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ACS = American Chemical Society 美国化学学会,现已成为最大的科技学会,其所出版的期刊包括37种,内容涵盖24个主要的化学研究领域。


ACS所有文献目录,从它的网站上找到的。应用化学和化工 Energy & Fuels Environmental Science & Technology Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (1909–1922) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development (1962–1986) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals (1962–1986) I&EC Product Research and Development (1962–1968) Product R&D (1969–1977) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development (1978–1986) 生物化学ACS Chemical Biology Biochemistry Bioconjugate Chemistry Biotechnology Progress (Published by the A I of C Engineers)Chemical Research in Toxicology Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Journal of Chemical Documentation (1961–1974) Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (1975–2004) Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1957–1962) Journal of Natural Products (Copublished with the A S of Pharmacognosy)Journal of Proteome Research Molecular Pharmaceutics 化学 Accounts of Chemical Research Chemical Reviews Journal of the American Chemical Society 大分子化学Biomacromolecules Chemistry of Materials Macromolecules 有机化学 Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry The Journal of Organic Chemistry Organic Letters Organic Process Research & Development Organometallics 物理化学无机化学分析化学 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces—New in 2009 ACS Nano Analytical Chemistry Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition (1929–1946) Crystal Growth & Design Inorganic Chemistry Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Chemical & Engineering Data Series (1956–1958) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation The Journal of Physical Chemistry A The Journal of Physical Chemistry (1896–1946) The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry (1947–1950) The Journal of Physical Chemistry (1951–1996) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B The Journal of Physical Chemistry (1896–1946) The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry (1947–1950) The Journal of Physical Chemistry (1951–1996) The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Langmuir Nano Letters



acs催化是中科院1区期刊。acs催化的期刊是acs Catalysis,这几年上升的的势头很猛,属于中科院1区期刊。催化作为与化工,有机化学,金属有机,计算化学密切相关的交叉学科,比单一领域发展更好。这一点可以从ACS Catalysis的影响因子比Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Organic Letters,Organometallics都要高很多体现出来。acs Catalysis期刊介绍:ACS Catalysis是美国化学会的旗舰期刊,被公认为国际化学领域的顶尖杂志之一,目前影响因子为 384。主要刊登催化领域高水平的研究成果,属于化学学科Top期刊,中科院1区期刊。从2011年创刊开始,每年增长率都在25%左右。ACS的编辑也都是高端人才,前有ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces扩张5倍不掉影响因子;ACS Catalysis更厉害,文章数增加5倍影响因子年年上升,已经发展成领域顶级期刊,眼光独到。


你好,请认准正确答案下载附件,文献已上传,希望对你的学习有所帮助,还望及时采纳答案哦! 作者:Guo S, Shan S, Jin X, et 文题:Water Stress Proteins from Nostoc commune V Exhibit Anti-Colon Cancer Activities in Vitro and in Vivo期刊:Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,

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进入acs官网,找到相应的期刊,以Macromolecules为例。找到issue list,根据卷期号选择期刊找到你要的期刊后,点击进去ACS需要权限才能下载文献,可以用seek68客户端,进入客户端资源库,找到ACS数据库,双击进入ACS主页,就可以下载目录了。希望我的回答能够帮助到您,望采纳,谢谢。


