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Dear Chief Editor, I like reading our school newspaper very much and I'm glad to hear that we'll have a new edition this Here is my adivce on the new here i have some first of all i hope our school newspaper published a period of a because most of our students are free at weekend,they can read it and inrich their second we should put three parts in it:study,life and in study part,we can provide some learning method for in life part,we can record some students's hird part we can write some fun in the last of all we can make some measures to encourage students to submit a piece of writing for i think it is not only inrich their learning life,but also they can found their ability of that's all,thank i hope i can read the the new editionnn yours, Li Ling




My school life 这是题目 My school life is very interesting My teacher and my classmates are very friendly with me I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon I have two PE classes every week I read book and listen to music after class I play football with my classmates on Sunday I am very happy Don’ worry

My classmate Zhang Wei is a "problem student"He always go to school late and not friendly to So he has a little 张伟是我同学的“问题学生”他总是上学迟到,不友善的同学所以他也有一个小的朋友When he head teacher Miss Wei knows this She visit his home and his At the same time,Miss Wei know his home and communicate with his 当他的班主任魏老师知道这个学生她参观他的家,他的父母与此同时,魏老师知道他的家他的父母沟通From now on ,Miss Wei and other classmate help him for study and life,and make him do your He is so 从现在起,魏老师和其他同学帮助他的学习和生活,使他做你的朋友他是如此的令人兴奋Zhang Wei study very earnest hard and mark advance very He become a popular classmate in his 张伟研究十分认真的努力和马克进步得很快他成为一个受欢迎的同学在他的班级


回答 ☺ 初一看,校园文化是有形的。漫步于生机勃勃的中学校园,每时每刻我们都能感受到它的存在。校刊上分明显的稚嫩的思想偏要故作高深,课桌上淡淡的笔记中依稀可辨无名诗人“佳人依旧在”五言短诗,圣诞节时雪片般飞来的贺卡及那千篇一律的祝福…校园文化似乎包罗万象,却又很难准确的描绘它。或许它更像一面镜子,折射出一个五彩缤纷的精神世界。 歌声阵阵,依旧是校园文化的一个重要组成部分。流行歌曲曾经是教育人者口诛笔伐的对象,然而倘若没有了这些直抒胸怀的字字句句,忙的无暇读报,无暇看中超联赛,无暇静下心来想想过去和未来,中学生们又有什么更哈德方式来稍稍发泄一下自己积郁已久的感情?渐渐的,我们都习惯将歌声为伴。 外语学习同样是校园文化的焦点,几所以出现的外语教学而闻名沪上的夜校里,总能找到许多佩着重点中学的校徽,争分夺秒的做“托福”模拟试卷的少年人,校园文化氛围中外语学习的热情也是丝毫不减。 然而从中我们不难发现,校园文化更接近于一种无形的意识形态,它早已超越了传统上的吟诗作文开Party,整个社会的文化大环境中,它不再是孤立的,它时刻受着大环境的影响,也时刻体现着这种影响。 如果你的问题已经解决了,麻烦给个赞哦!谢谢你了呢☺☺ 更多4条 

在实小生活上学,已经有五年的时间了。校报像一位老师,教给我无穷的知识;校报像一杯茶,回味无穷;校报像一幅画,流光溢彩……每当想起自己的稿子被选中,拿着稿费,心里就比吃了蜜还甜。 记得,是在五年级上学期的时候,我辛辛苦苦写完了一篇《中秋寄语》,之后我又认真修改了。果然,皇天不负有心人,终于被投稿了。但是我的心里就像十五只吊桶打水——七上八下。毕竟投稿的人是高手云集,我的命运如何,也都掌握在评审老师手中了。等啊,等啊,一天,两天,三天……能不能选上呢?这个问题就像一只调皮的小精灵折腾得我寝食难安。 终于,新一期的校报出版了。我迫不及待的买了一张。当我回到桌子上,准备翻看时心里的“天平秤”又左右摇摆起来。忽然,心里有两个小精灵冒出来,第一个小精灵说:“你不要看呀,万一没选上,多失落呀!”另一个却说:“一定要看,一定要看!” 终于,我鼓足了勇气,带着紧张的心情打开了校报。第一篇文章就是我的!“啊!我的作文选上了!”我高兴的一蹦三尺高。不久,5元钱的稿费也送到我的手中。握着5元钱,虽然不多,但是却感觉沉甸甸的。 校报像一位朋友,给我带来了欢乐;校报像一朵花,十分迷人;校报像一本百科书,让我开拓视野……校报在哪里都是一道独特迷人的风景线。最后我希望同学们积极踊跃的投稿,也祝《实小新时空校报》越办越好!


Our school art festival is held once a I think this year’s was excellent because a lot of students and teachers took part in At first, the students of Class1 Grade6 danced the Gangnam S How wonderful they were! Then, English teachers had an English C How good they were! I liked these two Finally the students of Class3 Grade7 sang pop They sang so wonderfully! At last they won the first


