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[1] 王聪.需求工程的形式化方法[J].军事通信技术,2008,(1)Wang [1] as the formalization ways of requirements engineering [J] Journal of military communication technology, 2008, (1)[2]  赵天行,罗军,魏薇.基于框架视图应急救援系统需求工程建模研[2] Zhao Tianhang Luo Jun, wei View based on the framework of emergency rescue system requirements engineering modeling research究[J].科技资讯,2010,(9)Investigate [J] Journal of information science and technology, 2010, (9)[3]  姚冉.开源软件开发中的需求工程[J].信息与电脑( 理论版),[3] yao Open source software development of requirements engineering [J] Journal of information and computer (theory),2010,(3)2010, (3)[4]  吴明珠,徐俊.基于CMMI 的需求工程实施方法研究[J].软件,[4] pearl wu jun Requirements engineering implementation method based on CMMI study [J] Journal of software,2009,(1)2009, (1)[5]  戴昌裕,杨增强.软件需求工程中常见问题及解决办法[J].软件,[5] Dai Changyu zeng-qiang Y Common problems and solutions in software requirements engineering [J] Journal of software,2009,(3)2009, (3)[6]  李德毅.需求工程——对复杂系统的软件工程的基础研究[J].中[6] de-yi Requirements engineering, the basic research of software engineering of complex system [J]国基础科学,2009,(2)The basic science, 2009, (2)[7]  梁正平,明仲,毋国庆.多视点需求工程中视点集成过程的研究[J][7] Liang Zhengping MingZhong, no National D Multiple viewpoints of requirements engineering point of view the integration process of research [J]计算机科学,2009,(8)Computer science, 2009, (8)[8]  喻超,毋国庆.基于问题域与视点代理的需求工程研究[J].计算[8] YuChao, no National D Based on the problem domain and viewpoint agent requirements engineering research [J] Journal of computing机工程与科学,2006,(1)Machine engineering and science, 2006, (1)[9] 林云.需求工程原理在软件开发中的应用[J].软件,2008,(2)[9] Lin Y Requirements engineering principle in the application of software development [J] Journal of software, 2008, (2)





[1] 王聪.需求工程的形式化方法[J].军事通信技术,2008,(1)Wang [1] as the formalization ways of requirements engineering [J] Journal of military communication technology, 2008, (1)[2]  赵天行,罗军,魏薇.基于框架视图应急救援系统需求工程建模研[2] Zhao Tianhang Luo Jun, wei View based on the framework of emergency rescue system requirements engineering modeling research究[J].科技资讯,2010,(9)Investigate [J] Journal of information science and technology, 2010, (9)[3]  姚冉.开源软件开发中的需求工程[J].信息与电脑( 理论版),[3] yao Open source software development of requirements engineering [J] Journal of information and computer (theory),2010,(3)2010, (3)[4]  吴明珠,徐俊.基于CMMI 的需求工程实施方法研究[J].软件,[4] pearl wu jun Requirements engineering implementation method based on CMMI study [J] Journal of software,2009,(1)2009, (1)[5]  戴昌裕,杨增强.软件需求工程中常见问题及解决办法[J].软件,[5] Dai Changyu zeng-qiang Y Common problems and solutions in software requirements engineering [J] Journal of software,2009,(3)2009, (3)[6]  李德毅.需求工程——对复杂系统的软件工程的基础研究[J].中[6] de-yi Requirements engineering, the basic research of software engineering of complex system [J]国基础科学,2009,(2)The basic science, 2009, (2)[7]  梁正平,明仲,毋国庆.多视点需求工程中视点集成过程的研究[J][7] Liang Zhengping MingZhong, no National D Multiple viewpoints of requirements engineering point of view the integration process of research [J]计算机科学,2009,(8)Computer science, 2009, (8)[8]  喻超,毋国庆.基于问题域与视点代理的需求工程研究[J].计算[8] YuChao, no National D Based on the problem domain and viewpoint agent requirements engineering research [J] Journal of computing机工程与科学,2006,(1)Machine engineering and science, 2006, (1)[9] 林云.需求工程原理在软件开发中的应用[J].软件,2008,(2)[9] Lin Y Requirements engineering principle in the application of software development [J] Journal of software, 2008, (2)








[1] 王聪.需求工程的形式化方法[J].军事通信技术,2008,(1)Wang [1] as the formalization ways of requirements engineering [J] Journal of military communication technology, 2008, (1)[2]  赵天行,罗军,魏薇.基于框架视图应急救援系统需求工程建模研[2] Zhao Tianhang Luo Jun, wei View based on the framework of emergency rescue system requirements engineering modeling research究[J].科技资讯,2010,(9)Investigate [J] Journal of information science and technology, 2010, (9)[3]  姚冉.开源软件开发中的需求工程[J].信息与电脑( 理论版),[3] yao Open source software development of requirements engineering [J] Journal of information and computer (theory),2010,(3)2010, (3)[4]  吴明珠,徐俊.基于CMMI 的需求工程实施方法研究[J].软件,[4] pearl wu jun Requirements engineering implementation method based on CMMI study [J] Journal of software,2009,(1)2009, (1)[5]  戴昌裕,杨增强.软件需求工程中常见问题及解决办法[J].软件,[5] Dai Changyu zeng-qiang Y Common problems and solutions in software requirements engineering [J] Journal of software,2009,(3)2009, (3)[6]  李德毅.需求工程——对复杂系统的软件工程的基础研究[J].中[6] de-yi Requirements engineering, the basic research of software engineering of complex system [J]国基础科学,2009,(2)The basic science, 2009, (2)[7]  梁正平,明仲,毋国庆.多视点需求工程中视点集成过程的研究[J][7] Liang Zhengping MingZhong, no National D Multiple viewpoints of requirements engineering point of view the integration process of research [J]计算机科学,2009,(8)Computer science, 2009, (8)[8]  喻超,毋国庆.基于问题域与视点代理的需求工程研究[J].计算[8] YuChao, no National D Based on the problem domain and viewpoint agent requirements engineering research [J] Journal of computing机工程与科学,2006,(1)Machine engineering and science, 2006, (1)[9] 林云.需求工程原理在软件开发中的应用[J].软件,2008,(2)[9] Lin Y Requirements engineering principle in the application of software development [J] Journal of software, 2008, (2)



Zhang Aiqi; Deng C How to improve liquidity management in enterprise management theory,Wang S The economic perspective on the asset management problem of flow



