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Color using in officeAbstract The color is a wordless expression, but it can be deposited into a mood in one's heart through the The effect that color can arouse one’s affectivity can not be Good coordination in color can produce the dulcet environment and the poetic atmosphere, while failure coordination in color will destroy the entire Making the most of the color’s physical characters and the color effects on mental, we can change the space dimension, scale, and separation by using interior colors to some degree, so as to actualize the space penetrating and Therefore, the color is an indispensable factor in the entire design of the Some users may pay great attention to the color coordination in the office space and may have went deep researches in color; but some, especially the labour clerks, may show little concern for it, But thus would make the clerks working in a humdrum environment, and finally influence both the psychology and the working Nowadays, the color function in the office space will undoubtedly be paid more and more attentions in such a developing Key words: color psychology, color sentiment, color image, sensorial effect, dimension and color in office