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这方面的文章在VIP英语论文网上很多的哦,起头我也参考他们的范文,不过时间挺赶的,觉得一时也完成不了,不可能一两天就解决,后来直接让VIP英语论文网在线辅导老师帮我解决,非常专业的说,很快就给我了,呵呵。关于论文方面的问题可以去参考下。参考下这篇文章,或许对你有帮助英语已经成为国际学术领域的通用语,因此对旨在学术领域获得成就的未来的学者和研究人员们来说,用英语进行学术英文摘要写作是必不可缺的技能。摘要,作为学术论文的缩影,不仅能客观准确地描述科学研究,帮助读者迅速了解论文的主要内容,同时也成为科研人员掌握最新学术动态,向同行展示研究成果的重要工具。在科研文献急骤增加的信息时代,英语摘要已成为学术交流中传递信息的重要方式,其质量的好坏将直接影响到科研成果在世界范围内的传播和交流,因此对英文摘要的研究逐渐成为语言学研究的一个焦点。模糊限制语是英语摘要写作中常用的策略,它表明了作者对话语及读者的态度,给作者及读者都留下讨论的余地,体现了作者的科学态度及对同行的尊重。但是长期以来模糊限制语一直被人们忽视,甚至有的人认为使用模糊限制语是低劣文风的标志。一般来讲,英语摘要中模糊限制语的使用很少,因此很多人对它们在英语摘要中的情况了解不多,从不同母语的英语使用者角度对比分析英语摘要中的模糊限制语的研究更少。由于长期以来人们对模糊限制语及其用法认识不足,很多英语摘要的语言都显得武断和过于肯定。这一现象在以英语为二语者的英语摘要中更为明显。基于这一认识和这一领域以前的研究文献,本文尝试通过两个自建的英语摘要语料库,即以英语为母语者的英语摘要写作语料库和中国在读博士英语摘要写作语料库,对这两个语料库里模糊限制语的使用进行了定量和定性的对比研究。本文除去引言和结论外涵盖五章:第一章,文献综述。本章的第一部分详细介绍了模糊限制语的研究状况。首先介绍拉克夫(Lakoff)对模糊限制语的研究。拉克夫是第一个研究模糊限制语语义的语言学家。他指出语义界限有一定的模糊性,并强调模糊限制语是最有研究价值的,模糊限制语不但可以改变命题的真值程度,还可以揭示出命题意义的其他方面;其次介绍普林斯及其合作者(Prince et al)对模糊限制语的研究。他们将模糊限制语分成两类:一类是变动型模糊限制语,一类是缓和型模糊限制语。变动型模糊限制语或者改变话语的原意,或者对原来话语意义作某种程度的修正,或者给原话语定出一个变动范围。缓和型模糊限制语不改变话语的真值条件,而是使其语气趋向缓和的词语。再次介绍了Varttala对模糊限制语的研究,其对模糊限制语的分类是本研究的主要依据。最后介绍中国第一个把模糊理论引进来并进行了广泛研究的伍铁平教授的研究情况。伍先生对限制语的研究是从语法和句法角度给予分类,且比较注重单个词意义的研究。第二部分综述国内模糊限制语的研究现状及仍需解决的问题。本章的第三部分阐述了本文所涉及的模糊限制语研究的主要理论依据。第二章,英语摘要中的模糊限制语。第一部分,介绍了语言学家对英语摘要概念达成的四点共识。本章的第二部分介绍了国际标准化组织(ISO)在1976年公布的一项至今仍然有效的国际标准,即ISO214-1976(E)中提出的论文及出版物摘要的四要素,即目的、方法、结果、结论。本章的第三部分分析了英语摘要的三个语言特点:准确性、完整性、简明扼要。本章的第四部分概述了英语摘要的国内外研究现状。章的最后一部分分析了模糊限制语在英语摘要写作中的作用。第三章,研究设计。首先介绍研究目的,通过统计分析两个语料库中模糊限制语的使用情况,归纳总结其异同点及产生差异的原因,以帮助中国英语学习者更好的在英语摘要写作中使用模糊限制语。其次介绍语料来源,研究程序以及本研究所采用的研究方法。为确保研究的有效性,作者建立了两个语料库,共计70篇英语摘要。其中35篇是由以英语为母语者所写的英语摘要,构成语料库NES Corpus,另外35篇是吉林大学在读博士所写的英语摘要,构成语料库CEL Corpus。语料库NES Corpus使用SPSS软件进行数据分析,而语料库CEL Corpus中的英语摘要多数采用传统印刷,因而主要进行手工统计,进行分析。本研究以Varttala对模糊限制语的分类为依据,对两个语料库中的模糊限制语的使用进行了定量、定性的对比研究。第四章,研究结果,首先根据Varttala对词汇形式的模糊限制语的分类详细描述两个语料库里各类模糊限制语出现次数、各类可细化的次种类、在全文中的使用频率(以每千词计算)进行统计、对比,并探讨了各种模糊限制语的功能。然后总结、对比模糊限制语在两类语料库中的种类、使用频率、各种模糊限制语占模糊限制语总数的百分比。最后统计模糊限制语在英语摘要四要素中的分布情况。第五章,讨论。根据以上所搜集的数据,对研究结果进行讨论。结果表明两个语料库中模糊限制语使用的共同点为:均存在大量模糊限制语;其中表认知的动词出现频率最高;模糊限制语更多出现在英语摘要导言和讨论部分而非研究方法和结果部分。中国在读博士英语摘要语料库和以英语为母语者英语摘要语料库中模糊限制语使用的不同点为:在模糊限制语的种类方面,前者仅为后者的二分之一;前者中较少使用名词和形容词形式的模糊限制语;前者中更多使用较强的情态动词形式的模糊限制语;前者中没有核心模糊限制语。本文作者随后讨论了出现这些现象的原因。客观世界的复杂性决定模糊限制语的普遍存在;同时英语摘要的语言特点要求英语摘要写作使用模糊限制语。导致两个语料库中模糊限制语使用存在差异的原因有很多,其中对英语的掌握程度及存在的文化差异是影响中国作者使用模糊限制语的最明显因素。同时不了解学术团体共同遵循的规则也是不可忽视的因素。针对以上谈到的异同点及影响因素,提出了一些切实可行的措施,期望能够在英语摘要教学中提高中国作者使用模糊限制语的意识及在英语摘要写作中恰当运用模糊限制语的能力。最后一部分是全文的总结。通过以上论述和分析,作者证明了母语不同的英语摘要写作者使用模糊限制语存在差异,提出了一些有利于教学实践的帮助性建议。本研究讨论了词汇形式的模糊限制语的使用情况,作者希望以后能够在其余方面继续完善英语摘要写作中模糊限制语使用的实践。如果你还有什么不懂的,自己咨询VIP英语论文网也可以,老师的态度很好

众所周知,词语搭配逐渐开始在语言学及应用语言学领域占据一个比较重要的地位。如今搭配成为语料库语言学领域较为繁荣的方而。很多研究人员在这一领域有兴趣,语料库现在依赖于现代计算机技术,它可以运行数千万字的文本。现在,基于语料库的研究都集中在对数量足够大的自然语言词汇重复模式方面的深入探讨。本文将基于语料库讨论商务英语中关键词汇的词语搭配。论文共分为五个部分。在第一部分中,将把本论文的研究背景详细阐述,同时也将明确指出本论文的目的和意义。同时也会对论文的组织结构进行概述。‘文献回顾中,总结了语料库和语料库语言学相关的文献,提供了搭配的相关信息以及它的具体定义和关键词等。这是我们研究的基础数据收集程序。通过计算列出数据,同时处理结果,并以科学和系统的方式加以分析。词表将被计算出来后,根据结果和比较,同时确定关键字。对于选择出来的四个关键词将被讨论,集中在词语搭配方面。最后,对商务英语语料库中的关键词的搭配研究会作出一个总结,同时并为进一步研究该建议。It is well-known that collocations are gradually beginning to occupy a relatively important place in the field of linguistics and applied Nowadays collocations become the flouring area of corpus A lot of researchers are interested in this Corpora now relies on the modern computer technology, which can make the running texts of tens and thousands millions words Recently, corpus-based research has focused on the importance of recurring patterns of lexis by looking at cUbktbTA蛛bUCz%^Lh


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Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel The novel is told in the form of an extended After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering H It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named H And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off- But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is This kind of situation often leads to separation or Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from M Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his This separation continued until after M Earnshaw had Another example is between Hindley and H Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young H This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son LHeathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his Linton even says " my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about HThe hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives don't know each This had happened between Isabella and H Isabella did not really know Heathcliff when she married him, but after she had married him she saw that Heathcliff was not a gentleman at To declare her feelings she wrote "Is Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil? I shan't tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married "(125) Another example of this is when Catherine married Edgar L Although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, she thought having parties all the time was going to be Yet, after a while, she became She also realized that she loved Heathcliff more than Edgar and would always love HThis enlightenment created separation between Edgar and Catherine during the final hours of Cathy's An additional marriage which was made that was doomed was the one between Catherine and L Because this was a forced marriage, Cathy had not yet learned all she could about LBecause she did not know until after the marriage that Linton was selfish and inconsiderate, she became distressed and grew isolated in the These three failed marriages described in this novel show that knowing the person you will marry is very While these marriages took place, jealousy also took a hold in some One example of this is when M Earnshaw starts to favor Heathcliff over his own son, H Because of this, Hindley becomes jealous of young Heathcliff and sets out to make Heathcliff's life a Hindley's jealousy becomes evident when he says ," be damned you beggarly interloper! and wheedle my father out of all he has; only afterwards show him what you are, imp of S"(35) Jealousy was also found very notably in the relationship between Heathcliff and Edgar L The jealousy between them is expressed when Heathcliff and Edgar start a hostile conversation after Cathy's homecoming at Christmas near the beginning of the As the story progresses these two become bitter enemies who will not speak to one Another relationship which jealousy ruined is the one between Hareton and L These two become jealous of each other over Cathy's This relationship ends as Hareton and Linton hating each These relationships show that jealousy can ruin a relationship very The housekeeper Ellen Dean, or we can call her Nelly, tells most of the She witnesses the life of the three-generations in the two She is a good storyteller but we mustn’t believe all of what she She always thinks and considers things in a simple She couldn’t understand the deep love between Catherine and H She thinks it is a kind of She is a limited In a certain way, this helps readers to understand Heathcliff better because he has no chance to defend An outsider will see the whole thing more However, we should pay more attention not to be affect by her opinions and try to find the truth between the As a main character Catherine is a She is attracted by Linton but doesn’t love She knows that clearly but she marries Linton without listening to the call of her Many critics believe that what makes her marry Linton is only his high social status and I think this comment is In fact, she folly thinks to marry Linton will help Heathcliff “to rise and place him out of my brother’s ” Her decision ruins herself, Heathcliff and the two She has to endure serious suffering because she knows clearly she love Heathcliff whole-heartedly but can’t become his She confesses to Nelly her own thoughts: “…I am Heathcliff—he’s always, always in my mind—not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself—but as my own being…” She loves Heathcliff because he is more like her than His existence is natural to her for they are the same in They could understand each other without Talking about Heathcliff, he is an evil person but I admire him because his love and hate is Everyone has a devil in his The one in Heathcliff’s heart is especially In spite of this, I believe and can read between the lines that Amily Bronte also has her favor to H She wants to tell us evil and love are deeply planted in everyone’s heart and it is human


初中科学小论文环境与光污染一、课题背景:随着现代都市的发展,出现了一种新的污染——光污染,它已成为现在都市的环境公害,影响人们的身心健康。而这种光污染是由反光、反热的建筑材料造成的,如一些大厦的玻璃幕墙。在下午约2~4时折射的太阳光正好对着公路,司机们的视线受到干扰,存在安全隐患。在深圳也存在此种问题,特别是繁华地段的高层反光反热的玻璃幕墙,因此,本小组在我市的繁华地段进行调查研究,开展了“光污染”的课题研究。二、课题目的:认识和了解光污染的有关知识。调查城市光污染,并提出有关建议。学会团结合作,学会对知识的探讨与研究。��  三、课题研究过程与方法:查找资料:上网查找,翻阅书报。收集资料。(1)光污染分为人造光与自然光,这些光照对人体有害处。(2)人对光的色彩有何反应。(3)光污染对各种人群的危害。实地调查(1)对行人、司机的采访。 (2)采用拍照,进行实情记录。总结整理(1)整理资料,分析内容。(2)制作网页。四、研究结果和分析:光污染及其危害根据环境科学的解释,光污染是指过量的光辐射,紫外线辐射和红外线辐射对人体健康,人类生活和工作环境造成不良影响的现象。(1)眩光�造成光污染的光辐射中常见的是眩光。眩光是指在视野内有光亮度范围不适宜,在空间或时间上存在着极端的光亮度对比,以致引起不舒服或降低可见度的视觉现象,玻璃幕墙的光污染就是由于其反射太阳光、灯光等光线过强造成眩光。眩光使人的视力下降并迅速疲劳,日常生活中的眩光污染有很多,如夜间迎面而来的汽车前灯的眩光会使受到光刺激的司机和行人控制力降低,很容易发生危险等。 (2)自然光自然光主要来源太阳辐射。太阳光主要有紫外线、红外线、可见光等。而光污染是指过量的光的辐射,紫外光的辐射,能对人体健康、人类生活和工作环境造成不良影响。如:受日光中的紫外线过度的照射,便会引起日光性皮肤炎,会使人身体暴露部位红肿,严重者起水疱,患部有灼热,刺痒或疼痛感;病情严重时,可伴随身体不适、发烧、恶心及心跳加速,长期日晒过量会造成慢性损害,长期照射阳光,紫外线能诱发皮肤癌。但适量的阳光照射是必要的。(3)反射太阳光反射太阳光,这种光污染是城市中最为严重的。例如,我市的建筑,虽然以玻璃幕墙为主,是很美观,但在美丽的背后却潜藏着杀机,它给周围的人带来了很多危险,如:使正常细胞衰亡,出现血压升高,心急燥热等不良症状,还可以使人的视力下降尤其是眩光。(4)人造光人造光就是指我们日常使用的电灯,舞厅用的彩灯等。在舞厅里,我们看到的灯光五光十色,美丽万分,可你对它的危害又认识多少呢?各式各样的彩灯是光污染的来源之一。彩灯虽然能够强烈的刺激感官,同时刺激也能病发细胞,使人的眼睛不适,影响人的中枢神经,令人产生头晕目眩,站立不稳的感觉,长期处于这种灯光下会引起头痛,失明,食欲不振。此外经科学研究表明,彩光能给人产生心理压力,不同的颜色有不同程度的心理压力。 �(5)彩光心理压力指数灯光颜色 白光 黄光 绿光 蓝光 紫光 红光 黑光压力指数 100 113 133 152 155 158 187(6)光污染如何导致近视作为学生的我们受到光污染的危害就更严重了,现代学生的近视眼有不断上升的趋势,其中必不可少原因是光污染。学生所用的台灯,光质分为红外光、紫外光。红外光易被水分吸收,而人的眼球80%左右是水分,长期吸收红外光会使眼组织变异;紫外光有穿透力,杀伤力强,长期受紫外光辐射,眼细胞受到伤害。台灯的光污染会对眼睛造成疲劳,损伤,从而使视力下降。光污染的防治与建议(1)在光污染比较严重的地区,可以多植树,树木可以减少光污染的强度,从而减少光污染对人体的影响和危害。(2)在交通繁忙地区的建筑物应少用或不用反光、反热的建筑材料,最好使用不反光、不反热的建筑材料。(3)住宅区不用反光、反热性强的建筑材料,因为它会直接危害到人们的健康,生活习惯。(4)若使用反光的建筑材料做外墙,应有自动转向反光系统。如:两栋楼隔着一定的距离而对立,若太阳光从对面大楼方向射过来,那么这栋大楼的反光外墙通过自动反光系统调节一定的角度,射向另一栋大楼再经过自动反光系统,把光反射到天空去,这种设想的可行性是可以的,但依现在的科技水平要完成这一系统是不可能的,它需要高新的科技与高能量的消耗,因此这种想法只有在未来实现了。





鸟巢、水立方中的科技 大家都知道,北京2008奥运会体育中心是一个很大很漂亮的鸟巢样式,国家游泳中心则是一个很漂亮的充满着气泡的水立方,但是庞然大物下面究竟隐藏着哪些方面的技术呢?今天科技小论文将带领您解开这些什么的建筑物。 首先我们来说“鸟巢”,鸟巢建筑是基于国际建筑领先地位的,他是我国乃至世界在空间技术的应用方面的一个重大突破,也是首次将空间技术应用到建筑物结构框架上的一个重大创举。它是由我国多为建筑方面的专家通过进行可行性验证和安全构架验证而决定实施的一个重大工程,于是 鸟巢成了 我国2008奥运会的一大标志之一。他将向全世界展示一个全新的中国。首先在设计结构上,采用空间技术的鸟巢,在最大程度上介绍了对原材料的需求,节约了成本,并且形象完美纯净,是奥林匹克的一大亮点。“水立方”以方型的建筑形态体现与“鸟巢”和谐共生的中国文化理念。“水立方”钢结构采用了新型的基于气泡理论的多面体空间钢架体系,属于国内外首创,是一个具有很高科技含量的建筑,结构设计面临着许多国内外前所未有的课题 题将通过对新型空间结构几何构成与优化、结构整体分析与设计、结构风雪冰试验、各类节点和杆件计算方法与实验、室内环境声光电热研究、ETFE立面装配系统研究等方面的研究,完成将最终的成果直接应用于国家游泳中心的设计与施工,确保工程安全、经济、合理,同时纳入国家新版网格结构技术规程等课题立项目标。大家知道了吧 原来水立方和鸟巢是这么回事,希望大家能够在生活中多思考,多长一双发现创新的眼睛,相信将来你也可以创造出一些有价值的想法。

每一个人都有家,每一个人都爱自己的家,地球也是我们的“家”,而且是一个很美丽的家,蓝天白云,绿树红花,百鸟争鸣,可是这美好的一切,人们却不知怎样保护,只知享受不懂付出。 据报道:我国沙漠戈壁和沙漠化土地面积为9万平方公里,占国土面积的6%造成的损失达540亿元,将近1/3的国土荒漠化相当于每年损失一个中等县的土地面积,这些仅仅是自然灾害的原因?不是!是由于过度放牧,过度樵采、乱砍滥伐,陡坡垦耕以及水资源利用不合理等。 当中国的产煤地区下雨时,煤灰便随着水像墨汁一样顺着被熏黑的树干流下去。中国的工业野心,不仅将倒使本地的环境和公共卫生遭到破坏,而且还将会对这个星球构成威胁……。 从全世界看来,全球每年约有700万公顷的耕地破坏,有数以万计的人由于饮用水被污染而致病死亡,过快增长的人口,对地球资源的开发利用,以及对环境的压力也是巨大的。 蓝色的天空,曾经是生活中多么绚丽的一道风景,如今,在灰色的围困中,洁净的天空成为人们梦萦的一种渴望。面对日益严重的大气污染,望天空,几多悲哀几多愁? 我们呼吁猛醒,呼吁反思,呼吁建立一个以环境保护为标志的人与自然和谐相外的绿色文明,建立一个更美好的明天。





