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一般来说,写作过程需经过审题、构思和组织材料、拟定提纲、写出初稿、修改润色等阶段。最后的修改、润色是提高作文档次时必不可少的一个阶段,这也是很多人最容易忽视的阶段。 补充:文学艺术里的虚与实,理解丰富——文章内容为实,主题为虚;内容上具体描绘为实,抽象议论为虚;眼见为实,心想为虚;形象为实,抽象为虚;当前为实,过去未来为虚;客观为实,主观为虚



Is it necessary to help someone who is in danger?This question often cause heated Recently,more people tend to be indifferent to people who are in For example,when an old man fall down to the road , no one dare to show their how shameful this behavior is!Such news always make me feel It's a pity that it might result in the absence of As I see,just as the proverb goes,the rose is in her hand,the flavor in It should be put highest priority for us to help It is widely recognized that sometimes we would be exorted by those who behave wounded What's more,what has resulted in the phenomenon is the loss of awareness of the moral As we all know,there is no denying of the fact that anybody wouldn't need others' help once in a Appealing to the public to help others is both significant and Not only the citizens but also the government are supposed to take measures to minimize the loss of social morality so that there are more warm-hearted people and fewer cold-heart We might as well to be careful and ensure if they need help before we help Meanwhile,the society plays an important role in mutual The more attention we pay to others,the more happiness we can generate 只能这样了,这样显得文章更加完整一些,还是尽量不要百度一些句子,因为一些用法不是很对,用自己熟悉的或者是书上的



下雨天,真好 雨敲打着窗户,噼里啪啦,是忧伤的蓝调。还在小学的我看着被上帝诅咒的天,心情不太晴朗。 原本这天有一个聚会,可天公不作美,下起了磅礴的大于。但我还想去,不管怎样,约好了“风雨无阻”。问题就在于,父母都不让我去,说雨太打了,不会有人去的。那时,我也没现在勇敢,父母说什么就做什么。虽然极不情愿,可也只得噘着小嘴在家乖乖地呆了一个下午。 我害怕伙伴们会嘲笑我,嘲笑我的“风雨无阻”。我又多么渴望得聚会时的欢乐。但我什么也做不了,只奈得坐在窗边空想,想哭。 这个下雨天,我只在家中阴沉。 过了许多年,我上初中了。还是聚会,还是那个绝地忧伤的大雨,我的承诺还是“风雨无阻”。可这一次,我没有再乖乖听话。我不想失去承诺。我不能再错第二次了。父母执拗不过我,于是答应让我出去。心中无比高兴。 我只打了一把伞,狂雨很快把我泼得湿了一半。我也没顾,依然在雨中艰难前行,心中依然晴朗。“风雨无阻”这一句成若一直是我快乐的源泉和坚持的力量。 我也不知道我花了多少时间到达集中地。我只知道到集中地的时候,我鞋子湿了一半,衣服湿了一边,头发和脸全湿了。我很高兴,我兑现了“风雨无阻”的诺言。 虽然下着大雨,可大家玩得都很尽兴。这个湿漉漉的下午,有着湿漉漉的快乐,风雨无阻的快乐。 在回家的路上,我轻快地说: 下雨天,真好, 友情真妙。

一般来说,写作过程需经过审题、构思和组织材料、拟定提纲、写出初稿、修改润色等阶段。最后的修改、润色是提高作文档次时必不可少的一个阶段,这也是很多人最容易忽视的阶段。 补充:文学艺术里的虚与实,理解丰富——文章内容为实,主题为虚;内容上具体描绘为实,抽象议论为虚;眼见为实,心想为虚;形象为实,抽象为虚;当前为实,过去未来为虚;客观为实,主观为虚



一般来说,写作过程需经过审题、构思和组织材料、拟定提纲、写出初稿、修改润色等阶段。最后的修改、润色是提高作文档次时必不可少的一个阶段,这也是很多人最容易忽视的阶段。 补充:文学艺术里的虚与实,理解丰富——文章内容为实,主题为虚;内容上具体描绘为实,抽象议论为虚;眼见为实,心想为虚;形象为实,抽象为虚;当前为实,过去未来为虚;客观为实,主观为虚


retouch 英[riː'tʌtʃ]美[,ri'tʌtʃ] 润饰;修整部分 润饰;修整 润饰;修整[ 第三人称单数retouches 过去式retouched 过去分词retouched 现在分词retouching ] 同近义词润饰;修整trim up, give shape 润饰;修整trim up, give shape to 双 21世纪大英汉词典retouch [,ri:'tʌtʃ; 'ri:tʌtʃ] 润色;修改:The artist retouched the painting several 画家对这张画作了几次润色。 【摄影术】修描(底片等):This photograph has been 这张照片已经过修整。 补染(新长出的头发) 【考古学】修磨(石器毛坯等) 润色;修整 补染 润色;修饰 润色时的增删部分 【摄影术】修描过的照片(或底片等);修版 (头发的)补染 【考古学】(石器毛坯的)修磨

润色是指通过对文字进行修饰,使其文采丰富,以下例子是对句子进行润色,希望对理解有帮助: I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high (强调句强调句强调句强调句) It was when I entered senior high school that I realized the importance of E We can live a happy life only by this (倒装) Only by this means can we live a happy He fell The lights were still (with结构) He fell asleep with the lights When I heard that, I was much (非谓语动词) Hearing that, I was much They carried out a survey among 260 (被动语态) A survey was carried out among 260 They were faced with many They didn’t lose (非谓语动词) Faced with many problems, they didn’t lose heart. It was getting And it began to (插入语) It was getting What was worse, it began to He worked very He made great progress in his (改为复合句) He worked so hard that he made great progress in his He offered me a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over (what引导的主语从句) What he offered me was a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over I got on a There were already too many people on (定语从句) I got on a bus on which there were already too many 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their (强调数字) As many as 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their


