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一般学术论文翻译成Technical Scheme或者Technology Frame,这样显得比较不那么不专业


Concrete modelRC ModelThe finite element model of plane frameUnder the implicit analysis of the top beam under the bottom of column displacement and reaction force (kN, mm)Explicit analysis of the top under the top of the beam under displacementExplicit analysis of the displacement under the top column capitalsImplicit and explicit analysis and comparisont = 15s gravity balance, t = 21s began to injuryt = 51s hinge behavior significantly, t = 93s higher position hinge damaget = 11s structure hit the ground, t = 59s after touchdownRemoved after the column structure damage A1Location of reinforcement unitReinforced unit axial stress curveReinforcing bars, and the axial stress curvesA concrete cell position t = 96sB Concrete unit axial stress curveConcrete element beam end to the stress curve xBeam-column joint damage changesVertical shear force (Kn)Moment (Knm)Figure 9 Section Analysis of Changes 204Figure 10 The curve of the top steel axial force (N)Figure 11 The top of the concrete element x to the stress curve (Pa)A 2 floor beams of two sections indicateB 1-10 floor beams of two sections indicateFigure 12 Section 2, indicateA section on each floor beam 2, the vertical shear force (N)B 2 section was the total shear (N)B and the vertical shear of the curve with the cantilever gravity ratioFigure 13 1 to 10 floor beams of the internal forces in the two curves cross section whereFigure 14 Column A1 to the top of the speed curve of the node yA section on each floor beam 2 Department moment (Nm)B 1-10 layer 2 section was the total beam moment (Nm)Figure 15 Division 2 sectional moment (Nm)A section on each floor beam 2, the axial force (N)B 1-10 floor beams of the axial force of section 2 and (N)Figure 16 2 Section The axial forces (Nm)Figure 17 x to displacement in the main structureA complete cycle structure of the first flexibleThe first cycle of the main structure of elastic BFigure 18 Structure of the first mode (x to the translation)A section of the column an axial force (N)Structure of a cross-section of Division B of total axial force (N)Figure 19 Column 1 Section The axial force (Nm)A section of the column 1, Shear (N)Structure of a cross-section of Division B shear (N)Figure 20 Column 1 section was shear (Nm)Figure 21 a cross section of various column moment (Nm)A moment (Nm)B shear force (N)Figure 21 three-beam column interface with the internal forcesFigure 22 removed after column B1 structure damageA change in axial forceMoment BC ShearFigure 23 Section Analysis of changes in the column 1Figure 24 ABC three columns in an axial section was sought andA moment (Nm)B shear force (N)C-axis force (N)Figure 25 Beam 4 section was in the internal forcesRC Model


Figure 1  例句:  结果以图表形式呈现在图1中。  A graphical representation of results is shown in figure


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Figure 1,the forecast of vehicle population in BTable 1,the forecast of the total travel of Beijing population (six rings)Table 2,the number of tables of the various modes of transport vehicles a day travel Table 3,the forecast of the population of Beijing car borne travel



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不可以可以用的,但是 是举例子的时候,比如说你写的是翻译方向的论文,标语翻译 ,你要论证 ,要举例子 就可以引用。 一般其他的在论文中除了文献和摘要 就不应该出现中文了一般学术性论文是不可以的,需要翻译成英文,如果你引用中文的书籍或网站文章,也是需要翻译成英文的,除非是比较特殊的,比如教育类,写字的结构的那么可以出现 要知道这是给外国人看的,首要条件是他们能看得懂,只要看得懂你在说什么就没问题了




