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give sb some advice。advice英 [ədˈvaɪs]   美 [ədˈvaɪs]  劝告;忠告;建议;意见。Your community officer can give you advice on how to prevent crime in your area 社区工作人员能就如何预防社区内犯罪提供一些忠告。扩展资料:advice的用法:advice是与advise同根的名词,指有业务专长或经验(可真可假)的人对某一行动提出的带指点或指教性的意见或劝告,如教师对学生的指教或医生对病人的劝告等,也指商业上关于交易等资料的通知(单)。advice作“劝告”解时是抽象名词,不可数,表示数的概念时须借助表示单位的名词piece。advice作“消息,报导”解和在商业用语中作“通知单”解时是可数名词,且常用复数。advice不可用a number of, many, several等限定可数名词的词语修饰,但可用some, any, a lot of, little, a little等修饰。作为表示建议的名词, advice可接that引起的表语从句或同位语从句,这时从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟式,即用动词原形或should+动词原形。

opinion 基本释义 意见,看法,主张舆论评价,印象专业性的鉴定,劝告(个人)见解的表达(专家、医生、律师等的)专门意见好评;尊重【法律】陈述,裁决;理由opinion 相关例句1 This is the opinion of the middle-of-the-这是中派的议论。2 seek the opinion of the masses征询群众意见3 What is the opinion of the bench?法官有什么意见?4 the drift of opinion舆论的倾向5 At the end of the debate, the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator shall ask for the final opinion of the 辩论终结时,首席仲裁员或者独任仲裁员应当征询当事人的最后意见。6 This resolution represented the opinion of the 这项决议反映了工人的意思。7 Opinion at the grassroots level is sympathetic to the 基层的意见是同情罢工者。8 She stood fair in the opinion of the 在邻居心目中,她的名声清白无暇。9 the tribunal of public opinion舆论的公断10 seek the opinion of; consult徵询11 The lawyer give their 律师表示了他们的意见。12 Changing the Opinion towards B对篮球改变了看法。13 the tide of public opinion舆论的趋势14 The judge is of the opinion that if the evidence is doubtful the claim shall be 法官持有这样的看法:如果证据有疑,要求应不予受理。15 I hold the converse 我持相反意见。16 The public opinion condemns 公众舆论遣责卖淫。17 My opinion about quality of the administrator in the language experimental center of the university论高校语言实验中心管理员的素质18 In the opinion of some people the pioneer spirit remains in the American 根据某些人的看法,美国人心中仍保持着先驱者的拓荒精神。19 The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the 博物馆在请专家鉴定那幅画的真伪。20 An Opinion of the Citizen, the Citizenship and the Citizen Policy in Athens论雅典城邦的公民、公民权及公民政策

楼上那位答题跟suggestion无关。完全错误。用suggestion 建议某人做某事英文ive a suggestion to sb to do ive sb a suggestion to do sth3,make a suggestion that sb should do sth suggestion音节划分:sug▪ges▪tion英 [səˈdʒestʃən] 美 [səɡˈdʒɛstʃən, səˈdʒɛs-]建议,意见,暗示;联想,启发;微量 There is no suggestion that clients have been sold inappropriate 无迹象表明向客户售出了不适用的保险。来自柯林斯例句 Perhaps he'd followed her suggestion of a stroll to the 也许他已经听从了她的建议去河边散步了。来自柯林斯例句 He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent 他指责摩尔夫人做下流的性暗示。来自柯林斯例句 He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the 他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。 其他类似建议某人做某事英文用法advise to do d to do sth 认真答题,确保正确,放心采纳

give sb some advice or advise sb to do or suggest doing



在某人看来英语短语及例句如下:As far as I'm concerned the officials incited the     在我看来,是官员们煽动了这场争斗。     In his view, the Commission remains a toothless and ineffectual     在他看来,委员会仍然是一个没有实权、不起作用的机构。    My idea of physical perfection is to be very     在我看来,要拥有完美身材就要非常苗条。     The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in C    这家公司看来很有把握在中国取得重大突破。     It seemed to me that Sir Robert's arguments were     在我看来,罗伯特爵士的争辩纯属瞎说。     There was no doubt in his mind that the man was     在他看来,这个人无疑是认真的。     It seems to me he's beyond caring about what anybody     在我看来,他不关心别人做什么。

给某人一些建议英文:give sb some advice

give sb some advice。advice英 [ədˈvaɪs]   美 [ədˈvaɪs]  劝告;忠告;建议;意见。Your community officer can give you advice on how to prevent crime in your area 社区工作人员能就如何预防社区内犯罪提供一些忠告。扩展资料:advice的用法:advice是与advise同根的名词,指有业务专长或经验(可真可假)的人对某一行动提出的带指点或指教性的意见或劝告,如教师对学生的指教或医生对病人的劝告等,也指商业上关于交易等资料的通知(单)。advice作“劝告”解时是抽象名词,不可数,表示数的概念时须借助表示单位的名词piece。advice作“消息,报导”解和在商业用语中作“通知单”解时是可数名词,且常用复数。advice不可用a number of, many, several等限定可数名词的词语修饰,但可用some, any, a lot of, little, a little等修饰。作为表示建议的名词, advice可接that引起的表语从句或同位语从句,这时从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟式,即用动词原形或should+动词原形。


【Suggest用法总结】 1) suggest+ / 或suggest+ / to+,但不能说suggest sb sth eg: We suggest him the plan (Χ) We suggest the plan to him(√) 2) suggest doing sth eg He suggested going out for a 注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写: He suggested to go out for a (Χ) 3) 虚拟语气suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略 eg: He suggested that you should go there =He suggested you go there 注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there 也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构。4)suggestion做主语时,其后也用这个结构: The suggestion is that +主语+should +do sth eg: His suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing I suggest our going to the park on S 我建议我们星期天去公园。 The dentist suggested that she (should) come another 牙医建议她改天再来。1.我建议你带个帐篷(tent)。 I suggest you take a 2.我建议你参观艾菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)。 I suggest that you visit the Eiffel T

楼上那位答题跟suggestion无关。完全错误。用suggestion 建议某人做某事英文ive a suggestion to sb to do ive sb a suggestion to do sth3,make a suggestion that sb should do sth suggestion音节划分:sug▪ges▪tion英 [səˈdʒestʃən] 美 [səɡˈdʒɛstʃən, səˈdʒɛs-]建议,意见,暗示;联想,启发;微量 There is no suggestion that clients have been sold inappropriate 无迹象表明向客户售出了不适用的保险。来自柯林斯例句 Perhaps he'd followed her suggestion of a stroll to the 也许他已经听从了她的建议去河边散步了。来自柯林斯例句 He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent 他指责摩尔夫人做下流的性暗示。来自柯林斯例句 He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the 他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。 其他类似建议某人做某事英文用法advise to do d to do sth 认真答题,确保正确,放心采纳


说汉语的意思。例句:1、Of course, the first challenge was the fact I could not speak C很显然,我面临的第一挑战是不会说中文。2、Can you speak Chinese? No, I can't ( speak Chinese)你会讲中国话吗?不,我不会讲中国话。3、We try to make him speak Chinese at home and English outside in 我们给他双语的教育,让他在家讲中文,到公共场合说英语。4、And businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak 旅游商人旅行者来中国的商人和旅游者往往不会说汉语。5、What do they speak? B: They speak Chinese, English and F他们说什么语言?他们说汉语,英语和法语。speak[英][spi:k][美][spik]& 讲,谈; 演说; 从某种观点来说; 第三人称单数:speaks现在进行时:speaking过去式:spoke过去分词:spokenChinese[英][ˌtʃaɪˈni:z][美][tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis]中文; 汉语; 华人; 中国人; 中国的; 中文的; 中国人的; 中国话的;

英语Request for comment意思为征求意见。关键词汇:request    音标:英[rɪˈkwest]    美[rɪˈkwest]    详细释义:    (正式或礼貌的)要求,请求; 要求的事;        (正式或礼貌地)请求,要求;    短语搭配:to request sth of sb 请求某人做某事on request 承索a request for help 请求帮助request from 向…请求,向…要求request of 请求…例句:He waylaid me with a request for a 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。Her request for a donation met with a 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。He came to see me with the invariable request for a 他来见我时又提出了他那一贯的借钱的要求。Her request for a donation met with a rude 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。

我每次出席会议都发表意见 I pronunced my views every time I attend the

request for comment:请求指教关键词语:comment:英 [ˈkɒment]  美 [ˈkɑːment]  评论,意见;批评,指责;说明,写照;<旧>解说,注释;(计算机)注解 评论,发表意见;(计算机)注解,把(部分程序)转成注解【名】 (Comment)(美、瑞、法)科门特(人名)相关短语:RFC Request For Comment 认证请求双语例句:The company did not respond to a request for  但思科公司对此未发表任何评论。China Mobile did not respond to a request for  中国移动没有回应记者的置评要求。A Fiat spokesman didn't respond to a request for  菲亚特发言人没有回复记者的置评请求。


present your

发表意见express one's opinion/ view on the subject of 评论make comments on something

表达自己的意见和观点Express their opinions and ideas



