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《西南交通大学学报》为中文核心期刊,其增刊主要收录硕士研究生的,也包括教师及广大的工程技术人员的稿件。投稿邮箱:,请注明增刊投稿。电话:028-87600551唐老师西南交通大学学报期刊名称:西南交通大学学报英文名称:JournalofSouthwestJiaotongUniversity主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部主办单位:西南交通大学出版周期:双月刊出版地址:四川省成都市语  种:中文开  本:大16开国际刊号:0258-2724国内刊号:51-1277/U邮发代号:62-104发行范围:国内外统一发行创刊时间:1954期刊收录:CBST科学技术文献速报(日)(2009)EI工程索引(美)(2009)中国科学引文数据库(CSCD—2008)核心期刊:中文核心期刊(2008)中文核心期刊(2004)中文核心期刊(2000)中文核心期刊(1996)中文核心期刊(1992)期刊荣誉:中科双效期刊Caj-cd规范获奖期刊联系方式免费咨询:400-6611-896编辑电话:010-51916365编辑QQ:861817761;635375618投稿邮箱:期刊简介综合科技B类综合期刊发表-工程科技II期刊发表  《西南交通大学学报》由西南交通大学主办,创刊于1954年,原刊名为《唐山铁道学院学报》,其前身为1919年6月创办的《唐山工业专门学校杂志》(TheTangshanEngineeringCollegeMagazine),是我国最早的科技期刊之一。《西南交通大学学报》主要刊登理工类理论研究、应用研究、实验研究、学术讨论等方面的学术论文以及科技信息报道。读者对象主要为国内外科技工作者、工程技术人员、高等院校理工科教师和学生等。  《西南交通大学学报》为全国核心期刊,得到了国内外多家权威检索机构的认可,被美国EiCompendex、德国《数学文摘》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》,以及国内的《中国科学引文数据库》、《中国科技论文统计源期刊》等20多个数据库和文摘杂志收录。也是中国数学、力学、岩土工程、机械工程、无线电等众多文摘的引文源。目前列“综合性交通运输类”第1名。


西南交大每年博士入学均在9月份时间大概为3月份报名,4月份考试发表论文要求:博士生在学期间必须以第一作者身份并署名西南交通大学,公开发表(含接到正式录用通知)与学位论文相关的学术论文,具体要求应达到下列三条之一,方可申请进行论文答辩。1. 至少有1篇被SCI或SSCI收录(第一作者);2. 至少有2篇被EI收录(其中至少有1篇是第一作者,另1篇可为第二作者、导师为第一作者);3. 不少于4篇发表在核心期刊(其中至少有2篇是第一作者,另2篇可为第二作者、导师为第一作者),其中至少有2篇发表在CSCD来源期刊中的核心库期刊或CSSCI的收录期刊(其中至少有1篇是第一作者,另1篇可为第二作者、导师为第一作者;个别学科、专业可结合实际情况,在核心期刊范围内确认相当于CSCD来源期刊中的核心库期刊或CSSCI的收录期刊,报校学位评定委员会审批)






机械疲劳类的顶尖期刊,比较难中!加油吧! 近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 694 976 546 799 中科院杂志分区 工程:机械分类下的 3 区期刊 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0142-1123 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 International Journal of Fatigue is dedicated entirely to the full range of science and technology associated with The scope of the journal includes the study, analysis, and modeling of fatigue and fatigue-related processes from the atomic level to global engineering behaviour, in all classes of materials and material International Journal of Fatigue provides a timely forum for information and discussion for engineers, researchers, and educators that is dedicated entirely to the subject of The technical integrity of the journal is maintained by an international Editorial Advisory Board of leading experts and by the review of all papers (including those in special issues and supplements) by at least two and very often three Timely publication is emphasized (typically within 7-9 months); all papers are available electronically as part of the renowned 'ScienceDirect' on-line service of E Typical subjects discussed in International Journal of Fatigue include the following: Degradation mechanisms (driven by mechanical, chemical, thermal, and other applied environments) Modeling (including fracture mechanics, damage mechanics, crack growth, kinetics, life prediction, damage tolerance, durability) Manufacturing and processing effects (associated with forming, machining, curing, initial defects, and residual stresses) Testing and characterization (including sensors, monitoring, methodology, interactive control, accelerated methods, data interpretation) Applications of all types (including structural integrity, design and maintenance) Combined and coupled behaviour such as creep-fatigue and stress rupture-fatigue is also included in the scope of the The journal particularly welcomes review papers as well as suggestions for special issues either on topical areas in fatigue of materials or containing selected papers from international expert International Journal of Fatigue will present two annual awards: one for Advances in Fatigue and one for the Outstanding Paper in any Related Conference The International Congress on Fracture is a series of meetings held every 4 The conference scope is sure to be of interest to readers of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fatigue, Engineering Failure Analysis, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, NDT&E, Journal of the Mechanics & Physics of Solids, International Journal of Solids & Structures, Mechanics of Materials and related mechanics/materials All interested researchers in the mechanics and mechanisms of fracture, fatigue and strength of solids are invited to submit a paper to the next ICF and/or attend as a


