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文献综述是对某一方面的专题搜集大量情报资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文, 它是科学文献的一种。 格式与写法 文献综述的格式与一般研究性论文的格式有所不同。这是因为研究性的论文注重研究的方法和结果,特别是阳性结果,而文献综述要求向读者介绍与主题有关的详细资料、动态、进展、展望以及对以上方面的评述。因此文献综述的格式相对多样,但总的来说,一般都包含以下四部分:即前言、主题、总结和参考文献。撰写文献综述时可按这四部分拟写提纲,在根据提纲进行撰写工。 前言部分,主要是说明写作的目的,介绍有关的概念及定义以及综述的范围,扼要说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,使读者对全文要叙述的问题有一个初步的轮廓。 主题部分,是综述的主体,其写法多样,没有固定的格式。可按年代顺序综述,也可按不同的问题进行综述,还可按不同的观点进行比较综述,不管用那一种格式综述,都要将所搜集到的文献资料归纳、整理及分析比较,阐明有关主题的历史背景、现状和发展方向,以及对这些问题的评述,主题部分应特别注意代表性强、具有科学性和创造性的文献引用和评述。 总结部分,与研究性论文的小结有些类似,将全文主题进行扼要总结,对所综述的主题有研究的作者,最好能提出自己的见解。 参考文献虽然放在文末,但却是文献综述的重要组成部分。因为它不仅表示对被引用文献作者的尊重及引用文献的依据,而且为读者深入探讨有关问题提供了文献查找线索。因此,应认真对待。参考文献的编排应条目清楚,查找方便,内容准确无误。关于参考文献的使用方法,录著项目及格式与研究论文相同,不再重复。



Jack of all trades and master of



英语文献常用词及其缩写    英文全称 缩写 中文    Abstracts A 文摘    Abbreviation 缩语和略语    Acta 学报    Advances 进展    Annals A 纪事    Annual A 年鉴,年度    Semi-Annual 半年度    Annual Review 年评    Appendix Appx 附录    Archives 文献集    Association Assn 协会    Author 作者    Bibliography 书目,题录    Biological Abstract BA 生物学文摘    Bulletin 通报,公告    Chemical Abstract CA 化学文摘    Citation Cit 引文,题录    Classification 分类,分类表    College C 学会,学院    Compact Disc-Read Only Memory CD-ROM 只读光盘    Company C 公司    Content 目次    Co-term 配合词,共同词    Cross-references 相互参见    Digest 辑要,文摘    Directory 名录,指南    Dissertations D 学位论文    Edition E 版次    Editor E 编者、编辑    Excerpta Medica EM 荷兰《医学文摘》    Encyclopedia 百科全书    The Engineering Index Ei 工程索引    Et al 等等    European Patent Convertion EPC 欧洲专利协定    Federation 联合会    Gazette 报,公报    Guide 指南    Handbook 手册    Heading 标题词    Illustration I 插图    Index 索引    Cumulative Index 累积索引    Index Medicus IM 医学索引    Institute I 学会、研究所    International Patent Classification IPC 国际专利分类法    International Standard Book Number ISBN 国际标准书号    International Standard Series Number ISSN 国际标准刊号    Journal J 杂志、刊    Issue 期(次)    Keyword 关键词    Letter L 通讯、读者来信    List 目录、一览表    Manual 手册    Medical Literature Analysis and MADLARS 医学文献分析与检索系统    Retrieval System    Medical Subject Headings MeSH 医学主题词表    Note 札记    Papers 论文    Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT 国际专利合作条约    Precision Ratio 查准率    Press 出版社    Procceedings P 会报、会议录    Progress 进展    Publication P 出版物    Recall Ratio 查全率    Record 记录、记事    Report 报告、报导    Review 评论、综述    Sciences Abstracts SA 科学文摘    Section S 部分、辑、分册    See also 参见    Selective Dissemination of Information SDI 定题服务    Seminars 专家讨论会文集    Series S 丛书、辑    Society 学会    Source 来源、出处    Subheadings 副主题词    Stop term 禁用词    Subject 主题    Summary 提要    Supplement S 附刊、增刊    Survey 概览    Symposium S 专题学术讨论会    Thesaurus 叙词表、词库    Title 篇名、刊名、题目    Topics 论题、主题    Transactions 汇报、汇刊    Volume V 卷    World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO 世界知识产权    World Patent Index WPI 世界专利索引    Yearbook 年鉴 基础英语》参考文献 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大学英语外报外刊阅读教程,主编端木义万,2003; Reading course for college English Science and Technology, 主编王勇,2000; Reading course for college English Literature,主编王勇,2001; 大学英语新编泛读教材(二至六级统考必备),侯梅雪主编,1994; 大学英语阅读分类技能教程, 庄恩平主编,1994; College English reading comprehension, 王镁主编,李年祥等编, 1990; 大学综合英语系列教程•基础阅读:(21世纪高等院校教材),王健主编,2003; Active English Enrichment reading 总主编顾曰国, 黄国文,2000; Active English Enrichment reading (英) Neville Grant, 顾曰国主编,2000; Modern American Society and Culture 吴玉伦编著,1998; 当代英国概况(修订本) 肖惠云主编,2003; 当代国际商务英语阅读 电子资源 于晓言编著 著 汪会武 编1999; The active reader Reading for Sandra Allen [等] 改编王慧莉, 高桂珍,2001; 管理专业英语阅读教材, 冯允成等编,1993; Advertising and the Promotion Industry Maggie-Jo,St John编写 刘宁译注,1998; 计算机专业英语 电子资源 俞光昀,2001; In Print Reading Business English (英) Rod Revell, Simon Sweeney著 陈荣译注,2000; 金版大学英语四级考试综合阅读成功教程(社会篇),毛荣贵编著,2001; A comprehensive reading course in international trade and economics 龚龙生主编,1998; 科技英语阅读教程,秦荻辉选注,1996; Thirty-nine steps,Buchan,J原著,中国人民大学英语教研室注释,1984; 《国际金融英语》,主编冯肇伯,1999; 《金融手册》,刘金章主编,2001; 《金融业务英语》,刘伟等主编,1998; ,8599,356000,html ,8599,356496,html -09-04/5/html /time/world/article/0,8599,405301,html -04/04/content_htm _html _abc 以下是些英语论文,你可以参考下:)~~ 英语毕业论文 -yilx/ 英语论文类文章1001篇,里面有很多的:)~ -htm 英文的毕业论文 或:) 英语毕业论文[1829] 毕业论文的引文[208] 毕业论文选题和观点方面的…[139] 毕业论文的评价[83] _Sasp?ArticleID=1398 朋友,去这里找找,希望能帮到你!!祝你好运 英语文献常用词及其缩写 基础英语课程参考文献




Not surprisingly speed reading has a lot to do with taking good notes because comprehension of what we read increases significantly with the kind of notes we take and how often we review those (See "Taking Notes" ) Effective speed reading increases If you practice the skills in this chapter you should double or triple your reading speed and increase your Reading to understand the material is better than reading to remember, for you cannot really remember information that you do not understand except in the short This chapter deals with reading for The chapter is divided as follows: Personal Reading Position, Preparation of Reading Material, Reading with Purpose, Speed R Personal Reading Position Reading while laying on your bed or sitting in your best old worn chair may be very comfortable but these are the worst possible positions if you want to comprehend and remember what you have Reserve your leisurely positions for your leisure There are two positions that are best for effective reading: sitting in a firm chair with your feet curled under the chair; the book is propped up in front of you at a 45 degree angle so that your eyes do not have to refocus as you go up and down each page, standing with your reading material again at a 45 degree You can make a platform for your book on a high chest of drawers or similar piece of furniture so that it acts as a These positions are effective because they involve you using body energy to maintain these You need to use approximately 20% of your body energy to be active enough to read comprehensively and with increased As we use so little of our mental capacity (less than 10% on average) we need to activate our body energy so that our reading is not sleep This really works! To read effectively we must also eat proper meals especially sufficient proteins, calcium, potassium and iodine Sufficient sleep will also increase your abilities Preparation of the Reading Material Before you read any book you need to prepare it so that you do not struggle with the book's pages while preserving the book's Begin at the outside of the book (the front and rear covers) and take a few pages from each end and make a fold along the binding at the bottom of the Take the following few pages from each end and fold along the binding again repeating this process until you reach the middle of the In this way the pages have been bent so that the book will stay open at any page without worrying about breaking the binding or having the pages fall Reading with Purpose Often people ask if speed reading results in less If you imagine reading a book of 500 pages and reading 1020 pages per day as many of us do, it could take us over a month to read the whole book (if we ever complete it at all!) When you have finished such a book ask yourself how much you remember from the beginning of the book or even the previous chapter and you will recognize that no one remembers 100% of any In fact, reading at a average speed usually means that you forget most of what you read, remembering only the details of what you have read within the last hour or Therefore, reading more quickly can actually increase comprehension! We are taught to read in elementary school by reading words Most people speak at about 200300 words a minute so that our average reading speed is about the At such a rate we would read a normal page in about 2 We could be reading it at a much more productive rate of 2030 Not only is our reading limited by how fast we can "say" the words we are reading but we also do two other things to slow us The first is called When we read about 100 words on a page our eyes often stop 10 or 11 times to rest on a word or to go back to a word we have already read to make sure we understand This dramatically reduces our reading If that is not enough to slow us down we waste about 20% of our reading time turning pages! Next time you read, watch how much time you might fumble turning the pages: licking a finger to get a good grip, or separating the pages so you turn only The greatest mistake we make is to begin reading on page 1 and continuing until we get We know very little about the book, how it is structured, why the author wrote it, what conclusions will be reached, and how much of the information is important for us to understand and Reading with purpose gives you CONTROL over the material rather than the other way You begin by asking yourself: · how worthwhile is this material relative to other information on this subject? · what do I really need to understand and remember (specifically) from this material? Having an idea of the importance of your material you can begin to divide the material into manageable This is done as follows: ask yourself the basic questions (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY & HOW); preview the book to get a brief idea of it's content (much like a television guide summary of a movie); add questions and ideas based on your preview to those you have already written down; read units (chapters or sections) one at a time; take notes to answer your questions and add further questions/ideas; quickly review the unit just completed to add any final notes; review your notes as outlined in the "Taking Notes"



ok ,俺棒吧。


