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据2001年最新统计,《Science》杂志年发表论文数901篇,被引用次数282431,影响因子为329,排名所有科学期刊的第8位。由于其独特的学术地位,国内许多科研院所为鼓励学术人员在该刊发表文章,都制定了优厚的奖励措施。《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有5万个订户,超过《Nature》杂志三倍。《Science》杂志具有新闻杂志和学术期刊的双重特点,每周除向世界各地发布有关科学技术和科技政策的重要新闻外,还发表全球科技研究最显著突破的研究论文和报告。《Science》杂志发表的论文涉及所有科学学科,特别是物理学、生命科学、化学、材料科学和医学中最重要的、最激动人心的研究进展。据统计,发表的论文中60%有关生命科学,40%是属于物理科学领域的(见附录1)。每年《Science》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。除高水平的论文外,每期专辑还发表有关科技职业的专题文章和以不同国家、地区为对象的专栏。除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《Science》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:·将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;·帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;·用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。特别要注意的是:网络版是印刷版的补充,而不是替代。网络版上许多内容是免费的,如今日科学(Science Now)报道每日科学新闻;科学后浪(Science Next Wave)给未来科学家提供职业信息;科学事业(Science Careers)提供就职机会、会议和研究活动信息;科学资源(Science Resources)倡导在线创新;科学电子市场(Science’s E - marketplace)提供当前产品信息。


作为一个科学家,谁不愿意在自己的简历中添上一两篇NATURE或SCIENCE的文章?任何一位有着雄心壮志的科学家,谁不希望自己的研究小组能够每年发表一两篇NATURE或SCIENCE的文章?可有任何一个博士后,一位从事实验研究的博士后,未曾梦想过自己能够递出一份简历,上面有着三篇自己作为第一作者的NATURE或SCIENCE的文章? 德国物理学家、BELL实验室的博士后J H SCHON,在不到两年的时间里发表了十五、六篇第一作者的NATURE或SCIENCE的文章,您会是什么反应?平均下来大概一个半月一篇,不知羡煞多少同仁。以下为其在两年之内发表在顶级期刊的文章:1: Schon JH, Meng H, Bao Zion: Self-assembled monolayer organic field-effect N 2001 Nov 22;414(6862): 2:Schon JH, Dorget M, Beuran FC, Zu XZ, Arushanov E, Deville Cavellin C, Lagues MSuperconductivity in CaCuO2 as a result of field-effect N 2001 Nov 22;414(6862):434-3:Schon JH, Meng H, Bao ZField-Effect Modulation of the Conductance of Single MS 2001 Nov 8 [epub ahead of print]4:Schon JH, Kloc C, Siegrist T, Steigerwald M, Svensson C, Batlogg BSuperconductivity in single crystals of the fullerene CN 2001 Oct 25;413(6858):831-5:Schon JH, Meng H, Bao ZSelf-assembled monolayer organic field-effect N 2001 Oct 18;413(6857):713-6:Schon JH, Dorget M, Beuran FC, Xu XZ, Arushanov E, Lagues M,Deville Cavellin CField-induced superconductivity in a spin-ladder S 2001 Sep 28;293(5539):2430-7:Schon JH, Kloc C, Batlogg BHigh-temperature superconductivity in lattice-expanded CS 2001 Sep 28;293(5539):2432-8:Siegrist T, Kloc C, Schon JH, Batlogg B, Haddon RC, Berg S,Thomas GAEnhanced Physical Properties in a Pentacene PAngew Chem Int Ed E 2001 May 4;40(9):1732-9: Schon JH, Kloc C, Batlogg BUniversal crossover from band to hopping conduction in molecular organic Phys Rev L 2001 Apr 23;86(17):3843-10:Schon JH, Kloc C, Hwang HY, Batlogg BJosephson junctions with tunable weak S 2001 Apr 13;292(5515):252-11:Schon JH, Dodabalapur A, Bao Z, Kloc C, Schenker O, Batlogg BGate-induced superconductivity in a solution-processed organic polymer N 2001 Mar 8;410(6825):189-12:Lee M, Schon JH, Kloc C, Batlogg BElectron-phonon coupling spectrum in photodoped pentacene Phys Rev L 2001 Jan 29;86(5):862-13:Schon JH, Kloc C, Batlogg BSuperconductivity at 52 K in hole-doped CN 2000 Nov 30;408(6812):549-14:Schon JH, Dodabalapur A, Kloc C, Batlogg BA light-emitting field-effect S 2000 Nov 3;290(5493):963-15:Schon JH, Kloc C, Batlogg BSuperconductivity in molecular crystals induced by charge N 2000 Aug 17;406(6797):702-16: Schon JH, Kloc C, Dodabalapur A, Batlogg BAn organic solid state injection S 2000 Jul 28;289(5479):599-17:Schon JH, Kloc C, Batlogg BFractional quantum hall effect in organic molecular S 2000 Jun 30;288(5475):2339-18:Schon JH, Kloc C, Haddon RC, Batlogg BA superconducting field-effect S 2000 Apr 28;288(5466):656-19:Schon JH, Berg S, Kloc C, Batlogg BAmbipolar pentacene field-effect transistors and S 2000 Feb 11;287(5455):1022-20: Schon JH, Kloc C, Bucher E, Batlogg BEfficient organic photovoltaic diodes based on doped N 2000 Jan 27;403(6768):408-


Zhengzhou University (traditional Chinese: 郑州大学; simplified Chinese: 郑州大学; pinyin: Zhengzhou Dàxué), colloquially known in Chinese as Zhengda (郑大, Zhengda) is a public university located in Zhengzhou, Henan, CZhengzhou University was established in It is the first university established by the PRC in Henan Shandong University helped them In 1992, Huanghe University (Yellow River University) was merged to Zhengzhou U On July 10, 2000, Zhengzhou University of Technology and Henan Medical University were merged to Zhengzhou UThe University is the only one of the national “211 project” universities in HNow this public university has two PRC national key subjects——Material processing project,Condensed matter physics。And Chinese ancient history is her PRC national key (developing)subject。

据2015年12月学校官网信息显示,郑州大学在近年来共承担各级各类科研项目9000多项,其中国家科技攻关、863、973、国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家杰出青年基金等国家级项目160余项,教育部留学归国人员基金、教育部科技攻关、河南省重大科技攻关、河南省杰出人才创新基金等省(部)级重点项目400多项,获科研经费近2亿元,产出科研成果8500余项,其中700多项成果通过国家和省(部)级鉴定,800多项成果获厅(局)级以上科研奖励,589项成果获国家级和省(部)级科研奖励。 “十一五”期间,郑州大学争取到的科研经费达12亿元,承担国家科技支撑计划、“973”、“863”、国家自然科学基金、社科基金等国家级项目425项,横向科研项目1316项目,获得国家级奖励4项,在国际知名期刊Science和Nature上发表文章5篇,2005年被SCI收录论文位居全国高校第28位,被EI收录论文138篇,发表SCI和EI文章3330篇,申请发明专利698项,与企业签订合同1400份,获得成果转化费4亿多元。全校教师共发表论文1万多篇,出版著作900多部,被SCI收录论文数居全国高校第39位,被EI收录论文数居全国高校第55位。 重大成果举例 申长雨:主持完成的“橡塑制品成型模具设计中的关键力学问题和计算方法”获国家科技进步二等奖。申长雨:2007年因研制出特殊环境下的高抗冲击性、防辐射和高光谱透过率的宇航员出仓面窗制品获“中国载人航天工程突出贡献”奖励。刘敏珊、董其伍:主持完成的“新型高效纵流壳程换热设备现代设计技术研究与应用”获国家科技进步二等奖。赵清香:主持完成的“十二碳二元酸合成尼龙 1212 工业生产研究”获杜邦科技创新奖。 高丹盈:申报的《钢纤维混凝土特定结构计算理论和关键技术的研究与应用》成果获2010年度国家科技进步二等奖。刘炯天:主持完成的《多流态梯级强化浮选技术开发及应用》项目获国家科学技术进步二等奖。 馆藏资源 据2015年12月学校官网信息显示,郑州大学图书馆始建于1956年,由原郑州大学图书馆、原郑州工业大学图书馆、原河南医科大学图书馆合并组建而成,共拥有一个新校区中心馆和三个老校区分馆,总藏书量为9万册,中外文报刊18325 种,其中纸质报刊3325种,另有音像资料11119件,已形成了理学、工学、医学、文学等多种学科的综合性馆藏资源体系;另外可以检索、利用的中外电子图书约249万册,中外文电子期刊共计5万种;还有Dialog国际联机检索系统,可提供600多个大型专业数据库的使用。 学术期刊 《郑州大学学报(哲学与社会科学版)》创刊于1960年,为社会科学和人文科学综合性学术期刊。主要刊发哲学、政治学、法学、经济学、社会学、史学、图书情报学、文学、语言学、新闻学等方面的学术性文章,设有“人学研究”、“环境资源法研究”、“书简学研究”、“中国现当代文学研究”等栏目。为全国中文核心期刊,中国人文社会科学核心期刊,“中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)”来源期刊,中国期刊方阵双效期刊。 《郑州大学学报(医学版)》是由河南省教育厅主管、郑州大学主办的综合性医药卫生类学术期刊,创刊于1957年,设有“特约述评”、“食管癌研究”、“系列研究”、“论著”、“应用研究”和“研究快报”等栏目,入选《中文核心期刊要目总览》,为中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊和中国科学引文数据库来源期刊,进入中国生物医学文献数据库(CBMdisc)、中国生物医学期刊文献数据库(CMCC)、中国科技论文统计与引文分析数据库(CSTPCD)、中文科技期刊数据(CSTJ)、万方数字化期刊全文数据库、中国学术期刊(光盘版)全文数据库等多种重要数据库,被美国化学文摘、哥白尼索引等多种权威性文摘期刊摘录。 《郑州大学学报(理学版)》创刊于1962年,原刊名为《郑州大学学报》(自然科学版),为自然科学类综合性学术期刊,全国中文核心期刊,RCCSE中国核心学术期刊,主要刊登理、工科基础研究、应用研究及综合评述方面的学术论文;被中国科技信息研究所“万方数据系统”和《中国学术期刊》(光盘版)全文收录,并被美国《数学评论》、美国《化学文摘》、德国《数学文摘》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》和波兰《哥白尼索引(IC)》等国际性文摘杂志收录或评论。 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》创刊于1980年,原名《郑州工业大学学报》,是郑州大学主办的综合性学术期刊,双月刊,该刊是中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊、RCCSE中国核心学术期刊和《中国科学引文数据库》来源期刊,主要刊登工学各学科基础理论、应用科学及工程技术的最新研究成果,已经被美国《化学文摘》、《数学评论》、《剑桥科学文摘》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》、波兰《哥白尼索引》、英国《科学文摘》等重要数据库和文摘固定收录。 《磷肥与复肥》创刊于1985年,由郑州大学与中国磷肥工业协会主办,是中国科技核心期刊,是国家新闻出版广电总局首批认定学术期刊,被美国化学文摘(CA)摘录。 《美与时代》是由郑州大学主管、河南美学学会和郑大美学研究所主办的美学和艺术学学术期刊,被出版署列为“双效期刊”,进入中国“期刊方阵”(骨干期刊)。

Zhengzhou University is the best one in Henan province, which was founded in It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reorganization in The new Zhengzhou University includes four Its whole area is over 6000 And the building area is 1650 thousand square The library has a storage of 5300 thousand Various reaearch institutes are set up including 169 research 那给个长的 A national “211 project” key university co-built by the Henan Provincial Government and the State Ministry of Education On July 10th, 2000, the new Zhengzhou University was founded through the merger of three universities: Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou University of Technology and Henan Medical U It is a comprehensive university with 11 disciplines: science, technology, art, medicine, literature, history, philosophy, law, economics, management, agriculture and education, and the only one of the national “211 project” universities in Henan Province under the administration of both the Henan Provincial Government and the State Ministry of Education, PRC Zhengzhou University has an abundance of The University now has four main campuses, namely, New Campus, South Campus, Technological Institute and Medical School, occupying an area of 1070 acres (6493 mu), of which the New Campus (located in New High-tech Zone) comprises 799 acres (4845 mu) Construction of the New Campus has a construction budget of 97 billion RMB and a total construction area of 651 million square Zhengzhou University has a grand running scope and rich faculty At present, the enrolled number of full-time students is over 36,000, with 6,639 graduate students and 342 international The University has a teaching and administrative staff of 5,861 of which 3056 are academic staffs of teaching and research, 15 are academicians with the Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering (among which 3 of them are full-time and 12 are part-time scholars), 529 professors, 1,019 associate professors, 221 PD tutors, and more than 1,500 Masters Degree Of the teachers, 960 have PD degrees that account for 4% of the total professional There are 15 national experts of distinguished contributions, 171 experts are winners of special government allowance, 81 excellent specialists of Henan province, 228 excellent provincial youth backbone teachers, 9 teachers chosen into National hundred ten-million talented people projects, 121 cultivated objects of the new century academic and technical The university has an established teaching system of quality and solid scientific research condition The university consists of 43 schools and departments, 5 affiliated hospitals, offering 86 undergraduate programs, 8 first-degree doctoral programs, 72 second-degree programs, ranging across 6 subjects, 17 first-degree disciplines; 34 first-degree graduate programs, 218 second-degree graduate programs covering 11 disciplines, 51 first-degree subjects, 7 post-doctoral research stations, “ The State Base for Teaching and Research in Fundamental Sciences”, “The State Research Base for Cultural Quality Education of College Students”, 2 national-level key disciplines , 6 key disciplines granted by the national “ 211 project” and 57 provincial key disciplines There are a variety of 169 scientific organizations, with the State Center for Engineering Research, one State Popularizing Center for Technology Research, 2 key laboratory of the State Ministry of Education, one State Research Base for Clinical Practice of Medicine, 10 provincial key laboratories (Engineering Research Center), 7 higher institutions key discipline open laboratories of Henan Province, one animal experimental center of Henan Province, one key research base for the study of humanities and Social Sciences ( co-sponsored by the State Ministry of Education and Henan Provincial government ) and 9 higher institutions key research bases for the study of humanities and social sciences of Henan P The university is acknowledged for its strong capabilities of fundamental research and applied research as well as for its scientific Zhengzhou University has a sound and developing infrastructure and the school condition is The National Afforestation Committee has recognized it as one of the top 400 institutions in planting The University Library contains about 2 million volumes, and 05 million volumes of electrical The university has its own publishing house, and issues 13 academic Under the university, there are 3 cooperative schools: Shengda Economics Trade and Management College, SIAS International College and College of Physical E Zhengzhou University has taken an active part in international academic exchange and At present, it has established a sound exchange relationship with 84 universities from more than 30 countries and regions of the world, mainly from the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Japan, Russia, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Finland, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and The university focuses on the people, pays attention to the students’ quality in a comprehensive way and has trained a group of qualified graduates for the In the areas of the party construction, ideology and political science, teaching, scientific research, medical care, management, students’ work and logistics service, the university has won above-provincial level honor titles many Zhengzhou University’s development has received great care and support from the Central Government, State Department of Education, and the Henan provincial government and all the people in Henan P The national leaders Jia Qinglin, Li Changcun, Luo Gan, Li Lanqin, members of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the CPC Liu Yunshan, etc, have visited Zhengzhou University The leaders of the State Ministry of Education, Henan Provincial Communist Party Committee, and Henan Provincial Government frequently come to visit the Under the care and support of the leaders from the higher level, the university has achieved trans-normal development in the areas of intellectuals’ cultivation, academic disciplines, faculty, new campus, teaching scientific research, Zhengzhou University insists on scientific and fast development, and centers on the construction of academic disciplines and new campus, optimizes the university’s structure, develops special features, strengthens the innovation system, and enlarges the policy of It is located in central China where it faces the nation and prepares for the The university is adapting to the economic and social conditions of the country and the region as The university follows the world’s scientific technology and cultural development and fully promotes the university’s modernization and internationalization and aims to establish a first-class comprehensive university in China, being internationally well known as well, and demonstrating a strong function in the




学院先后承担了973项目、863项目、国家自然科学基金重大重点项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国际合作重点项目、国防军工项目等一批国家和省部级科研项目。在国际重要学术期刊上发表了一批高水平学术论文,近10年来年均发表SCI/EI论文260篇以上,近5年来年均获得授权发明专利30余项。学院始终坚持基础研究与工程实际紧密结合的理念,承担和完成了一批校企、校地合作项目,许多科研成果实现了成果转化和产业化,产生了显著的经济效益和社会效益,为促进国家和地方经济建设与发展以及行业技术进步做出了突出贡献。自1978年全国科学大会以来,学院共荣获28项全国科学大会奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科技进步奖和国家星火奖,荣获29项省部级科技成果一等奖。 2018年,美国ESI(Essential Science Indicators)基本科学指标库公布的最新学科排数据中,我校材料科学学科(Materials Science)ESI 全球排名进入1‰,标志着我校材料科学学科已经进入世界一流学科行列。 学院师资力量雄厚,教学与科研经验丰富。现有教职工173人,其中专任教师118名,教授59名,副教授44名,博士生导师63名。专任教师中4%拥有博士学位、海外博士占27%,高级职称教师占7%,80%以上的教师都有海外访学、进修经历。学院拥有国家及省部级以上的各类高水平人才/团队59人(次)。 迄今为止,学院已经培养各类毕业生16000余名。学院现有在校生1800多名。 学院发展目标:建成世界一流水平学科。


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