外国产品将以质优价廉赢得国内的消费者,这无疑是给中小企业更多的挑战面对经济全球化和加入wto的挑战,没有核心竞争力的中小企业迟早会在激烈的市场竞争中被淘汰。企业可持续发展的需要在我国众多的中小企业中,为什么有些企业能长盛不衰,发展壮大,而有些企业只是昙花一现?究其原因,关键在于企业是否拥有长期的竞争优势中小企业在某个特定时期取得竞争优势并不是很难,难的是长期保持竞争优势经济全球化时代,由于产品寿命周期的日渐缩短,竞争成功的关键在于企业是否拥有不断开发新产品和开拓市场的特殊竞争能力。企业的长期竞争优势来源于优于竞争对手的核心竞争力只有培育中小企业的核心竞争力,才能带动企业各方面的发展,把企业有限的人力




回答 您好!我是职场达人捏沙成石!二十多年职场工作经验,很高兴为您解答!!!! 企业的核心竞争力都包括把握全局、审时度势的判断力,大胆突破、敢于竞争的创新力,博采众长、开拓进取的文化力,保证质量、诚实守信的亲和力! 企业的核心竞争力就是企业的决策力,它包括把握全局、审时度势的判断力,大胆突破、敢于竞争的创新力,博采众长、开拓进取的文化力,保证质量、诚实守信的亲和力。 核心竞争力是群体或团队中根深蒂固的、互相弥补的一系列技能和知识的组合,借助该能力,能够按世界一流水平实施—到多项核心梳程。企业核心竞争力就是企业长期形成的,蕴涵于企业内质中的,企业独具的,支撑企业过去,现在和未来竞争优势,并使企业在竞争环境中能够长时间取得主动的核心能力。 提问 企业核心竞争力是什么 回答 1、高水平的人力资本。 2、领先业内的核心技术。 3、不竭的创新动力。 4、突出的管理能力。 5、稳固的营销网络。 更多8条 



